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The effect of Zn2- on nitrate reductase (NR, EC activity was studied in botá wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Oasis) leaves and in the NR enzyme partially purified from wheat leaves. Leaf segments were floated on 0 to 5 mM ZnSO4 solutions (pH 6.0) for 24 h under continuous light. Zn2- at 250 M decreased NR activity and increased membrane permeability. However, parameters of cellular oxidative damage were scarcely affected by Zn2- treatments. Accordingly, the decrease of NR activity induced by Zn2- was not prevented by benzoate (a scavenger of oxygen radicals). The effect of Zn2- was dependent on leaf age: it decreased NR activity in mature but not in young leaves. Zn2 inhibited the partially purified NR. This inhibition was not reversed by either co- or post-incubation with cysteine, and the amount of -SH groups of the purified NR was not affected by Zn2+ indicating that Zn2- inhibition does not involve key -SH groups of the enzyme. However, o-phenantroline both prevented and reversed Zn2+-induced NR inhibition. We concluded that the effect of Zn2+ on NR activity in vivo is not associated with an increase in active oxygen generation and involves a direct and reversible inhibition of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The daily fluctuation of nitrate reductase activity in leaves of tobacco may be controlled by the relative amounts of endogenous cytokinin and gibberellin. While plants growing during the summer exhibit maximum nitrate reductase activity at midday, winter-grown plants show minimum activity at that time. One reason for this phenomenon seems to be a relatively higher level of endogenous kinin in winter-grown plants. Salt-stress treatment of these plants changes the fluctuation pattern of nitrate reductase activity from a winter to a summer type. Kinetin addition to summer-grown plants changes their fluctuation pattern from a summer to a winter type.  相似文献   

Diurnal fluctuations were observed in nitrate reducta.se activity in Lemna paucicostatu Hegelm, grown under 16-h photoperiod. The enzyme activity showed a single peak in the middle of the photo period, i.e. 8 h after the onset of light. The activity decreased during the latter half of the photoperiod and reached a minimum level in the middle of the dark period. The peak in enzyme activity persists in continuous light as well as continuous dark, at least for a couple of days, suggesting the existence of endogenous rhythmicity  相似文献   

硝酸盐对硝酸还原酶活性的诱导及硝酸还原酶基因的克隆   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
硝酸盐在植物体内的积累过多已成为影响蔬菜品质并影响人类健康的重要因素。硝酸还原酶(NR)是硝酸盐代谢中的关键酶,提高其活性有利于硝酸盐的降解。为了解植物不同组织中NR的活性,用活体测定法检测了经50mmol/L的KNO3诱导不同时间后的油菜、豌豆和番茄幼苗根茎叶中NR活性,同时为了明确外源诱导剂浓度与植物体内NR活性的关系,检测了经不同浓度KNO3诱导2h后的矮脚黄、抗热605、小白菜和番茄叶片中的NRA。结果表明,不同植物组织NR活性有很大差异,叶中NR活性较高,根其次,茎最低;不同植物的NR活性随诱导时间呈不同的变化趋势,相同植物不同组织的NR活性变化趋势相似;不同植物叶片NRA为最高时KNO3浓度不同。用30mmol/L的KNO3诱导番茄苗2h后,从番茄根和叶中提取总RNA,用RT-PCR方法获得NR cDNA,全长2736bp,编码911个氨基酸。为进一步利用该基因提高植物对硝酸盐的降解能力打下基础。  相似文献   

NO_3~-亏缺能使叶片硝酸还原酶活性(NRA)和NO_3~-总量降低,而根部NO_3~-吸收及上运能力提高,以亏缺2d的幼苗最为明显,该幼苗经12hNO_3~-吸收,叶片的NRA高于未经亏缺的幼苗,但NO_3~-含量以后者为高,代谢库中NO_3~-含量前者高于后者。提高营养液中NO_3~-浓度,NO_3~-上运速率升高,叶片内NRA增加。叶片组织暗中无氧保温40min后,代谢库体积渐大,液泡内NO_3~-有外流产生;Cl~-可促使液泡内NO_3~-外流,代谢库中NO_3~-量增加,NRA升高。NRA在体内测定条件下,保温3h后,NO_2~-产生趋于稳值,NRA降至最低;系统中加KCl或KNO_3使NO_2~-产生趋于稳值的时间延长,且能提高NO_2~-积累总量。  相似文献   

