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The secondary structure of 52 aligned cytochrome P450 sequences, all of which are membrane bound, is predicted and collectively compared with the crystal structure of the soluble cytochrome P450cam. Ten of 13 helical regions, 6 of 7 beta-pair regions, and beta-structure corresponding to a known beta-bulge near the active site of P450cam are predicted to exist in the membrane-bound P450s. Three turns associated with beta-structure in the soluble enzyme are also predicted for the membrane-bound forms. A strong structural similarity is evident between membrane P450s and the soluble P450cam. Consequently, a multitransmembrane structure involving much of P450 seems highly unlikely. A structure with two N-terminal transmembrane segments is compatible with these observations.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant putidaredoxin reductase (Pdr), an FAD-containing NADH-dependent flavoprotein component of the cytochrome P450cam monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida, has been determined to 1.90 A resolution. The protein has a fold similar to that of disulfide reductases and consists of the FAD-binding, NAD-binding, and C-terminal domains. Compared to homologous flavoenzymes, the reductase component of biphenyl dioxygenase (BphA4) and apoptosis-inducing factor, Pdr lacks one of the arginine residues that compensates partially for the negative charge on the pyrophosphate of FAD. This uncompensated negative charge is likely to decrease the electron-accepting ability of the flavin. The aromatic side-chain of the "gatekeeper" Tyr159 is in the "out" conformation and leaves the nicotinamide-binding site of Pdr completely open. The presence of electron density in the NAD-binding channel indicates that NAD originating from Escherichia coli is partially bound to Pdr. A structural comparison of Pdr with homologous flavoproteins indicates that an open and accessible nicotinamide-binding site, the presence of an acidic residue in the middle part of the NAD-binding channel that binds the nicotinamide ribose, and multiple positively charged arginine residues surrounding the entrance of the NAD-binding channel are the special structural elements that assist tighter and more specific binding of the oxidized pyridine nucleotide by the BphA4-like flavoproteins. The crystallographic model of Pdr explains differences in the electron transfer mechanism in the Pdr-putidaredoxin redox couple and their mammalian counterparts, adrenodoxin reductase and adrenodoxin.  相似文献   

In the biosynthesis of the clinically important antibiotic erythromycin D, the glycosyltransferase (GT) EryCIII, in concert with its partner EryCII, attaches a nucleotide-activated sugar to the macrolide scaffold with high specificity. To understand the role of EryCII, we have determined the crystal structure of the EryCIII·EryCII complex at 3.1 Å resolution. The structure reveals a heterotetramer with a distinctive, elongated quaternary organization. The EryCIII subunits form an extensive self-complementary dimer interface at the center of the complex, and the EryCII subunits lie on the periphery. EryCII binds in the vicinity of the putative macrolide binding site of EryCIII but does not make direct interactions with this site. Our biophysical and enzymatic data support a model in which EryCII stabilizes EryCIII and also functions as an allosteric activator of the GT.  相似文献   

