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June P.  Thurston 《Journal of Zoology》1968,154(4):481-485
Oculotrema hippopotami Stunkard is a monogenean that is found around the nictitating membrane and under the eyelids of the hippopotamus. When specimens of O. hippopotami were collected from both eyes of 42 hippopotamuses in Uganda, 90.5% of the hippopotamuses were found to be infested. The maximum number of parasites on one hippopotamus was 41, and the mean number of parasites per hippopotamus was 8.26. The frequency distribution did not follow a Poisson distribution and is therefore considered to be non-random. Both mature and small immature worms were found in the same eye, therefore the infection does not immediately confer immunity on the host.  相似文献   

Periodontal lesions were found in 14 of 100 bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus) skulls and nine of 103 warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) skulls from southern Africa. The prevalence of periodontal disease showed a significant increase with age in the bushpig but not in the warthog skulls. All the lesions affected the cheek teeth, particularly the molars. The lower prevalence of lesions in older warthogs may be associated with their specialised molars and abrasive diet.  相似文献   

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) spends more than 12 h a day in the water. Hippos are often submitted to water temperatures that vary with the seasons. We hypothesize that this difference between cool and warm water temperatures leads to variations in behavioural thermoregulation. We recorded the exposure of hippos to sunshine at the beginning and at the end of the dry season. Our results show that (1) sunshine exposure lasted much longer in cool water and (2) sun-bathing occurred during the hottest hours. It is therefore likely that in cool water hippos were cold and expressed an original behaviour of search for heat.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to analyse faecal steroid metabolites in African and South East Asian pig species kept in European zoos. Species studied were the warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), the red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus) and the babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa). Faecal samples were collected 1-3 times per week from non-pregnant and pregnant captive female warthogs (n = 9), red river hogs (n = 7) and babirusas (n = 5). Enzyme-immunoassays for faecal progesterone, androgen, and oestrogen metabolites, were tested for their ability to determine follicular and luteal phases. In all three species, oestrous cycles could be monitored with 20alpha-OH- and 20-oxo-pregnane assays. In contrast, oestrogens and androgens were not useful in characterising follicular activity during the oestrous cycle in any species. Faecal 20alpha-OH- and 20-oxo-pregnane values were significantly correlated. Faecal pregnane concentrations revealed species-specific differences. Luteal phase values of 20alpha-OH-pregnanes were considerably higher than 20-oxo-pregnanes; 20alpha-OH-pregnanes were in the range of 3-10 microg/g in warthogs and red river hogs, whereas concentrations were 30-200 microg/g faeces in the babirusa. Regular oestrus cycles had a length of about 35 days in all three species studied. Results indicated a seasonal influence on the occurrence of reproductive cycles in the warthog with anoestrous periods in the European summer. The red river hog was found to be a seasonal and poly oestrous breeder; oestrus cycles started by January and continued until summer. In contrast, the babirusa showed non-seasonal ovarian cyclicity. In pregnant red river hogs, progesterone metabolites were comparable to luteal phase values of the oestrous cycle during the first 3 months of gestation, but did further increase during the last month of pregnancy. Oestrogens and 17-oxo-androstanes were significantly elevated during the second half of gestation. In summary, the reproductive biology of three exotic pig species was studied using non-invasive faecal steroid analysis and these methods were used for comparative investigations of oestrous cycles, pregnancy and seasonality.  相似文献   

