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The organic anion salicylate is a plant secondary metabolite that can protect plants against herbivores. Transport of salicylate across the basolateral membrane of the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster was studied using a radioisotope tracer technique. The uptake of [(14)C]salicylate by the Malpighian tubules was active, saturable and Na(+)-dependent; the maximum uptake rate (J(max)) and the half saturation concentration (K(t)) were 12.6 pmoltubule(-1)min(-1) and 30.7micromoll(-1), respectively. In contrast to organic anion transport by vertebrate renal tissues, salicylate uptake was not trans-stimulated by glutarate (0.01-1.0 mmoll(-1)) or cis-inhibited by high concentrations (5 mmoll(-1)) of various alpha-keto acids (glutaric acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid, and citric acid). Changes in basolateral membrane potential or physiologically relevant changes in bathing saline pH did not affect the rate of [(14)C]salicylate uptake. Ring-structure monocarboxylic acids (benzoic acid, nicotinic acid, gentisic acid, unlabelled salicylic acid, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, probenecid, fluorescein, and P-aminohippuric acid) strongly inhibited [(14)C]salicylate uptake rate. In contrast, short-chain monocarboxylic acids had little (butyric acid) or no effect (lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and propionic acid). Our results suggest that salicylate uptake across the basolateral membrane of D. melanogaster Malpighian tubules is mediated by a non-electrogenic, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid-sensitive, Na(+):salicylate cotransport system.  相似文献   

Renal proximal tubules secrete diverse organic anions (OA) including widely prescribed anionic drugs. Here, we review the molecular properties of cloned transporters involved in uptake of OA from blood into proximal tubule cells and provide extensive lists of substrates handled by these transport systems. Where tested, transporters have been immunolocalized to the basolateral cell membrane. The sulfate anion transporter 1 (sat-1) cloned from human, rat and mouse, transported oxalate and sulfate. Drugs found earlier to interact with sulfate transport in vivo have not yet been tested with sat-1. The Na+-dicarboxylate cotransporter 3 (NaDC-3) was cloned from human, rat, mouse and flounder, and transported three Na+ with one divalent di- or tricarboxylate, such as citric acid cycle intermediates and the heavy metal chelator 2,3-dimercaptosuccinate (succimer). The organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1) cloned from several species was shown to exchange extracellular OA against intracellular α-ketoglutarate. OAT1 translocated, e.g., anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral drugs, β-lactam antibiotics, loop diuretics, ochratoxin A, and p-aminohippurate. Several OA, including probenecid, inhibited OAT1. Human, rat and mouse OAT2 transported selected anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, methotrexate, ochratoxin A, and, with high affinities, prostaglandins E2 and F. OAT3 cloned from human, rat and mouse showed a substrate specificity overlapping with that of OAT1. In addition, OAT3 interacted with sulfated steroid hormones such as estrone-3-sulfate. The driving forces for OAT2 and OAT3, the relative contributions of all OA transporters to, and the impact of transporter regulation by protein kinases on renal drug excretion in vivo must be determined in future experiments. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Characterization of the phosphate transport system across the basolateral membrane of renal proximal tubule has been attempted using isolated proximal tubule cells prepared from chicks. The Pi efflux system is independent of Na+ ions and is not influenced by the nature of the chief anion present in the bathing medium. Pi efflux is not sensitive to DIDS and it is concluded that a generalized anion transporter of band III type is not the chief agent for facilitating Pi exit from the cell across the basolateral membrane. Inhibition of efflux by vanadate is evidence for a specific carrier protein in the membrane. The carrier probably possesses thiol group(s) that are essential for activity. The carrier may effect electroneutral transport of Pi possibly in exchange for OH- ions. The activity of the transport process is not stimulated by depleting the cells of phosphate or inhibited by rearing the chicks on a vitamin D-deficient diet. The system is unlikely to be of great importance for the expression of various regulatory mechanisms that act on the kidney to control the excretion of Pi. The activity declines as the chicks mature however.  相似文献   

The presence of a sodium-dependent, saturable uptake process is described in basolateral membranes of rat renal cortex for L-glutamine. Concentration-dependence studies indicate the presence of multiple transport systems withK m 1 of 0.032 mM and V1 of 0.028 nmol/mg of protein per min, andK m 2 of 17.6 mM and V2 of 17.6 nmol/mg of protein per min. Lysine completely inhibits the high-affinity, low-capacityK m system and partially inhibits the low-affinity, high-capacity system. Cystine and other dibasic amino acids also affect glutamine uptake.  相似文献   

