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Chinchilla "big" and "little" gastrins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gastrin heptadecapeptides (gastrins I and II which differ in the presence of sulfate on the tyrosine of the latter) have been purified and sequenced from several mammalian species including pig, dog, cat, sheep, cow, human and rat. A 34 amino acid precursor ("big" gastrin), generally accounting for only 5% of total gastrin immunoreactivity, has been purified and sequenced only from the pig, human, dog and goat. Recently we have demonstrated that guinea pig (GP) "little" gastrin is a hexadecapeptide due to a deletion of a glutamic acid in the region 6-9 from its NH2-terminus and that GP "big" gastrin is a 33 amino acid peptide. The chinchilla, like the GP, is a New World hystricomorph. This report describes the extraction and purification of "little" and "big" gastrins from 31 chinchilla antra. Chinchilla "little" gastrin is a hexadecapeptide with a sequence identical to that of the GP and its "big" gastrin is a 33 amino acid peptide with the following sequence: (See text)  相似文献   

Two morphologically similar species of opossum from the genus Didelphis-Didelphis virginiana and Didelphis marsupialis-cooccur sympatrically in Mexico. High intraspecific variation complicates their morphological discrimination, under both field and museum conditions. This study aims to evaluate the utility and reliability of using DNA barcodes (short standardized genome fragments used for DNA-based identification) to distinguish these two species. Sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (Cox1) mitochondrial gene were obtained from 12 D. marsupialis and 29 D. virginiana individuals and were compared using the neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm with Kimura's two-parameter (K2P) model of nucleotide substitution. Average K2P distances were 1.56% within D. virginiana and 1.65% in D. marsupialis. Interspecific distances between D. virginiana and D. marsupialis varied from 7.8 to 9.3% and their barcode sequences formed distinct non-overlapping clusters on NJ trees. All sympatric specimens of both species were effectively discriminated, confirming the utility of Cox1 barcoding as a tool for taxonomic identification of these morphologically similar taxa.  相似文献   

Two of 15 road-killed opossums examined for coccidia were found to be infected with a hitherto undescribed species of Eimeria, herein named Eimeria indianensis . The oocysts were spherical (63%) or slightly subspherical (37%) with a double-layered wall. The outer layer was ~1.5 μm thick, yellowish, striated, and appeared rough and pitted on the surface. A micropyle was absent. The spherical oocysts were 16.3 (13–18) μm in diameter; the subspherical ones, 17.6 (15–18) × 16.4 (14–17) μm. The sporocysts measured 9.1 (8–10) × 6.2 (6–7) μm and contained a granular residuum. The sporozoites were elongate, measuring 13.4 (13–15) × 1.8 (1.6-2.0) μm; no refractile globules were seen. The prepatent period was 10 days and the patent period ranged from 9–15 days. A few oocysts of an Isospora sp. were present in one opossum. It was not possible to confirm whether they were specifically of the opossum or of spurious origin.  相似文献   

Summary Spermatozoa from the epididymis of Didelphys virginianaKerr have been investigated by means of light and electron microscopy.In the head of the spermatozoon the nucleus consists of a thick mass which has a deep cleft on the one side and an indentation on the other.The acrosome is long and flat. It is situated in the head of the spermatozoon near one side of the cleft.The tail of the spermatozoon is affixed to the nucleus by means of a budlike thickening which is inserted into the indentation. The fine structure of the tail is described in detail.Based on the electron micrographs a diagram has been devised to show the structural details described in the text.  相似文献   

1. Female opossums acclimatized to each of the four seasons were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) in oxygen consumption at a Ta of 0 degrees C; the overall average was 0.66 +/- 0.1 ml O2/g-hr. 2. Body weight decreased by 27% from autumn to spring; pelage density increased in winter, but thermal conductance changed very little between seasons. 3. Respirometry revealed no evidence of thermoregulatory adjustments in opossums acclimatized to winter in Ohio.  相似文献   

Five nursing opossums (Didelphis virginiana) were each inoculated with 5 x 10(6) Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts of calf origin. Following inoculation, endogenous stages of C. parvum were observed in the ileum, cecum, and colon of these opossums. Two of three noninoculated pouch mates acquired infections during the study based on examinations of feces and tissue sections of all eight opossums. Mild diarrhea was observed in four of seven opossums harboring C. parvum, although none died as a result of the infection. Under the conditions of this study, C. parvum appeared to be only mildly pathogenic for opossums.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis sporocysts were found in intestinal scrapings from 24 (54.5%) of 44 opossums (Didelphis virginiana). The number of sporocysts varied from a few (< 10,000) to 245 million. Sporocysts from 23 of 24 opossums were fed to captive budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatas), and the inocula from 21 opossums were infective, indicating the presence of Sarcocystis falcatula. Sporocysts from 24 opossums were fed to gamma-interferon-knockout (KO) or nude mice; inocula from 14 opossums were infective to mice. Sarcocystis neurona was detected in tissues of KO mice by specific staining with anti-S. neurona antibodies, and the parasite was cultured in vitro from the brains of KO mice fed sporocysts from 8 opossums. Sarcocystis speeri was identified by specific staining with anti-S. speeri antibodies in tissues of KO mice fed inocula from 8 opossums; 3 opossums had mixed S. neurona and S. speeri infections. Thus, the prevalences of sporocysts of different species of Sarcocystis in opossums were: S. falcatula 21 of 44 (47.7%), S. neurona 8 of 44 (18.1%), and S. speeri 8 of 44 (18.1%) opossums. Sarcocystis neurona alone was found in 1 opossum, and S. speeri alone was found in 1 opossum. Mixed Sarcocystis infections were present in 21 opossums.  相似文献   

