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Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) delivered by whole‐body mats are promoted in many countries for a wide range of therapeutic applications and for enhanced well‐being. However, neither the therapeutic efficacy nor the potential health hazards caused by these mats have been systematically evaluated. We conducted a systematic review of trials investigating the therapeutic effects of low‐frequency PEMF devices. We were interested in all health outcomes addressed so far in randomized, sham‐controlled, double‐blind trials. In total, 11 trials were identified. They were focused on osteoarthritis of the knee (3 trials) or the cervical spine (1), fibromyalgia (1), pain perception (2), skin ulcer healing (1), multiple sclerosis‐related fatigue (2), or heart rate variability and well‐being (1). The sample sizes of the trials ranged from 12 to 71 individuals. The observation period lasted 12 weeks at maximum, and the applied magnetic flux densities ranged from 3.4 to 200 µT. In some trials sporadic positive effects on health were observed. However, independent confirmation of such singular findings was lacking. We conclude that the scientific evidence for therapeutic effects of whole‐body PEMF devices is insufficient. Acute adverse effects have not been reported. However, adverse effects occurring after long‐term application have not been studied so far. In summary, the therapeutic use of low‐frequency whole‐body PEMF devices cannot be recommended without more scientific evidence from high‐quality, double‐blind trials. Bioelectromagnetics 33:95–105, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

AIM: To improve osteogenic differentiation and attachment of cells.METHODS: An electronic search was conducted inPub Med from January 2004 to December 2013. Studies which performed smart modifications on conventional bone scaffold materials were included. Scaffolds with controlled release or encapsulation of bioactive molecules were not included. Experiments which did not investigate response of cells toward the scaffold(cell attachment, proliferation or osteoblastic differentiation) were excluded. RESULTS: Among 1458 studies, 38 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main scaffold varied extensively among the included studies. Smart modifications included addition of growth factors(group Ⅰ-11 studies), extracellular matrix-like molecules(group Ⅱ-13 studies) and nanoparticles(nano-HA)(group Ⅲ-17 studies). In all groups, surface coating was the most commonly applied approach for smart modification of scaffolds. In group I, bone morphogenetic proteins were mainly used as growth factor stabilized on polycaprolactone(PCL). In group Ⅱ, collagen 1 in combination with PCL, hydroxyapatite(HA) and tricalcium phosphate were the most frequent scaffolds used. In the third group, nano-HA with PCL and chitosan were used the most. As variable methods were used, a thorough and comprehensible compare between the results and approaches was unattainable.CONCLUSION: Regarding the variability in methodology of these in vitro studies it was demonstrated that smart modification of scaffolds can improve tissue properties.  相似文献   



Changes in beliefs about self‐weighing were examined across time in a behavioral weight loss intervention.


Active duty military personnel (= 248) enrolled in a 12‐month counselor‐initiated or self‐paced intervention based on the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Intensive Lifestyle Intervention. Using an electronic scale, participants were asked to self‐weigh daily. Self‐weighing perceptions were compared from baseline to 4 months (weight loss phase), from 4 months to 12 months (weight maintenance phase), and from baseline to 12 months (full intervention), as well as across time by behavioral and demographic characteristics.


Overall, participants perceived self‐weighing as more helpful and positive, less frustrating, and making them less self‐conscious after the weight loss phase. After weight maintenance, individuals believed self‐weighing was less helpful and positive, more frustrating and anxiety provoking, and making them more self‐conscious. However, after the intervention, participants still viewed self‐weighing as more helpful and positive and less frustrating than at baseline. Weight change, self‐weighing behavior prior to the intervention, and intervention condition were associated with perception change. Controlling for these influencing factors, differences in gender, BMI, age, ethnicity, and race were observed in how beliefs changed across time.


Results suggest engaging in a weight loss intervention promoting daily self‐weighing increases positive and decreases negative beliefs about self‐weighing.  相似文献   


Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as a safe, effective and noninvasive treatment have been researched and used for many years in orthopedics, and the common use clinically is to promote fracture healing. The effects of EMFs on osteoporosis have not been well concerned. The balance between osteoblast and osteoclast activity as well as the balance between osteogenic differentiation and adipogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells plays an important role in the process of osteoporosis. A number of recent reports suggest that EMFs have a positive impact on the balances. In this review, we discuss the recent advances of EMFs in the treatment of osteoporosis from basic research to clinical study and introduce the possible mechanism. In addition, we presented future perspectives of application of EMFs for osteoporosis.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn low-income countries, pregnant women do not have easy access to health care, especially in rural and peri-urban areas. In this context, they can be surprised by the uterine contractions that precede childbirth and sometimes find themselves giving birth at home or on the way to the nearest health facility (located miles away from their home). In view of the development of an external uterine electrohysterogram acquisition system for labour prediction, a review of the literature on electrodes and their characteristics is necessary.MethodsA comprehensive literature review was conducted to collate information on the use of electrodes in external EHG recording and their characteristics.ResultsWet electrodes based on Ag/AgCl redox chemistry are the most common type of electrodes for EHG, employed in different configurations on the pregnant woman’s abdomen. All positioning configurations are around the vertical median axis if they are not placed directly on it. Positioning below the navel seems to be the most efficient. The number of source, reference, and ground electrodes used varies from one author to another, as does the distance between the electrodes.ConclusionTwo well-positioned source electrodes on the vertical median axis, with ground electrode on the right side of the hip and reference one on the left side, are able to generate a good external EHG recording signal. The minimum allowed inter-electrode distance is approximately 17.5 to 25mm.  相似文献   

