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3-Hydroxykynurenine (3-HK), an endogenous tryptophan metabolite, is known to have toxic effects in brain. However, the molecular mechanism of the toxicity has not been well identified. In this study, we investigated the involvement of MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the 3-HK-induced neuronal cell damage. Our results showed that 3-HK induced apoptotic neuronal cell death and ERK phosphorylation occurred during cell death. Inhibition of ERK activation using PD98059 considerably increased cell death. Furthermore, cell death was preceded by mitochondrial malfunction including collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) and cytochrome c release from mitochondria to the cytosol. Interestingly, inhibition of ERK dramatically increased mitochondrial malfunction, and enhanced caspase activation, resulting in enhanced neuronal cell death. Thus, our results show that ERK plays a protective role by maintaining mitochondrial function and regulating caspase activity under conditions of cellular stress.  相似文献   

The expression of Ezrin-radixin-moesin-binding phosphoprotein-50 (EBP50) and the intragenic mutation of the ebp50 gene have been reported to correlate with human breast cancer development, but the exact impacts on breast cancer development and its molecular mechanism are not fully understood. In this study, we investigate the potential function of EBP50 through over-expression in the breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, which has low EBP50 protein expression levels. The effects of EBP50 over-expression on cellular proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and apoptosis were examined. In addition, the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) was also determined. Our results show that a decrease of cellular proliferation and attenuation of colony-forming ability were evident in MDA-MB-231 cells stably transfected with an EBP50 expressing plasmid (EBP-231) when compared with control cells. There was also a statistically significant increase in spontaneous apoptosis in EBP-231 cells accompanied by an attenuation in ERK activity. Altogether, our results suggest that restoring EBP50 expression could suppress breast cancer cell proliferation by promoting cell apoptosis and inhibiting ERK activity, and that EBP50 may be a target for development of diagnostics and therapeutics in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Gap junction-mediated intercellular coupling is higher in the equatorial region of the lens than at either pole, a property believed to be essential for lens transparency. We show that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) upregulates gap junctional intercellular dye transfer in primary cultures of embryonic chick lens cells without detectably increasing either gap junction protein (connexin) synthesis or assembly. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1, as potent as FGF in inducing lens cell differentiation, had no effect on gap junctions. FGF induced sustained activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in lens cells, an event necessary and sufficient to increase gap junctional coupling. We also identify vitreous humor as an in vivo source of an FGF-like intercellular communication-promoting activity and show that FGF-induced ERK activation in the intact lens is higher in the equatorial region than in polar and core fibers. These findings support a model in which regional differences in FGF signaling through the ERK pathway lead to the asymmetry in gap junctional coupling required for proper lens function. Our results also identify upregulation of intercellular communication as a new function for sustained ERK activation and change the current paradigm that ERKs only negatively regulate gap junction channel activity.  相似文献   

Microtubule nucleation is an essential step in the formation of the microtubule cytoskeleton. We recently showed that androgen and Src promote microtubule nucleation and γ-tubulin accumulation at the centrosome. Here, we explore the mechanisms by which androgen and Src regulate these processes and ask whether integrins play a role. We perturb integrin function by a tyrosine-to-alanine substitution in membrane-proximal NPIY motif in the integrin β1 tail and show that this mutant substantially decreases microtubule nucleation and γ-tubulin accumulation at the centrosome. Because androgen stimulation promotes the interaction of the androgen receptor with Src, resulting in PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK signaling, we asked whether these pathways are inhibited by the mutant integrin and whether they regulate microtubule nucleation. Our results indicate that the formation of the androgen receptor-Src complex and the activation of downstream pathways are significantly suppressed when cells are adhered by the mutant integrin. Inhibitor studies indicate that microtubule nucleation requires MEK/ERK but not PI3K/AKT signaling. Importantly, the expression of activated RAF-1 is sufficient to rescue microtubule nucleation inhibited by the mutant integrin by promoting the centrosomal accumulation of γ-tubulin. Our data define a novel paradigm of integrin signaling, where integrins regulate microtubule nucleation by promoting the formation of androgen receptor-Src signaling complexes to activate the MEK/ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Acute mu opioid application has been shown to activate extracellular signal-related kinases (ERKs) in various non-neural cell lines. However, ERK activation in neuronal cells following acute morphine treatment is more questionable. Moreover, the ERK activation phenomenon observed in vivo after withdrawal of chronic opioids has never been demonstrated in vitro. The goal of this study was to determine if mu agonist treatment induced ERK activation acutely or after withdrawal of chronic opioids in one glial and three neuronal cell lines. We found that acute application of opioids was not able to activate ERK in neuronal cell lines but was able to activate ERK in a glial cell line. In another set of experiments, cells were chronically treated with escalating doses of a mu opioid agonist. After 8 days, the agonist was removed from the media and naloxone applied. Acute ERK activation was not seen in any tested cell line after agonist removal. These findings suggest that opioids may acutely activate ERK in non-neuronal cells, and that the acute ERK activation observed in some brain regions during opioid withdrawal in vivo might be mediated by indirect effects on neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) is known to stimulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor transactivation to mediate growth-promoting signals such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). However, how ROS and EGF receptor interact to orchestrate these signals in VSMCs remains unclear. Here we found that an antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine, inhibited ERK activation and EGF receptor tyrosine phosphorylation induced by Ang II. Moreover, H(2)O(2) stimulates EGF receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and EGF receptor inhibitors attenuated H(2)O(2)-induced ERK activation. These data indicate that ROS mediate Ang II-induced EGF receptor transactivation, a critical mechanism for ERK-dependent growth in VSMCs.  相似文献   

The extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 2 (ERK2) is the founding member of a family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) that are central components of signal transduction pathways for cell proliferation, stress responses, and differentiation. The MAPKs are unique among the Ser/Thr protein kinases in that they require both Thr and Tyr phosphorylation for full activation. The dual phosphorylation of Thr-183 and Tyr-185 in ERK2 is catalyzed by MAPK/ERK kinase 1 (MEK1). However, the identity and relative activity of protein phosphatases that inactivate ERK2 are less well established. In this study, we performed a kinetic analysis of ERK2 dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases using a continuous spectrophotometric enzyme-coupled assay that measures the inorganic phosphate produced in the reaction. Eleven different protein phosphatases, many previously suggested to be involved in ERK2 regulation, were compared, including tyrosine-specific phosphatases (PTP1B, CD45, and HePTP), dual specificity MAPK phosphatases (VHR, MKP3, and MKP5), and Ser/Thr protein phosphatases (PP1, PP2A, PP2B, PP2C alpha, and lambda PP). The results provide biochemical evidence that protein phosphatases display exquisite specificity in their substrate recognition and implicate HePTP, MKP3, and PP2A as ERK2 phosphatases. The fact that ERK2 inactivation could be carried out by multiple specific phosphatases shows that signals can be integrated into the pathway at the phosphatase level to determine the cellular response to external stimuli. Important insights into the roles of various protein phosphatases in ERK2 kinase signaling are obtained, and further analysis of the mechanism by which different protein phosphatases recognize and inactivate MAPKs will increase our understanding of how this kinase family is regulated.  相似文献   

The application of microchip capillary electrophoresis (CE) to the assay of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) is presented. In this assay, ERK catalyzes the transfer of gamma-phosphate from adenosine 5(')-triphosphate to the threonine residue of a fluorescently labeled nonapeptide (APRTPGGRR), and the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated peptides were detected by fluorescence. The phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated peptides and the internal standard were separated within 20s, and the increase in magnitude of the phosphorylated peptide peak was monitored to assess ERK activity. ERK reactions were prepared off-chip and analyzed on a single-lane glass microchip fabricated by standard methods. It was demonstrated that microchip CE could be used to measure endogenous amounts of ERK by spiking known concentrations of recombinant ERK2 into the lysates of serum-starved human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and recovering between 90 and 100% for all samples. Endogenous ERK activity was determined by microchip where HUVEC were stimulated with 500pM vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at different times before cell lysis. The results showed a transient VEGF-mediated ERK activation that peaked at 10min, which was consistent with previous reports using conventional techniques. The microchip assay provided a rapid, accurate, and precise alternative to conventional methods of determining endogenous ERK activity.  相似文献   

