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In this article, we describe differences in the self‐perception of weight status in the United States between the two most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) periods (1988–1994 and 1999–2004), and test the hypothesis that secular increases in adult mean BMI, adult obesity, and childhood obesity contributed to changes over time in weight perceptions. We find that the probability of self‐classifying as overweight is significantly lower on average in the more recent survey, for both women and men, controlling for objective weight status and other factors. Among women, the decline in the tendency to self‐classify as overweight is concentrated in the 17–35 age range, and is more pronounced among women with normal BMI than those with overweight BMI. Among men, the shift away from feeling overweight is roughly equal across age groups. Overweight men exhibit a sharper decline in feeling overweight than normal weight men. Despite the declines in feeling overweight between surveys, weight misperception did not increase significantly for men and decreased by a sizable margin among women. We interpret the findings as evidence of a generational shift in social norms related to body weight. As a result, people may be less likely to desire weight loss than previously, limiting the effectiveness of public health campaigns aimed at weight reduction. On the other hand, there may be health benefits associated with improved body image.  相似文献   

In this review, we focus on strategies for designing functional nano gene carriers, as well as choosing therapeutic genes targeting the tumor microenvironment. Gene mutations have a great impact on the occurrence of cancer. Thus, gene therapy plays a major role in cancer therapy and has the potential to cure cancer. Well‐designed gene therapy largely relies on effective gene carriers, which can be divided into viral carriers and non‐viral carriers. A gene carrier delivers functional genes to their intracellular target and avoids nucleic acids being degraded by nucleases in the serum. Most conventional cancer gene therapies only target cancer cells and do not appear to be sufficintly efficient to pass clinical trials. Accumulating evidence has shown that extending the therapeutic strategies to the tumor microenvironment, rather than the tumor cell itself, can allow more options for achieving robust anti‐cancer efficiency. In addition, unusual features between tumor microenvironment and normal tissues, such as a lower pH, higher glutathione and reactive oxygen species concentrations, and overexpression of some enzymes, facilitate the design of smart stimuli‐responsive gene carriers regulated by the tumor microenvironment. These carriers interact with nucleic acids and then form stable nanoparticles under physiological conditions. By regulation of the tumor microenvironment, stimuli‐responsive gene carriers are able to change their properties and achieve high gene delivery efficiency. Considering the tumor microenvironment as the “regulator” and “target” when designing gene carriers and choosing therapeutic genes shows significant benefit with respect to improving the accuracy and efficiency of cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

Objective: Research on long‐term maintenance of weight loss is hampered by the fact that relapse typically does not occur until after 6 months. We sought to determine whether relapses could be induced earlier by intentionally interrupting the momentum of weight loss during a treatment program and thus provide a model for weight maintenance research. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects (N = 142) were recruited at two centers and randomly assigned to a control group, a long break group (LB), or a short break group (SB). The control group received a standard behavioral weight loss program with 14 weekly sessions; the LB and SB groups received the same. However, the LB group took a 6‐week break after lesson 7, and the SB group took a 2‐week break after lessons 3, 6, and 9. Participants were instructed to stop all weight loss efforts during breaks. Results: Participants seemed to take breaks as prescribed, with interruptions in self‐monitoring, dietary adherence, and self‐weighing (but not in exercise). However, participants quickly resumed these behaviors after the break. Breaks produced a slowing of weight loss or slight regain, but weight losses during the breaks were not significantly different from the control group. Importantly, overall weight losses (0 to 5 months or 0 to 11 months) did not differ between conditions. Discussion: This study was not successful in developing a method to experimentally produce weight loss relapses. However, the finding that prescribed breaks do not have adverse effects may have clinical application.  相似文献   

