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BackgroundAlthough bariatric surgery is well established as an effective treatment for patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), there exists reluctance to increase its availability for patients with severe T2DM. The aims of this study were to examine the impact of bariatric surgery on T2DM resolution in patients with obesity and T2DM requiring insulin (T2DM-Ins) using data from a national database and to develop a health economic model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of surgery in this cohort when compared to best medical treatment (BMT).Methods and findingsClinical data from the National Bariatric Surgical Registry (NBSR), a comprehensive database of bariatric surgery in the United Kingdom, were extracted to analyse outcomes of patients with obesity and T2DM-Ins who underwent primary bariatric surgery between 2009 and 2017. Outcomes for this group were combined with data sourced from a comprehensive literature review in order to develop a state-transition microsimulation model to evaluate cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery versus BMT for patients over a 5-year time horizon. The main outcome measure for the clinical study was insulin cessation at 1-year post-surgery: relative risks (RR) summarising predictive factors were determined, unadjusted, and after adjusting for variables including age, initial body mass index (BMI), duration of T2DM, and weight loss. Main outcome measures for the economic evaluation were total costs, total quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) at willingness-to-pay threshold of GBP£20,000.A total of 2,484 patients were eligible for inclusion, of which 1,847 had 1-year follow-up data (mean age of 51 years, mean initial BMI 47.2 kg/m2, and 64% female). 67% of patients no longer required insulin at 1-year postoperatively: these rates persisted for 4 years. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) was associated with a higher rate of insulin cessation (71.7%) than sleeve gastrectomy (SG; 64.5%; RR 0.92, confidence interval (CI) 0.86–0.99) and adjustable gastric band (AGB; 33.6%; RR 0.45, CI 0.34–0.60; p < 0.001). When adjusted for percentage total weight loss and demographic variables, insulin cessation following surgery was comparable for RYGB and SG (RR 0.97, CI 0.90–1.04), with AGB having the lowest cessation rates (RR 0.55, CI 0.40–0.74; p < 0.001). Over 5 years, bariatric surgery was cost saving compared to BMT (total cost GBP£22,057 versus GBP£26,286 respectively, incremental difference GBP£4,229). This was due to lower treatment costs as well as reduced diabetes-related complications costs and increased health benefits. Limitations of this study include loss to follow-up of patients within the NBSR dataset and that the time horizon for the economic analysis is limited to 5 years. In addition, the study reflects current medical and surgical treatment regimens for this cohort of patients, which may change.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed that in patients with obesity and T2DM-Ins, bariatric surgery was associated with high rates of postoperative cessation of insulin therapy, which is, in turn, a major driver of overall reductions in direct healthcare cost. Our findings suggest that a strategy utilising bariatric surgery for patients with obesity and T2DM-Ins is cost saving to the national healthcare provider (National Health Service (NHS)) over a 5-year time horizon.

