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1. The effects of cyanogen bromide on horse-heart cytochrome c and horse-heart myoglobin have been investigated. Cytochrome c yielded four fragments, of which two were haemopeptides. The two colourless peptides had amino acid compositions corresponding to those that are expected, on the basis of the sequence proposed for horse-heart cytochrome c by Margoliash, Smith, Kreil & Tuppy (1961), from cleavage at both methionine residues. Of the two haemopeptides, one was isolated and shown to be that derived from cleavage at only one methionine residue, that nearer to the C-terminus of the peptide chain. 2. Myoglobin also gave four peptides, three of which accounted for the total amino acid content of the intact protein. The fourth fragment arose by cleavage at a single methionine residue, that nearer the C-terminus. Characterization of this fourth fragment made it possible to deduce the order of arrangement of the fragments in the intact molecule.  相似文献   

In the presence of the highly charged hexametaphosphate anion, horse heart cytochrome c aggregates to form stable protein complexes. The formation of protein aggregates has been detected by high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy from an increase in the linewidth of resolved ferricytochrome c resonances with hexametaphosphate concentration. Alternatively, analytical ultracentrifugation reveals protein association from the increase in apparent sedimentation coefficients of cytochrome c in the presence of equimolar hexametaphosphate. Protein aggregation is dependent on the concentration of background electrolyte since in the range 10-150 mM sodium cacodylate alternative stabilisation of dimeric and trimeric complexes was observed by both NMR and analytical ultracentrifugation. A model is proposed for the mechanism of protein aggregation caused by polyphosphate binding to the surface of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Potentiometric study of cytochrome c1aa3 from Thermus thermophilus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the redox behavior of the cytochrome c1aa3 complex from Thermus thermophilus. In potentiometric titrations the cytochrome c behaves as an independent center having n = 1 and E = 205 mV (NHE). Under the assumption that the individual centers equilibrate independently in this experiment, changes in the absorption band at 603 nm have been resolved into two components: cytochrome a (n = 1, Em = 270 mV, 60% spectral contribution) and cytochrome a3 (n = 2, Em = 360 mV, 40% spectral contribution). The n = 2 process was attributed to strong chemical coupling between cytochrome a3 and CuB. The enzyme was also titrated with a mixture of NADH and PMS, and the results are shown not to conform to a model of intramolecular equilibrium according to the equilibrium constants obtained from the potentiometric titration. It is suggested that a conformational equilibrium within the complex may control electron transfer between cytochromes a and a3.  相似文献   

Immunochemical studies on cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The interaction between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase was investigated using sedimentation equilibrium at pH 6,20 degrees C, in a number of buffer systems varying in ionic strength between 1 and 100 mM. Between 10 and 100 mM ionic strengths, the sedimentation of the individual proteins was essentially ideal, and sedimentation equilibrium experiments on mixtures of the two proteins were analyzed assuming ideal solution behavior. Analysis of the distribution of mixtures of cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase in the ultracentrifuge cell based on a model involving the formation of a 1:1 cytochrome c-cytochrome c peroxidase complex gave values of the equilibrium dissociation constant ranging from 2.3 +/- 2.7 microM at 10 mM ionic strength to infinity (no detectable interaction) at 100 mM ionic strength. Attempts to determine the presence of complexes involving two cytochrome c molecules bound to cytochrome c peroxidase were inconclusive.  相似文献   

1. Stopped-flow experiments were performed in which solutions containing dithionite were mixed with air-saturated buffer. Cytochrome c oxidase present in the dithionite-containing syringe is fully oxidized within the mixing time and the oxygen-pulsed form of the oxidase is produced. 2. The reduction of this form by dithionite, by dithionite plus cytochrome c and by dithionite plus methyl viologen or benzyl viologen was followed and compared with the corresponding reduction reactions of the "resting" oxidized enzyme. Reduction by dithionite is relatively slow, but the rate of reduction is greatly increased by addition of cytochrome c or the viologens, which are even more effective than cytochrome c on a molar basis. 3. Profound differences between the transient kinetics of the reduction of the two oxidized oxidase derivatives were observed. The results are consistent with a direct reduction of cytochrome a followed by an intramolecular electron transfer to cytochrome a3 (k1obs = 7.5 s-1 for the oxygen-pulsed oxidase). 4. The spectrum of the oxygen-pulsed oxidase formed within 5 ms of the mixing closely resembles that of the "oxygenated" compound, but there were small differences between the two spectra.  相似文献   

