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Previous studies of communities implicate many potential mechanisms that can create alternate stable states. These include density-dependent foraging behavior, size refuges reached by early colonists, environmental feedback following disturbance, and different initial densities of intraguild predators. Previous work shows that alternate states of varying stability can occur in food webs containing the intraguild predators Blepharisma americanum and Tetrahymena vorax. Differences in colonization history could create the alternate states, consisting of dominance by either Blepharisma or Tetrahymena, but it was unclear whether results depended on effects of initial density or only on changes in the resource base. We manipulated initial densities of both species to determine if density effects alone could create alternate stable states. Convergence of these communities over time indicated that differences in initial density did not create alternate stable states. By default, other factors influenced by colonization history, such as resource availability, may produce alternate states. Models of alternate stable-state phenomena should incorporate differences in resource availability in addition to direct competitive and predatory interactions to provide a more complete depiction of the causes of differences in community composition in otherwise similar habitats.  相似文献   

The flux of energetic and nutrient resources across habitat boundaries can exert major impacts on the dynamics of the recipient food web. Competition for these resources can be a key factor structuring many ecological communities. Competition theory suggests that competing species should exhibit some partitioning to minimize competitive interactions. Species should partition both in situ (autochthonous) resources and (allochthonous) resources that enter the food web from outside sources. Allochthonous resources are important sources of energy and nutrients in many low productivity systems and can significantly influence community structure. The focus of this paper is on: (i) the influence of resource partitioning on food web stability, but concurrently we examine the compound effects of; (ii) the trophic level(s) that has access to allochthonous resources; (iii) the amount of allochthonous resource input; and (iv) the strength of the consumer–resource interactions. We start with a three trophic level food chain model (resource–consumer–predator) and separate the higher two trophic levels into two trophospecies. In the model, allochthonous resources are either one type available to both consumers and predators or two distinct types, one for consumers and one for predators. The feeding preferences of the consumer and predator trophospecies were varied so that they could either be generalists or specialists on allochthonous and/or autochthonous resources. The degree of specialization influenced system persistence by altering the structure and, therefore, the indirect effects of the food web. With regard to the trophic level(s) that has access to allochthonous resources, we found that a single allochthonous resource available to both consumers and predators is more unstable than two allochthonous resources. The results demonstrate that species populating food webs that experience low to moderate allochthonous resources are more persistent. The results also support the notion that strong links destabilize food web dynamics, but that weak to moderate strength links stabilize food web dynamics. These results are consistent with the idea that the particular structure, resource availability, and relative strength of links of food webs (such as degree of specialization) can influence the stability of communities. Given that allochthonous resources are important resources in many ecosystems, we argue that the influence of such resources on species and community persistence needs to be examined more thoroughly to provide a clearer understanding of food web dynamics.  相似文献   

The commonness of omnivory in natural communities is puzzling, because simple dynamic models of tri-trophic systems with omnivory are prone to species extinction. In particular, the intermediate consumer is frequently excluded by the omnivore at high levels of enrichment. It has been suggested that adaptive foraging by the omnivore may facilitate coexistence, because the intermediate consumer should persist more easily if it is occasionally dropped from the omnivore's diet. We explore theoretically how species permanence in tri-trophic systems is affected if the omnivore forages adaptively according to the "diet rule", i.e., feeds on the less profitable of its two prey species only if the more profitable one is sufficiently rare. We show that, compared to systems where omnivory is fixed, adaptive omnivory may indeed facilitate 3-species persistence. Counter to intuition, however, facilitation of 3-species coexistence requires that the intermediate consumer is a more profitable prey than the basal resource. Consequently, adaptive omnivory does not facilitate persistence of the intermediate consumer but enlarges the persistence region of the omnivore towards parameter space where a fixed omnivore would be excluded by the intermediate consumer. Overall, the positive effect of adaptive omnivory on 3-species persistence is, however, small. Generally, whether omnivory is fixed or adaptive, 3-species permanence is most likely when profitability (=conversion efficiency into omnivores) is low for basal resources and high for intermediate consumers.  相似文献   

