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Rotifers described from the Andes by Murray (1913) and De Beauchamp (1939) as Notholca foliacea (Ehrenberg) are reviewed and re-assessed as Notholca walterkostei De Paggi, 1982. They are compared with N. foliacea and details of the lorica of this species seen with the scanning electron microscope are presented.  相似文献   

The present study concerned the morphology and surface ultrastructure of a plagiorchid, Glossidium pedatum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt. Adult G. pedatum have an elongate body, tapered towards the anterior and posterior ends. Their oral sucker is small, sub‐terminal and rounded, measuring 0.200 mm in diameter. Sensory papillae around the oral sucker usually occur in small clusters of three to eight each. The ventral sucker is large, situated at the anterior end of the second third of the body, 0.299 mm in diameter, and is surrounded by three pairs of sensory papillae. Both suckers have rounded rims covered by tegumental spines. On the anterior part of the ventral surface of the body tegumental spines are small, pointed and closely spaced. A small triangular area of tegument anterior to the ventral sucker is devoid of spines. Tegumental spines on the mid‐region of the body slightly increase in size and number, especially towards the lateral aspects and posterior to the ventral sucker. Towards the posterior end of the body the spines progressively decrease in both size and number. The dorsal side exhibits similar surface features but the spines are less numerous and slightly smaller.  相似文献   

Metacercarial cysts of Himasthla leptosoma were subjected to a solution containing bile salts, trypsin and l cysteine at 41°C. The treatment induced intense metacercarial activity and after 20 min metacercariae burst through the cyst walls and emerged. Electron microscopy demonstrated that organisms burst through a small area of cyst wall which was devoid of a layer of lamellae present elsewhere towards the innermost surface. The appearance of ruptured cyst walls indicated that they had been softened by the excystment medium. Newly emerged metacercariae possessed a reniform collar of 29 cephalic spines and these were sometimes withdrawn into pits, presumably by action of a muscle complex in the head region. Sensory papillae were distributed in a bilaterally symmetrical arrangement around the anterior sucker and none were visible on the surface of the ventral sucker. Tegumental spines were found only from a point some distance behind the head collar to the region of the ventral sucker. The most anterior spines were simple and peg-like and they quickly merged posteriorly into more complex palmate forms.  相似文献   

The morphology of juvenile and adult stages of Acanthostomum spiniceps and A. absconditum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt, was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. In early juveniles, circumoral spines are absent and the entire body surface is covered with tegumental spines. Late juveniles show gradual differentiation of the circumoral tegument into a collar of spines associated with a reduction in density of tegumental spines at the posterior extremity of the body. Genital primordia appear when juveniles are about 1.75 mm long. The distributions of tegumental spines on adult A. spiniceps and A. absconditum are similar. Spines are denser on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the anterior and middle parts of the body and less dense towards the posterior end. The tegumental fold surrounding the ventral sucker of A. absconditum has spines while the fold of A. spiniceps lacks them. The most important morphological features differentiating both species are the number of circumoral spines, body shape, ratio of body length to width, sucker sizes, and the presence or absence of spines on the ventral sucker.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development in the kinorhynch species Antygomonas incomitata was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The morphology of the six juvenile stages, J‐1 to J‐6, varies at numerous details, but they can also be distinguished by a few key characters. Juvenile stage 1 by its composition of only nine trunk segments; J‐2 by the combination of possessing 10 trunk segments, but no cuspidate spines on segment 9; J‐3 by the presence of cuspidate spines on segment 9, but only one pair of cuspidate spines on segment 8; J‐4 by the combination of 10 trunk segments only, but having two pairs of cuspidate spines on segment 8; J‐5 by possessing 11 trunk segments and same spine compositions as adults but is still maintaining postmarginal spiculae; J‐6 specimens closely resemble adults and are most easily identified by their reduced trunk lengths. New segments are formed in a growth zone in the anterior part of the terminal segment. The complete number of segments is reached in J‐5. Development of cuticular head and trunk structures are described through all postembryonic stages and following developmental patterns could be outlined: the mouth cone possesses outer oral styles from J‐1, but in J‐1 to J‐3, the styles alternate in size. Scalids of the introvert are added after each molt, and scalids appear earliest in the anterior rings, whereas scalids in more posterior rings are added in older postembryonic stages. The early J‐1 stage is poor in spines and sensory spots and both structures increase in number after each molt. The complete spine composition is reached in J‐4, whereas new sensory spots appear after all molts, inclusive the final one from J‐6 to adult. Sensory spots in the paraventral positions often appear as Type 3 sensory spots but are through development transformed to Type 2. This transformation happens earliest on the anterior segments. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of Stictodora tridactyla recovered from a kitten that was fed the killifish, Aphanius dispar, naturally infected with the metacercariae was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The body comprised a rounded head, elongate neck, and widely pyriform hind-body. The head bore a circular oral sucker on the ventral side, and concentric rows of peg-like cephalic spines on the dorsal side. The oral sucker was armed with pre-oral spines similar in shape and size to the cephalic spines. The neck and hind-body were densely covered with scale-like multipointed spines, the size and density of which decreased from anterior to posterior parts of the body. Ciliated dome-shaped papillae were found solitarily or as conjugated groups on the head apex and lips of the oral sucker. Non-ciliated dome-shaped papillae were restricted to the lower lip of the oral sucker. The body was devoid of a ventral sucker. The genital opening appeared as a round depression of the tegument at about the anterior third of the body. This is the first record of the occurrence of S. tridactyla in the Arabian Gulf region and A. dispar is a new second intermediate host.  相似文献   