Potentiometric titration curves of oxidized and reduced horse heart cytochrome c in 0.15M KCl at 20°C have been obtained by timed titration (0.125–0.500 μmol/sec) from the isoionic points (pH 10.2–10.4) to pH 3 and back to the isoionic point. Computer-assisted (PROPHET) data acquisition and blank corrections give curves with good precision with a maximum standard deviation of 0.3 groups for an average error of 1%. The potentiometric titration curve of reduced cytochrome c is reversible within the precision of the method and for the pH range studied. The potentiometric curves for oxidized cytochrome c titrated upscale (pH 3–10) and downscale (pH 10–3) are not reversible. However, they show the same ionization behavior after the initial downscale titration. This is probably the result of a conformational change. Comparison of the data herein reported with the titration curves of oxidized cytochrome c already published by others indicates good agreement on the basis of a normalization of the concentration of protein or on the basis of 25 titrable groups between the acid end point and the isoionic pH. Titration of the 2 μmol imidazole in the upscale or downscale direction gives the correct analytical concentration and pK′ after correction for the solvent titration. Titration of reduced cytochrome c in the presence and absence of an additional equivalent of imidazole gave a difference titration curve, which indicates that a group on the protein shifts from pK′ 5.8 to pK′ 5.3 in the presence of imidazole. The pK′ of imidazole, in the presence of the protein, remains at a nearly normal value of 7.34.  相似文献   

1. The kinetics of ferrocytochrome c peroxidation by yeast peroxidase are described. Kinetic differences between the older and more recent preparations of the enzyme most probably arise from differences in intrinsic turnover rates. 2. The time-courses of cytochrome c peroxidation by the enzyme follow essentially first-order kinetics in phosphate buffer. Deviations from first-order kinetics occur in acetate buffer, and are due to a higher enzymic turnover rate in this medium accompanied by a greater tendency to autocatalytic peroxidation of cytochrome c. 3. The kinetics of ferrocytochrome c peroxidation by yeast peroxidase are interpreted in terms of a mechanism postulating formation of reversible complexes between the peroxidase and both reduced and oxidized cytochrome c. Formation of these complexes is inhibited at high ionic strengths and by polycations. 4. Oxidized cytochrome c can act as a competitive inhibitor of ferrocytochrome c peroxidation by peroxidase. The K(i) for ferricytochrome c is approximately equal to the K(m) for ferrocytochrome c and thus probably accounts for the observed apparent first-order kinetics even at saturating concentrations of ferrocytochrome c. 5. The results are discussed in terms of a possible analogy between the oxidations of cytochrome c catalysed by yeast peroxidase and by mammalian cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

1. Physical studies of complex-formation between cytochrome c and yeast peroxidase are consistent with kinetic predictions that these complexes participate in the catalytic activity of yeast peroxidase towards ferrocytochrome c. Enzyme-ferricytochrome c complexes have been detected both by the analytical ultracentrifuge and by column chromatography, whereas an enzyme-ferrocytochrome c complex was demonstrated by column chromatography. Estimated binding constants obtained from chromatographic experiments were similar to the measured kinetic values. 2. The physicochemical study of the enzyme-ferricytochrome c complex, and an analysis of its spectrum and reactivity, suggest that the conformation and reactivity of neither cytochrome c nor yeast peroxidase are grossly modified in the complex. 3. The peroxide compound of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase was found to have two oxidizing equivalents accessible to cytochrome c but only one readily accessible to ferrocyanide. Several types of peroxide compound, differing in available oxidizing equivalents and in reactivity with cytochrome c, seem to be formed by stoicheiometric amounts of hydrogen peroxide. 4. Fluoride combines not only with free yeast peroxidase but also with peroxidase-peroxide and accelerates the decomposition of the latter compound. The ligand-catalysed decomposition provides evidence for one-electron reduction pathways in yeast peroxidase, and the reversible binding of fluoride casts doubt upon the concept that the peroxidase-peroxide intermediate is any form of peroxide complex. 5. A mechanism for cytochrome c oxidation is proposed involving the successive reaction of two reversibly bound molecules of cytochrome c with oxidizing equivalents associated with the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