Human metabolism of the monoterpene cyclic ether 1,8-cineole was investigated in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the biotransformation of 1,8-cineole was investigated by human liver microsomes and by recombinant cytochrome P450 enzymes coexpressed with human CYP-reductase in Escherichia coli cells. Besides the already described metabolite 2alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole we found another metabolite produced at high rates. The structure was identified by a comparison of its mass spectrum and retention time with the reference compounds as 3alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole. There was a clear correlation between the concentration of the metabolites, incubation time and enzyme content, respectively. CYP3A4/5 antibody significantly inhibited the 2alpha- and 3alpha-hydroxylation catalyzed by pooled human liver microsomes. Further kinetic analysis revealed that the Michaelis-Menten K(m) and V(max) for oxidation of 1,8-cineole in position three were 19 microM and 64.5 nmol/min/nmol P450 for cytochrome P450 3A4, and 141 microM and 10.9 nmol/min/nmol P450 for cytochrome P450 3A5, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first time that 3alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole is described as a human metabolite of 1,8-cineole. We confirmed these in vitro results by the investigation of human urine after the oral administration of cold medication containing 1,8-cineole. In human urine we found by GC-MS analysis the described metabolites, 2alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole and 3alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a cold-active aminopeptidase (ColAP) from Colwellia psychrerythraea strain 34H has been determined, extending the number of crystal structures of the M1 metallopeptidase family to four among the 436 members currently identified. In agreement with their sequence similarity, the overall structure of ColAP displayed a high correspondence with leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H), a human bifunctional enzyme that converts leukotriene A4 (LTA4) in the potent chemoattractant leukotriene B4. Indeed, both enzymes are composed of three domains, an N-terminal saddle-like domain, a catalytic thermolysin-like domain, and a less conserved C-terminal alpha-helical flat spiral domain. Together, these domains form a deep cavity harboring the zinc binding site formed by residues included in the conserved HEXXHX(18)H motif. A detailed structural comparison of these enzymes revealed several plausible determinants of ColAP cold adaptation. The main differences involve specific amino acid substitutions, loop content and solvent exposure, complexity and distribution of ion pairs, and differential domain flexibilities. Such elements may act synergistically to allow conformational flexibility needed for an efficient catalysis in cold environments. Furthermore, the region of ColAP corresponding to the aminopeptidase active site of LTA4H is much more conserved than the suggested LTA4 substrate binding region. This observation supports the hypothesis that this region of the LTA4H active site has evolved in order to fit the lipidic substrate.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional and structural characterization of a crucial cytochrome P450cam (P450cam)-putidaredoxin (Pdx) complex, we utilized a mutant whose spectroscopic property corresponds to the properties of the wild type P450cam in the presence of Pdx. The 1H NMR spectrum of the carbonmonoxy adduct of the mutant, the Leu-358 --> Pro mutant (L358P), in the absence of Pdx showed that the ring current-shifted signals arising from d-camphor were upfield-shifted and observed as resolved signals, which are typical for the wild type enzyme in the presence of Pdx. Signals from the beta-proton of the axial cysteine and the gamma-methyl group of Thr-252 were also shifted upfield and down-field, respectively, in the L358P mutant as observed for Pdx-bound wild type P450cam. The close similarity in the NMR spectra suggests that the heme environment of the L358P mutant mimics that of the Pdx-bound enzyme. The functional analysis of the L358P mutant has revealed that the oxygen adduct of the L358P mutant can promote the oxygenation reaction for d-camphor with nonphysiological electron donors such as dithionite and ascorbic acid, showing that oxygenated L358P is "activated" to receive electron from the donor. Based on the structural and functional characterization of the L358P mutant, we conclude that the Pdx-induced structural changes in P450cam would facilitate the electron transfer from the electron donor, and the Pdx binding to P450cam would be a trigger for the electron transfer to oxygenated P450cam.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450cam reacts with phenyldiazene (PhN = NH), or less efficiently with phenylhydrazine, to give a catalytically inactive complex with an absorption maximum at 474 nm. The prosthetic group extracted anaerobically from the inactivated protein has the spectroscopic properties of a sigma phenyl-iron complex and rearranges, on exposure to air and acid, to an approximately equal mixture of the four N-phenylprotoporphyrin IX regioisomers. The crystal structure of the intact protein complex, refined at 1.9-A resolution to an R factor of 20%, confirms that the phenyl group is directly bonded through one of its carbons to the iron atom. The phenyl ring is tilted from the heme normal by about 10 degrees in the opposite direction from that in which carbon monoxide tilts when bound to P-450cam. Camphor, the natural substrate for P-450cam, is larger than a phenyl group and hydrogen bonds to Tyr 96, the only hydrophilic residue near the active site. Electron density in the active site in addition to that contributed by the phenyl group suggests that two water molecules occupy part of the camphor binding site but are not within hydrogen-bonding distance of Tyr 96. As observed in a previous crystallographic study of inhibitor-P-450cam complexes [Poulos, T.L., & Howard, A.J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8165-8174], there are large changes in both the atomic positions and mobilities of the residues in the proposed substrate access channel region of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

