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为研究16bp PUR box中除第3位的G与第14位的C外,余下6个完全保守碱基的4个在与PurR阻遏蛋白结合中的功能,对它们分别做了定点突变,使其分别从C、A、A和T突变为G、G、G和C。凝胶阻滞实验结果表明,含上述指定突变的:PURbox均不能与PruR阻遏蛋白结合。由此证明,这4个保守碱基对维持PUR box的功能是必须的,其中任一改变都导致PURbox功能的夹失。  相似文献   


From bacteria to mammals, DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway plays an essential role in eliminating mismatched nucleotides and insertion-deletion mismatches during the process of DNA replication. Among many of the proteins which participate in the mismatch repair process, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) remains the principal conductor at the replication fork. The pol30-201 and pol30-204 are the two mutated alleles which encode for C22Y and C81R mutant forms of PCNA proteins. We performed long term molecular dynamics (MD) simulations analysis (0.8 μs) to understand the dynamic behavior and alterations in the structure of wild type and mutated forms of PCNA at the atomic level. We observed changes in the structural characteristics like length, radius, rise per residue of alpha helices in both the mutated forms of PCNA. Apart from it, disfigurement of the charge distribution which effects binding with the dsDNA due to mutant C22Y and other structural perturbations were also seen in regions significant for the formation of a biologically active trimeric form of PCNA due to mutant C81R. Our analysis of native and mutated forms of PCNA provides an insight into the essential structural and functional features required for proper and well-coordinated DNA mismatch repair process and consequences of the mutation leading to an impaired process of MMR. These structural characteristics are fundamental for the MMR process and hence our analysis likely contributes to or presents the novel mechanism involved in the process of MMR.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

A nonmotile mutant of Salmonella typhimurium, SJW1254, has very short flagella (less than 0.1 micron long) due to a mutation in the structural gene of flagellin (H2). When ammonium sulfate was added to the culture medium of SJW1254 grown to the late-log phase, a large amount of protein precipitated. Gel electrophoresis and immunodiffusion showed that more than 90% (wt/wt) of the precipitated protein was flagellin. The mutant flagellin appeared to be excreted in the monomeric form, in an amount comparable to the amount in the flagellar filaments of wildtype bacteria. No such precipitate was obtained from the medium of wild-type bacteria. The mutant flagellin had the same apparent molecular weight (55,000) and isoelectric point (5.3) as the wild-type flagellin, but differed in mobility in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions. Moreover, the mutant flagellin did not polymerize in vitro under various conditions in which wild-type flagellin polymerized. These results suggested that the mutant bacteria excreted flagellin because the flagellin polymerized poorly and therefore could not be trapped at the tip of the flagellar filament. This short-flagella mutant should be useful for studying the mechanism of flagellin transport.  相似文献   

A mutant of Salmonella typhimurium strain trpC3 has been isolated which is defective in mutation frequency decline (MFD) for UV-induced suppressor revertants to tryptophan independence. Several characteristics of this mutant, PW4, suggest that it is altered in the timing or rate of the general excision repair mechanism. Survival is greater in strain PW4 when the first post-irradiation cell division is delayed by the inhibition of immediate protein synthesis. Similarly, stationary phase cells, which show an extended lag after irradiation, are more UV-resistant than lag-phase cells, which recover more rapidly. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that, in contrast with the parent strain trpC3, the time available in the mutant strain for the action of excision repair is critical in the determination of survival after UV treatment. Contransductional analysis of the mutant locus indicates close linkage to metE, a region in which excision repair genes have been located.  相似文献   