Stigma associated with being overweight or obese is widespread. Given that weight loss is difficult to achieve and maintain, researchers have been calling for interventions that reduce the impact of weight stigma on life functioning. Sound measures that are sensitive to change are needed to help guide and inform intervention studies. This study presents the weight self‐stigma questionnaire (WSSQ). The WSSQ has 12 items and is designed for use only with populations of overweight or obese persons. Two samples of participants—one treatment seeking, one nontreatment seeking—were used for validation (N = 169). Results indicate that the WSSQ has good reliability and validity, and contains two distinct subscales—self‐devaluation and fear of enacted stigma. The WSSQ could be useful for identifying individuals who may benefit from a stigma reduction intervention and may also help evaluate programs designed to reduce stigma.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is among the most prevalent parasitic infections worldwide. However, current Global Burden of Disease (GBD) disability-adjusted life year estimates indicate that its population-level impact is negligible. Recent studies suggest that GBD methodologies may significantly underestimate the burden of parasitic diseases, including schistosomiasis. Furthermore, strain-specific disability weights have not been established for schistosomiasis, and the magnitude of human disease burden due to Schistosoma japonicum remains controversial. We used a decision model to quantify an alternative disability weight estimate of the burden of human disease due to S. japonicum. We reviewed S. japonicum morbidity data, and constructed decision trees for all infected persons and two age-specific strata, <15 years (y) and > or =15 y. We conducted stochastic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses for each model. Infection with S. japonicum was associated with an average disability weight of 0.132, with age-specific disability weights of 0.098 (<15 y) and 0.186 (> or =15 y). Re-estimated disability weights were seven to 46 times greater than current GBD measures; no simulations produced disability weight estimates lower than 0.009. Nutritional morbidities had the greatest contribution to the S. japonicum disability weight in the <15 y model, whereas major organ pathologies were the most critical variables in the older age group. GBD disability weights for schistosomiasis urgently need to be revised, and species-specific disability weights should be established. Even a marginal increase in current estimates would result in a substantial rise in the estimated global burden of schistosomiasis, and have considerable implications for public health prioritization and resource allocation for schistosomiasis research, monitoring, and control.  相似文献   

For patients with metastatic melanoma, the emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted BRAF and MEK inhibitors has markedly enhanced clinical outcomes compared with chemotherapy. However, these novel agents are also associated with unique sets of adverse events, and increased overall survival can lead to prolonged exposure to some novel agents. Therefore, clinical evaluation of these therapies has now included the analysis of health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) in addition to more traditional efficacy and safety outcomes as a measure of patient perception of benefit. The current review focuses on HRQoL outcomes in clinical trials of immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapies in patients with advanced and metastatic melanoma to inform healthcare providers about patient perception of HRQoL as a new perspective in treatment decision making.  相似文献   

BackgroundSchistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by trematode worms of the genus Schistosoma and belongs to the neglected tropical diseases. The disease has been reported in 78 countries, with around 290.8 million people in need of treatment in 2018. Schistosomiasis is predominantly considered a rural disease with a subsequent focus of research and control activities in rural settings. Over the past decades, occurrence and even expansion of schistosomiasis foci in peri-urban and urban settings have increasingly been observed. Rural–urban migration in low- and middle-income countries and subsequent rapid and unplanned urbanization are thought to explain these observations. Fifty-five percent (55%) of the world population is already estimated to live in urban areas, with a projected increase to 68% by 2050. In light of rapid urbanization and the efforts to control morbidity and ultimately achieve elimination of schistosomiasis, it is important to deepen our understanding of the occurrence, prevalence, and transmission of schistosomiasis in urban and peri-urban settings. A systematic literature review looking at urban and peri-urban schistosomiasis was therefore carried out as a first step to address the research and mapping gap.MethodologyFollowing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a systematic computer-aided literature review was carried out using PubMed, ScienceDirect, and the World Health Organization Database in November 2019, which was updated in March 2020. Only papers for which at least the abstract was available in English were used. Relevant publications were screened, duplicates were removed, guidelines for eligibility were applied, and eligible studies were reviewed. Studies looking at human Schistosoma infections, prevalence, and intensity of infection in urban and peri-urban settings were included as well as those focusing on the intermediate host snails.Principal findingsA total of 248 publications met the inclusion criteria. The selected studies confirm that schistosomiasis is prevalent in peri-urban and urban areas in the countries assessed. Earlier studies report higher prevalence levels in urban settings compared to data extracted from more recent publications, yet the challenge of migration, rapid uncontrolled urbanization, and resulting poor living conditions highlight the potential for continuous or even newly established transmission to take place.ConclusionsThe review indicates that schistosomiasis has long existed in urban and peri-urban areas and remains a public health problem. There is, however, a challenge of comparability of settings due to the lack of a clear definition of what constitutes urban and peri-urban. There is a pressing need for improved monitoring of schistosomiasis in urban communities and consideration of treatment strategies.  相似文献   