Transport of [3H]tetraethylammonium, an organic cation, has been studied in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex. Some characteristics of carrier-mediated transport for tetraethylammonium were demonstrated in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles; the uptake was saturable, was stimulated by the countertransport effect, and showed discontinuity in an Arrhenius plot. In brush-border membrane vesicles, the presence of an H+ gradient ( [H+]i greater than [H+]o) induced a marked stimulation of tetraethylammonium uptake against its concentration gradient (overshoot phenomenon), and this concentrative uptake was completely inhibited by HgCl2. In contrast, the uptake of tetraethylammonium by basolateral membrane vesicles was unaffected by an H+ gradient. Tetraethylammonium uptake by basolateral membrane vesicles was significantly stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative membrane potential, while no effect of membrane potential was observed in brush-border membrane vesicles. These results suggest that tetraethylammonium transport across brush-border membranes is driven by an H+ gradient via an electroneutral H+-tetraethylammonium antiport system, and that tetraethylammonium is transported across basolateral membranes via a carrier-mediated system and this process is stimulated by an inside-negative membrane potential.  相似文献   

The success of insects is in large part due to their ability to survive environmental stress, including heat, cold, and dehydration. Insects are also exposed to infection, osmotic or oxidative stress, and to xenobiotics or toxins. The molecular mechanisms of stress sensing and response have been widely investigated in mammalian cell lines, and the area of stress research is now so vast to be beyond the scope of a single review article. However, the mechanisms by which stress inputs to the organism are sensed and integrated at the tissue and cellular level are less well understood. Increasingly, common molecular events between immune and other stress responses are observed in vivo; and much of this work stems of efforts in insect molecular science and physiology. We describe here the current knowledge in the area of immune and stress signalling and response at the level of the organism, tissue and cell, focussing on a key epithelial tissue in insects, the Malpighian tubule, and drawing together the known pathways that modulate responses to different stress insults. The tubules are critical for insect survival and are increasingly implicated in responses to multiple and distinct stress inputs. Importantly, as tubule function is central to survival, they are potentially key targets for insect control, which will be facilitated by increased understanding of the complexities of stress signalling in the organism.  相似文献   

The insect myokinin (leucokinin-like) neuropeptide family includes peptides that have different physiological effects such as the induction of hindgut myotropic activity and stimulation of urine production. The C-terminal pentamer of myokinins Phe-X-(Ser/Pro/Ala)-Trp-Gly-amide [X=Phe, His, Asn, Ser or Tyr], had been previously determined as the minimum fragment able to elicit a functional response. The receptor(s) for these insect neuropeptides has not yet been identified. In order to characterize the Malpighian tubule leucokinin-like peptide receptor(s) from the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti), a leucokinin photoaffinity analogue (LPA) of sequence dAla-dTyr-Bpa-dLys-Phe-Phe-Ser-Trp-Gly-amide was designed based on structure/activity relationships for leucokinins. LPA caused depolarization of the transepithelial voltage (TEV) in female Malpighian tubule, confirming the activity of the peptide. The effective concentration to give half the maximum depolarization (EC50) was 17 nM. The 125I-LPA was then used to characterize leucokinin binding proteins in female Malpighian tubule membranes. It specifically labeled and saturated a protein(s) of about 54 kDa as shown by SDS-PAGE/autoradiography and by competition experiments with excess unlabeled leucokinin analogues. 125I-LPA bound to the 54 kDa protein(s) with a Kd value of 13±3 nM in agreement with the EC50 for the TEV bioassay. Altogether these data suggest that the 54 kDa protein is an Aedes-leucokinin receptor. This is the first characterization of an insect leucokinin receptor and reveals that LPA is a powerful tool to label insect myokinin receptors.  相似文献   

The Malpighian (renal)tubule of Drosophila melanogaster is a useful model forstudying epithelial transport. The purpose of this study was toidentify factors responsible for modulating transepithelial chlorideconductance in isolated tubules. I have found that tyrosine and severalof its metabolites cause an increase in chloride conductance. The mostpotent of these agonists is tyramine, which is active at low nanomolarconcentrations; the pharmacology of this response matches that of thepreviously published cloned insect tyramine receptor. In addition, thetubule appears capable of synthesizing tyramine from applied tyrosine,as shown by direct measurement of tyrosine decarboxylase activity.Immunohistochemical staining of tubules with an antibody againsttyramine indicates that the principal cells are the sites of tyramineproduction, whereas previous characterization of the regulation ofchloride conductance suggests that tyramine acts on the stellate cells. This is the first demonstration of a physiological role for an insecttyramine receptor.