The surface ultrastructure of Acanthotrema felis (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) adults, recovered from a kitten experimentally infected with the metacercariae, was observed using a scanning electron microscope. The worm was leaf-like, ventrally concave and covered with scale-like multi-pointed tegumental spines. The spines on the anterior surface were short but broad, and had 10-12 pointed tips. The cytoplasmic processes protruded around the spines, like pockets for the spines. The ventrogenital opening was crescent, or kidney-shaped, and had protuberances with minute spines on its surrounding tegument. The spines on the posterior surface were long, but narrow, with 6-8 pointed tips. The cytoplasmic processes on this tegument were ridge-like, and elevated along the row of the spines. The surface ultrastructure of A. felis is generally similar to that of other heterophyid flukes, but some features are characteristic, and may be of taxonomic and bio-ecological significance.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Echinostoma cinetorchis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Three-day (juvenile) and 16-day (adult) worms were harvested from rats (Sprague-Dawley) experimentally fed the metacercariae from the laboratory-infected fresh water snail, Hippeutis cantori. The worms were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, processed routinely, and observed by an ISI Korea DS-130 scanning electron microscope. The 3-day old juvenile worms were elongated and ventrally curved, with their ventral sucker near the anterior two-fifths of the body. The head crown was bearing 37-38 collar spines arranged in a zigzag pattern. The lips of the oral and ventral suckers had 8 and 5 type II sensory papillae respectively, and between the spines, a few type III papillae were observed. Tongue or spade-shape spines were distributed anteriorly to the ventral sucker, whereas peg-like spines were distributed posteriorly and became sparse toward the posterior body. The spines of the dorsal surface were similar to those of the ventral surface. The 16-day old adults were leaf-like, and their oral and ventral suckers were located very closely. Aspinous head crown, oral and ventral suckers had type II and type III sensory papillae, and numerous type I papillae were distributed on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker. Scale-like spines, with broad base and round tip, were distributed densely on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker but they became sparse posteriorly. At the dorsal surface, spines were observed at times only at the anterior body. The results showed that the tegument of E. cinetorchis is similar to that of other echinostomes, but differs in the number and arrangement of collar spines, shape and distribution of tegumenal spines, and type and distribution of sensory papillae.  相似文献   