The differentiated phenotype of chondrocyte is rapidly lost during in vitro culture by a process designated "dedifferentiation." In this study, we investigate the roles of protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) in the maintenance of the differentiated chondrocyte phenotype. Chondrocytes isolated from rabbit articular cartilage underwent dedifferentiation upon serial monolayer culture with cessation of type II collagen expression and proteoglycan synthesis, which was reversed by culturing dedifferentiated cells in alginate gel. The expression pattern of PKC alpha was essentially the same as that of type II collagen during de- and redifferentiation, in that expression was decreased during dedifferentiation and increased during redifferentiation. In contrast to PKC alpha, ERK activity increased 15-fold during dedifferentiation. This enhanced activity was terminated during redifferentiation. Down-regulation of PKC alpha in passage 0 chondrocytes resulted in dedifferentiation. However, overexpression of PKC alpha did not affect type II collagen levels, suggesting that PKC alpha expression is not sufficient to maintain the differentiated phenotype. However, inhibition of ERK by PD98059 enhanced type II collagen expression and proteoglycan synthesis in passage 0 cells, retarded dedifferentiation during monolayer cultures, and reversed dedifferentiation caused by down-regulation of PKC. Unlike PKC-dependent ERK regulation of chondrogenesis, PKC and ERK independently modulated chondrocyte dedifferentiation, as confirmed by observations that PKC down-regulation and ERK inhibition did not alter ERK phosphorylation and PKC expression, respectively. In addition, expression of N-cadherin, alpha-catenin, and beta-catenin, which are oppositely regulated to type II collagen during phenotype alterations, were modulated by PKC and ERK during chondrogenesis but not dedifferentiation, supporting distinct mechanisms for the regulation of chondrocyte differentiation and maintenance of differentiated phenotype by these two protein kinases.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of actin-binding proteins plays a pivotal role in the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton to regulate cell migration. Palladin is an actin-binding protein that is phosphorylated by growth factor stimulation; however, the identity of the involved protein kinases remains elusive. In this study, we report that palladin is a novel substrate of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Suppression of ERK activation by a chemical inhibitor reduced palladin phosphorylation, and expression of active MEK alone was sufficient for phosphorylation. In addition, an in vitro kinase assay demonstrated direct palladin phosphorylation by ERK. We found that Ser77 and Ser197 are essential residues for phosphorylation. Although the phosphorylation of these residues was not required for actin cytoskeletal organization, we found that expression of non-phosphorylated palladin enhanced cell migration. Finally, we show that phosphorylation inhibits the palladin association with Abl tyrosine kinase. Taken together, our results indicate that palladin phosphorylation by ERK has an anti-migratory function, possibly by modulating interactions with molecules that regulate cell migration.  相似文献   

A number of reports indicate the potential for redox signalling via extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERK) during neuronal injury. We have previously found that sustained ERK activation contributes to toxicity elicited by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in the B65 neuronal cell line. To determine whether reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in mediating ERK activation and 6-OHDA toxicity, we examined the effects of catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD1), and metalloporphyrin antioxidants ('SOD mimetics') on 6-OHDA-treated cells. We found that catalase and metalloporphyrin antioxidants not only conferred protection against 6-OHDA but also inhibited development of sustained ERK phosphorylation in both differentiated and undifferentiated B65 cells. However, exogenously added SOD1 and heat-inactivated catalase had no effect on either toxicity or sustained ERK phosphorylation. This correlation between antioxidant protection and inhibition of 6-OHDA-induced sustained ERK phosphorylation suggests that redox regulation of ERK signalling cascades may contribute to neuronal toxicity.  相似文献   

Host mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are deregulated by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). Unlike p38 MAPK and Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK), which require ICP27 for their activation early in infection, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity is suppressed by an unknown mechanism. Here, we establish that HSV-1-induced suppression of ERK activity requires viral gene expression, occurs with delayed-early kinetics, and requires the functional virus-encoded Us3 Ser/Thr protein kinase. Finally, Us3 expression in uninfected cells was necessary and sufficient to suppress ERK activity in the absence of any other virus-encoded gene products. This demonstrates that inhibition of ERK activity in HSV-1-infected cells is an intrinsic Us3 function and defines a new role for this alphaherpesvirus Us3 kinase in regulating MAPK activation in infected cells.  相似文献   

The dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase MKP3 has been shown to down-regulate mitogenic signaling through dephosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Camps et al. (Camps, M., Nichols, A., Gillieron, C., Antonsson, B., Muda, M., Chabert, C., Boschert, U., and Arkinstall, S. (1998) Science 280, 1262-1265) had demonstrated that ERK binding to the noncatalytic amino-terminal domain of MKP3 can dramatically activate the phosphatase catalytic domain. The physical basis for this activation has not been established. Here, we provide detailed biochemical evidence that ERK activates MKP3 through the stabilization of the active phosphatase conformation, inducing closure of the catalytic "general acid" loop. In the closed conformation, this loop structure can participate efficiently in general acid/base catalysis, substrate binding, and transition-state stabilization. The pH activity profiles of ERK-activated MKP3 clearly indicated the involvement of general acid catalysis, a hallmark of protein-tyrosine phosphatase catalysis. In contrast, unactivated MKP3 did not display this enzymatic group as critical for the low activity form of the enzyme. Using a combination of Br?nsted analyses, pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetics, we have isolated all catalytic steps in the reaction and have quantified the specific rate enhancement. Through protonation of the leaving group and transition-state stabilization, activated MKP3 catalyzes formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate approximately 100-fold faster than unactivated enzyme. In addition, ERK-activated MKP3 catalyzes intermediate hydrolysis 5-6-fold more efficiently and binds ligands up to 19-fold more tightly. Consistent with ERK stabilizing the active conformation of MKP3, the chemical chaperone dimethyl sulfoxide was able to mimic this activation. A general protein-tyrosine phosphatase regulatory mechanism involving the flexible general acid loop is discussed.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase-3 (MKP3) is a dual specificity phosphatase that specifically inactivates one subfamily of MAP kinases, the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs). Inactivation of MAP kinases occurs by dephosphorylation of Thr(P) and Tyr(P) in the TXY kinase activation motif. To gain insight into the mechanism of ERK2 inactivation by MKP3, we have carried out an analysis of the MKP3-catalyzed dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated ERK2. We find that ERK2/pTpY dephosphorylation by MKP3 involves an ordered, distributive mechanism in which MKP3 binds the bisphosphorylated ERK2/pTpY, dephosphorylates Tyr(P) first, dissociates and releases the monophosphorylated ERK2/pT, which is then subjected to dephosphorylation by a second MKP3, yielding the fully dephosphorylated ERK2. The bisphosphorylated ERK2 is a highly specific substrate for MKP3 with a k(cat)/K(m) of 3.8 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1), which is more than 6 orders of magnitude higher than that for small molecule aryl phosphates and an ERK2-derived phosphopeptide encompassing the pTEpY motif. This strikingly high substrate specificity displayed by MKP3 may result from a combination of high affinity binding interactions between the N-terminal domain of MKP3 and ERK2 and specific ERK2-induced allosteric activation of the MKP3 C-terminal phosphatase domain.  相似文献   

The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, acting through the downstream kinase MK2, regulates the stability of many proinflammatory mRNAs that contain adenosine/uridine-rich elements (AREs). It is thought to do this by modulating the expression or activity of ARE-binding proteins that regulate mRNA turnover. MK2 phosphorylates the ARE-binding and mRNA-destabilizing protein tristetraprolin (TTP) at serines 52 and 178. Here we show that the p38 MAPK pathway regulates the subcellular localization and stability of TTP protein. A p38 MAPK inhibitor causes rapid dephosphorylation of TTP, relocalization from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and degradation by the 20S/26S proteasome. Hence, continuous activity of the p38 MAPK pathway is required to maintain the phosphorylation status, cytoplasmic localization, and stability of TTP protein. The regulation of both subcellular localization and protein stability is dependent on MK2 and on the integrity of serines 52 and 178. Furthermore, the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway synergizes with the p38 MAPK pathway to regulate both stability and localization of TTP. This effect is independent of kinases that are known to be synergistically activated by ERK and p38 MAPK. We present a model for the actions of TTP and the p38 MAPK pathway during distinct phases of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

In determining the mechanism of the chemokinetic action of the thiol protease inhibitor, E-64, in endothelial cell monolayers subjected to wounding, we synthesized succinyl-leucyl-agmatine (SLA), an analogue of E-64 that lacked the epoxy group and protease inhibitory effect. We observed that this analogue retained its chemokinetic effect on wounded endothelial cells. Its stimulatory action on endothelial cell polarization response to wounding was rapid and associated with directed cell migration. Furthermore, its effect on cellular polarization was blocked by protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors and mimicked by pharmacologic agents that stimulated PKC activity. To determine if SLA's chemokinetic action was mediated by protein kinase C activation, we compared the effects of SLA and the tumor promoter phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) on the translocation of PKC activity in endothelial cells. We observed that both SLA and PMA induced the translocation of PKC activity from the cytosolic to the particulate fraction of the cells. We also observed that both SLA and PMA induced the phosphorylation of two proteins (Mr 23.4 and 36.5 kDa) in intact 32P-labeled cells. Thus, SLA stimulates the endothelial cell locomotor response to wounding by stimulating PKC activity.  相似文献   

