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A significant increase in summer temperatures has been observed for the period 1996–2011 in Poznań, Poland. The phenological response of four weed taxa, widely represented by anemophilous species (Artemisia spp., Rumex spp. and Poaceae and Urticaceae species) to this recent climate warming has been analysed in Poznań by examining the variations in the course of airborne pollen seasons. Pollen data were collected by 7-day Hirst-type volumetric trap. Trends in pollen seasons were determined using Mann–Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator, whereas the relationships between meteorological and aerobiological data were established by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Significant trends in pollen data were detected. The duration of pollen seasons of all analysed taxa increased (from +2.0 days/year for Urticaceae to +3.8 days/year for Rumex), which can be attributed to a delay in pollen season end dates rather than earlier start dates. In addition, the intensity of Artemisia pollen seasons significantly decreased and correlates with mean July–September daily minimum temperatures (r?=??0.644, p?Rumex pollen seasons. The results of this study show that observed shifts in weed pollen seasons in Poznań, i.e. longer duration and later end dates, might be caused by the recorded increase in summer temperature. This influence was the strongest in relation to Artemisia, which is the taxon that flowers latest in the year. The general lack of significant correlations between Rumex and Urticaceae pollen seasons and spring and/or summer temperature suggests that other factors, e.g. land use practices, could also be partially responsible for the observed shifts in pollen seasons.  相似文献   

Birch (Betula) pollen seasons were examined in relation to meteorological conditions in Poznań (1996–2010). Birch pollen grains were collected using a volumetric spore trap. An alternate biennial cycle of birch pollen season intensity was noticed in Poznań. The main factors influencing birch pollen season intensity were average daily minimum temperatures during the second fortnight of May and the month of June one year before pollination as well as the intensity of the pollen season of the previous year. Most of the pollen grains are recorded during the first week of the season; the number of pollen grains recorded at this time is positively correlated with mean maximum temperature and negatively correlated with daily rainfall. The significant effect of rainfall in reducing the season pollen index was noticed only during weak pollen seasons (season pollen index <?mean). In addition, mean daily maximum temperature during the first two weeks of the birch pollen season markedly influences its duration. No significant trends in duration and intensity of the pollen season were recorded, however, a slight tendency towards early pollination was observed (?0.4 days/year, p?=?0.310).  相似文献   

The airborne pollen concentration of the four mostfrequent and most allergenic taxa in Poland; Alnus, Betula, Poaceae, and Artemisia atPozna in the years 1995–1996 has been analyzed,using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. Theappearance of the earliest pollen producing taxa wasobserved as early as January and February, which isrelevant information for people subject to allergiesin the Pozna region, where Spring usually beginsin March. The periods of high and very high pollenconcentration of individual taxa have been comparedfor the two years.  相似文献   

Károly Schöll 《Biologia》2009,64(5):951-958
Gemenc floodplain lies between river kilometres km 1503 and 1469 of the Danube River; it is a part of the Danube-Dráva National Park in Hungary. The floodplain is one of the largest in Europe with an 18,000 hectares (Natura 2000) area, and various characteristic side arms and backwaters which lie completely in the floodplain. The area needs hydrological revitalization because of the sinking of the river bed caused by the regulation of the main arm at the end of the 19th century. For this revitalization an exhaustive knowledge of the hydrobiological relationships among the different water bodies is required. The aims of this study were to explore connections among the hydrological events, physico-chemical parameters of the water bodies and the diversity of the planktonic rotifer assemblages. From 2002 to 2004, 56 planktonic and 15 tychoplanktonic rotifer taxa were found in the area. The diversity of rotifer assemblages was generally higher in the parapotamal water bodies than in the main arm and in the plesio/paleo-potamal water bodies, which could be explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The diversity, dominance, and evenness of the assemblages were correlated with water flow and water temperature. The most important factors influencing the diversity patterns were the occurrence of flow (retention time) as a disturbance, connectivity with the main arm, and habitat diversity of the given water body. Most of these factors are determined by the water level fluctuation of the main arm.  相似文献   

Dormant buds collected from 35 wild service trees (Sorbus torminalis) in the Bytyń Forest were tested with horizontal gel electrophoresis to assess the genetic structure of the population. Among 16 investigated isozyme loci, seven loci (ADH-A, 6PGD-A, GDH-B, ME-A, SOD-A, PGM-A, PGM-B) proved to be polymorphic, whereas the other nine loci (SDH-A, SDH-B, DIA-C, DIA-D, FLE-A, FLE-B, GOT-B, IDH-A, IDH-B) were monomorphic. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus ranged from two to three, with a mean of 2.29. The average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.2665 and 0.3462, respectively. The combined FIS value over all polymorphic loci was 0.2179, which reflects a substantial deficit of heterozygotes. Two polymorphic loci (SOD-A, PGM-A) were identified in S. torminalis for the first time.  相似文献   

