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The costs and benefits of host feeding in parasitoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. Rivero 《Animal behaviour》2005,69(6):1293-1301

An experiment examined the effect of restricted feeding during early gestation on later feed intake and on kindling performance in young rabbit does. Nulliparous rabbit does (n=94) were inseminated at 14.5 weeks of age. During the first 10 days of gestation, does were fed individually either to appetite (AL) or 1.35 times maintenance requirement (R). After 10 days of gestation, all animals were fed to appetite. Does were weighed at insemination and after kindling. Feed intake was recorded during the first 10 days of gestation and weekly, thereafter. The number of does that kindled, number of live and stillborn kits and litter weight was recorded. The experiment ended after kindling. During feed restriction, AL does consumed 70 g/day more on an average than R does (209 and 139+/-4 g for AL and R, respectively; P<0.001). In the first and second week after feed restriction, compensatory feed intake occurred. Restrictive fed does ate more than AL does (+34+/-5 g/day from days 11 to 17 of gestation; P<0.001; +17+/-6g/day from days 18 to 24 of gestation; P<0.05). In the last week of gestation, feed intake of AL and R was comparable (89 and 100+/-5 g, respectively). At kindling, AL does had consumed 8+/-3g/day more feed over the total gestation period than R does (P<0.04). Feeding level during early gestation neither affected the kindling rate (83%), total litter size (7.9+/-0.4) nor the number of does with stillborn kits (10 versus 9 for AL and R, respectively). Regardless of treatment, in the last week of gestation (days 25-32) the number of does with stillbirth was lower and average birth weight was higher (P<0.01) in does eating more than the average daily feed intake compared to does eating below average. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that feed restriction for 10 days in early gestation does not affect kindling performance of young does, but feed intake in the last week of gestation affects kit survival and birth weight.  相似文献   

Flowers attract insects and so are commonly exploited as foraging sites by sit-and-wait predators. Such predators can be costly to their host plant by consuming pollinators. However, sit-and-wait predators are often prey generalists that also consume plant antagonists such as herbivores, nectar robbers and granivores, so may also provide benefits to their host plant. Here we present a simple, but general, model that provides novel predictions about how costs and benefits interact in different ecological circumstances. The model predicts that the ecological conditions in which flower-dwelling predators are found can generate either net benefits to their host plants, net costs to their host plants, or can have no effect on the fitness of their host plants. The net effect is influenced by the relative densities of mutualists and antagonists. The flower-dwelling predator has a strong positive effect on the plant if both the pollinators and the granivores are at high density. Further, the range of density combinations that yield a positive net outcome for the plant increases if the performance of pollinators is negatively density dependent, if the predator is only moderately effective at influencing flower visitor rates by its potential prey, and if pollinators are very effective. If plants of a given species find themselves consistently in conditions where they benefit from the presence of a predator then we predict that natural selection could favour the evolution of plant traits that increase the likelihood of predator recruitment and retention, especially where plants are served by highly effective pollinators.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a widespread endosymbiont that induces dramatic manipulations of its host's reproduction. Although there has been substantial progress in the developing theory for Wolbachia–host interactions and in measuring the effects of Wolbachia on host fitness in the laboratory, there is a widely recognized need to quantify the effects of Wolbachia on the host fitness in the field. The wasp Anagrus sophiae, an egg parasitoid of planthoppers, carries a Wolbachia strain that induces parthenogenesis, but its effects on the fitness of its Anagrus host are unknown. We developed a method to estimate the realized lifetime reproductive success of female wasps by collecting them soon after they die naturally in the field, counting the number of eggs remaining in their ovaries and quantifying Wolbachia density in their body. We sampled from a highly infected A. sophiae population and found no evidence for Wolbachia virulence and possible evidence for positive effects of Wolbachia on realized reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoids in the genera of Encarsia and Eretmocerus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) are important biological control agents of whiteflies, and some of them not only parasitize hosts but also kill them with strong host‐feeding capacity. Two whitefly parasitoid species, Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus melanoscutus were examined to determine if mating and host density affected their host feeding and parasitism. The whitefly host, Bemisia tabaci, was presented to these two wasp species in densities of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 third‐instar nymphs per clip cage. Mated whitefly parasitoid females fed on more hosts than unmated females under a range of host densities (under all six host densities for En. sophia; under the densities of 40 nymphs or more for Er. melanoscutus). Meanwhile, mated females parasitized more whitefly nymphs than unmated females under all host densities for both species. With increase of host density, mated or unmated Er. melanoscutus females killed more hosts by host feeding and parasitism. Mated En. sophia females killed more hosts by host feeding with increase of host density, whereas unmated females did not parasitze whitefly nymphs at all. Our results suggest that only mated female parasitoids with host‐feeding behavior should be released in crop systems to increase their bio‐control efficiency.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids lay their eggs in arthropods. Some parasitoid species not only use their arthropod host for oviposition but also for feeding. Host feeding provides nutrients to the adult female parasitoid. However, in many species, host feeding destroys an opportunity to oviposit. For parasitoids that attack Homoptera, honeydew is a nutrient‐rich alternative that can be directly imbibed from the host anus without injuring the host. A recent study showed that feeding on host‐derived honeydew can be an advantageous alternative in terms of egg quantity and longevity. Here we explore the conditions under which destructive host feeding can provide an advantage over feeding on honeydew. For 5 days, Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) parasitoids were allowed daily up to 3 h to oviposit until host feeding was attempted. Host feedings were either prevented or allowed and parasitoids had ad libitum access to honeydew between foraging bouts. Even in the presence of honeydew, parasitoids allowed to host feed laid more eggs per hour of foraging per host‐feeding attempt than parasitoids that were prevented from host feeding. The higher egg‐laying rate was not compromised by survival or by change in egg volume over time. In conclusion, host feeding can provide an advantage over feeding on honeydew. This applies most likely under conditions of high host density or low extrinsic mortality of adult parasitoids, when alternative food sources cannot supply enough nutrients to prevent egg limitation. We discuss how to integrate ecological and physiological studies on host‐feeding behavior  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The reproductive success of parasitic cowbirds ( Molothrus spp.) varies among host species and is influenced by the degree of synchronization in timing of egg laying, the duration of parasite and host incubation periods, and the ability of hosts to incubate and rear parasite young. We studied the reproductive success of Shiny Cowbirds ( Molothrus bonariensis ) that parasitized the nests of Creamy-bellied Thrushes ( Turdus amaurochalinus ) in the Monte desert region of Argentina. Shiny Cowbirds frequently parasitized Creamy-bellied Thrush nests (60%), and most cowbirds synchronized egg laying with that of thrushes (79%). Most parasitic eggs (80%) hatched within 1 d of the hatching of the first host egg, and more than 91% of the eggs survived until the end of the incubation. However, only 60% of the cowbird eggs hatched and 52% of young survived. The proportion of Shiny Cowbirds eggs laid in Creamy-bellied Thrush nests that resulted in fledged young was 0.03, including eggs and young lost due to predation or desertion. Despite this low reproductive success, Creamy-bellied Thrushes were heavily parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds in our study area. Shiny Cowbirds may continue to parasitize these thrushes because of diffuse selection or because Shiny Cowbird chicks are more likely to fledge from Creamy-bellied Thrush nests in years or areas with greater food availability when brood reduction does not occur.  相似文献   