Mast cell chymase is known to induce eosinophil migration in vivo and in vitro. In the present study, we investigated possible involvement of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases; extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38, in the chymase-induced eosinophil migration. Human chymase induced a rapid phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 in human eosinophilic leukemia EoL-1 cells, while no phosphorylation was detected in JNK. The chymase-induced phosphorylation of ERK and p38 was inhibited by pertussis toxin. Similar results were obtained in the experiments using mouse chymase and eosinophils. U0126 (the inhibitor for MAP/ERK kinase) suppressed chymase-induced migration of EoL-1 cells and mouse eosinophils. However, SB203580 (p38 inhibitor) and SP600125 (JNK inhibitor) showed little effect on the migration. It is suggested therefore that chymase activates ERK and p38 probably through G-protein-coupled receptor, and that ERK but not p38 cascade may have a crucial role in chymase-induced migration of eosinophils.  相似文献   

Regulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family by prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) in both GH3 rat pituitary tumor cells and primary cultures of rat anterior pituitary cells was investigated. PrRP rapidly and transiently activated extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) in both types of cells. Both pertussis toxin, which inactivates G(i)/G(o) proteins, and exogenous expression of a peptide derived from the carboxyl terminus of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase I, which specifically blocks signaling mediated by the betagamma subunits of G proteins, completely blocked the PrRP-induced ERK activation, suggesting the involvement of G(i)/G(o) proteins in the PrRP-induced ERK activation. Down-regulation of cellular protein kinase C did not significantly inhibit the PrRP-induced ERK activation, suggesting that a protein kinase C-independent pathway is mainly involved. PrRP-induced ERK activation was not dependent on either extracellular Ca(2+) or intracellular Ca(2+). However, the ERK cascade was not the only route by which PrRP communicated with the nucleus. JNK was also shown to be significantly activated in response to PrRP. JNK activation in response to PrRP was slower than ERK activation. Moreover, to determine whether a MAPK family cascade regulates rat prolactin (rPRL) promoter activity, we transfected the intact rPRL promoter ligated to the firefly luciferase reporter gene into GH3 cells. PrRP activated the rPRL promoter activity in a time-dependent manner. Co-transfection with a catalytically inactive form of a MAPK construct or a dominant negative JNK, partially but significantly inhibited the induction of the rPRL promoter by PrRP. Furthermore, co-transfection with a dominant negative Ets completely abolished the response of the rPRL promoter to PrRP. These results suggest that PrRP differentially activates ERK and JNK, and both cascades are necessary to elicit rPRL promoter activity in an Ets-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Imidazolium trans-imidazoledimethylsulfoxide-tetrachlororuthenate (NAMI-A) is a new ruthenium compound active against lung metastasis in vivo and tumor cell invasion in vitro. Since angiogenesis was recognized as a key event in the metastasizing process, the manipulation of neo-vessel formation has been developed as a new therapeutic approach. Within this context, a pivotal role for apoptosis in regulating cellular growth has been proposed. In the present study, we exposed to NAMI-A the spontaneously transformed human endothelial cell line ECV304 and assessed a number of apoptosis-related features, including the DNA degradation rate, the activation of caspase-3 protease, the expression of Hsp27, and the release of cytochrome c. Cell treatment with NAMI-A elicited a significant increment in the apoptotic response, as indicated by DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activation, two classical hallmarks of cellular suicide. Furthermore, NAMI-A was able to down-regulate Hsp27 protein expression and provoke the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c in the cytosol. Here, we analyze the involvement of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signal transduction pathway in the induction of apoptosis elicited by NAMI-A. Such a response was associated with a marked inhibition of MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) and ERK phosphorylation with a time course and dose dependency overlapping those observed throughout NAMI-A-induced apoptosis. In addition, we report that PD98059, a selective MEK inhibitor, is able to induce apoptosis by itself in the ECV304 cell line. These results suggest that inhibition of MEK/ERK signaling by NAMI-A may have an important role in modulating an apoptotic event in ECV304.  相似文献   

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