A three-state, discrete-time Markov chain is used to model the dynamics of energy flow in a tri-trophic food web. The distribution of energy in the three trophic levels is related to the rates of flow between the trophic levels and calculated for the entire range of possible flow values. These distributions are then analysed for stability and used to test the idea that plants are resource-limited and herbivores are predation-limited. Low rates of death and decomposition, when coupled with low rates of herbivory and carnivory, tend to destabilize this food web. Food webs with higher rates of death and decomposition are relatively more stable regardless of rates of herbivory and carnivory. Plants are more prone to resource-limitation and herbivores are, in general, limited by their predators, which supports Hairston et al. (Am. Nat. 94 (1960) 421). The rate of decomposition often mediates the roles of top-down and bottom-up control of energy flow in the food web.  相似文献   

We developed a mechanistic model of nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish interactions to test the effects of phytoplankton food quality for herbivorous zooplankton on planktonic food web processes. When phytoplankton food quality is high strong trophic cascades suppress phytoplankton biomass, the zooplankton can withstand intense zooplanktivory, and energy is efficiently transferred through the food web sustaining higher trophic level production. Low food quality results in trophic decoupling at the plant-animal interface, with phytoplankton biomass determined primarily by nutrient availability, zooplankton easily eliminated by fish predation, and poor energy transfer through the food web. At a given nutrient availability, food quality and zooplanktivory interact to determine zooplankton biomass which in turn determines algal biomass. High food quality resulted in intense zooplankton grazing which favored fast-growing phytoplankton taxa, whereas fish predation favored slow-growing phytoplankton. These results suggest algal food quality for herbivorous zooplankton can strongly influence the nature of aquatic food web dynamics, and can have profound effects on water quality and fisheries production. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

Many terrestrial endotherm food webs constitute three trophic level cascades. Others have two trophic level dynamics (food limited herbivores; plants adapted to tackle intense herbivory) or one trophic level dynamic (herbivorous endotherms absent, thus plants compete for the few places where they can survive and grow). According to the Exploitation Ecosystems Hypothesis (EEH), these contrasting dynamics are consequences of differences in primary productivity. The productivity thresholds for changing food web dynamics were assumed to be global constants. We challenged this assumption and found that several model parameters are sensitive to the contrast between persistently warm and seasonally cold climates. In persistently warm environments, three trophic level dynamics can be expected to prevail almost everywhere, save the most extreme deserts. We revised EEH accordingly and tested it by compiling direct evidence of three and two trophic level dynamics and by studying the global distribution of felids. In seasonally cold environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics only in productive ecosystems, while evidence for two trophic level dynamics appeared in ecosystems with low primary productivity. In persistently warm environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics in all types of ecosystems. The distribution of felids corroborated these results. The empirical evidence thus indicates that two trophic level dynamics, as defined by EEH, are restricted to seasonally cold biomes with low primary productivity, such as the artic–alpine tundra and the temperate steppe.  相似文献   