The tendency of recombinant protein in bacteria to partition into soluble and insoluble forms is attributed, in general, to a kinetic competition between protein folding and aggregation. However, little experimental work has actually been performed in vivo on the kinetics and mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation. Results are presented here from radiolabeling experiments which monitored the kinetics of recombinant protein aggregation in actively growing cultures. The strain used was an Escherichia coli strain overexpressing a Salmonella typhimurium CheY mutant gene. The rate of CheY aggregation was found to be time dependent in that the tendency of CheY to aggregate was greater for newly translated molecules, i.e., those translated within the previous several minutes, than for molecules translated less recently. CheY protein molecules that were translated less recently continued to aggregate for several hours but at a lower rate. The movement of soluble CheY to the insoluble form was enhanced at elevated growth temperatures and inhibited by the presence of chloramphenicol. The latter observation suggests that ongoing translation facilitates the movement of soluble CheY to the insoluble form. The implications of these results for the mechanism of protein aggregation in vivo, i.e., inclusion body formation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Control of isoleucine-valine biosynthesis was examined in the cold-sensitive hisW3333 mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium. During growth at the permissive temperature (37 degrees C), the isoleucine-valine (ilv) biosynthetic enzyme levels of the hisW mutant were two- to fourfold below these levels in an isogenic hisW+ strain. Upon a reduction in growth temperature to partially permissive (30 degrees C), the synthesis of these enzymes in the hisW mutant was further reduced. However, synthesis of the ilv enzymes was responsive to the repression signal(s) caused by the addition of excess amounts of isoleucine, valine, and leucine to the hisW mutants. Such a "super-repressed" phenotype as that observed in this hisW mutant is similar to that previously shown for the hisU1820 mutant, but was different from the regulatory response of the hisT1504 mutant strain. Moreover, by the use of growth-rate-limiting amounts of the branched-chain amino acids, it was shown that this hisW mutant generally did not increase the synthesis of the ilv enzymes as did the hisW+ strain. Overall, these results are in agreement with the hypothesis that the hisW mutant is less responsive to ilv specific attenuation control than is the hisW+ strain and suggest that this limited regulatory response is due to an alteration in the amount or structure of an element essential to attenuation control of the ilv operons.  相似文献   

The DA11 mutant of Salmonella typhimurium, originally isolated as derepressed for the histidine operon, carries a temperature-dependent alteration in a nucleolytic enzyme specifically involved in the maturation of tRNA. As a consequence of this alteration, no detectable synthesis of any mature tRNA species occurs in DA11 upon shift at 43 degrees C, whereas many tRNA precursors, whose sizes range between 80 and 750 nucleotides, do accumulate. Kinetic studies on the synthesis and processing of these maturation intermediates show that these molecules represent different stages in the maturation pathway, most of them being the products of previous nucleolytic events. These RNA molecules are in vivo substrates of methylation and thiolation enzymes and can be cleaved in vitro to 4S RNA by wild-type but not by DA11 cell-free extract. Evidence is presented that DA11 is very probably a ribonuclease P mutant.  相似文献   

P Clarke  H C Lin  G Wilcox 《Gene》1982,18(2):157-163
The nucleotide sequence of the araC regulatory gene of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 has been determined. This sequence and the predicted araC translational product are compared to their counterparts in Escherichia coli. The two genes code for similar products although the S. typhimurium protein is eleven amino acids shorter than the E. coli protein. The predicted amino acid sequences are 92% conserved and the DNA sequences are 82% conserved for the common regions of the two genes.  相似文献   

The Salmonella typhimurium prsB mutation was previously mapped at 45 min on the chromosome, and a prsB strain was reported to produce undetectable levels of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase activity and very low levels of immunologically cross-reactive protein in vitro (N.K. Pandey and R.L. Switzer, J. Gen. Microbiol, 128:1863-1871, 1982). We have shown by P22-mediated transduction that the prsB gene is actually an allele of prsA, the structural gene for PRPP synthetase, which maps at 35 min. The prsB (renamed prs-100) mutant produces about 20% of the activity and 100% of the cross-reactive material of wild-type strains. prs-100 mutant strains are temperature sensitive, as is the mutant PRPP synthetase in vitro. The prs-100 mutation is a C-to-T transition which results in replacement of Arg-78 in the mature wild-type enzyme by Cys. The mutant PRPP synthetase was purified to greater than 98% purity. It possessed elevated Michaelis constants for both ATP and ribose-5-phosphate, a reduced maximal velocity, and reduced sensitivity to the allosteric inhibitor ADP. The mutant enzyme had altered physical properties and was susceptible to specific cleavage at the Arg-101-to-Ser-102 bond in vivo. It appears that the mutation alters the enzyme's kinetic properties through substantial structural alterations rather than by specific perturbation of substrate binding or catalysis.  相似文献   