P450cam has long served as a prototype for the cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene family. But, little is known about how substrate enters its active site pocket, and how access is achieved in a way that minimizes exposure of the reactive heme. We hypothesize that P450cam may first bind substrate transiently near the mobile F-G helix that covers the active site pocket. Such a two-step binding process is kinetically required if P450cam rarely populates an open conformation-as suggested by previous literature and the inability to obtain a crystal structure of P450cam in an open conformation. Such a mechanism would minimize exposure of the heme by allowing P450cam to stay in a closed conformation as long as possible, since only brief flexing into an open conformation would be required to allow substrate entry. To test this model, we have attempted to dock a second camphor molecule into the crystal structure of camphor-bound P450cam. The docking identified only one potential entry site pocket, a well-defined cavity on the F-helix side of the F-G flap, 16 A from the heme iron. Location of this entry site pocket is consistent with our NMR T1 relaxation-based measurements of distances for a camphor that binds in fast exchange (active site camphor is known to bind in slow exchange). Presence of a second camphor binding site is also confirmed with [(1)H-(13)C] HSQC titrations of (13)CH3-threonine labeled P450cam. To confirm that camphor can bind outside of the active site pocket, (13)CH3-S-pyridine was bound to the heme iron to physically block the active site, and to serve as an NMR chemical shift probe. Titration of this P450cam-pyridine complex confirms that camphor can bind to a site outside the active site pocket, with an estimated Kd of 43 microM. The two-site binding model that is proposed based on these data is analogous to that recently proposed for CYP3A4, and is consistent with recent crystal structures of P450cam bound to tethered-substrates, which force a partially opened conformation.  相似文献   

We investigated putidaredoxin-induced structural changes in carbonmonoxy P450cam by using NMR spectroscopy. The resonance from the beta-proton of the axial cysteine was upfield shifted by 0.12 ppm upon the putidaredoxin binding, indicating that the axial cysteine approaches to the heme-iron by about 0.1 A. The approach of the axial cysteine to the heme-iron would enhance the electronic donation from the axial thiolate to the heme-iron, resulting in the enhanced heterolysis of the dioxygen bond. In addition to the structural perturbation on the axial ligand, the structural changes in the substrate and ligand binding site were observed. The resonances from the 5-exo- and 9-methyl-protons of d-camphor, which were newly identified in this study, were upfield shifted by 1.28 and 0.20 ppm, respectively, implying that d-camphor moves to the heme-iron by 0.15-0.7 A. Based on the radical rebound mechanism, the approach of d-camphor to the heme-iron could promote the oxygen transfer reaction. On the other hand, the downfield shift of the resonance from the gamma-methyl group of Thr-252 reflects the movement of the side chain away from the heme-iron by approximately 0.25 A. Because Thr-252 regulates the heterolysis of the dioxygen bond, the positional rearrangement of Thr-252 might assist the scission of the dioxygen bond. We, therefore, conclude that putidaredoxin induces the specific heme environmental changes of P450cam, which would facilitate the oxygen activation and the oxygen transfer reaction.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound proteases are involved in various regulatory functions. A previous report indicated that the N-terminal region of PH1510p (1510-N) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii is a serine protease with a catalytic Ser-Lys dyad (Ser97 and Lys138) and specifically cleaves the C-terminal hydrophobic region of the p-stomatin PH1511p. In humans, an absence of stomatin is associated with a form of hemolytic anemia known as hereditary stomatocytosis. Here, the crystal structure of 1510-N K138A in complex with a peptide substrate was determined at 2.25 ? resolution. In the structure, a 1510-N dimer binds to one peptide. The six central residues (VIVLML) of the peptide are hydrophobic and in a pseudopalindromic structure and therefore favorably fit into the hydrophobic active tunnel of the 1510-N dimer, although 1510-N degrades the substrate at only one point. A comparison with unliganded 1510-N K138A revealed that the binding of the substrate causes a large rotational and translational displacement between protomers and produces a tunnel suitable for binding the peptide. When the peptide binds, the flexible L2 loop of one protomer forms β-strands, whereas that of the other protomer remains in a loop form, indicating that one protomer binds to the peptide more tightly than the other protomer. The Ala138 residues of the two protomers are located very close together (the distance between the two Cβ atoms is 3.6 ?). Thus, in wild-type 1510-N, the close positioning of the catalytic Ser97 and Lys138 residues may be induced by electrostatic repulsion of the two Lys138 side chains of the protomers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glyoxalase II, the second of two enzymes in the glyoxalase system, is a thiolesterase that catalyses the hydrolysis of S-D-lactoylglutathione to form glutathione and D-lactic acid. RESULTS: The structure of human glyoxalase II was solved initially by single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering and refined at a resolution of 1.9 A. The enzyme consists of two domains. The first domain folds into a four-layered beta sandwich, similar to that seen in the metallo-beta-lactamases. The second domain is predominantly alpha-helical. The active site contains a binuclear zinc-binding site and a substrate-binding site extending over the domain interface. The model contains acetate and cacodylate in the active site. A second complex was derived from crystals soaked in a solution containing the slow substrate, S-(N-hydroxy-N-bromophenylcarbamoyl)glutathione. This complex was refined at a resolution of 1.45 A. It contains the added ligand in one molecule of the asymmetric unit and glutathione in the other. CONCLUSIONS: The arrangement of ligands around the zinc ions includes a water molecule, presumably in the form of a hydroxide ion, coordinated to both metal ions. This hydroxide ion is situated 2.9 A from the carbonyl carbon of the substrate in such a position that it could act as the nucleophile during catalysis. The reaction mechanism may also have implications for the action of metallo-beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