In vivo nitrate reductase (NR) activity declined gradually either in absence or presence of Mg2+ In dark grown plants of spinach. The increased sensitivity of the extracted NR from the dark grown plants to Mg2+ and ATP is indicative of the post-translational modification as one of the mechanisms to control NR activity. The response of extracted NR was gradual and not instantaneous suggesting a complex interplay of NR regulation, as the dark acclimatized plants when exposed to light caused significant nitrate reduction within 15 min of light exposures even in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP.  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake and the subsequent induction of in vivo nitratereductase activity in wheat were studied by investigating aeuploid and certain ditelosomic stocks which exhibited in vivoactivity significantly greater than that of the euploid. Thekinetics of nitrate uptake were investigated, but the high activitiesof the ditelosomics were not caused by increased uptake of nitrate,although ditelo-7BL exhibited unusual uptake dynamics. Analysisof the induction of nitrate reductase activity revealed a biphasicgeneral pattern, with an initial rapid phase being followedby a slower but longer period of induction. The induction rateover the second period, although responsible for only a minorproportion of the total activity induced, was positively correlatedwith the final nitrate reductase level, unlike the rate overthe first induction period. Several stocks exhibited high inductionrates over one or other of the two phases, while ditelo- 1 Asshowed an abnormal monophasic induction pattern. At the endof the second period of induction, nitrate reductase activitybecame more or less steady, except for activity fluctuationsassociated with the time of application of induction stimuli.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in relative water content (RWC), nitrate reductase (NR) and proline content (PC) were studied at 3 h intervals during a 24 h cycle in the flag leaf of wheat (Triticum vulgare, v. Kalyansona) grown under stressed and non-stressed conditions. RWC was lower in stressed plants than in non-stressed ones throughout the 24 h period. Although it was lowest at 12 h, it recovered by 15 h. Non-stressed plants maintained higher NR activity compared to those under stress. The enzyme activity during night was about the same as during day time in both types of plants. Compared to non-stressed plants, stressed ones had lower NO3? content. Proline accumulation occurred under stress conditions and had a maximum at 12–15 h. Non-stressed plants exhibited higher PC during night than day time. Changes in temperature and relative humidity were noted during the period and their influence on RWC, NR and proline was discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in Nitrate Reductase Activity in Lolium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrate reductase activity was studied in the leaves and rootsof Lolium perenne. Growth temperatures of 8, 15, or 20 °Cdid not affect activity, but the same temperatures during assayhad differential effects on the nitroso couple used to measureenzyme activity. Activity increased with increasing light intensity,reaching a high plateau value at around 40 W m–2. Nitratecontent of leaves, also measured in this experiment, did notvary significantly with different light intensities. Increasingnitrate in the nutrient solution up to 0.5 mM N also increasedactivity. Adding ammonium chloride at similar levels to thenitrate caused no marked repression of activity. Removal ofnitrate from the nutrient solution decreased enzyme activitywithin 24 h. Marked diurnal fluctuations occurred in activity,apparently in response to light intensity, since the nitratelevel in the plant varied little. The enzyme activity of rootswas much less than that of leaves. In the parents and progeny from a half diallel cross, the parentalgenotypes differed significantly in activity, but the numberof families involved was too small for the regression of progenyon parents (b = 1.74) and the correlation coefficient (r = 0.44NS) to achieve significance. In this experiment a significantpositive regression was obtained between nitrate reductase activityand dry matter yield.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Nitrate Reductase Activity in Rhizobium japonicum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nitrate reductase activity was evaluated by four approaches, using four strains of Rhizobium japonicum and 11 chlorate-resistant mutants of the four strains. It was concluded that in vitro assays with bacteria or bacteroids provide the most simple and reliable assessment of the presence or absence of nitrate reductase. Nitrite reductase activity with methyl viologen and dithionite was found, but the enzyme activity does not confound the assay of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