A glycerol-requiring mutant of Salmonella typhimurium was used in a study of the biosynthesis and assembly of a structural lipoprotein in the cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria. Upon removal of glycerol from the growth medium, the biosynthesis of lipoprotein, as measured by radioactive arginine incorporation, was reduced by the same extent as that of other envelope proteins, the cumulative incorporation of arginine being 20% of that of the unstarved control cells. However, the incorporation of radioactive palmitate into lipoprotein was more severely curtailed after glycerol starvation, the cumulative rate of which was 8% of that observed in the unstarved cells. It was further observed that the lipoprotein synthesized in the glycerol-starved cells was more enriched in unmodified cysteine, which is known to be the N-terminal amino acid of lipoprotein, than that synthesized in the unstarved cells. We conclude that the synthesis of the apoprotein portion of Braun's lipoprotein proceeds independently of the attachment of diglyceride to the sulfhydryl group of the N-terminal cysteine and may, in fact, precede the incorporation of the diglyceride moiety.  相似文献   

We have previously discovered and characterized a novel essential enterobacterial protein, the Ssc protein of Salmonella typhimurium and found that the mutation Val291----Met in this protein inhibits bacterial growth at 42 degrees C and the function of its outer membrane permeability barrier at 37 degrees C [7]. In the present paper we prepared, by site-directed mutagenesis, a series of novel plasmid-encoded Ssc mutant proteins and tested their ability to compensate the loss of wild-type Ssc. The mutant proteins Met288----Lys and Gly289----Asp completely lacked this ability, and accordingly, were very defective. Ssc mutants Met288----Leu, Met290----Lys, and Met292----Lys were partially defective. Mutants Met290----Leu and Met292----Leu were non-defective as were also four randomly made mutant proteins with mutations outside the 288-292 region. The S. typhimurium derivative which contained both the chromosomally encoded Ssc Val291----Met and the plasmid-encoded Ssc Gly289----Asp had an outer membrane defect more severe than that caused by SscMet291 only. The mutant Ssc proteins had very little, if any, effect on the outer membrane function in the presence of wild-type Ssc. Even though the function of Ssc is not yet known, our results indicate that region 288-292 is important and that SscAsp289 is thus far the most defective mutant Ssc.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium SR-form lipopolysaccharide (LPS), consisting of a single repeating unit of the O-antigenic polysaccharide, linked to the R-core consisting of oligosaccharide that is, in turn, linked to lipid A, formed crystals whose shapes were hexagonal plates, discoids, and solid columns when precipitated by the addition of 2 volumes of 95% ethanol containing 375 mM MgCl2 and kept in 70% ethanol containing 250 mm MgCl2 at 4 C for 10 days. Among these crystals, the basic form is considered to be the hexagonal plates. Analyses of hexagonal plate crystals showed that they consist of hexagonal lattices with a lattice constant (a axis) of 4.62 A and longitudinal axis (c axis) of approximately 100 A. In X-ray diffraction patterns in the low-angle region, crystals of S. typhimurium SR-form LPS exhibited much less distinct reflections when compared with crystals of synthetic Escherichia coli-type lipid A. In contrast to the previous finding that S. minnesota S-form LPS possessing the O-antigenic polysaccharide does not crystallize under the same experimental conditions as used in the present study, the presence of a single repeating unit of the O-antigenic polysaccharide does not inhibit crystallization.  相似文献   