P450BM-3 is an extensively studied P450 cytochrome that is naturally fused to a cytochrome P450 reductase domain. Crystal structures of the heme domain of this enzyme have previously generated many insights into features of P450 structure, substrate binding specificity, and conformational changes that occur on substrate binding. Although many P450s are inhibited by imidazole, this compound does not effectively inhibit P450BM-3. Omega-imidazolyl fatty acids have previously been found to be weak inhibitors of the enzyme and show some unusual cooperativity with the substrate lauric acid. We set out to improve the properties of these inhibitors by attaching the omega-imidazolyl fatty acid to the nitrogen of an amino acid group, a tactic that we used previously to increase the potency of substrates. The resulting inhibitors were significantly more potent than their parent compounds lacking the amino acid group. A crystal structure of one of the new inhibitors bound to the heme domain of P450BM-3 reveals that the mode of interaction of the amino acid group with the enzyme is different from that previously observed for acyl amino acid substrates. Further, required movements of residues in the active site to accommodate the imidazole group provide an explanation for the low affinity of imidazole itself. Finally, the previously observed cooperativity with lauric acid is explained by a surprisingly open substrate-access channel lined with hydrophobic residues that could potentially accommodate lauric acid in addition to the inhibitor itself.  相似文献   

Stability of the [2Fe-2S]-containing putidaredoxin (Pdx), the electron donor to cytochrome P450cam in Pseudomonas putida, was improved by mutating non-ligating cysteine residues, Cys73 and Cys85, to serine singly and in combination. The increasing order of stability is Cys73Ser/Cys85Ser>Cys73Ser>Cys85Ser>WT Pdx. Crystal structures of Cys73Ser/Cys85Ser and Cys73Ser mutants of Pdx, solved by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing using the [2Fe-2S] iron atoms to 1.47 A and 1.65 A resolution, respectively, are nearly identical and very similar to those of bovine adrenodoxin (Adx) and Escherichia coli ferredoxin. However, unlike the Adx structure, no motion between the core and interaction domains of Pdx is observed. This higher conformational stability of Pdx might be due to the presence of a more extensive hydrogen bonding network at the interface between the two structural domains around the conserved His49. In particular, formation of a hydrogen bond between the side-chain of Tyr51 and the carbonyl oxygen atom of Glu77 and the presence of two well-ordered water molecules linking the interaction domain and the C-terminal peptide to the core of the molecule are unique to Pdx. The folding topology of the NMR model is similar to that of the X-ray structure of Pdx. The overall rmsd of Calpha positions between the two models is 1.59 A. The largest positional differences are observed for residues 18-21 and 33-37 in the loop regions and the C terminus. The latter two peptides display conformational heterogeneity in the crystal structures. Owing to flexibility, the aromatic ring of the C-terminal Trp106 can closely approach the side-chains of Asp38 and Thr47 (3.2-3.9 A) or move away and leave the active site solvent-exposed. Therefore, Trp106, previously shown to be important in the Pdr-to-Pdx and Pdx-to-P450cam electron transfer reactions is in a position to regulate and/or mediate electron transfer to or from the [2Fe-2S] center of Pdx.  相似文献   

