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Abstract— The activities of tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH). DOPA decarboxylase (DDC). dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH). monoamine oxidase (MAO), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), l -glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and the concentrations of DNA and RNA were measured in 13–20 areas of post-mortem brain tissue from neurologically and psychiatrically normal individuals. Emphasis has been put on regional distribution rather than establishing normal values and detailed comparisons have been made with previously published work on the normal human brain. Despite expressing all results relative to an internal reference point there was substantial inter-brain variability. There was no apparent relation between age, sex, medication, cause of death or time lag between death and dissection and any of the enzyme activities. Enzyme activities were fairly evenly distributed throughout cerebral cortex whereas clear differences existed along the rostro-caudal axis of the brain. It is hoped that this paper, with its companion paper on amine and metabolite concentrations, will be useful as a reference work for investigators of the chemical pathology of the human brain.  相似文献   

A modified enzyme radiochemical assay for octopamine, based upon the N-methylation of octopamine by the enzyme phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase (S-Adenosyl-1-methionine: phenylcthanolamine N-methyl transferase EC 2.1.28), has been developed. [3H]Methyl-S-adenosyl-l- methionine was used as methyl donor, and the reaction products separated by thin-layer chromatography prior to liquid scintillation counting. The method had a sensitivity of about 100 pg, and was suitable for the measurement of endogenous octopamine levels in mammalian brain. Although the method could be used for the determination of phenylethanolamine with similar sensitivity, concentrations of this amine in brain were too low for routine measurement. Octopamine levels in the brains of a number of mammalian species were determined using this procedure. Concentrations of the amine in mouse brain were lower in animals killed by rapid freczing than in animals killed by decapitation; a further increase in brain octopamine took place post-mortem. Brain octopamine was increased following treatment with MAO inhibitors, p-chlorophenylalanine, phenylalanine, tyrosine or phenylethylamine. The effects of tyrosine and phenylethylamine were greatly increased by pretreatment with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. The antidepressants imipramine and iprindole gave rise to increased brain octopamine concentrations, possibly through an effect upon monoamine oxidase. Administration of chlordiazepoxide chlorpromazine, thyroxine, or reserpine had no effect upon brain octopamine.  相似文献   

Abstract— Seizures produced significant elevations of the content of adenosine 3',5'-monosphosphate (cyclic AMP) in mouse forebrain in vivo. The content of cyclic AMP doubled at 5 s and had increased four- to five-fold at 90 s after the onset of tonus. Smaller increases were observed when mice were placed in an 02-enriched atmosphere. The increase in the content in forebrain of cyclic AMP during seizures was significantly reduced in mice that had previously been injected with heophylline or caffeine. The methylxanthines did not alter the initial (pre-ictal) level of cycIicXMP in mouse forebrain. On the basis of these and previous data, the following hypothesis is proposed to account for the present observations : When seizures produce asphyxia in the forebrain, the consequent dephosphorylation of adenine nucleotides liberates small amounts of free adenosine which may then diffuse out of cells and activate an adenyl cyclase-linked receptor that is located on plasma membranes and is accessible from the extracellular space.  相似文献   

R(-)-Nipecotic acid was a more potent inhibitor than the S(+)-isomer of the uptake of GABA, (+)-nipecotic acid, and β-alanine in rat brain slices. (-)-Nipecotic acid was an order of magnitude more potent as an inhibitor of GABA uptake than as an inhibitor of β-alanine uptake, whereas the (+)-isomer was less selective. (–)-Nipecotic acid was a weak inhibitor of L-proline uptake and of rat brain acetylcholinesterase activity. Kinetic studies showed that both isomers of nipecotic acid were competitive inhibitors of GABA uptake when added at the same time as GABA, but non-competitive inhibitors when preincubated with the tissue for 15 min before addition of GABA. The apparent slope inhibition constants, which were not influenced by preincubation, indicated that (–)-nipecotic acid has an affinity for the carrier some 5 times higher than that for (+)-nipecotic acid. (–)-Nipecotic acid stimulated the release of preloaded radioactive GABA from rat brain slices. These observations indicate that (–)-nipecotic acid is a substrate-competitive inhibitor of GABA which combines with the GABA carrier and is taken up. (?)-Nipecotic acid and (+)-2,4-diaminobutyric acid, on the basis of their absolute structures and inhibition kinetics, are proposed to interact in a similar way with the GABA transport system.  相似文献   