Bo Stille 《Oecologia》1984,63(3):364-369
Summary The univoltine cynipid gall wasp Diplolepis rosae reproduces by an obligate homozygosity promoting system known as gamete duplication. The wasp is confined to roses (Rosa spp) on which it induces large, complex and multichambered galls. In southern Sweden, D. rosae was found to parasitize Rosa canina, R. dumalis, R. rubiginosa, R. villosa, R. sherardi and R. rubrifolia, but not R. majalis and R. rugosa. The distribution of galls shows that there are differences in the relation between wasp and hosplant with respect both to species and individual plants. There is a positive correlation between wasp size and gall (clutch) size. Parasitoid pressure was found to be high, causing D. rosae an estimated average larval loss of approximately 75%, mainly due to the attack of the ichneumonid wasp Orthopelma mediator. The very common cynipid inquiline Periclistus brandtii does not seem to have any negative effects. Overall parasitism and probability of no hatched offspring per gall decrease with increasing gall (clutch) size. The probability of loosing all of a given number of offspring decreases with the number of galls produced. It is suggested that D. rosae, in order to escape parasitoids, needs high ability to establish new colonies. Hence the production of many comparatively small galls, which increases the chance of leaving any offspring, rather than the production of few large galls, maximizing the number of offspring, should be favoured by selection.  相似文献   

  • 1 We examine the conventional wisdom among biological control practitioners that destructive host feeding is a desirable attribute in parasitoids employed for classical biological control, using both the predictions of population dynamics theory and historical data on biological control introductions of Hymenoptera against Homoptera.
  • 2 Population dynamics theory predicts that destructive host feeders, compared with other parasitoids, are (a) either just as likely or more likely to become established, and (b) unable to depress host equilibria as strongly.
  • 3 Analyses of the B IOC AT database suggest that among parasitoids of Homoptera destructive host feeders are superior to other parasitoids with respect to both establishment rate and success rate.
  • 4 We present likely explanations for the disparity between the predictions of population dynamics theory and the results of database analysis. A partial explanation for the mismatch between theory and observation with respect to the degree of pest suppression may be that females of destructive host feeding parasitoids rely less upon hosts as a food source when alternative foods such as honeydew and nectar are plentiful.
  • 5 We conclude that, despite the predictions of population dynamics theory, destructive host feeders are probably better biological control agents than other parasitoids, and certainly no worse, but that it would imprudent to use destructive host feeding as the sole, or even primary, selection criterion when seeking agents for classical biological control.