The key intermediate in genetic recombination is the Holliday junction (HJ), a four-way DNA structure. At the end of recombination, HJs are cleaved by specific nucleases called resolvases. In Gram-negative bacteria, this cleavage is performed by RuvC, a dimeric endonuclease that belongs to the retroviral integrase superfamily. Here, we report the first crystal structure of RuvC in complex with a synthetic HJ solved at 3.75 Å resolution. The junction in the complex is in an unfolded 2-fold symmetrical conformation, in which the four arms point toward the vertices of a tetrahedron. The two scissile phosphates are located one nucleotide from the strand exchange point, and RuvC approaches them from the minor groove side. The key protein–DNA contacts observed in the structure were verified using a thiol-based site-specific cross-linking approach. Compared with known complex structures of the phage resolvases endonuclease I and endonuclease VII, the RuvC structure exhibits striking differences in the mode of substrate binding and location of the cleavage site.  相似文献   

The 58-kDa complex formed between the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, putidaredoxin (Pdx), and cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) from the bacterium Pseudomonas putida has been investigated by high-resolution solution NMR spectroscopy. Pdx serves as both the physiological reductant and effector for CYP101 in the enzymatic reaction involving conversion of substrate camphor to 5-exo-hydroxycamphor. In order to obtain an experimental structure for the oxidized Pdx-CYP101 complex, a combined approach using orientational data on the two proteins derived from residual dipolar couplings and distance restraints from site-specific spin labeling of Pdx has been applied. Spectral changes for residues in and near the paramagnetic metal cluster region of Pdx in complex with CYP101 have also been mapped for the first time using 15N and 13C NMR spectroscopy, leading to direct identification of the residues strongly affected by CYP101 binding. The new NMR structure of the Pdx-CYP101 complex agrees well with results from previous mutagenesis and biophysical studies involving residues at the binding interface such as formation of a salt bridge between Asp38 of Pdx and Arg112 of CYP101, while at the same time identifying key features different from those of earlier modeling studies. Analysis of the binding interface of the complex reveals that the side chain of Trp106, the C-terminal residue of Pdx and critical for binding to CYP101, is located across from the heme-binding loop of CYP101 and forms non-polar contacts with several residues in the vicinity of the heme group on CYP101, pointing to a potentially important role in complex formation.  相似文献   

Prasad S  Mitra S 《Biochemistry》2002,41(49):14499-14508
The role of protein structural flexibility and substrate dynamics in catalysis by cytochrome P450 enzymes is an area of current interest. We have addressed these in cytochrome P450(cam) (P450(cam)) and its Y96A mutant with camphor and its related compounds using fluorescence spectroscopy. Previously [Prasad et al. (2000) FEBS Lett. 477, 157-160], we provided experimental support to dynamic fluctuations in P450(cam), and substrate access into the active site region via the channel next to the flexible F-G helix-loop-helix segment. In the investigation described here, we show that the dynamic fluctuations in the enzyme are substrate dependent as reflected by tryptophan fluorescence quenching experiments. The orientation of tryptophan relative to heme (kappa(2)) for W42 obtained from time-resolved tryptophan fluorescence measurements show variation with type of substrate bound to P450(cam) suggesting regions distant from heme-binding site are affected by physicochemical and steric characteristics/protein-substrate interactions of P450(cam) active site. We monitored substrate dynamics in the active site region of P450(cam) by time-resolved substrate anisotropy measurements. The anisotropy decay of substrates bound to P450(cam) indicate that mobility of substrates is modulated by physicochemical and steric characteristics/protein-substrate interactions of local active site structure, and provides an understanding of factors controlling observed hydroxylated products for substrate bound P450(cam) complexes. The present study shows that P450(cam) local and peripheral structural flexibility and heterogeneity along with substrate mobility play an important role in regulating substrate binding orientation during catalysis and accommodating diverse range of substrates within P450(cam) heme pocket.  相似文献   