—The effects of amino-oxyacetic acid, ethanolamine-O-sulphate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the contents of GABA, noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin (5-HT) in slices of rat hypothalamus and midbrain were studied in vitro using a simultaneous fluorimetric assay procedure. Following control incubations the levels of 5-HT were raised, while the levels of the other substances remained steady. Amino-oxyacetic acid caused a reduction in the contents of noradrenaline and 5-HT, but had no effect on either GABA or dopamine. Ethanolamine-O-sulphate both raised the GABA content and lowered the noradrenaline content of slices, while the levels of dopamine and 5-HT were not altered. The presence of GABA in the incubation medium produced complex changes in these levels, depending both on the dose of GABA used and the brain area studied. In the hypothalamus, 0·07 mm -GABA caused an elevation in 5-HT, a drop in noradrenaline, and no change in either GABA or dopamine. With 5 mm -GABA, the noradrenaline level was raised slightly above control values and the endogenous GABA level doubled, while 5-HT and dopamine levels were not different from controls. Similar changes in 5-HT and GABA contents were observed with midbrain slices, but noradrenaline and dopamine were not affected. The possible modes of action of amino-oxyacetic acid and ethanolamine-O-sulphate on the amino acid and amine systems in the brain are discussed.  相似文献   

The administration of oral glucose to fasted rats produced a decline of all large neutral amino acid levels in serum, including that of the free fraction of tryptophan. In addition to this well known effect, it also decreased the brain concentrations of leucine, isoleucine and valine, while increasing those of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine. The total concentration of large neutral amino acids in serum was decreased by 44%, while it was slightly increased in brain. Analogous results were obtained in 4 rats injected with exogenous insulin. Moreover, the administration of either glucagon or isoproterenol to rats force-fed with glucose produced a decline in total serum tryptophan concentration proportional to that of the rise in FFA, while it increased free serum tryptophan and brain tryptophan levels. It can be concluded that insulin stimulates the transport of large neutral amino acids from blood to brain and that the level of free serum tryptophan also controls the entry of tryptophan into the brain under the influence of insulin.  相似文献   

—Glutamic acid decarboxylase was determined in seven brain regions: hypo-thalamus; midbrain; thalamus; corpus striatum; cerebral cortex-hippocampus; medulla-pons; and cerebellum, of suckling rats subjected to Vitamin B6 deficiency for 2 weeks from birth; of adult rats subjected to the deficiency for 5 weeks and of their respective controls. Large regional variations in the enzyme activity were found in brains of both adult and suckling control rats. The activity of the enzyme (assayed without pyridoxal phosphate) and its saturation with endogenous cofactor were markedly reduced in all brain regions of both suckling and adult pyridoxine-deficient rats. The apoenzyme (activity assayed with pyridoxal phosphate), in adult rat brain, showed no change with the deficiency in all regions except in the cerebellum where it increased slightly. In pyridoxine-deficient suckling rat brain, the apoenzyme increased substantially in all regions suggesting a process of enzyme induction. The increase in apoenzyme varied from region to region.  相似文献   