Emma Rose McGlone and colleagues report the clinical and cost- effectiveness of bariatric surgery for patients with Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined the associations between paraoxonase‐1 (PON1) genetic polymorphisms (Q192R, rs662 and L55M, rs854560) and the susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) across different ethnic populations. However, the evidence for the associations remains inconclusive. In this study, we performed a meta‐analysis to clarify the association of the two PON1 variants with T2DM risk. We carried out a systematic search of PubMed, Embase, CNKI and Wanfang databases for studies published before June 2017. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) for the association and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by a random‐ or fixed‐effect model. A total of 50 eligible studies, including 34 and 16 studies were identified for the PON1 Q192R (rs662) and L55M (rs854560) polymorphism, respectively. As for the PON1 Q192R polymorphism, the 192R allele was a susceptible factor of T2DM in the South or East Asian population (OR > 1, P < 0.05) but represented a protective factor of T2DM in European population (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.45–0.98) under a heterozygous genetic model. With regard to the PON1 L55M polymorphism, significant protective effects of the 55M allele on T2DM under the heterozygous (OR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.61–0.97) and dominant (OR = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.65–0.99) genetic models were found in the European population, while no significant associations in the Asian populations under all genetic models (P > 0.05). In summary, by a comprehensive meta‐analysis, our results firmly indicated that distinct effects of PON1 genetic polymorphisms existed in the risk of T2DM across different ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Clinicians note that bariatric operations can dramatically resolve type 2 diabetes, often before and out of proportion to postoperative weight loss. Now two randomized controlled trials formally show superior results from surgical compared with medical diabetes care, including among only mildly obese patients. The concept of 'metabolic surgery' to treat diabetes has taken a big step forward.  相似文献   

The somatotropic axis, which includes growth hormone, insulin‐like growth factor (IGF)‐I, and IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), is involved in the regulation of growth and metabolism. Measures of the somatotropic axis can be predictive of nutritional status and growth rate that can be utilized to identify nutritional status of individual animals. Before the somatotropic axis can be a predictive tool, concentrations of hormones of the somatotropic axis need to be established in healthy individuals. To begin to establish these data, we quantified IGF‐I, IGFBP‐2, and IGFBP‐3 in males and females of eight threatened hoofstock species at various ages. Opportunistic blood samples were collected from Bos javanicus (Java banteng), Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci (bongo), Gazella dama ruficollis (addra gazelle), Taurotragus derbianus gigas (giant eland), Kobus megaceros (Nile lechwe), Hippotragus equines cottoni (roan antelope), Ceratotherium simum simum (white rhinoceros), and Elephas maximus (Asian elephant). Serum IGF‐I and IGFBPs were determined by radioimmunoassay and ligand blot, respectively. Generally, IGF‐I and IGFBP‐3 were greater in males, and IGFBP‐2 was greater in females. In banteng (P = 0.08) and male Nile lechwe (P<0.05), IGF‐I increased with age, but decreased in rhinoceros (P = 0.07) and female Nile lechwe (P<0.05). In banteng, IGFBP‐3 was greater (P<0.01) in males. In elephants (P<0.05) and antelope (P = 0.08), IGFBP‐2 were greater in females. Determination of concentrations of hormones in the somatotropic axis in healthy animals makes it possible to develop models that can identify the nutritional status of these threatened hoofstock species. Zoo Biol 30:275–284, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: Metabolic surgery for morbid obesity induces significant weight loss and resolution of many obesity-related comorbidities, the most notable of which is remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Such changes seem to precede significant weight loss in this population shortly after undergoing diversionary procedures.Objective: This article explores the evidence for salutary metabolic benefits of bariatric surgery, with special emphasis on glycemic control and remission of type 2 DM.Methods: We conducted a query of the PubMed database for articles published in English within the past 15 years using the search terms bariatric surgery, obesity, type 2 diabetes, gastric bypass, gastric banding, incretins, enteroinsular axis, GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). We