Scavenging can have important consequences for food web dynamics, for example, it may support additional consumer species and affect predation on live prey. Still, few food web models include scavenging. We develop a dynamic model that includes two facultative scavenger species, which we refer to as the predator or scavenger species according to their natural scavenging propensity, as well as live prey, and a carrion pool to show ramifications of scavenging for predation in simple food webs. Our modeling suggests that the presence of scavengers can both increase and decrease predator kill rates and overall predation in model food webs and the impact varies (in magnitude and direction) with context. In particular, we explore the impact of the amount of dynamics (exploitative competition) allowed in the predator, scavenger, and prey populations as well as the direction and magnitude of interference competition between predators and scavengers. One fundamental prediction is that scavengers most likely increase predator kill rates, especially if there are exploitative feedback effects on the prey or carrion resources like is normally observed in natural systems. Scavengers only have minimal effects on predator kill rate when predator, scavenger, and prey abundances are kept constant by management. In such controlled systems, interference competition can greatly affect the interactions in contrast to more natural systems, with an increase in interference competition leading to a decrease in predator kill rate. Our study adds to studies that show that the presence of predators affects scavenger behavior, vital rates, and food web structure, by showing that scavengers impact predator kill rates through multiple mechanisms, and therefore indicating that scavenging and predation patterns are tightly intertwined. We provide a road map to the different theoretical outcomes and their support from different empirical studies on vertebrate guilds to provide guidance in wildlife management.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers dedicated to the relationship between population models of competition and biodiversity. Here, we consider species assembly models where the population dynamics is kept far from fixed points through the continuous introduction of new species, and generalize to such models the coexistence condition derived for systems at the fixed point. The ecological overlap between species and shared preys, that we define here, provides a quantitative measure of the effective interspecies competition and of the trophic network topology. We obtain distributions of the overlap from simulations of a new model based both on immigration and speciation, and show that they are in good agreement with those measured for three large natural food webs. As discussed in the first paper, rapid environmental fluctuations, interacting with the condition for coexistence of competing species, limit the maximal biodiversity that a trophic level can host. This horizontal limitation to biodiversity is here combined with either dissipation of energy or growth of fluctuations, which in our model limit the length of food webs in the vertical direction. These ingredients yield an effective model of food webs that produce a biodiversity profile with a maximum at an intermediate trophic level, in agreement with field studies.  相似文献   

The ecological concept of omnivory, feeding at more than a single trophic level, is formulated as an intermediate stage between any two of three classical three-dimensional species interaction systems-tritrophic chain, competition, and polyphagy. It is shown that omnivory may be either stabilizing or destabilizing, depending, in part, on the conditions of the parent systems from which it derives. It is further conjectured that the tritrophic to competition gradient cannot be entirely stable, that there must be an instability at some level of intermediate omnivory.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-term web structure emerging in evolutionary food web models when different types of functional responses are used. We find that large and complex webs with several trophic layers arise only if the population dynamics is such that it allows predators to focus on their best prey species. This can be achieved using modified Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses with effective couplings that depend on the predator's efficiency at exploiting the prey, or a ratio-dependent functional response with adaptive foraging. In contrast, if standard Lotka-Volterra or Holling/Beddington functional responses are used, long-term evolution generates webs with almost all species being basal, and with additionally many links between these species. Interestingly, in all cases studied, a large proportion of weak links result naturally from the evolution of the food webs.  相似文献   

Species are characterized by physiological and behavioral plasticity, which is part of their response to environmental shifts. Nonetheless, the collective response of ecological communities to environmental shifts cannot be predicted from the simple sum of individual species responses, since co‐existing species are deeply entangled in interaction networks, such as food webs. For these reasons, the relation between environmental forcing and the structure of food webs is an open problem in ecology. To this respect, one of the main problems in community ecology is defining the role each species plays in shaping community structure, such as by promoting the subdivision of food webs in modules—that is, aggregates composed of species that more frequently interact—which are reported as community stabilizers. In this study, we investigated the relationship between species roles and network modularity under environmental shifts in a highly resolved food web, that is, a “weighted” ecological network reproducing carbon flows among marine planktonic species. Measuring network properties and estimating weighted modularity, we show that species have distinct roles, which differentially affect modularity and mediate structural modifications, such as modules reconfiguration, induced by environmental shifts. Specifically, short‐term environmental changes impact the abundance of planktonic primary producers; this affects their consumers’ behavior and cascades into the overall rearrangement of trophic links. Food web re‐adjustments are both direct, through the rewiring of trophic‐interaction networks, and indirect, with the reconfiguration of trophic cascades. Through such “systemic behavior,” that is, the way the food web acts as a whole, defined by the interactions among its parts, the planktonic food web undergoes a substantial rewiring while keeping almost the same global flow to upper trophic levels, and energetic hierarchy is maintained despite environmental shifts. This behavior suggests the potentially high resilience of plankton networks, such as food webs, to dramatic environmental changes, such as those provoked by global change.  相似文献   