The activities of 2-oxoaldehyde-metabolizing enzymes (glyoxalase I, glyoxalase II, methyl- glyoxal reductase, methylglyoxal dehydrogenase and lactaldehyde dehydrogenase) were found to be widely distributed among microorganisms. One of the enzymes, methylglyoxal reductase, which catalyzes the reductive conversion of methylglyoxal into lactaldehyde, was purified from Escherichia coli cells. The enzyme was judged to be homogeneous on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was a monomer with a molecular weight of 43000. The enzyme was most active at pH 6.5 and 45°C. The enzyme utilized both NADPH and NADH for the reduction of 2- oxoaldehydes (glyoxal, methylglyoxal, phenylglyoxal and 4,5-dioxovalerate) and some aldehydes (glycolaldehyde, D,l-glyceraldehyde, propionaldehyde and acetaldehyde). The Km values of the enzyme for methylglyoxal, NADPH and NADH were 4.0 mm, 1.7 fiM and 2.8 /¿m, respectively. The product of methylglyoxal reduction was identified as lactaldehyde. The enzyme from E. coli cells was different from the yeast and goat liver enzymes in both molecular structure and substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase activity in the first true leaves of canola(Brassica napus L.) seedlings grown in one-quarter strengthHoagland's solution from seeds pretreated with triadimenol (0.3or 30 g (a.i.) kg–1 of seed) was higher than controlsduring the growth period of 15 to 25 d after planting. Triadimenolalso increased chlorophyll levels, the increase being more pronouncedat its lower concentration. The treatment also increased theweight and nitrate content of the leaves. When seedlings weregrown in nutrient solution containing 1 to 20 mM nitrate, theincrease in nitrate reductase activity by triadimenol was higherat lower rather than at higher nitrate concentrations. The nitratelevels and Kjeldahl nitrogen in the triadimenol-treated leaveswas higher than the controls at concentrations of added nitrateabove 2 mM. Addition of nitrate to plants grown in ammonium,increased nitrate reductase activity more in plants grown fromtriadimenol-treated seeds than controls. However, addition of10µM triadimenol for 24 h to ammonium-grown plants hadlittle effect on enzyme activity, both in the absence as wellas the presence of nitrate. This study demonstrates that triadimenolincreases nitrate reductase activity and nitrate accumulationin the leaves and at least part of the increased enzyme activityis independent of nitrate accumulation. Key words: Triazoles, nitrate content, nitrate reductase activity  相似文献   

Significant differences in the activity of nitrate reductasein vivo and in vitro were observed among wheat genotypes, whenexpressed on a dry weight basis. The genotypes with high nitratereductase (HNR) activity exhibited an efficient nitrate inductionsystem. Availability of NADH seemed to be partially responsiblefor the low activities of the enzyme in genotypes categorizedas low nitrate reductase group (‘LNR). Biochemical analysisof the genotypes revealed that ‘HNR’ genotype hadmore active enzyme protein, high rates of enzyme protein synthesisand higher level of steady state nitrate reductase-mRNA relativeto those observed in ‘LNR’ genotype. 1 Present address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi 110062, India. 2 Present address: Institut für Botanik, UniversitätHannover, 3000 Hannover 21, F.R.G.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of phenotypicrecurrent selection for high and low post-anthesis leaf-laminain vivo NRA on nitrate uptake, nitrate partitioning and in vitroNRA of seedling roots and leaves. In Experiment 1, intact plantsof cycle 0, 4, and 6 of the high and low NRA strains were grownon NH4-N for 11 d, then exposed to 1.0 mol m–3 KNO3, andcultures sampled at 6 h and 28 h (induction and post-inductionperiods). Nitrate uptake, tissue nitrate concentration and invitro NRA were determined. The pattern of response to selectionin seedling leaf NRA was similar to that observed for in vivoNRA of field grown plants. Leaf NRA increased between 6 h and28 h. Root NRA was not affected by selection or sampling time.Treatments differed in total fresh weight but not in reductionor uptake of nitrate per unit weight, indicating a lack of correspondencebetween NRA and reduction and supporting the idea that concomitantreduction by NR is not obligatorily linked to nitrate influxin the intact plant. In Experiment 2, dark-grown plants of cycle 0, and 6 of thehigh and low NRA strains were cultured without N, detopped onday 6, transferred the following day to 0-75 mol m–3 KNO3and sampled at 6 h and 28 h. In contrast to Experiment 1, selectionpopulations differed in nitrate reduction and root NRA, whichby 28 h reached higher average levels than root NRA of intactplants. Translocation and reduction were inversely related amongstrains within each sampling time. The high level of translocationin detopped plants of the low NRA strain was difficult to reconcilewith its low leaf NRA level of Experiment 1. It is suggestedthat nitrate transport in detopped roots is altered relativeto the intact system in a way which permits greater NRA inductionand nitrate reduction. The results indicate that nitrate partitioningby detopped root systems should be interpreted with caution. Key words: Zea, nitrate reductase activity, nitrate uptake, nitrate reduction, nitrate partitioning, selection  相似文献   