We used the expression of chimeric proteins and point mutants to identify amino acids of the hepatic progesterone 21-hydroxylase P450IIC5 which are part of an epitope recognized by an inhibitory monoclonal antibody and which affect substrate binding. Three amino acids of P450IIC5 at positions 113, 115, and 118 were introduced into P450IIC4, which is 95% identical to P450IIC5. The resultant chimeric protein acquired binding of the monoclonal antibody 1F11, which is highly specific and inhibitory for P450IIC5. Point mutants in P450IIC4 showed that two of the three changes, T115S and N118K, contribute to the epitope recognized by this antibody. The T115S mutant bound the antibody weakly (Kd greater than 30 nM) whereas the N118K mutant bound the antibody as tightly as P450IIC5 (Kd less than or equal to 0.7 nM). Thus, residues 115 and 118 are located on the surface of these enzymes, and the Lys/Asn difference at amino acid 118 is largely responsible for the high degree of discrimination which this antibody exhibits between P450IIC5 and P450IIC4. The valine to alanine mutation at position 113 conferred to P450IIC4 a lower apparent Km for progesterone 21-hydroxylation. Because antibody binding was not affected by this mutation, it is tempting to speculate that this residue is buried in the protein where it exerts its effect on the catalytic activity by interaction with the substrate or alters the positions of residues of the active site. The close proximity of the epitope at positions 115 and 118 to Ala113 suggests that the inhibitory monoclonal antibody interferes with substrate binding.  相似文献   

Azole and triazole drugs are cytochrome P450 inhibitors widely used as fungal antibiotics and possessing potent antimycobacterial activity. We present here the crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cytochrome P450 CYP121 in complex with the triazole drug fluconazole, revealing a new azole heme ligation mode. In contrast to other structurally characterized cytochrome P450 azole complexes, where the azole nitrogen directly coordinates the heme iron, in CYP121 fluconazole does not displace the aqua sixth heme ligand but occupies a position that allows formation of a direct hydrogen bond to the aqua sixth heme ligand. Direct ligation of fluconazole to the heme iron is observed in a minority of CYP121 molecules, albeit with severe deviations from ideal geometry due to close contacts with active site residues. Analysis of both ligand-on and -off structures reveals the relative position of active site residues derived from the I-helix is a key determinant in the relative ratio of on and off states. Regardless, both ligand-bound states lead to P450 inactivation by active site occlusion. This previously unrecognized means of P450 inactivation is consistent with spectroscopic analyses in both solution and in the crystalline form and raises important questions relating to interaction of azoles with both pathogen and human P450s.  相似文献   

Li Z  Rupasinghe SG  Schuler MA  Nair SK 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1728-1738
The lipoglycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin has proven efficacy against gram‐positive pathogens. Teicoplanin is distinguished from the vancomycin‐type glycopeptide antibiotics, by the presence of an additional cross‐link between the aromatic amino acids 1 and 3 that is catalyzed by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase Orf6* (CYP165D3). As a goal towards understanding the mechanism of this phenol‐coupling reaction, we have characterized recombinant Orf6* and determined its crystal structure to 2.2‐Å resolution. Although the structure of Orf6* reveals the core fold common to other P450 monooxygenases, there are subtle differences in the disposition of secondary structure elements near the active site cavity necessary to accommodate its complex heptapeptide substrate. Specifically, the orientation of the F and G helices in Orf6* results in a more closed active site than found in the vancomycin oxidative enzymes OxyB and OxyC. In addition, Met226 in the I helix replaces the more typical Gly/Ala residue that is positioned above the heme porphyrin ring, where it forms a hydrogen bond with a heme iron‐bound water molecule. Sequence comparisons with other phenol‐coupling P450 monooxygenases suggest that Met226 plays a role in determining the substrate regiospecificity of Orf6*. These features provide further insights into the mechanism of the cross‐linking mechanisms that occur during glycopeptide antibiotics biosynthesis. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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