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Kirk M  Esler D  Iverson SA  Boyd WS 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):859-867
The distribution of predators is widely recognized to be intimately linked to the distribution of their prey. Foraging theory suggests that predators will modify their behaviors, including movements, to optimize net energy intake when faced with variation in prey attributes or abundance. While many studies have documented changes in movement patterns of animals in response to temporal changes in food, very few have contrasted movements of a single predator species naturally occurring in dramatically different prey landscapes. We documented variation in the winter movements, foraging range size, site fidelity, and distribution patterns of a molluscivorous sea duck, the surf scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), in two areas of coastal British Columbia with very different shellfish prey features. Baynes Sound has extensive tidal flats with abundant clams, which are high-quality and temporally stable prey for scoters. Malaspina Inlet is a rocky fjord-like inlet where scoters consume mussels that are superabundant and easily accessible in some patches but are heavily depleted over the course of winter. We used radio telemetry to track surf scoter movements in both areas and found that in the clam habitats of Baynes Sound, surf scoters exhibited limited movement, small winter ranges, strong foraging site fidelity, and very consistent distribution patterns. By contrast, in mussel habitats in the Malaspina Inlet, surf scoters displayed more movement, larger ranges, little fidelity to specific foraging sites, and more variable distribution patterns. We conclude that features associated with the different prey types, particularly the higher depletion rates of mussels, strongly influenced seasonal space use patterns. These findings are consistent with foraging theory and confirm that predator behavior, specifically movements, is environmentally mediated.  相似文献   


Capsule: Non-breeding waterbirds are more likely to respond to drone approach when in larger flocks, and responses are more likely in arable and coastal habitats than at inland lochs.

Aims: To investigate the extent to which drones are a potential source of disturbance to non-breeding waterbirds.

Methods: Using a commercially available quadcopter drone, we approached waterbird flocks of varying sizes in coastal, freshwater, and arable habitats following a standardized protocol.

Results: Waterbirds at coastal sites and in arable fields were more likely to respond to drone approach than those at inland freshwater bodies. Larger flocks were more likely to respond to drone approach and responded at a greater distance than smaller flocks.

Conclusion: Repeated drone use at coastal and arable sites with large aggregations of feeding or roosting waterbirds could cause energetically costly flight responses, increased stress, and effective loss of available habitat. At such sites, it may be beneficial to regulate recreational and commercial drone use to minimize potential disturbance effects.  相似文献   

Soil communities in landscapes that are rapidly changing due to a range of anthropogenic processes can be regarded as highly transient systems where interactions between competing species or trophic levels may be seriously disrupted. In disturbed communities dispersal in space and time has a role in ensuring continuity of community function. Stable communities, in undisturbed systems, are more dependent on competition and other biotic interactions between species. We predicted how food web components would respond to disturbance, based on their dispersal and colonizing abilities. During decomposition, flows of energy and nutrients generally follow either a bacterial-based path, with bacteria as the primary decomposer and bacterial-feeding fauna and their predators forming the associated food web, or a fungal-based channel. Trophic links that were generally resistant to change were the organisms of the bacterial pathway that have high abilities to disperse in time and passively disperse in space. Organisms in the fungal pathway were less resistant to disturbance. Resource inputs to the soil system are derived from plants, either through root exudation and root turnover during active growth or from dead plant material following senescence or agricultural tillage. Disturbances to the soil system can arise as a direct action on the soil, or indirectly from effects on the above-ground plant community. Disturbance-induced changes in plant community composition will change the soil food web composition. Organisms involved in direct interactions with plants (e.g. AM-mycorrhizal fungi) were also predicted to be vulnerable to disturbance.