Prototrophic revertants of a trpD deletion mutant that lacks the glutamine amidotransferase domain of the bifunctional component II subunit of the anthranilate synthetase-phosphoribosyltransferase complex have been found to arise by the occurrence of sublethal missense mutations in either the pheA or tyrA loci. Such suppressor mutations were obtained directly by mutation of the wild-type pheA gene as well as indirectly by partial reversion of a variety of nonleaky pheA and tyrA mutations. The suppressor strains have only a portion of the normal level of the pheA or tyrA enzyme activity and thus experience a partial limitation in the synthesis of phenylalanine or tyrosine. This limitation leads to a relaxation of end-product regulation of the phenylalanine- or tyrosine-specific enzymes of the common aromatic pathway and to the overproduction of the branch point intermediate, chorismic acid, which is one of the substrates of the anthranilate synthetase reaction. It is proposed that the high intracellular level of chorismic acid acts to elevate the non-physiological NH3-dependent anthranilate synthetase activity of the component I subunit, thereby eliminating the need for the glutamine amidotransferase activity of the component II subunit. Consistent with this is the finding that phenylalanine and tyrosine are specific inhibitors of growth of the pheA and tyrA suppressor strains, respectively, causing a shutdown of the overproduction of chorismic acid by reestablishing normal end-product control of the common pathway.  相似文献   

In group C1 salmonellae, rfe and rff genes linked to the ilv locus specify the synthesis of a glycolipid called the enterobacterial common antigen. In contrast, in group B salmonellae the synthesis requires in addition some of the genes in the rfb cluster, the main genetic determinant of the O side chains of lipopolysaccharide. In an effort to define the biochemical functions of these rfb genes, we looked in Salmonella typhimurium LT2 (group B) for rfb mutants in which the synthesis of both enterobacterial common antigen and the O side chains would be blocked in a manner suppressible by the wild-type rfe cluster of S. montevideo, of group C1. We found one mutant with these characteristics. This rfb mutation affected the activity of dTDPglucose pyrophosphorylase (glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase, EC Whereas the rfe cluster of S. montevideo contained a gene producing this enzyme activity, there was no evidence for the presence of such a gene in the rfe cluster of group B strains. These results also showed that the synthesis of dTDP-glucose is necessary for the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen; this conclusion fits with the recent demonstration of 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose as a component of enterobacterial common antigen (Lugowski et al., Carbohydr. Res. 118:173-181, 1983), because the biosynthesis of the donor of this sugar, dTDP-4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose, requires dTDPglucose pyrophosphorylase.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of chromosomal mutation on the synthesis of rfe-dependent Escherichia coli O9 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the cloned E. coli O9 rfb gene was introduced into Salmonella typhimurium strains defective in various genes involved in the synthesis of LPS. When E. coli O9 rfb was introduced into S. typhimurium strains possessing defects in rfb or rfc, they synthesized E. coli O9 LPS on their cell surfaces. The rfe-defective mutant of S. typhimurium synthesized only very small amounts of E. coli O9 LPS after the introduction of E. coli O9 rfb. These results confirmed the widely accepted idea that the biosynthesis of E. coli O9-specific polysaccharide does not require rfc but requires rfe. By using an rfbT mutant of the E. coli O9 rfb gene, the mechanism of transfer of the synthesized E. coli O9-specific polysaccharide from antigen carrier lipid to the R-core of S. typhimurium was investigated. The rfbT mutant of the E. coli O9 rfb gene failed to direct the synthesis of E. coli O9 LPS in the rfc mutant strain of S. typhimurium, in which rfaL and rfbT functions are intact, but directed the synthesis of the precursor. Because the intact E. coli O9 rfb gene directed the synthesis of E. coli O9 LPS in the same strain, it was suggested that the rfaL product of S. typhimurium and rfbT product of E. coli O9 cooperate to synthesize E. coli O9 LPS in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

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