Diurnal vertical distribution of rotifers was investigated in the Chara bed and the water immediately above it in the shallow region (ca. 1 m depth) of Budzyskie Lake (Wielkopolski National Park, Poland) in early September 1998. Eighty one rotifer species were identified – 71 among Chara and 59 in the open water. Significant differences in rotifer densities were observed in the Chara, with highest numbers during the day (2316 ind. l–1) and lowest numbers early morning (521 ind. l–1) and at dusk (610 ind. l–1). Above the Chara, the numbers of rotifers did not change significantly (615–956 ind. l–1). Littoral- or limnetic-forms differed in their diel vertical distribution between both zones. One group of littoral species was characterized by increased densities in the Chara in the daytime, while a second group increased in density during the night. The densities of limnetic species, which were much higher in open water, decreased in the morning or daytime in this zone. These differences in the diel behaviour of particular groups of rotifers may be dependent on microhabitat and may also be related to different kinds of predation, the exploitative competition for shared food resources between rotifers and crustaceans, as well as typical adaptation to littoral or limnetic life.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse variations in the severity of Betula pollen seasons, particularly in relation to meteorological parameters at four sites, Poznań and Krakow in Poland, and Worcester and London in the United Kingdom. Results show that there is a significant relationship between Betula pollen season severity and weather conditions both in the year before pollination and in the same year that pollen is released from the plant. Furthermore, it is likely that the magnitude of birch pollen seasons in Poznań, Worcester and London is linked in some way to different phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Significant positive relationships exist between birch pollen counts at Poznań and temperatures, rainfall and averages of the NAO in the year before pollination. An opposite relationship is evident at the two sites studied in the United Kingdom. There were significant positive correlations between the severity of birch pollen seasons recorded at Worcester and temperatures and averages of the NAO during the winter and spring in the year of pollination, and negative correlations at both Worcester and London with similar variables from the previous year. In addition, Betula pollen seasons in Krakow do not appear to be influenced by the NAO, which is probably the result of Krakow having a more continental climate.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory loss and personality changes. Pathological hallmarks of AD are: deposition of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, accompanied by neuronal and synaptic loss. The genetic background of AD is heterogeneous and strongly depends on the form of the disease. In most of the families with early-onset AD (EOAD) (10% of the total population of patients), the disease segregates as an autosomal dominant fully penetrant trait. To date, some missense mutations in three genes encoding the amyloid precursor protein, presenilin 1 (PS1) and 2 (PS2) have been found to cause familial EOAD. We screened for mutations in the presenilin genes in a sample of 55 patients with familial or sporadic form of EOAD from the Poznan region. We found 4 missense mutations in the PS1 gene: A246E in exon 7, P267L in exon 8, E318G in exon 9, and L424R in exon 12 among 5 unrelated patients. The frequency of PS1 mutations was 11% (5 of 55) in the whole sample of the patients with EOAD or 50% (3 of 6) if the analysis was restricted to familial cases with a positive history of dementia in the patient's family.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

Monika Wąsowska 《Biologia》2006,61(5):565-572
The species composition, abundance and dominance structure of chrysomelids were characterized in xerothermic grasslands in southern Poland (Wyżyna Miechowska Uplands). During a two-year study, a total of 54 species was recorded; the mean value of the abundance index was 9.3, Longitarsus obliteratus and Derocrepis rufipes being eudominants. The species composition and quantitative structure of the community were similar (S = 80.0%, Re = 70.5%) but diversity, evenness and dominance indices of the community changed slightly although the abundance dynamics of the beetles varied significantly in the study years.  相似文献   

The present study is a discussion of the interactions between different types of water bodies in the spatial arrangement of a river valley, taking into account landscape data. The Hydrachnidia assemblages in particular types of valley water bodies (oxbows, riparian pools, permanent ponds, flooded alder carrs, sedge marshes, and springs) are strongly influenced by the spatial arrangement of the water bodies in the landscape. Moreover, the formation of a fauna in a particular type of valley water body is also influenced by its origin. For example, the faunas of the oxbow lakes and riparian pools would have many characteristics in common, as these two types of water body can be characterized as originating in the river. As many as 61 species common to the valley water bodies and the Kr?piel River were noted. In the interactions between the valley water bodies and the river, the direction of migration from the former to the latter was clearly predominant. Migration in the reverse direction, from the river to the valley water bodies, took place to a far lesser degree. CCA analysis of landscape variables showed the influences of certain landscape parameters on water mites. These should be regarded as indirect influences, but as a consequence of their effects, they influence the formation of specific types of Hydrachnidia assemblages.  相似文献   