Bodengemeinschaften in Landschaften, die sich aufgrund einer Reihe von anthropogenen Prozessen schnellstens verändern, können als sehr kurzlebige Systeme angesehen werden, in denen Interaktionen zwischen konkurrierenden Arten oder trophischen Leveln nachhaltig unterbrochen sind. In gestörten Gemeinschaften hat die Ausbreitung in Raum und Zeit eine Rolle bei der Wahrung der Kontinuität von Gemeinschaftsfunktionen. Stabile Gemeinschaften, in ungestörten Systemen, sind stärker von Konkurrenz und anderen biotischen Interaktionen zwischen den Arten abhängig. Wir sagten voraus, wie Nahrungsnetzkomponenten auf Störung antworten würden, basierend auf ihrer Ausbreitungs- und Kolonisationsfähigkeit. Während der Zersetzung folgen die Flüsse von Energie und Nährstoffen im Allgemeinen entweder einem Weg, der auf Bakterien basiert, mit Bakterien als den primären Zersetzern und bacterienfressender Fauna und ihre Predatoren, die das assoziierte Nahrungsnetz bilden, oder sie folgen einem Kanal, der auf Pilzen basiert. Trophische Verknüpfungen, die im Allgemeinen resistent gegen Veränderungen waren, waren die Organismen des bakteriellen Weges, die große Möglichkeiten haben sich in Zeit und passiv im Raum auszubreiten. Organismen des pilzbasierten Weges waren weniger widerstandsfähig gegenüber Störungen. Die Ressourcenzufuhr in das Bodensystem stammte von Pflanzen, entweder über Wurzelausscheidungen und/oder Wurzelturnover während des aktiven Wachstums oder von totem Pflanzenmaterial aufgrund von Seneszenz oder landwirtschatlicher Bodenbearbeitung. Störungen des Bodensystems können durch direkte Einwirkungen auf den Boden oder indirekt durch Effekte der oberirdischen Pflanzemeinschaft entstehen. Störungsinduzierte Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Pflanzengemeinschaft werden die Zusammensetzung des Bodennahrungsnetzes verändern. Für Organismen, die an direkten Interaktionen mit Pflanzen beteiligt sind (beispielsweise AM-Mykorrhizapilze), wurde ebenfalls vorhergesagt, dass sie anfällig für Störungen sind.  相似文献   

Nestedness in biota as a function of species richness – biota of depauperate assemblages being non‐random subsets of richer biotas – has been widely documented in recent years (see Wright et al. 1998 , Oecologia 113: 1–20). Ordering sites by richness maximizes nestedness indices; however, ordering by other criteria such as area or isolation may be more ecologically interpretable. We surveyed birds in true fragments (35 in all), and in “reference areas” in large extant forest blocks (30 locations), of the same range of areas (10, 20, 40, 80 ha). The avifauna was divided into “bush birds”– species dependent on forest and woodland, and “open country” species. We looked at nestedness in four data sets: “bush birds” in fragments and reference areas, and “all birds” in fragments and in reference areas. All data sets were significantly nested. Ordering by area in all cases was not significantly less nested than ordering by richness. Ordering by area in fragments was significantly greater than in reference areas, but the differences in standardized nestedness indices were small (<15%). We identified those birds that had distributions among fragments that conformed strongly with area, those that were more randomly distributed and some species that were more likely to occupy the smallest fragments. Among the latter was a hyperaggressive, invasive, colonial native species (noisy miner Manorina melanocephala). A suite of small, insectivorous birds were more likely to strongly conform with expected distributions in relation to area, which was consistent with observations of their vulnerability to the effects of the noisy miner in smaller fragments.  相似文献   