Environmental variation is classically expected to affect negatively population growth and to increase extinction risk, and it has been identified as a major determinant of establishment failures in the field. Yet, recent theoretical investigations have shown that the structure of environmental variation and more precisely the presence of positive temporal autocorrelation might alter this prediction. This is particularly likely to affect the establishment dynamics of biological control agents in the field, as host–parasitoid interactions are expected to induce temporal autocorrelation in host abundance. In the case where parasitoid populations display overcompensatory dynamics, the presence of such positive temporal autocorrelation should increase their establishment success in a variable environment. We tested this prediction in laboratory microcosms by introducing parasitoids to hosts whose abundances were manipulated to simulate uncorrelated or positively autocorrelated variations in carrying capacity. We found that environmental variability decreased population size and increased parasitoid population variance, which is classically expected to extinction risk. However, although exposed to significant environmental variation, we found that parasitoid populations experiencing positive temporal autocorrelation in host abundance were more likely to persist than populations exposed to uncorrelated variation. These results confirm that environmental variation is a key determinant of extinction dynamics that can have counterintuitive effects depending on its autocorrelation structure.  相似文献   

The diet of adult females of the parasitoid Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) includes host insects and sugar-rich foods such as nectar and honeydew. We compared the contributions of host feeding to longevity and fecundity in A. melinus females in the presence and in the absence of honey meals. First, we assessed the longevity of females that were not allowed to oviposit. While the longevity of females fed honey was significantly increased by host feeding (median ages were 30.5 days for host-fed females and 17 days for females not allowed to host feed), the lifespan of parasitoids not fed honey did not exceed 3 days for any individual and there was no effect of host feeding on longevity in this group. In the second set of experiments, we assessed the fecundity and longevity of females allowed to oviposit. We conducted two experiments, one in which honey was continuously available, and one in which honey was not available. In both experiments, daily observations were made of females that were either allowed to host feed or manually prevented from host feeding. In the presence of honey, host feeding significantly increased both fecundity and longevity, and in the absence of honey, parasitoids died within 2 days and host feeding had no significant effect on either fecundity or longevity. The lifetime fecundity of females fed honey but not hosts exceeded the initial egg complement by 60% on average. Approximately one host per day was used for host feeding whether honey was supplied or not, and each host-feeding meal contributed approximately 3.9 eggs to the lifetime fecundity of honey-fed females. In the last experiment, we compared the rate of egg resorption over a 36-h period in A. melinus females that were deprived of hosts and either fed honey or starved. While no egg resorption was detected in honey-fed females over this time period, starved females resorbed approximately 9 eggs. Thus, the availability of a sugar-rich food interacts strongly with host feeding in influencing longevity and fecundity and has a strong direct effect on egg resorption.  相似文献   

The function of host discrimination and superparasitization in parasitoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Host discrimination, i.e. the ability to distinguish unparasitized hosts from parasitized ones, and to reject the latter for egg laying is present in many parasitic wasp species. This property is classically considered as an example of contest competition, and is supposed to have a number of functions. However, different species do not react to each other's marks and lay eggs in hosts parasitized by the other species. Apparently the marks used for recognition are specific.Multiparasitization is the best strategy when hosts are scarce and the egg supplies of the parasitoids are not limited. Interspecific host discrimination is not an ESS.Superparasitization within one species would have selective advantage if the number of unparasitized hosts is small and the wasp has a reasonable chance to lay her egg in a host that is not parasitized by herself, and if the chance for her offspring to survive the competitive battle with the first parasitoid larva is not too small. This is shown to be the case.However, marks are not individual and wasps cannot distinguish hosts parasitized by themselves from those parasitized by others. The hypothesis is tested that the egg laying strategy (i.e. the decision to superparasitize) of wasps is dependent on the number of conspecifics that is searching simultaneously for hosts, since this determines the chance that a parasitized host encountered by a wasp is parasitized by herself.It is shown that host discrimination cannot be regarded as a case of contest competition. Other aspects of superparasitization, related to interference and population regulation, sex allocation and encapsulation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Food availability is a major component of habitat quality. For bumblebee field colonies, it is unknown to what extent reproductive success is limited by food availability relative to other factors such as parasites. To assess the importance of food availability, we carried out a field experiment in the Quebec City area, Canada, in 1999 and 2000, using 45 colonies of Bombus impatiens and B. ternarius . Colonies whose nectar and pollen supplies were increased regularly throughout the season reached larger sizes (in number of workers) and had a higher reproductive success than controls, by 51% and 86% respectively. In particular, food supplementation increased the number of males produced and the probability of producing gynes (young queens). The sex ratio was highly skewed in favour of males overall, and the relative proportion of gynes increased with food supplementation in B. ternarius , but not in B. impatiens . These results suggest that colonies ensure reproduction by producing some males and, given the opportunity (sufficient food availability), will produce gynes. Possible reasons for the increased success of food supplemented colonies are explored. However, despite some clear advantages of having larger food supplies such as the build-up of larger worker populations, food supplementation did not appear to help colonies defend themselves against macroparasites because experimental and control colonies experienced similar levels of parasitism by Psithyrus , Fannia canicularis , Brachicoma devia and Vitula edmandsae .  相似文献   