BackgroundGlobally, schistosomiasis affects at least 240 million people each year with a high proportion of cases in sub-Saharan Africa. The infection presents a wide range of symptoms mainly at the gastrointestinal and urogenital level. Cases of schistosomiasis-related appendicitis are seldom reported. The aim of the present study is to identify the prevalence of schistosomiasis-related appendicitis in Beira, Mozambique and compare to global prevalence.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed all cases of appendicitis recorded from January 2017 to March 2020 at a single pathology department located in Beira in order to assess the prevalence of schistosomiasis. Moreover, we performed a systematic review on the prevalence of schistosomiasis-related appendicitis in all countries.FindingsA total of 145 appendicitis cases in Beira showed a 13.1% prevalence of schistosomal-related appendicitis. The mean age of patients was 29.1 years, and 14 (73.7%) were male. The systematic review identified 20 studies with 34,790 inpatients with schistosomiasis-related appendicitis with a global prevalence of 1.31% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.72 to 2.06); a high heterogeneity (I2 = 96.0%) was observed. Studies carried out in Africa reported a significantly higher prevalence of schistosomiasis-related appendicitis (2.75%; 95% CI: 1.28 to 4.68) than those in Middle East (0.49%; 95% CI: 0.18 to 0.95) (p for interaction < 0.0001).ConclusionsSchistosomiasis infection should be considered as possible cause of appendicitis not only in endemic areas but also in developed countries. Considering that prevention is the best way to control the infection, more efforts should be put in place in order to increase the prevention coverage and avoid the cascading implications for health. This is even more so important in this Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) era where the majority of attention and funds are used to fight the pandemic.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) occurs due to triplication of chromosome 21. Individuals with DS face an elevated risk for development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) due to increased amyloid beta (Aβ) resulting from the over‐expression of the amyloid precursor protein found on chromosome 21. Diagnosis of AD among individuals with DS poses particular challenges resulting in an increased focus on alternative diagnostic methods such as blood‐based biomarkers. The aim of this review was to evaluate the current state of the literature of blood‐based biomarkers found in individuals with DS and particularly among those also diagnosed with AD or in prodromal stages (mild cognitive impairment [MCI]). A systematic review was conducted utilizing a comprehensive search strategy. Twenty‐four references were identified, of those, 22 fulfilled inclusion criteria were selected for further analysis with restriction to only plasma‐based biomarkers. Studies found Aβ to be consistently higher among individuals with DS; however, the link between Aβ peptides (Aβ1‐42 and Aβ1‐40) and AD among DS was inconsistent. Inflammatory‐based proteins were more reliably found to be elevated leading to preliminary work focused on an algorithmic approach with predominantly inflammatory‐based proteins to detect AD and MCI as well as predict risk of incidence among DS. Separate work has also shown remarkable diagnostic accuracy with the use of a single protein (NfL) as compared to combined proteomic profiles. This review serves to outline the current state of the literature and highlights the potential plasma‐based biomarkers for use in detecting AD and MCI among this at‐risk population.  相似文献   

Objective: The recent obesity epidemic has been accompanied by a parallel growth in chronic sleep deprivation. Physiologic studies suggest sleep deprivation may influence weight through effects on appetite, physical activity, and/or thermoregulation. This work reviews the literature regarding short sleep duration as an independent risk factor for obesity and weight gain. Methods and Procedures: A literature search was conducted for all articles published between 1966 and January 2007 using the search “sleep” and (“duration” or “hour” or “hours”) and (“obesity” or “weight”) in the MEDLINE database. Additional references were identified by reviewing bibliographies and contacting experts in the field. Studies reporting the association between sleep duration and at least one measure of weight were included. Results: Thirty‐six publications (31 cross‐sectional, 5 prospective, and 0 experimental) were identified. Findings in both cross‐sectional and cohort studies of children suggested short sleep duration is strongly and consistently associated with concurrent and future obesity. Results from adult cross‐sectional analyses were more mixed with 17 of 23 studies supporting an independent association between short sleep duration and increased weight. In contrast, all three longitudinal studies in adults found a positive association between short sleep duration and future weight. This relationship appeared to wane with age. Discussion: Short sleep duration appears independently associated with weight gain, particularly in younger age groups. However, major study design limitations preclude definitive conclusions. Further research with objective measures of sleep duration, repeated assessments of both sleep and weight, and experimental study designs that manipulate sleep are needed to better define the causal relationship of sleep deprivation on obesity.  相似文献   

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