The integration of detailed information on feeding interactions with measures of abundance and body mass of individuals provides a powerful platform for understanding ecosystem organisation. Metabolism and, by proxy, body mass constrain the flux, turnover and storage of energy and biomass in food webs. Here, we present the first food web data for Lough Hyne, a species rich Irish Sea Lough. Through the application of individual-and size-based analysis of the abundance-body mass relationship, we tested predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology. We found that individual body mass constrained the flux of biomass and determined its distribution within the food web. Body mass was also an important determinant of diet width and niche overlap, and predator diets were nested hierarchically, such that diet width increased with body mass. We applied a novel measure of predator-prey biomass flux which revealed that most interactions in Lough Hyne were weak, whereas only a few were strong. Further, the patterning of interaction strength between prey sharing a common predator revealed that strong interactions were nearly always coupled with weak interactions. Our findings illustrate that important insights into the organisation, structure and stability of ecosystems can be achieved through the theoretical exploration of detailed empirical data.  相似文献   

Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A steady‐state model of carbon flows was developed to describe the summer planktonic food web in the surface mixed‐layer of the North Basin in Lake Biwa, Japan. This model synthesised results from numerous studies on the plankton of Lake Biwa. 2. An inverse analysis procedure was used to estimate missing flow values in a manner consistent with known information. Network analysis was applied to characterise emergent properties of the resulting food web. 3. The system strongly relied on flows related to detrital particles. Whereas primary production was mainly by phytoplankton >20 μm, microzooplankton were active and mainly ingested detritus and bacteria. 4. The main emergent property of the system was strong recycling, through either direct ingestion of non‐living material by zooplankton, or ingestion of bacteria after degradation of detritus to release dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

We analyze the joint effect of contaminants and nutrient loading on population dynamics of marine food chains by means of bifurcation analysis. Contaminant toxicity is assumed to alter mortality of some species with a sigmoidal dose-response relationship. A generic effect of pollutants is to delay transitions to complex dynamical states towards higher nutrient load values, but more counterintuitive consequences arising from indirect effects are described. In particular, the top predator seems to be the species more affected by pollutants, even when contaminant is toxic only to lower trophic levels.  相似文献   

Determining statistical patterns irrespective of interacting agents (i.e. macroecology) is useful to explore the mechanisms driving population fluctuations and extinctions in natural food webs. Here, we tested four predictions of a neutral model on the distribution of community fluctuations (CF) and the distributions of persistence times (APT). Novel predictions for the food web were generated by combining (1) body size–density scaling, (2) Taylor's law and (3) low efficiency of trophic transference. Predictions were evaluated on an exceptional data set of plankton with 15 years of weekly samples encompassing c. 250 planktonic species from three trophic levels, sampled in the western English Channel. Highly symmetric non‐Gaussian distributions of CF support zero‐sum dynamics. Variability in CF decreased while a change from an exponential to a power law distribution of APT from basal to upper trophic positions was detected. Results suggest a predictable but profound effect of trophic position on fluctuations and extinction in natural communities.  相似文献   