Abstract– Acute treatment of cobalt-induced epilepsy in rats with amino-oxyacetic acid (20-60 mg/kg intraperitoneally) resulted in a short period (30-90 min) of epileptic spike suppression. In contrast sodium n -dipropylacetate (100-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally) had no effect on spike frequencies. Chronic treatment of cobalt epileptic rats with amino-oxyacetic acid (2.5-10 mg/kg intraperitoneally daily) or sodium n -dipropylacetate (200-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally daily) elevated brain GABA concentrations significantly and reduced brain glutamate decarboxylase activity relative to control saline-injected cobalt epileptic rats. Brain γ-aminobutyrate aminotransferase activity was significantly reduced by chronic treatment with amino-oxyacetic acid, whereas chronic sodium n -dipropylacetate had no effect on brain γ-aminobutyrate aminotransferase activity although elevating brain GABA. Amino-oxyacetic acid (2.5-10 mg/kg intraperitoneally per day) reduced the frequency of epileptic spikes in the secondary foci of cobalt epileptic rats. The anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid was most marked at 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally where a secondary focus failed to develop in treated cobalt epileptic rats. However, there was no simple relationship between the elevation of brain GABA and the anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid. Thus focal GABA was higher in rats given intraperitoneal amino-oxyacetic acid (10 mg/kg) but the anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid was less marked at this dose. Sodium n -dipropylacetate (200-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally per day) had no long-term anticonvulsant action in this model of epilepsy. It is concluded that the anticonvulsant action of sodium n -dipropylacetate, and probably that of amino-oxyacetic acid, is not likely to be mediated through a mechanism involving elevation of brain GABA.  相似文献   

—Studies were made of the effects of fluphenazine, chlorpromazine and triflupromazine on tissue concentration, liver synthesis of ascorbic acid and its distribution in different areas of the brain. All the three drugs were found to increase liver concentration and synthesis of the vitamin at 24 hr after administration of a single oral dose of the vitamin, but only fluphenazine was found to increase its concentration in the adrenals and brain; the increase in the latter case was found to vary in different regions of the brain, the olfactory lobes, hypothalamus and residual brain showing maximum increases, andthe basal ganglia, visual cortex and remaining dorsal cortex showing minimum increases. The effects were found to be reversed 72 hr after drug treatment.  相似文献   

—The enzyme cytidine 5′-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase was studied in different parts of the calf brain. Characterization of partial purified enzyme preparations from cortical grey matter and corpus callosum by means of pH optima and Km values, showed the enzyme of grey and white brain areas to be identical. Unexpectedly the regional differences of the enzyme activities per g wet tissue and per mg protein were very slight. From the presence of the enzyme in pure white brain areas, which are known to be poor in neuronal perikarya, and the fact that the enzyme is localized in the cell nucleus, we concluded that cytidine 5′-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid is produced in glia cell nuclei and that it is very likely that biosynthesis of sialo-glycoproteins and/or ganglio-sides occurs within glia cells. The enzyme activity per μmol DNA-P is somewhat higher in grey than in white regions, indicating a slightly higher activity per neuronal than per glial nucleus. The regional differences of lipid and protein-bound sialic acid and RNA show a striking similarity and contrast to those of the enzyme. These differences are interpreted in terms of a differential content in neurons and glia cells.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of the convulsant, 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) on the content of free amino acids and on the activity of some enzymes related to their metabolism was studied in the rat cerebellum. A decrease in the activity of glutamate decarboxylase (EC and in the level of GABA was found; at the same time, the activity of GABA-aminotransferase (EC was increased. These changes coincided with a profound alteration of the morphology of the Purkinje cells which was related to the dose of MP. These findings, plus some changes in the content of other free amino acids and the activities of related enzymes, suggest that 3-mercaptopropionic acid induces in the cerebellum an imbalance among the amino acids involved in the excitation-inhibition mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract— The evidence is presented to show that the fiuorimetric method of W aalkes & U denfriend (1957) cannot be used directly for the determination of free tyrosine in acid deproteinized extracts of rat brain, owing to the reaction of peptide bound tyrosine in some proteins present in the acid extracts. A method is given to obtain a fraction containing free tyrosine in the acid extracts of rat brain and to determine its tyrosine content fluorimetrically by autoanalysis. An autoanalysis method is also given for the fiuorimetric determination of free tyrosine directly in 50 trichloroacetic acid extracts of the plasma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Incomplete cerebral ischemia (oligemia) was produced in cat by carotid occlusion combined with arterial hypotension. Lowering arterial pressure to 50–60 Torr for 20 min caused marked alterations of the ATP, phosphocreatine, and lactate content of subcortical white matter. In contrast, metabolite levels in cerebral cortex and caudate nucleus were only moderately perturbed from control values. More severe oligemia resulted when arterial pressure was lowered to 30 Torr for 20 min following carotid occlusion. Metabolite levels in cortex, caudate nucleus, and white matter were greatly altered from control. In the gray matter there was regional heterogeneity of metabolic alteration, as evidenced from the pattern of NADH tissue fluorescence. The cortex contained micro-patches (0.1mm) of increased NADH, which frequently exhibited a columnar orientation.
These findings demonstrate two distinct types of cerebral inhomogeneity of metabolic failure with reduced blood flow; white matter fails before gray matter, and there is micro-heterogeneity of metabolic failure in the gray matter.  相似文献   