The Somali warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus delamerei, is the surviving relative of the Cape warthog, P. a. aethiopicus, which formerly inhabited Cape Province but became extinct in the last century. It is only recently that these two subspecies of Phacochoerus aethiopicus have been restored to the status of a species – the ‘desert warthog’– distinct from the common warthog, P. africanus ( Grubb, 1985 ; Grubb & Oliver, 1991 ; Grubb, 1993 ). Mitochondrial DNA analysis has recently confirmed that the common and desert warthogs are two different and widely divergent species (Randi et al., unpublished). This preliminary study maps their distribution in the Horn of Africa, and discusses the significance of ecological barriers that limit these distributions. One hundred and thirty‐three skulls from 64 different localities in five countries – mostly from museum collections – were identified. New material was obtained from the field and reliable literature data were also recorded. Locality records suggest that the optimal habitats of desert warthog are low altitude arid lands. The two species may overlap locally in northern Somalia, northern and eastern Kenya and southern and south‐eastern Ethiopia, but the desert warthog's precise range is still not accurately established and basic data about its conservation status, ecology and behaviour are still very poor.  相似文献   

Meyer W 《Zoological science》2012,29(7):458-462
Based on LM, TEM, and histochemical methods, the study describes the specific structure of subepidemal capillary loops in the integument of the hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius). At 25- 60 μm, the diameter of the capillaries was more than twenty times larger than those found in other mammals, as was the diameter of the epidermal contact area of the hairpin turn, which had enlarged up to 200-400 μm(2). At about 13,400, the number of loops per cm(2) was three times higher than in the few other mammalian species measured to date. The remarkable sheath (thickness 2- 20 μm) of the capillary loops consists of a multitude of fine collagen IV fibres, which were in direct contact with the epidermal stratum (str.) basale, emphasizing an origin from the lamina fibroreticularis of the basement membrane. Additionally, the sheath contained many regions filled with free fatty acids. All observations confirmed the view that the walls of the subepidermal capillaries in the hippopotamus are adapted to withstand high blood pressure, permitting a high rate of blood vesselbased heat transfer from the periphery of the body. Until now this function is only known as an important thermoregulatory response in highly active mammals, e.g. dolphins. However, under hot climatic conditions but without strong exercise for cooling, such ability could be an effective and energy-saving procedure in semi-aquatic mammals.  相似文献   

Fifty-five warthogs [Phacochoerus aethiopicus (Suidae: Artiodactyla)] from the Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa, were examined for parasites. Adult filarial nematodes were found in lymphatic vessels adjacent to peripheral and visceral lymph nodes, and microfilariae were found in lymph nodes and circulating blood. Both the adult parasite and the microfilaria are described. Specific identification is pending confirmation and recovery of intact adult specimens and microfilariae identical to those described herein.  相似文献   

Based on morphological traits, hippos have traditionally been classified with pigs and peccaries in the suborder Suiformes. However, molecular data indicate that hippos and cetaceans are sister taxa. This study analyses muscle characters of the common hippo hind limb in order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships and functional anatomy of hippos. Several muscles responsible for propelling the body through water are robust and display extensive fusions, including mm. semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gluteus superficialis. In addition, common hippos retain long flexor and extensor tendons for each digit, reflecting the fact that all four toes are weight‐bearing. These flexor tendons, together with the well‐developed intrinsic muscles of the pes, serve to adduct the digits, preventing splaying of the toes when walking on soft terrain. Lastly, common hippos retain a number of primitive features, including the presence of m. articularis coxae, a well‐developed m. obturator internus, superficialis and profundus tendons to all digits, mm. flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti V, lumbricalis IV, adductores digitorum II and V, and two mm. interossei per digit. Pygmy hippos share these features. Thus, hippopotamids retain muscles that have been lost in the majority of artiodactyls, including other suiforms. These and previously reported findings for the forelimb support the molecular data in indicating an early divergence of the Hippopotamidae from the rest of the Artiodactyla. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 661–682.  相似文献   