Climate change will alter the distribution of rainfall, with potential consequences for the hydrological dynamics of aquatic habitats. Hydrological stability can be an important determinant of diversity in temporary aquatic habitats, affecting species persistence and the importance of predation on community dynamics. As such, prey are not only affected by drought‐induced mortality but also the risk of predation [a non‐consumptive effect (NCE)] and actual consumption by predators [a consumptive effect (CE)]. Climate‐induced changes in rainfall may directly, or via altered hydrological stability, affect predator–prey interactions and their cascading effects on the food web, but this has rarely been explored, especially in natural food webs. To address this question, we performed a field experiment using tank bromeliads and their aquatic food web, composed of predatory damselfly larvae, macroinvertebrate prey and bacteria. We manipulated the presence and consumption ability of damselfly larvae under three rainfall scenarios (ambient, few large rainfall events and several small rainfall events), recorded the hydrological dynamics within bromeliads and examined the effects on macroinvertebrate colonization, nutrient cycling and bacterial biomass and turnover. Despite our large perturbations of rainfall, rainfall scenario had no effect on the hydrological dynamics of bromeliads. As a result, macroinvertebrate colonization and nutrient cycling depended on the hydrological stability of bromeliads, with no direct effect of rainfall or predation. In contrast, rainfall scenario determined the direction of the indirect effects of predators on bacteria, driven by both predator CEs and NCEs. These results suggest that rainfall and the hydrological stability of bromeliads had indirect effects on the food web through changes in the CEs and NCEs of predators. We suggest that future studies should consider the importance of the variability in hydrological dynamics among habitats as well as the biological mechanisms underlying the ecological responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Global change may affect the structure and functioning of decomposer food webs through qualitative changes in freshly fallen litter. We analyzed the predicted effects of a changing environment on a dynamic model of a donor‐controlled natural decomposer ecosystem near Wekerom, the Netherlands. This system consists of fungi, bacteria, fungivores, bacterivores and omnivores feeding on microbiota and litter as well. The model concentrates on carbon and nitrogen flows through the trophic niches that define this decomposer system, and is designed to predict litter masses and abundances of soil biota. For modeling purposes, the quality of freshly fallen leaf litter is defined in terms of nitrogenous and non‐nitrogenous components, of which refractory and labile forms are present. The environmental impacts of elevated CO2, enhanced UV‐B and eutrophication, each with their own influence on leaf litter quality, are studied. The model predicts steady‐state dynamics exclusively, for all three scenarios. Environmental changes impact most demonstratively on the highest trophic niches, and affect microbiotic abundances and litter decomposition rates to a lesser extent. We conclude that the absence of trophic cascade effects may be attributed to weak trophic links, and that non‐equilibrium dynamics occurring in the system are generally because of encounter rates based on fractional substrate densities in the litter. We set out a number of experimentally testable hypotheses that may improve understanding of ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

Community assembly is central to ecology, yet ecologists have amassed little quantitative information about how food webs assemble. Theory holds that colonisation rate is a primary driver of community assembly. We present new data from a mesocosm experiment to test the hypothesis that colonisation rate also determines the assembly dynamics of food webs. By manipulating colonisation rate and measuring webs through time, we show how colonisation rate governs structural changes during assembly. Webs experiencing different colonisation rates had stable topologies despite significant species turnover, suggesting that some features of network architecture emerge early and change little through assembly. But webs experiencing low colonisation rates showed less variation in the magnitudes of trophic fluxes, and were less likely to develop coupled fast and slow resource channels – a common feature of published webs. Our results reveal that food web structure develops according to repeatable trajectories that are strongly influenced by colonisation rate.  相似文献   

The cascade model successfuly predicts many patterns in reported food webs. A key assumption of this model is the existence of a predetermined trophic hierarchy; prey are always lower in the hierarchy than their predators. At least three studies have suggested that, in animal food webs, this hierarchy can be explained to a large extent by body size relationships. A second assumption of the standard cascade model is that trophic links not prohibited by the hierarchy occur with equal probability. Using nonparametric contingency table analyses, we tested this ”equiprobability hypothesis” in 16 published animal food webs for which the adult body masses of the species had been estimated. We found that when the hierarchy was based on body size, the equiprobability hypothesis was rejected in favor of an alternative, ”predator-dominance” hypothesis wherein the probability of a trophic link varies with the identity of the predator. Another alternative to equiprobabilty is that the probability of a trophic link depends upon the ratio of the body sizes of the two species. Using nonparametric regression and liklihood ratio tests, we show that a size-ratio based model represents a significant improvement over the cascade model. These results suggest that models with heterogeneous predation probabilities will fit food web data better than the homogeneous cascade model. They also suggest a new way to bridge the gap between static and dynamic food web models. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

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