targeted review articles as well as those discussing the effects of bariatric surgery on the enteroinsular axis and the respective effects on glyce-mic control.Results: Most of the clinical reports indicated a high remission rate (≥85%) for type 2 DM, and relatively higher rates in patients who underwent diversionary procedures. Studies with small cohorts and laboratory data suggested a role for gastrointestinal hormones in the regulation of glucose homeostasis after bariatric surgery.Conclusions: Gastrointestinal surgery for severe obesity, through restrictive and/or neurohormonal effects, is an effective treatment for type 2 DM. Surgically induced weight loss was found to be sustainable, durable, and associated with remission of type 2 DM, a reduction in mortality, and improvement in quality of life.  相似文献   

Life‐history traits describe parameters associated with growth, size, survival, and reproduction. Life‐history variation is a hallmark of biological diversity, yet researchers commonly observe that one of the major axes of life‐history variation after controlling for body size involves trade‐offs among growth, reproduction, and longevity. This persistent pattern of covariation among these specific traits has engendered a search for shared mechanisms that could constrain or facilitate production of variation in life‐history strategies. Endocrine traits are one candidate mechanism that may underlie the integration of life history and other phenotypic traits. However, the vast majority of this research has been on the effects of steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids and androgens on life‐history trade‐offs. Here we propose an expansion of the focus on glucocorticoids and gonadal hormones and review the potential role of insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1) in shaping the adaptive integration of multiple life‐history traits. IGF‐1 is a polypeptide metabolic hormone largely produced by the liver. We summarize a vast array of research demonstrating that IGF‐1 levels are susceptible to environmental variation and that IGF‐1 can have potent stimulatory effects on somatic growth and reproduction but decrease lifespan. We review the few studies in natural populations that have measured plasma IGF‐1 concentrations and its associations with life‐history traits or other characteristics of the organism or its environment. We focus on two case studies that found support for the hypothesis that IGF‐1 mediates adaptive divergence in suites of life‐history traits in response to varying ecological conditions or artificial selection. We also examine what we view as potentially fruitful avenues of research on this topic, which until now has been rarely investigated by evolutionary ecologists. We discuss how IGF‐1 may facilitate adaptive plasticity in life‐history strategies in response to early environmental conditions and also how selection on loci controlling IGF‐1 signaling may mediate population divergence and eventual speciation. After consideration of the interactions among androgens, glucocorticoids, and IGF‐1 we suggest that IGF‐1 be considered a suitable candidate mechanism for mediating life‐history traits. Finally, we discuss what we can learn about IGF‐1 from studies in free‐ranging animals. The voluminous literature in laboratory and domesticated animals documenting relationships among IGF‐1, growth, reproduction, and lifespan demonstrates the potential for a number of new research questions to be asked in free‐ranging animals. Examining how IGF‐1 mediates life‐history traits in free‐ranging animals could lead to great insight into the mechanisms that influence life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Impact of bariatric surgery on type 2 diabetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The management and prevention of diabetes through lifestyle modifications and weight loss should be the mainstay of therapy in appropriate candidates. Although the results from the Diabetes Prevention Trial and the Finnish Prevention Study support this approach, over 95% of patients not participating in a prevention research study are unable to achieve and maintain any significant weight loss over time. Bariatric surgery for weight loss is an emerging option for more sustainable weight loss in the severely obese subject, especially when obesity is complicated by diabetes or other co-morbidities. The two most common types of procedures currently used in the United States are adjustable gastric bands and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. These procedures can be performed laparoscopically, further reducing the perioperative morbidity and mortality associated with the surgery. While the gastric bypass procedure usually results is greater sustained weight loss (40–50%) than adjustable gastric banding (20–30%), it also carries greater morbidity and nutritional/metabolic issues, such