Interactions between two species competing for space were studied using stochastic spatially explicit lattice-based simulations as well as pair approximations. The two species differed only in their dispersal strategies, which were characterized by the proportion of reproductive effort allocated to long-distance (far) dispersal versus short-distance (near) dispersal to adjacent sites. All population dynamics took place on landscapes with spatially clustered distributions of suitable habitat, described by two parameters specifying the amount and the local spatial autocorrelation of suitable habitat. Whereas previous results indicated that coexistence between pure near and far dispersers was very rare, taking place over only a very small region of the landscape parameter space, when mixed strategies are allowed, multiple strategies can coexist over a much wider variety of landscapes. On such spatially structured landscapes, the populations can partition the habitat according to local conditions, with one species using pure near dispersal to exploit large contiguous patches of suitable habitat, and another species using mixed dispersal to colonize isolated smaller patches (via far dispersal) and then rapidly exploit those patches (via near dispersal). An improved mean-field approximation which incorporates the spatially clustered habitat distribution is developed for modeling a single species on these landscapes, along with an improved Monte Carlo algorithm for generating spatially clustered habitat distributions.   相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of dung beetles in fragmented landscapes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Related species utilising similar resources are often assumed to show similar spatial population structures and dynamics. This paper reports substantial ecological variation within a set of Aphodius dung beetles occurring in the same patchily distributed resource, livestock dung in pastures. We show how variation in habitat and resource selectivity, in the rate of movements between pastures, and in the distribution of local population sizes all contribute to interspecific differences in spatial population structures. Local dung beetle assemblages are compared between two landscapes with different densities of pastures. In one of the landscapes, we contrast the abundances and regional distributions of Aphodius before and after 15 years of rapid habitat loss. Different species show very dissimilar responses to changes in the structure of the landscape. Our results suggest that generalist Aphodius species, and specialist species with high dispersal powers, occur as large "patchy" populations in the landscape. In contrast, a strict pasture specialist species with limited dispersal powers (A. pusillus) forms classical metapopulations. At the community level, interspecific differences in spatial population structures make the local community composition a function of the structure of the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Temperature increases because of climate change are expected to cause expansions at the high latitude margins of species distributions, but, in practice, fragmented landscapes act as barriers to colonization for most species. Understanding how species distributions will shift in response to climate change therefore requires techniques that incorporate the combined effects of climate and landscape‐scale habitat availability on colonization rates. We use a metapopulation model (Incidence Function Model, IFM) to test effects of fine‐scale habitat use on patterns and rates of range expansion by the butterfly Hesperia comma. At its northern range margin in Britain, this species has increased its breadth of microhabitat use because of climate warming, leading to increased colonization rates. We validated the IFM by reconstructing expansions in five habitat networks between 1982 and 2000, before using it to predict metapopulation dynamics over 100 yr, for three scenarios based on observed changes to habitat use. We define the scenarios as “cold‐world” (only hot, south‐facing 150–250° hillsides are deemed warm enough), “warm‐world” in which 100–300° hillsides can be populated, and “hot‐world”, where the background climate is warm enough to enable use of all aspects (as increasingly observed). In the simulations, increased habitat availability in the hot‐world scenario led to faster range expansion rates, and to long‐term differences in distribution size and pattern. Thus, fine‐scale changes in the distribution of suitable microclimates led to landscape‐scale changes in population size and colonization rate, resulting in coarse‐scale changes to the species distribution. Despite use of a wider range of habitats associated with climate change, H. comma is still expected to occupy a small fraction of available habitat in 100 yr. The research shows that metapopulation models represent a potential framework to identify barriers to range expansion, and to predict the effects of environmental change or conservation interventions on species distributions and persistence.  相似文献   

Aim To enhance current attempts to understand biodiversity patterns by using an historical ecology approach to highlight the over‐riding influence of land‐use history in creating past, current and future patterns of biodiversity in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Methods We develop an integrative conceptual framework for understanding spatial and temporal variations in landscape patterns in fragmented agricultural landscapes by presenting five postulates (hypotheses) which highlight the important role of historical, anthropogenic disturbance regimes. We then illustrate each of these postulates with examples drawn from fragmented woodlands in agricultural areas of south‐eastern Australia, and discuss these findings in an international context. Location examples are drawn from agricultural areas in south‐eastern Australia. Results We conclude that there is limited potential to refine our understanding of patterns of biodiversity in human‐modified landscapes based on traditional concepts of island biogeography, or simple assumptions of ongoing destruction and degradation. Instead, we propose that in agricultural landscapes that were largely cleared over a century ago: (1) present‐day remnant vegetation patterns are not accidental, but are logically arrayed due to historic land‐use decisions, (2) historic anthropogenic disturbances have a major influence on current ecosystem conditions and diversity patterns, and (3) the condition of remnant ecosystems is not necessarily deteriorating rapidly. Main conclusions An historical ecology approach can enhance our understanding of why different species and ecosystem states occur where they do, and can explain internal variations in ecological conditions within remnant ecosystems, too often casually attributed to the ‘mess of history’. This framework emphasizes temporal changes (both past and future) in biotic patterns and processes in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Integration of spatially and temporally explicit historical land‐use information into ecological studies can prove extremely useful to test hypotheses of the effects of changes in landscape processes, and to enhance future research, restoration and conservation management activities.  相似文献   

Because spatial connectivity is critical to dispersal success and persistence of species in highly fragmented landscapes, the way that we envision and measure connectivity is consequential for biodiversity conservation. Connectivity metrics used for predictive modeling of spatial turnover and patch occupancy for metapopulations, such as with Incidence Function Models (IFM), incorporate distances to and sizes of possible source populations. Here, our focus is on whether habitat quality of source patches also is considered in these connectivity metrics. We propose that effective areas (weighted by habitat quality) of source patches should be better surrogates for population size and dispersal potential compared to unadjusted patch areas. Our review of a representative sample of the literature revealed that only 12.5% of studies incorporated habitat quality of source patches into IFM-type connectivity metrics. Quality of source patches generally was not taken into account in studies even if habitat quality of focal patches was included in analyses. We provide an empirical example for a metapopulation of a rare wetland species, the round-tailed muskrat (Neofiber alleni), demonstrating that a connectivity metric based on effective areas of source patches better predicts patch colonization and occupancy than a metric that used simple patch areas. The ongoing integration of landscape ecology and metapopulation dynamics could be hastened by incorporating habitat quality of source patches into spatial connectivity metrics applied to species conservation in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Summary We found several rare UK butterflies to be restricted to relatively large and non-isolated habitat patches, while small patches and those that are isolated from population sources remain vacant. These patterns of occurrence are generated by the dynamic processes of local extinction and colonization. Habitat patches act as terrestrial archipelagos in which long-term population persistence, and hence effective long-term conservation, rely on networks of suitable habitats, sufficiently close to allow natural dispersal. Present address: School of Biological Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK  相似文献   