Eggs were exchanged between 50 pairs of shorttailed shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris on Great Dog Island, Bass Strait, Australia, in an attempt to distinguish the intrinsic effects of egg-size from any effects stemming from differential quality of parental care. At 64 experimental nests, large and small eggs were exchanged whereas at 36 control nests, eggs of equivalent, medium, size were exchanged. Egg-size appeared independent of maternal effects. In both groups, hatching and fledging success were independent both of eggsize and of the body condition of the attending parents. This suggests that breeding success in these birds may be more closely related to the behavioural traits of parents than to physiological factors.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, asymmetries in costs or benefits of dispersal, and the mating system have been identified as potential factors underlying the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. We use individual-based simulations to explore how the mating system and demographic stochasticity influence the evolution of sex-specific dispersal in a metapopulation with females competing over breeding sites, and males over mating opportunities. Comparison of simulation results for random mating with those for a harem system (locally, a single male sires all offspring) reveal that even extreme variance in local male reproductive success (extreme male competition) does not induce male-biased dispersal. The latter evolves if the between-patch variance in reproductive success is larger for males than females. This can emerge due to demographic stochasticity if the habitat patches are small. More generally, members of a group of individuals experiencing higher spatio-temporal variance in fitness expectations may evolve to disperse with greater probability than others.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Insects, particularly phloem-feeding Sternorrhyncha, are known to produce sugars in their honeydew (excreta) that are not found in their host plants. Of these, Bemisia tabaci , the sweet potato whitefly, is the only insect known to produce trehalulose [α- d -glucose (1,1) d -fructose] as a major component of its honeydew. The present study aims to determine whether trehalulose is comparable to sucrose as a nutrient source for three whitefly parasitoids ( Encarsia formosa , Encarsia pergandiella and Eretmocerus eremicus ). In addition, the study also examines trehalulose feeding effects on longevity for a parasitoid of muscoid Diptera, Nasonia vitripennis . Parasitoids are provided diets of either sucrose or trehalulose in varying concentrations (from 0.1% to 70%) or a water control. Sucrose and trehalulose are not significantly different in affecting survival when compared at the same concentration. This was true for all Bemisia parasitoids and N. vitripennis. Certain specific diets are significantly different in pairwise combination tests. There is a significant effect of species, diet type and the interaction of these two factors on the longevity of the three different Bemisia parasitoid species; however, within species, there is no significant increase in longevity observed for either carbohydrate diet. This result contrasts with expectations for the effects of host-modified carbohydrates on longevity. The implications are that, although carbohydrate feeding is essential for these parasitoids, these host-provided sources of carbohydrates are equally capable of extending longevity.  相似文献   

First zoeae of Cook Inlet king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius), were held at 2, 4, and 6°C and starved for 12, 60, and 84 h, then a known number of prey organisms were made available. Zoeae first fed at age 12 and 60 h were able to successfully capture prey. Zoeae starved for 84 h and held at 6°C retained the ability to capture prey; however, there was a significant reduction in predation rates in comparison to zoeae starved for shorter periods and held at this temperature. The zoeae starved for 84 h and held at 2 and 4°C were generally unable to capture prey.The results of the study indicate that prey availability when the zoeae first begin to feed has more effect on later feeding success than water temperature. King crab zoeae that receive food within 60 h of hatching are capable of capturing prey thereafter if prey concentrations are adequate. If feeding is delayed an additional 24 h, the ability to capture prey is reduced, especially at water temperatures <4°C.  相似文献   

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