as deficiencies in iron, B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Following bariatric surgery most subjects experience improvements in diabetes control, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and other obesity-related conditions. In patients with impaired glucose tolerance most studies report 99–100% prevention of progression to diabetes, while in subjects with diabetes prior to surgery, resolution of the disease is reported in 64–93% of the cases. While improvements in insulin resistance and beta-cell function are related to surgically induced weight loss, the rapid post-operative improvement in glycemia is possibly due to a combination of decreased nutrient intake and changes in gut hormones as a result of the bypassed intestine. Post-prandial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia associated with nesidioblastosis has been described in a series of patients following gastric bypass surgery, and may be related to the described changes in GLP-1 and other gut hormones.  相似文献   

Insulin/IGF signaling (IIS) regulates essential processes including development, metabolism, and aging. The Drosophila genome encodes eight insulin/IGF‐like peptide (dilp) paralogs, including tandem‐encoded dilp1 and dilp2. Many reports show that longevity is increased by manipulations that decrease DILP2 levels. It has been shown that dilp1 is expressed primarily in pupal stages, but also during adult reproductive diapause. Here, we find that dilp1 is also highly expressed in adult dilp2 mutants under nondiapause conditions. The inverse expression of dilp1 and dilp2 suggests these genes interact to regulate aging. Here, we study dilp1 and dilp2 single and double mutants to describe epistatic and synergistic interactions affecting longevity, metabolism, and adipokinetic hormone (AKH), the functional homolog of glucagon. Mutants of dilp2 extend lifespan and increase Akh mRNA and protein in a dilp1‐dependent manner. Loss of dilp1 alone has no impact on these traits, whereas transgene expression of dilp1 increases lifespan in dilp1 ? dilp2 double mutants. On the other hand, dilp1 and dilp2 redundantly or synergistically interact to control circulating sugar, starvation resistance, and compensatory dilp5 expression. These interactions do not correlate with patterns for how dilp1 and dilp2 affect longevity and AKH. Thus, repression or loss of dilp2 slows aging because its depletion induces dilp1, which acts as a pro‐longevity factor. Likewise, dilp2 regulates Akh through epistatic interaction with dilp1. Akh and glycogen affect aging in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila. Our data suggest that dilp2 modulates lifespan in part by regulating Akh, and by repressing dilp1, which acts as a pro‐longevity insulin‐like peptide.  相似文献   

Vascular dysfunction characterized by a hyperreactivity to vasoconstrictors and/or impaired vascular relaxation contributes to increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in diabetes. Endothelin (ET)-1, a potent vasoconstrictor, is chronically elevated in diabetes. However, the role of ET-1 in resistance versus larger vessel function in mild diabetes remains unknown. Accordingly, this study investigated vascular function of third-order mesenteric arteries and basilar arteries in control Wistar and Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, a model of mild Type 2 diabetes. Six weeks after the onset of diabetes, contractile responses to 0.1-100 nM ET-1 and relaxation responses to 1 nM-10 microM acetylcholine (ACh) in vessels preconstricted (baseline + 60%) with serotonin (5-HT) were assessed by myograph studies in the presence or absence of a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). Maximum contractile response to ET-1 was augmented in mesenteric vessels (155 +/- 18% in GK vs. 81 +/- 6% in control; n = 5-7) but not in the basilar artery (134 +/- 29% in GK vs. 107 +/- 17% in control; n = 4 per group). However, vascular relaxation was impaired in the basilar arteries (22 +/- 4% in GK vs. 53 +/- 7% in control; n = 4 per group) but not in mesenteric arteries of GK rats. Inhibition of NOS decreased the relaxation response of basilar arteries to 15 +/- 8% and 42 +/- 5% in GK and control rats, respectively; whereas, in resistance vessels, corresponding values were 56 +/- 7% and 89 +/- 3% (vs. 109 +/- 2% and 112 +/- 3% without NOS blockade), indicating the involvement of different vasorelaxation-promoting pathways in these vascular beds. These findings provide evidence that the ET system is activated even under mild hyperglycemia and that it contributes to the hyperreactivity of resistance vessels, therefore, the ET system may play an important role in elevated blood pressure in Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-based therapy of type 2 diabetes is executed either by GLP-1 receptor agonists, which stimulate the GLP-1 receptors, or