Summary The basolateral potassium conductance of cells of most epithelial cells plays an important role in the transcellular sodium transport inasmuch as the large negative equilibrium potential of potassium across this membrane contributes to the electrical driving force for Na+ across the apical membrane. In the present study, we have attempted to establish, theI-V curve of the basolateral membrane of theAmphiuma collecting tubule, a membrane shown to be K+ selective. TransepithelialI-V curves were obtained in short, isolated perfused collecting tubule segments. The shunt conductance was determined using amiloride to block the apical membrane Na+ conductance. In symmetrical solutions, the shuntI-V curve was linear (conductance: 2.2±0.3 mS·cm–2). Transcellular current was calculated by subtracting the shunt current from the transepithelial current in the absence of amiloride. Using intracellular microelectrodes, it was then possible to measure the basolateral membrane potential simultaneously with the transcellular current. The basolateral conductance was found to be voltage dependent, being activated by hyperpolarization: conductance values at –30 and –80 mV were 3.6±1.0 and 6.6±1.0 mS·cm–2, respectively. BasolateralI-V curves were thus clearly different from that predicted by the constant field model. These results indicate that the K+-selective basolateral conductance of an amphibian collecting tubule shows inward (anomalous) rectification. Considering the electrogenic nature basolateral Na–K-pump, this may account for coupling between pump-generated potential and basolateral K+ conductance.  相似文献   

Dipteran polytene chromosomes provide an excellent model for understanding in species complexes, as well as for structural and functional cytogenetics. The status of species in the Culex pipiens complex is controversial and the use of polytene chromosomes for cytogenetic analysis in the subfamily Culicinae has been difficult because of methodological problems. In this study, Malpighian tubule polytene chromosomes were obtained from young (0 to 12 h, 20 C) and old (20 to 42 h, 28 C) laboratory-bred C. pipiens quinquefasciatus pupae. The chromosome maps for this species were constructed and compared with published data for C. pipiens pipiens and C. p. quinquefasciatus. Although the banding patterns were conserved between subspecies, analysis of the structural variations in the bands and interbands revealed differences apparently related to the physiological stage and ecogeographical strain. The organization of the centromeric regions in larval and pupal chromosomes showed greater similarity to each other than did those of pupal and adult chromosomes. The use of pupal polytene chromosomes for in situ hybridization with vector competence probes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A membrane preparation enriched in the basolateral segment of the plasma membrane was isolated from the rat renal cortex by a procedure that included separation of particulates on a self-generating Percoll gradient. The uptake ofl-glutamate by the basolateral membrane vesicles was studied. A Na+ gradient ([Na+] o >[Na+] i ) stimulated the uptake ofl-glutamate and provided the driving force for the uphill transport of the acidic amino acid, suggesting a Na+-l-glutamate cotransport system in the basolateral membrane. A K+ gradient ([K+] i >[K+] o ) increased the uptake additionally. This effect was specific for K+ (Rb+). The action of the K+ gradient in enhancing the uptake ofl-glutamate had an absolute requirement for Na+. In the presence of Na+, but in the absence of a Na+ gradient. i.e., [Na+] o =[Na+] i , the K+ gradient also energized the concentrative uptake ofl-glutamate. This effect of the K+ gradient was not attributable to an alteration in membrane potential. The finding of a concentrative uptake system forl-glutamate energized by both Na+ ([Na+] o >[Na+] i and K+ ([K+] i >[K+] o ) gradients in the basolateral membrane, combined with previous reports of an ion gradient-dependent uphill transport system for this amino acid in the brush border membrane, suggests a mechanism by whichl-glutamate is accumulated intracellularly in the renal proximal tubule to extraordinarily high concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to characterize the basolateral membrane of the S3 segment of the rabbit proximal tubule using conventional and ion-selective microelectrodes. When compared with results from S1 and S2 segments, S3 cells under control conditions have a more negative basolateral membrane potential (V bl=–69 mV), a higher relative potassium conductance (t K=0.6), lower intracellular Na+ activity (A Na=18.4mm), and higher intracellular K+ activity (A K=67.8mm). No evidence for a conductive sodium-dependent or sodium-independent HCO 3 pathway could be demonstrated. The basolateral Na–K pump is inhibited by 10–4 m ouabain and bath perfusion with a potassium-free (0-K) solution. 0-K perfusion results inA Na=64.8mm,A K=18.5mm, andV bl=–28 mV. Basolateral potassium channels are blocked by barium and by acidification of the bathing medium. The relative K+ conductance, as evaluated by increasing bath K+ to 17mm, is dependent upon the restingV bl in both S2 and S3 cells. In summary, the basolateral membrane of S3 cells contains a pump-leak system with similar properties to S1 and S2 proximal tubule cells. The absence of conductive bicarbonate pathways results in a hyperpolarized cell and larger Na+ and K+ gradients across the cell borders, which will influence the transport properties and intracellular ion activities in this tubule segment.  相似文献   