The non-phoretic stages of mites of the genus Hemisarcoptes are predators of the family Diaspididae. The heteromorphic deutonymph (hypopus) maintains a stenoxenic relationship with beetles of the genus Chilocorus. The mites attach to the subelytral surface of the beetle elytron during transport. There is variation in mite density among species of Chilocorus. Both Hemisarcoptes and Chilocorus have been applied to biological control programmes around the world. The objective of this study was to determine whether subelytral ultrastructure (spine density) plays a role in the evolution of symbiosis between the mite and the beetle. The subelytral surfaces of 19 species of Chilocorus and 16 species of Exochomus were examined. Spine density was determined for five subelytral zones: the anterior pronotal margin, medial central region, caudoventral tip, lateral distal margin and epipleural region. Spine density on the subelytral surface of Chilocorus and Exochomus was inversely correlated with the size of the elytron for all zones except the caudoventral tip. This suggests that an increase in body size resulted in a redistribution of spines and not an addition of spines. The pattern of spine density in Exochomus and Chilocorus follows a single size–density trajectory. The pattern of subelytral ultrastructure is not strictly consistent with either beetle phylogeny or beetle allometry. The absence of spines is not correlated with either beetle genus or size and species of either Chilocorus or Exochomus may be devoid of spines in any zone, irrespective of body size. A general difference between species of Chilocorus and Exochomus is the fact that while spine density in Chilocorus is clinal relative to the size gradient, Exochomus is dichotomous and likely to have either many spines or no spines in a particular zone. No species of Chilocorus was completely devoid of spines. Five species of Exochomus had no spines at all, thus making it difficult to interpret the primary function of the subelytral spines in a general way. Within the genus Chilocorus, spine density may play a synergistic role in host association. Based on morphological evidence alone, these findings lead to the hypothesis that the species of Chilocorus that would be most conducive to biological control application in conjunction with Hemisarcoptes would be Chilocorus cacti, Chilocorus distigma, Chilocorus fraternus, Chilocorus orbus, Chilocorus tristis and, to a lesser extent, Chilocorus bipustulatus. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The structure of caudal neural spines of protoceratopoids displays adaptation for aquatic and terrestrial mode of life. The increasing height of caudal neural spines in the series Leptoceratops, Udanoceratops, Protoceratops, Bagaceratops is connected with the extent of adaptation for swimming and changes in inclination of neural spines are connected with the mechanical balance of the lever. Thus, the anterior caudal vertebrae (1cd–15cd) of Protoceratops and Bagaceratops show an anticliny, which promotes extension (rise) of a heavy tail in terrestrial conditions. In the middle part of the tail (16cd–23cd), with the greatest height of neural spines, a decrease in width and increase in thickness counteract transverse loads accompanying movements on land. At the same time, the supraspinal ligament prevents divergence of neural spines caused by curvature of the tail as it is raised above the ground.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed on the surface ultrastructure of Pygidiopsis summa (Digenea: Heterophyidae) adults. Metacercariae were collected from gills and muscles of mullets (Mugil cephalus) caught in a known endemic area, and adult flukes were harvested from dogs after 8 weeks of experimental infection. The worm was calabash form with its posterior part broader than the anterior part. Tegumental spines were densely distributed over the body surface, except on the suckers and genital apparatus, and around the excretory pore. Well differentiated spines were observed on the anterior half of the body, with 14-16 tips ventrally, and 19-20 tips dorsally. On the oral sucker, three pairs of type I sensory papillae (uni-ciliated knob-like swellings) and one pair of type II sensory papillae (aciliated round-swellings) were observed on the anterior and posterior parts of the lip, respectively. On the lip of the ventral sucker, one pair of type II sensory papillae was distributed only on its posterior part. Sperms were seen emerging from or entering into the genital apparatus. The results showed that the surface ultrastructure of P. summa was unique among the heterophyid trematodes, especially in digitation of tegumental spines and in distribution of sensory papillae on oral and ventral suckers.  相似文献   

Gynaecotyla squatarolae (Digenea: Microphallidae) adult flukes were recovered from experimental chicks at day 4-6 post-infection and their tegumental ultrastructure was observed with a scanning electron microscopy. They were pyriform in shape, and their anterior halves were concaved ventrally. The whole body surface was covered with tegumental spines, which were wide and 16-17 digitated between oral and ventral suckers. The density of spines and number of digits decreased posteriorly. The oral sucker was subterminal and the excretory pore was at the posterior end of the worm. Two ventral suckers were similar in appearance and protruded near midline of the worm. The genital atrium was dextral to the small ventral sucker. The dorsal surface was covered with tegumental spines, but the spines were sparser than on the ventral surface. On the middle portion of the dorsal surface, a small opening presumed to be the Laurer's canal was seen. From these findings, it has been confirmed that the adult G. squatarolae has unique characteristics in the surface ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Hypoechinorhynchus magellanicus Szidat, 1950 (Acanthocephala: Arhythmacanthidae) is redescribed based on specimens collected from a sub-Antarctic notothenioid fish, Champsocephalus esox (Günther). The host was caught in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic sub-region). H. magellanicus has a trunk with an antero-dorsal curvature, a spherical proboscis, spines on the anterior region of the trunk, narrow lemnisci which are considerably longer than the proboscis receptacle, six cement glands and a single vaginal sphincter. The proboscis is armed with 40 hooks, including 15 large hooks with roots and 25 rootless basal spines. The large hooks are arranged in 10 alternate rows of one and two hooks. Each single large hook is followed by two spines, and pairs of large hooks are followed by single spines. Ten single spines are also present at the base of the proboscis between the rows. The eggs have polar prolongations of the middle envelope.  相似文献   