Artemisia pollen is an important allergen in Europe. In Poznań (Western Poland), three Artemisia species, A. vulgaris, A. campestris and A. absinthium, are widely distributed. However, the contributions of these species to the total airborne pollen are unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the flowering phenology and pollen production of the three abovementioned species and to construct a model of potential Artemisia pollen emission in the study area. Phenological observations were conducted in 2012 at six sites in Poznań using a BBCH phenological scale. Pollen production was estimated by counting the pollen grains per flower and recalculating the totals per inflorescence, plant and population in the study area. Airborne pollen concentrations were obtained using a Hirst-type volumetric trap located in the study area. Artemisia vulgaris began to flower the earliest, followed by A. absinthium and then A. campestris. The flowering of A. vulgaris corresponded to the first peak in the airborne pollen level, and the flowering of A. campestris coincided with the second pollen peak. The highest amounts of pollen per single plant were produced by A. vulgaris and A. absinthium. A. campestris produced considerably less pollen, however, due to its common occurrence, it contributed markedly (30 %) to the summation of total of recorded pollen. A. vulgaris is the most important pollen source in Poznań, but the roles of two other Artemisia species cannot be ignored. In particular, A. campestris should be considered as an important pollen contributor and likely might be one of the main causes of allergic reactions during late summer.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate polymers》1987,7(2):133-141
A six-fold intertwined triple helical structure for the polysaccharide β(1–3) xylan was generated with the axial advance of 0·306 nm per residue. A stereochemically possible site for the water molecule has been determined and water mediated intrachain and interchain hydrogen bond schemes are possible for the right-handed triple helical structure, whereas only interchain hydrogen bonding appears plausible in the left-handed triple helical structure. The water mediated hydrogen bond is almost linear. X-ray refinement using a Linked-Atom Least-Squares (LALS) procedure has enabled us to determine the orientation of the molecule in the hexagonal unit cell, locate the position of the water molecules and yield a reliability index, R, of 0·35. The refined model in this present study confirms the original chirality of an earlier model but differs in the water mediated hydrogen bonding scheme.  相似文献   

Every year since 2007, the Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC) has excelled in representing state-of-the-art proteomics in and around Central and Eastern Europe, and linking it to international institutions worldwide. Its mission remains to contribute to all approaches of proteomics including traditional and often-revisited methodologies as well as the latest technological achievements in clinical, quantitative and structural proteomics with a view to systems biology of a variety of processes. The 9th CEEPC was held from June 15th to 18th, 2015, at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, Poland. The scientific program stimulated exchange of proteomic knowledge whilst the spectacular venue of the conference allowed participants to enjoy the cobblestoned historical city of Poznań.  相似文献   

Decreasing catch rates for Holothuria nobilis (black teatfish) on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) prompted management agencies to close the fishery for this species in October 1999. At the same time, we surveyed densities and size structure of H. nobilis populations in the main area fished on the GBR. Densities of H. nobilis on four reefs protected from fishing (approximately 20 ind. ha-1) were about four times higher than those on 16 reefs open to fishing (approximately 5 ind. ha-1). Each of four other reefs had been divided into an area protected from fishing and an open area. On the largest of these reefs (ca. 28 km long), densities of H. nobilis were nearly five times higher in the protected area compared to the area open to fishing. On three smaller reefs (<11 km long), however, densities were not significantly different between the open and protected area, and were similar to that on reefs completely open to fishing. The average weight of individuals was significantly reduced on fished reefs (1,763 g) compared to closed reefs (2,200 g). Thus, bêche-de-mer fishing led to a strong reduction of density and biomass of H. nobilis. The division of smaller reefs into open and closed zones appears not to provide sufficient protection, but reefs that are completely closed to fishing appear to provide some degree of protection. There were some indications that proximity to tourist attractions may enhance the effect of protection.  相似文献   

Fifty brackish supra-littoral pools bordering the Waddenzee were studied. The structure of plant communities (Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ranunculus baudotii Godr. and Zannichellia pedunculata Rchb.) is discussed in relation to water level fluctuations, chlorinity and water transparency. Chlorinity tolerances of the macrophytes (7 species) are discussed. The macrofauna was studied semi-quantitatively. The aquatic Coleoptera had the greatest diversity (24 species). A distinct relationship between the number of Coleoptera species and the percentage of macrophyte coverage was found. The distribution patterns of the most frequent species with respect to chlorinity categories are shown in histograms. The number of aquatic Heteroptera species is also discussed in relation to chlorinity and vegetation coverage. Less important macrofaunal groups (the Crustacea, Mollusca and Odonata) occurred in low species numbers.  相似文献   

Poecilia reticulata, also known as guppy, is the most popular fish in the aquarium environment. Guppys are viviparous fish with high tolerance to extreme temperatures. The development of the offspring takes between 25 and 30 days. We developed a technology for raising guppys, which outlines infrastructure and devices for reproduction, nursery, feeding, and commercialization, evaluating the financial and technical feasibility of this technology in a case study. The complete reproductive cycle occured in floating cages with 1 mm mesh and the method was tested in a tropical lagoon in Mexico. Water quality was monitored throughout the study period (temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH levels). A marketing survey was carried out at all existing aquarium shops in Veracruz City. Data collected depict quantities demanded and offered for each species by season, place of origin, and resistance to handling. The hydrobiological characteristics were: average temperature 31.4 degrees C, dissolved oxygen 4.5 mgl(-1), and pH level 6.8. With these values we built a production function, and used it to evaluate profitability. We estimate a benefit/cost ratio of 1.16, with a net annual income of US$257.67. The system may provide two permanent jobs.  相似文献   

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