The potential natural distribution of deciduous forests in Central Asia is the subject of ongoing discussions. Ulmus pumila (Siberian elm) is the only tree species occurring in southern and south-eastern Mongolia. In the semi-arid Mongolian Gobi, the species is restricted to ravines and beds of semi-temporary rivers. Compared to zonal occurrences in moister northern Mongolia, elm trees in the Gobi were found to be larger, in spite of their slower growth. Recruitment was very rare in the field although germination studies revealed that seeds were viable, survived osmotic stress, and were tolerant of repeated cycles of moistening and drying. Thus, they should be capable of germination in episodically flooded river beds. Fingerprinting revealed that clonal growth is of negligible importance in the Gobi as almost all U. pumila individuals studied constituted separate genets. Given that many trees were <100 years old and must have become established under current climatic conditions, we infer that the current lack of recruitment is likely to be caused by grazing impact. Our data imply that Ulmus pumila could potentially be much more common in the drylands of southern Mongolia and northern China.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation often results in significant degradation of the structure and composition of remnant natural vegetation, leading to substantial biodiversity decline. Ants are an ecologically dominant faunal group known to be sensitive to vegetation degradation following fragmentation. We examined ant diversity and composition in relation to changes in vegetation structure in remnant coastal vegetation in the global biodiversity hotspot of southwestern Western Australia. The key features of vegetation structure driving the species and functional diversity and composition of ant communities were measures of cover of vegetation and bare ground. However, these effects were highly idiosyncratic at the species level. Cluster analyses based on plant species composition classified plots into two groups corresponding to relatively intact and degraded vegetation respectively. Although systematic changes in plant diversity and vegetation structure were observed between the two groups, key features from an ant perspective (native plant cover and bare ground) remained unchanged. Vegetation degradation consequently had little overall effect on ant species composition and functional diversity. The major disturbance–related impact on ant communities was through invasion by exotic ants, especially Pheidole megacephala; however, this occurred only in close proximity to development. Our results suggest that the priority for conserving ant diversity in our coastal dune system is the prevention of invasion by exotic species.  相似文献   

1. Cyclic daily fattening routines are very common in wintering small wild birds, and are thought to be the consequence of a trade-off between different environmental and state-dependent factors. According to theory, these trajectories should range from accelerated (i.e. mass increases exponentially towards dusk) when mass-dependent predation costs are the most important cause of mortality risk, to decelerated (i.e. the rate of mass gain is highest at dawn and decreases afterward) when starvation is the greater risk. 2. We examine if geographically separate populations of coal tits, wintering in Scotland and central Spain under contrasting photoperiods, show differences in their strategies of daily mass regulation. We describe population differences in wild birds under natural conditions, and experimentally search for interpopulation variation in diurnal body mass increase under common, manipulated, photoperiod conditions (LD 9 : 15 h vs. 7 : 17 h), controlling for temperature, food availability, predator pressure and foraging arena. 3. Winter diurnal mass gain of wild coal tits was more delayed towards the latter part of the daylight period in central Spain (i.e. the locality with longer winter days) than in Scotland. In both localities, the pattern was linked to the average mass at dawn, with mass increasing more rapidly in lighter birds. However, under the controlled photoperiod situation the pattern of daily mass gain was similar in both populations. Diurnal body mass gain was more accelerated at the end of the day, and the increase in body mass in the first hour of the day was considerably lower under the long (9 h) than under the short (7 h) photoperiod in both populations. 4. Wintering coal tits show patterns of mass gain through the day that are compatible with current theories of the costs and benefits of fat storage, with birds at lower latitudes (with longer winter days) having a greater tendency to delay mass gain until late in the day. The experimental study revealed that these patterns are plastic, with birds responding directly to the photoperiod that they experience, suggesting that they are continually making fine-scale adjustments to energy reserves on the basis of both inherent (e.g. state-dependent) and extrinsic cues.  相似文献   

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