The efficient use of nitrogen by crops can minimise environmental risks and maximise returns to farmers. Under organic farming systems, this can be achieved by adjusting the fertilisation management and/or using genetic variability. Seven durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars and three emmer (Triticum dicoccum) cultivars were assessed under an organic farming system over a non‐consecutive 4‐year period (2005–11) in Foggia (southern Italy). The objectives were to investigate the agronomic and qualitative characteristics, and to evaluate the agronomic efficiency and adaptability according to three N fertilisation levels (0, 40, 80 kg N ha?1). A split‐plot design was used, with three replications in each year. Nine traits were investigated: heading time, plant height, seed yield, number of spikes m?2, harvest index, specific weight, 1000‐seed weight, and protein and gluten contents. Increasing N to 80 kg ha?1 increased plant height (+7.3%), seed yield (+22.1%), spike density (+16.6%), and protein (+9.8%) and gluten (+2.1%) contents. The emmer genotypes and the oldest durum wheat ‘Cappelli’ showed the highest protein and gluten contents (mean, 13.9%, 11.2%, respectively). The maximum N agronomic efficiency [AE(N)] and N recovery efficiency [RE(N)] were seen for the modern durum wheat cultivars under 40 kg ha?1 N treatment: ‘Duilio’, ‘Iride’ and ‘Varano’. The significant correlation between AE(N) and RE(N) and the year of release of the durum wheat cultivars (r = 0.53, P < 0.05, F = 4.7 for AE(N) and r = 0.57, P < 0.01, F = 5.7 for RE(N), respectively; n = 14) showed that the genetic breeding of this species for high grain yield is associated with an increase in the efficiency of N fertiliser use under organic farming. The highly significant effect for the Genotype × Environment interaction (F = 18.1, P < 0.001) of seed yield indicate the possibility to select for stable genotypes across environments. Based on the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis, and the yield stability index, the varieties ‘Iride’ and ‘Varano’ show high‐stability responses and good seed yields under all N fertiliser treatments. Therefore, these varieties can be recommended for organic farming systems in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

The design of artificial hemoproteins that could lead to new biocatalysts for selective oxidation reactions of organic compounds presents a huge interest especially in pharmacology, both for a better understanding of the metabolic profile of drugs and for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure molecules that could be involved in the design of drugs.The present results show that the so-called “host-guest strategy” that involves the non-covalent incorporation of anionic water-soluble iron-porphyrins into xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans, a low cost protein, leads to such an artificial hemoprotein that is able to perform the stereoselective oxidation of sulfides.  相似文献   

Phylum Tardigrada consists of ~1000 tiny, hardy metazoan species distributed throughout terrestrial, limno‐terrestrial and oceanic habitats. Their phylogenetic status has been debated, with current evidence placing them in the Ecdysozoa. Although there have been efforts to explore tardigrade phylogeny using both morphological and molecular data, limitations such as their few morphological characters and low genomic DNA concentrations have resulted in restricted taxonomic coverage. Using a protocol that allows us to identify and extract DNA from individuals, we have sequenced 18S rDNA from 343 tardigrades from across the globe. Using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses we have found support for dividing Order Parachela into three super‐families and further evidence that indicates the traditional taxonomic perspective of families in the class Eutardigrada are nonmonophyletic and require re‐working. It appears that conserved morphology within Tardigrada has resulted in conservative taxonomy as we have found cases of several discrete lineages grouped into single genera. Although this work substantially adds to the understanding of the evolution and taxonomy of the phylum, we highlight that inferences gained from this work are likely to be refined with the inclusion of further taxa—specifically representatives of the nine families yet to be sampled. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

The fossil evidence of the “robust” australopithecines is reviewed with an emphasis on the taxonomic divisions and evolutionary relationships among this group of hominids. The hypodigms of A. robustus, A. crassidens and A. boisei are described, and the significance of morphological variation within and between these species is assessed. Phylogenetic relationships among the “robust” australopithecines are examined using maximum parsimony analysis, and evolutionary scenarios are evaluated in the light of recent discoveries in East Africa.  相似文献   

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