by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, which prevent the inactivation of endogenous GLP-1 thereby increasing the concentration of endogenous active GLP-1. GLP-1 activates pancreatic receptors resulting in improved glycemia through glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion and inhibition of glucagon secretion. There is also a potential beta cell preservation effect, as judged from rodent studies. GLP-1 receptors are additionally expressed in extrapancreatic tissue, having potential for the treatment to reduce body weight and to potentially have beneficial cardio- and endothelioprotective effects. Clinical trials in subjects with type 2 diabetes have shown that in periods of 12 weeks or more, these treatments reduce HbA1c by ≈ 0.8–1.1% from baseline levels of 7.7–8.5%, and they are efficient both as monotherapy and in combination therapy with metformin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones or insulin. Furthermore, GLP-1 receptor agonists reduce body weight, whereas DPP-4 inhibitors are body weight neutral. The treatment is safe with very low risk for adverse events, including hypoglycaemia. GLP-1 based therapy is thus a novel and now well established therapy of type 2 diabetes, with a particular value in combination with metformin in patients who are inadequately controlled by metformin alone.  相似文献   

奚晓雪  郭军 《生命科学》2010,(4):321-325
ZnT8(zinc transporter,member8)是锌离子转运蛋白,主要定位于胰岛β细胞,能将胞浆锌离子转运至胰岛素储存/分泌性囊泡内,其转运功能降低会影响胰岛素合成、储存和分泌,能增加2型糖尿病(T2DM)的发病风险。ZnT8蛋白也可作为抗原引起β细胞自身免疫损伤,诱发1型糖尿病(T1DM)。ZnT8基因多态性是引起其锌离子转运功能和免疫原性变化的重要因素,与糖尿病的发生、发展密切相关。该文综述了ZnT8与T1DM和T2DM的研究进展,提示ZnT8可作为糖尿病防治的新药物靶点。  相似文献   

Herein, we report that insulin‐activated extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK) is translocated to the nuclear envelope by caveolin‐2 (cav‐2) and associates with lamin A/C in the inner nuclear membrane in response to insulin. We identified that the Ser154–Val155–Ser156 domain on the C‐terminal of cav‐2 is essential for insulin‐induced phosphorylation and nuclear targeting of ERK and cav‐2. In human embryonic kidney 293T cells, ERK was not activated and translocated to the nucleus by insulin in comparison to insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1). However, insulin‐stimulated activation of ERK was induced by exogenous addition of cav‐2. The activated ERK associated and translocated with the cav‐2 to the nucleus. In turn, cav‐2 promoted phospho‐ERK interaction with lamin A/C in the inner nuclear membrane. In contrast, ERK, but not cav‐2, was phosphorylated and translocated to the nucleus by IGF‐1. The nuclear targeted phospho‐ERK failed to localize in the nuclear envelope in response to IGF‐1. Together, our data demonstrate that translocation of phospho‐ERK to the nuclear envelope is mediated by Ser154–Val155–Ser156 domain of cav‐2 and this event is an insulin‐specific action.  相似文献   

Insulin‐like growth factor (IGF)‐binding protein‐1 (IGFBP‐1), the main secretory protein of decidua that binds to IGFs and has been shown to inhibit or stimulate IGFs' bioactivities. Polymerization, one of the posttranslational modifications of IGFBP‐1, has been shown to lead to loss of inhibiting effect of IGFBP‐1 on IGF‐I actions. The current studies were undertaken to elucidate the effects of steroid hormones on IGFBP‐1 polymerization in trophoblast cell cultures. Placental tissues were obtained during legal, elective procedures of termination of pregnancy performed between 7 and 10 weeks of gestation, and primary trophoblast cells were separated. IGFBP‐1 polymerization was analyzed by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting. IGFBP‐1 was polymerized when IGFBP‐1 was added to trophoblast cell cultures. Polymerization of IGFBP‐1 was inhibited by the addition of anti‐tissue transglutaminase antibody into the culture media. There was an increase in the intensity of polymerized IGFBP‐1 bands with the addition of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), while no such difference was observed upon treatment with estradiol. MPA also increased the expression of tissue transglutaminase on trophoblast cell membranes. IGF‐I stimulated trophoblast cell migration, while IGFBP‐1 inhibited this IGF‐I‐induced trophoblast response. Addition of MPA attenuated the inhibitory effects of IGFBP‐1 on IGF‐I‐induced trophoblast cell migration. IGFBP‐1 was polymerized by tissue transglutaminase on the cell surface of trophoblasts, and MPA increased tissue transglutaminase expression on the cell surface and facilitated IGFBP‐1 polymerization. These results suggest that progesterone might facilitate polymerization of decidua‐secreted IGFBP‐1 and increase IGF‐I actions at feto‐maternal interface, thereby stimulating trophoblast invasion of maternal uterus. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 434–439, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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