A tetra-heme and an octa-heme cytochrome c3 from the sulfate bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas have been crystallized. Diffraction quality crystals of the tetra-heme cytochrome are obtained from solution by the addition of polyethylene glycol at pH 6.5. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2 with unit cell parameters a = 42.27 A, b = 52.54 A and c = 52.83 A. The octa-heme cytochrome crystals develop from low ionic strength solutions of phosphate or Tris-Cl in the pH range 6.2-7.6. The crystals belong to the trigonal system, space group P3(1) or the enantiomorph P3(2), with unit cell parameters a = b = 57.4 A, c = 97.3 A, gamma = 120 degrees. Single crystal diffraction studies of the structures of these two low-potential cytochromes are in progress.  相似文献   

P K Warme  H A Scheraga 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3509-3517
The reported X-ray structure of horse-heart ferricytochrome c has been refined by conformational energy calculations, using a three-stage computational procedure. In stage I, the atomic positions are adjusted to conform to idealized bond lengths and bond angles characteristic of small amino acid derivatives, while yet remaining as close as possible to the X-ray coordinates. In stage II, atomic overlaps are eliminated by adjusting the backbone and side-chain dihedral angles to minimize the nonbonded energy, hydrogen-bonded energy, and rotational energy contributions. In the final stage of refinement, the electrostatic energy and a more accurate hydrogen-bonded energy treatment are considered, in addition to the energy contributions of stage II. A "fitting potential" of gradually decreasing strength is imposed in both stages II and III, in order to keep the computed structure as similar to the x-ray structure as is consistent with a low-energy conformation. The final computed structure of cytochrome c exhibits a very low conformational energy (-504 kcal/mol) and also closely resembles the X-ray structure (RMS deviation = 0.77 A for all atoms). However, a special treatment was required in order to alter the location of the phenyl ring of phenylalanine-82. In contrast to the originally published X-ray structure, which shows the phenyl ring pointing away from the heme, the phenyl ring in the computed structure is tucked into the heme crevice, in a position similar to that observed in the reduced form of tuna cytochrome c, in the oxidized form of Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2, and also in the recently determined structure of oxidized tuna cytochrome c.  相似文献   

The orientation of purified beef heart cytochrome c oxidase, incorporated into vesicles by the cholate dialysis procedure [Carroll, R.C., & Racker, E. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6981], has been investigated by functional and structural approaches. The level of heme reduction obtained by using cytochrome c along with the membrane-impermeant electron donor ascorbate was 78 +/- 2% of that obtained with cytochrome c and the membrane-permeant reagent N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. Electron transfer from cytochrome c is known to occur exclusively from the outer surface of the mitochondrial inner membrane (C side), implying that at least 78% of the oxidase molecules are oriented in the same way in these vesicles as in the intact mitochondria. Trypsin, which cleaves subunit IV near its N terminus, modifies only 5-7% of this subunit in intact vesicles. This removal of the N-terminal residues has been shown to occur only in mitochondrial membranes with their inner side (M side) exposed. Diazobenzene [35S]sulfonate [( 35S]DABS) likewise modifies subunit IV only in submitochondrial particles. Labeling of intact membranes with [35S]DABS resulted in incorporation of only 4-8% of the total counts that could be incorporated into this subunit in membranes made leaky to the reagent by addition of 2% Triton X-100. Therefore, both the functional and structural data show that at least 80% and probably more of the cytochrome c oxidase molecules are oriented with their C domain outermost and M domains in the lumen of vesicles prepared by the cholate dialysis method.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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