Stem from three- and four-week-old Soyabean [Glycine max (L.)Merr. cv. Tracy] plants reduced from 0.3 to 0.7 µmol nitrateh–l g–l f. wt. Leaf activity was 4.7–7.6 µmolnitrate h–l g–l f. wt. Outer stem was two to fourtimes more active at reducing nitrate than was inner stem. Plantnitrate nutrition had a strong effect upon the ratio of activitypresent in stem and leaf. More nitrate increased the proportionpresent in leaves. Glycine max L., soyabean, nitrate assimilation, nitrogen metabolism, Rhizobium japonicum  相似文献   

Heating intact leaves of 14–15-day-old seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), cv. Albidum 29, for 10 min at 44–45°C brought about a decrease in nitrate reductase activity by 50–90% of the initial level. The complete recovery of the enzyme activity occurred one to two days after the plants were returned to normal temperature conditions. Darkening plants or adding cycloheximide to the nutrient medium did not interfere with the recovery of nitrate reductase activity. The plants grown in darkness or on a nitrate-free medium were devoid of nitrate reductase activity. The transfer of these plants to the light or the addition of nitrate resulted in the induction of enzyme activity. In the untreated plants, nitrate reductase activity attained the control level in 48 h; in the heated plants, this process was considerably retarded. After heating, the activity of the preexisting enzyme recovered at a higher rate than the ability for enzyme induction. This means that the reactivation of nitrate reductase occurred even when the induction of the enzyme was almost entirely suppressed. We conclude that after the short-term effect of high temperatures, the functional activity of nitrate reductase may recover without the de novosynthesis of the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

The rate of nitrate uptake by N-depleted French dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Witte Krombek) increased steadily during the first 6 h after addition of NO3 -After this initial phase the rale remained constant for many hours. Detached root systems showed the same time-course of uptake as roots of intact plants. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was assayed with or without exogenous NO3- in the incubation medium and the result ing activities were denoted potential and actual level, respectively. In roots the difference between actual and potential NRA disappeared within 15 min after addition of nitrate, and NRA increased for about 15 h. Both potential and actual NRA were initially very low. In leaves, however, potential NRA was initially very high and was not affected by ambient nitrate (0.1–5 mol m-3) for about 10 h. Actual and potential leaf NRA became equal after the same period of time. In the course of nitrate nutrition, the two nitrate reductase activities in leaves were differentially inhibited by cycloheximide (3.6 mmol m-3) and tungstate (1 mol m-3). We suggest that initial potential NRA reflects the activity of pre-existing enzyme, whereas actual NRA depends on enzyme assembly during NO3- supply. Apparent induction of nitrate uptake and most (85%) of the actual in vivo NRA occurred in the root system during the first 6 h of nitrate utilization by dwarf bean.  相似文献   

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