The musculature of larvae of Gordius aquaticus was investigated by laser-scanning microscopy and compared to transmission electron microscopic data for the larva of Paragordius varius. In the anterior portion of the body, the preseptum, four different muscle groups can be distinguished: (1) 12 anterior parietal muscles in the body wall, (2) six oblique muscles that function as retractors of the introvert, (3) six proboscideal muscles, which function as retractors for the proboscis, and (4) six muscles associated with spines of the outermost of the three rings of spines. The posterior portion of the body, the postseptum, possesses four pairs of longitudinal muscle strands in G. aquaticus, the postseptal parietal muscles, that are located dorsolaterally and ventrolaterally. These are not clearly visible in P. varius, where instead three pairs of parietal muscles are present. Additional small muscles are associated with the terminal spines and with the duct running from the pseudointestine to the body wall. All fibers show a cross-striated pattern although this striation is less obvious at the ends of the fibers.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study, we investigated a functional trade-off between trunk attachment and trunk-spine development in the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum . The worms live attached to the stomach and upper intestine of their cetacean definitive hosts, using the proboscis and spiny foretrunk as the main holdfast; the spiny hindtrunk can also attach by bending ventrally. When the hindtrunk bends, ventral compression generates an anterior fold (AF) and a posterior fold (PF). A morphological analysis based on 7,823 individuals collected from 10 franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei , revealed that spines were smaller and more variable in size and occurrence in the folds than on neighboring areas; the growth of fold spines seemed to be inhibited to various degrees. Spines were more reduced in the AF than in the PF, and spines of both folds were more reduced in females than in males. Patterns of reduction appeared to be directly related to the intensity of fold compression associated with hindtrunk bending. Fold compression could induce plastic inhibition of spine growth, and/or could make fold spines maladaptive, spines being reduced by natural selection. Apparently, fold spines neither contact the substrate, nor are they exposed to the environment when the hindtrunk attaches. Therefore, fold spines could have reduced, or lost, their primary function, at least in the definitive host. The reduction and variability of spines in C. cetaceum seem to be unique among Corynosoma species.  相似文献   

Chelimazocraes liaoi n. g., n. sp. and Chelimazocraes ascidiformis n. sp. (Monogenea: Mazocraeidae) are described from the gills of Clupanodon punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel) in Daya Bay (South China Sea). The new genus is characterised by the following features: (i) the haptor is distinctly separated from the body proper, and the arrangement of the clamps is bilaterally symmetrical but longitudinally heteromorphic; (ii) the anterior three pairs of clamps are of the mazocraeid-type, whereas the fourth pair is of a non-mazocraeid type with three sclerites; (iii) all three pairs of clamps are similar in shape but their size gradually becomes smaller from the anterior to the posterior; (iv) the inner spines of the copulatory organ have a similar shape; and (v) the testes are numerous and arranged longitudinally posterior to the ovary. The two new species are easily distinguished from other members of the Mazocraeidae by the unique structure of the fourth pair of clamps; however, there are some noticeable differences between the two species. The major differences are as follows: (i) the body of C. liaoi n. sp. is significantly larger than that of C. ascidiformis n. sp.; (ii) the anterior three pairs of clamps consist of different sclerites in the two species; and (iii) the copulatory organ has one pair of outer spines and 15–16 pieces of inner spines in C. liaoi n. sp. (vs two pairs of outer spines and 22–26 pieces of inner spines in C. ascidiformis n. sp.).  相似文献   