Eight North American opossums (Didelphis virginiana) were inoculated with 1 x 10(5) colony forming units of Mycobacterium bovis to investigate their potential as reservoir hosts for bovine tuberculosis in Michigan. Four animals received this dose orally and four were inoculated intramuscularly (i.m.). In each group, two animals were euthanized 1 mo postinoculation (PI) and two at 2 mo PI. Four control animals were housed separately and sacrificed in the same manner as those inoculated. One of four orally inoculated opossums and three of four i.m.-inoculated opossums were positive for M. bovis by culture of tissues obtained at necropsy. The oral recipient had positive cultures from intestine and pooled lymphoid samples. Pooled lymphoid samples were positive in three i.m.-inoculated animals and two of these also had positive liver and lung cultures. One animal with gross and histologic lesions compatible with tuberculosis had negative tissue cultures. The findings suggest that opossums are susceptible to M. bovis infection by multiple routes, although their relative susceptibility compared to true reservoir hosts appears to be low.  相似文献   

Digestive tract helminths of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) were examined for site specificity and interspecific interactions. Thirty opossums were live-trapped at 2 localities in Georgia, killed, and their digestive tracts removed and divided into the following sections; esophagus, stomach, small intestine (20 equal sections), cecum, and large intestine (5 equal sections). Helminths present in each section were identified and counted. Three trematode, 1 cestode, 2 acanthocephala, and 6 nematode species were found. Two parasites (the acanthocephalan Centrorhynchus spinosus and the nematode Viannaia hamata) are new state records for Georgia and this is the first report of C. spinosus from an opossum. There was considerable overlap between the spatial distributions of many of the helminth species found in the small intestine though most species had different modal locations. Helminth species locations were unaffected by host sex or trapping locality. There was no evidence that the presence, absence, or intensity of any helminth species affected the location or intensity of other helminth species in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

Light microscopic sections of the adult opossum (Didelphis virginiana) spleen were observed to lack venous sinuses; this primitive mammalian spleen may be classified as non-sinusal in nature. In the spleen of the opossum, the capillary segments of the penicillar arteries lacked ellipsoid sheaths characteristic of certain mammalian spleens. Separating the lymphoid nodules from the surrounding red pulp was a distinct band of vascular tissue, the marginal zone. Arising from the central artery within the lymphoid nodule, vessels of capillary dimension were observed to terminate within the marginal zone and the area between lymphoid nodule and marginal zone. In addition to the vascular channels established by the terminal arterial vessels within the red pulp, the system of vessels within the marginal zone has been implicated as an important intermediate vascular channel within the spleen.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of how the epiphyses of growing mammals change their external shape and internal architecture during postnatal development. Ontogenetic transformations in the external form and internal structure of the fore‐ and hindlimb epiphyses were examined in a mixed cross‐sectional sample of Didelphis virginiana using two methods: morphometric analysis of linear epiphyseal dimensions and histological staining of serially sectioned epiphyses. Metric data indicate that Virginia opossums are born with relatively short hindlimbs and long forelimbs, but by the time they are weaned their hindlimbs are longer than their forelimbs. Functional integration of the locomotor system in D. virginiana involves a decoupling of fore‐ and hindlimb growth rates so that between birth and weaning, femoral length, diaphyseal cross‐sectional area, and articular surface area increase at a significantly faster rate than the corresponding humeral dimensions. Histological results demonstrate that these differences in growth rate are reflected in morphology of the humeral and femoral growth plate and epiphyseal cartilages. The humeral cartilages exhibit a level of cellular organization characteristic of more mature limb elements at earlier developmental stages compared to the femoral cartilages, which assume this anisotropic structure relatively later in postnatal development. Results presented here also reveal that the formation of articular cartilage and the initiation of epiphyseal ossification in D. virginiana are both correlated with the development of independent positional behaviors prior to weaning. These histological data, therefore, suggest that mechanical loading associated with the postnatal onset of locomotor and postural development may provide an important stimulus for the progression of ossification and the formation of articular cartilage in the epiphyses of growing mammals. J. Morphol. 239:283–296, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of ectoparasitic (12) or phoretic (1) arthropods were collected from 26 adult Virginia opossums, Didelphis virginiana, live-trapped from April through September 1987 in Davidson County, Tennessee. The cat flea Ctenocephalides felis and the American dog tick Dermacentor variabilis were the predominant species with respect to mean intensity and prevalence. The macronyssid mite Ornithonyssus wernecki and the atopomelid mite Didelphilichus serrifer, both specific parasites of this host, showed high intensities but low prevalences. Other fleas collected were Cediopsylla simplex, Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes, and Orchopeas howardi. The tick Amblyomma americanum, the myobiid mite Archemyobia inexpectatus, and the trombiculid (chigger) mites Eutrombicula splendens, Leptotrombidium peromysci (first record from this host) and Neotrombicula cavicola (first record from this host), were also recorded. One phoretic species, the glycyphagid mite Marsupialichus brasiliensis, was noted.  相似文献   

An opossum (Didelphis virginiana) live-trapped on Parramore Island, Virginia was infected with the lung parasite Capillaria didelphis. Lung lesions associated with this parasite were extensive and consisted of numerous areas with central necrosis deep within the parenchyma. Necrotic foci were present around airways and consisted of a mixture of inflammatory cells and cellular debris, adult nematodes and many bipolar eggs. This parasite causes severe verminous pneumonia in the opossum.  相似文献   

The left and right brachiocephalic veins were used for rapid collection of 5-10 ml blood samples in adult opossums. These vessels were also used to collect 0.5-1 ml blood samples in 120-day-old opossums. The animals were anaesthetized with 30 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride given intramuscularly prior to blood collection.  相似文献   

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