—A variety of isoxazoles structurally related to muscimol (3-hydroxy-5-aminomethylisoxazole) were tested as inhibitors of the uptake of GABA and some other amino acids in rat brain slices, and of the activity of the GABA-metabolizing enzymes l -glutamate 1-carboxylyase and GABA:2-oxo-glutarate aminotransferase. A bicyclic derivative, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-3-ol, proved to be a more potent inhibitor of GABA uptake than muscimol. Structure-activity studies on this derivative, which appeared to be a competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake, led to the findings that nipecotic acid (piperidine-3-carboxylic acid) is a powerful non-competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake, and that perhydro-1,2-oxazine-6-carboxylic acid is a relatively weak competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake.  相似文献   

—ECS markedly increased tryptophan and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels in brain. Brain serotonin and plasma tryptophan levels were unaffected.  相似文献   

Abstract— The polyamines spermidine and spermine were measured in brain regions from adult male rats aged 2, 10 and 20 months. Spermine levels displayed marked constancy in all brain regions studied across all ages. However, spermidine concentrations, as expressed per microgram DNA, significantly increased as a function of age in the hypothalamus, corpus striatum and medulla oblongata-pons. Similar trends with age of increased spermidine steady-state levels, but not reaching statistical significance, were observed in the cerebral cortex, midbrain and hippocampus. An absolute decline with age in DNA levels was observed only in the hippocampus. Total RNA levels, as expressed per DNA, tended to decline in all brain regions between 2 and 10 months with a reversal in this trend between 10 and 20 months in all regions except the corpus striatum. Perhaps the increased steady-state levels of spermidine, which may represent significantly increased turnover rates of this polyamine, are compensatory responses to a decreased turnover of RNA. Alternatively, the observed changes in the spermidine to spermine ratio with age may reflect changes in neuronal-glial relationships within brain regions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution in brain of the polyamines spermidine and spermine is described in the rat, dog, sheep, rabbit and in man. The distribution pattern was about the same in all the species, spermidine concentration being highest in areas rich in white matter. The concentration of spermine was lower than that of spermidine and showed less variation from area to area. Rat brain polyamine content was the same in rats killed by decapitation as in those killed by rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen and was also unchanged up to 48 h after the death of the animal.  相似文献   

—GABA levels in rat whole brain were compared following three methods of sacrifice: rapid microwave fixation, decapitation into liquid nitrogen, and decapitation at 20°C. Levels were shown to be identical in animals sacrificed by microwave fixation and decapitation into liquid nitrogen. In contrast, rats decapitated at 20°C had 18 per cent higher GABA levels when determined immediately post-mortem and 48 per cent higher levels after 30 min at 20°C. Microwave treatment prevented these post-mortem increases. The increase in GABA after decapitation at 20°C was even greater in hypothalamus than in whole brain. A comparison of 3 GABA extraction methods following microwave fixation demonstrated that sodium acetate was 88 per cent as effective as 80 per cent ethanol and more effective than 0·5 n -perchloric acid in extracting GABA. Fifteen brain regions were dissected from microwave-treated brains and the GABA levels determined.  相似文献   

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