Acanthocephaloides irregularis n. sp. (Arhythmacanthidae) is described from four species of marine fishes in the Gulf of Odessa and Sukhyi Lyman, Ukrainan Black Sea waters, making it the tenth species of the genus. The hosts are the combtooth blenny Parablennius zvonimiri (Kolombatovic) (Blenniidae), the mushroom goby Ponticola eurycephalus (Kessler) (Gobiidae), the tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas) (Gobiidae) and the black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster Risso (Syngnathidae). The new species is most similar to its closest relative, Acanthocephaloides propinquus (Dujardin, 1845), in proboscis shape and armature (12 longitudinal rows of 5 hooks) and the shape of the trunk, reproductive system and lemnisci, but differs in having randomly distributed trunk spines. These trunk spines are organised in circular rings of individual spines separated by aspinose zones. The new species is also unique in having an anterior trunk collar, a very large triangular cephalic ganglion, nucleated pouches at the posterior end of the proboscis receptacle, and hooks and spines with roots bearing anterior manubria. Valid and invalid species of Acanthocephaloides Meyer, 1932 are listed and a key to all ten species is included.  相似文献   

1. In the heterogonic life cycle of monogonont rotifers, amictic (female‐producing) females develop from two types of eggs: fertilised resting (diapausing) eggs and parthenogenetic subitaneous eggs. Females hatched from resting eggs initiate clonal populations by female parthenogenesis and are called stem females. This study compares females from resting and parthenogenetic eggs that were produced under identical culture conditions and were of similar birth order. 2. Newborn stem females had many more lipid droplets in their tissues than similar‐sized, newborn females from parthenogenetic eggs. When neonates were stained with Nile Red and viewed under epifluorescent illumination, these droplets were shown to be sites of neutral‐lipid storage products. 3. Stem females had no posterolateral spines and short anterior spines, while their mothers and offspring in subsequent, parthenogenetic generations typically had long posterolateral spines and elongated anterior spines. 4. Newborn stem females survived starvation significantly longer than newborn females from parthenogenetic eggs. 5. When females from resting and parthenogenetic eggs were cultured from birth to death at a high food concentration, the reproductive potential (r day?1) of the stem females was significantly higher (0.82–0.88 versus 0.70), primarily because of egg production at an earlier age. The mean lifetime fecundity (Ro) of stem females was significantly greater than that of females from parthenogenetic eggs. 6. Extensive lipid reserves should increase the ability of stem females to colonise new habitats. Firstly, compared with females from parthenogenetic eggs, stem females are more likely to experience starvation or food limitation. Resting eggs hatch in response to physical and chemical factors that are not directly related to food availability, and from sediments that may be far from food‐rich surface waters. Secondly, when food is abundant, stem females have a greater reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Throughout the entire life of the fluke the spines anterior to the ventral sucker are arranged in approximately 60 rings each of 60 to 70 spines. The spines on the posterior body are scattered without any pattern of rings and by 1 week post infection (p.i.) their numbers have doubled (from 3,000 on the newly excysted juvenile) to 6,000 and by 3 weeks p.i. their numbers have multiplied by 8 to 24,000. Just prior to entry into the bile ducts, between 2 and 3 weeks p.i., all spines, anterior and posterior, have metamorphosed from single pointed to multipointed forms by division at the spine tips. Spines on the anterior body of mature flukes recovered from the bile ducts of mice 26 weeks p.i. have between 10 and 15 points whereas those on the posterior body have up to 30 points. The tegument forms a rectangular pattern of plateaux and valleys around each spine on the posterior body of mature flukes but this pattern is not present on the anterior body.  相似文献   

The surface structure of adult Haplorchis pumilio from experimentally infected hamsters was studied in detail using scanning electron microscopy. Almost the entire surface of the worm was covered with scale-like spines regularly arranged in transverse rows. Most spines were pectinate. The size of the spines and the number of the teeth in each individual were largest in the spines around the middle region of the worm. The area surrounding the excretory pore was free of spines displaying a slightly wrinkled appearance. Many ciliated papillae were present on the anterior two-thirds of the body. The papillae on the oral sucker were more abundant than those elsewhere. The body papillae were distributed in a bilaterally symmetrical arrangement, appearing in groups, pairs or singly between the spines.  相似文献   

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