Electrolyte transport across the basolateral membrane of the parietal cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The ion-transport properties of the basal lateral membranes of intact isolated parietal cells were studied at the cellular and subcellular level. The presence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+:H+ exchange was demonstrated in cells by proton gradient-driven Na+ uptake and by changes in cell pH as monitored by dimethylcarboxylfluorescein fluorescence both in a fluorimeter and on single isolated cells using a fluorescence microscope and an attached intensified photodiode array spectrophotometer. The presence of the Na+:H+ antiport in vesicles was shown both by intravesicular acidification monitored by acridine orange fluorescent quenching and by proton gradient-dependent Na+ uptake. The presence of Cl-:HCO-3 exchange was determined in intact cells by monitoring changes in cell pH due to Cl- uptake and was shown to be 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid- and 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid-sensitive. In vesicles, Cl-:HCO-3 exchange was demonstrated by Cl- flux measurement. The apparent affinities for both Cl- and HCO-3 on either side of the membrane were determined to be Km Cli = 20 mM, Km Clout = 17.5 mM, Km HCO-3in = 2.5 mM, and Km HCO-3out = 7.5 mM. A K+ conductance in cells and vesicles was demonstrated by monitoring K+ gradient-dependent 86Rb uptake. No evidence was found for the presence of a Cl- conductance in either cells or vesicles but a H+ conductance was found to be present in vesicles but not in intact cells. In the latter, by determining the effect of either Na+ or Cl- gradients on cell pH and by flux calculations it was concluded that the Cl-:HCO-3 exchange was the major passive flux mechanism for pH regulation in this cell type.  相似文献   

Basolateral membrane vesicles made from rabbit kidney proximal tubules were frozen and irradiated with a high energy electron beam and the effects of irradiation on Na,K-ATPase activity, p-aminohippurate (PAH) transport, the membrane diffusion barrier and vesicle volume were measured. The vesicle volume and diffusion barrier were not significantly changed by radiation exposure. Na,K-ATPase activity was inactivated as a simple exponential function of radiation dose. Target size analysis of the data yielded a molecular size of 267 +/- 17 kDa, consistent with its existence as a (alpha beta)2 dimer. The carrier-mediated PAH uptake by basolateral membrane vesicles was also inactivated as a function of radiation dose. A target molecular size of 74 +/- 16 kDa was calculated for the PAH transport system. This study is the first measurement of the functional size of the organic acid transport system based directly on flux measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies on the Malpighian tubules of Glomeris marginata (Villers) reveal considerable morphological differences between the upper, fluid secreting, segment, and the lower segment which is at present of unknown function. Previous reports have shown that the upper tubule has a high permeability to compounds of high molecular weight. This may be accounted for by the fact that the epithelium shows very extensive intercellular spaces which are linked directly to junctions apparently specialised to provide a low resistance extracellular pathway between the haemocoel and the tubule lumen.Histochemical studies on the localisation of phosphatase enzymes reveal intracellular vesicles with acid phosphatase activity. The basal labyrinth of the lower tubule exhibits considerable alkaline phosphatase activity which is apparently identical in location to the enzyme revealed by two different ATPase localisation techniques.The authors are indebted to the Science Research Council for financial supportThe authors wish to thank Mrs. Margarita Petri for her technical assistance and advice  相似文献   

On the uptake of biotin by the rat renal tubule   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Little is known of biotin handling by transporting epithelium. Accordingly, we have examined the characteristics of biotin uptake by rat renal tubular epithelium. Renal cortical slices showed concentrative, temperature-sensitive uptake of biotin. Renal brushborder membrane vesicles exhibited an "overshoot" phenomenon with uptake of 1.9 nM biotin in the presence of a 100 mM NaCl gradient. This overshoot was reduced in magnitude with reduction of the sodium gradient to 50 mM. Biocytin significantly reduced uptake by the vesicles. Concentration-dependent studies yielded an apparent transport Km of 200 nM. We conclude that biotin is actively transported by the rat renal proximal tubule by a system which is at least partially Na+ dependent, and shared by biocytin.  相似文献   

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