Vulnerable wildlife populations can face a suite of anthropogenic activities that may threaten their persistence. However, human‐mediated disturbances are likely to be coincident with natural disturbances that also influence a population. This synergism is often neglected in population projection models. Here I evaluate the effects of natural (rainfall fluctuation) and human disturbances (habitat loss and unregulated hunting) using a multi‐matrix environmental state population model for the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius). By evaluating each disturbance type (natural and human) alone and then together, I explicitly consider the importance of incorporating realistic environmental variability into population projection models. The model population was most strongly affected by moderate habitat loss, which yielded the highest probability of crossing the risk thresholds over the 60 year time period, although these probabilities were relatively low (≤0.31). However, the likelihood of crossing the risk thresholds were two to five times as high when human‐mediated and natural disturbances were considered together. When these probabilities were calculated per year of the simulation, the results suggested that even relatively mild human disturbances, when considered in conjunction with realistic natural disturbance, resulted in a high probability (>0.50) of substantial declines within decades. The model highlights the importance of integrating realistic natural disturbances into population models, and suggests that, despite locally abundant populations, protected hippopotamus populations may decline over the next 60 years in response to a combination of environmental fluctuations and human‐mediated threats.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, an increasing amount of phylogeographic work has substantially improved our understanding of African biogeography, in particular the role played by Pleistocene pluvial–drought cycles on terrestrial vertebrates. However, still little is known on the evolutionary history of semi‐aquatic animals, which faced tremendous challenges imposed by unpredictable availability of water resources. In this study, we investigate the Late Pleistocene history of the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence variation and range‐wide sampling. We documented a global demographic and spatial expansion approximately 0.1–0.3 Myr ago, most likely associated with an episode of massive drainage overflow. These events presumably enabled a historical continent‐wide gene flow among hippopotamus populations, and hence, no clear continental‐scale genetic structuring remains. Nevertheless, present‐day hippopotamus populations are genetically disconnected, probably as a result of the mid‐Holocene aridification and contemporary anthropogenic pressures. This unique pattern contrasts with the biogeographic paradigms established for savannah‐adapted ungulate mammals and should be further investigated in other water‐associated taxa. Our study has important consequences for the conservation of the hippo, an emblematic but threatened species that requires specific protection to curtail its long‐term decline.  相似文献   

The population decline of the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) has necessitated the preservation of their genetic resources for species conservation and research. Of all actions, cryopreservation of fibroblast cell cultures derived from an animal biopsy is considered a simple but efficient means. Nevertheless, preserving viable cell cultures of the common hippopotamus has not been achieved to our knowledge. To this end, we established and characterized fibroblast cell cultures from the skin sample of a newborn common hippopotamus in this study. By combining the tissue explant direct culture and enzymatic digestion methods, we isolated a great number of cells with typical fibroblastic morphology and high viability. Neither bacteria/fungi nor mycoplasma was detectable in the cell cultures throughout the study. The population doubling time was 34 h according to the growth curve. Karyotyping based on Giemsa staining showed that the cultured cells were diploid with 36 chromosomes in all, one pair of which was sex chromosomes. The amplified mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit I gene sequence of the cultured cells was 99.26% identical with that of the registered H. amphibius complete mitochondrial DNA, confirming the species of origin of the cells. Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining results revealed that the detected cells were positive for fibroblast markers, S100A4, and vimentin. In conclusion, we generated the fibroblast cell cultures from a common hippopotamus and identified their characteristics using multiple techniques. We believe the cryopreserved cells could be useful genetic materials for future research.  相似文献   

Percentage composition of woody plants in five vegetation types and activity sites of warthog were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of Cochlospermum spp. in Kainji Lake National Park. Cochlospermum planchoni and Cochlospermum tinctorium were mostly encountered in Acacia forest. These species constituted between 7% and 18% of the plant species in the activity sites of warthog. The activity site with the highest composition of Cochlospermum spp. contained the lowest density (1–2 km-1) of warthog. Although C. planchoni contained more nutrients than C. tinctorium, each of these species may be useful for the total ash (93-0g kg-1) and crude fibre (423-0g kg-1) quantities that are being utilized as nutrients by warthog. Consequently, Cochlospermum spp. could be established in conservation areas either to eradicate the use of artificial salt licks or to reduce the percentage of bare ground prone to trampling and erosion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sarcocystis dubeyella n. sp. and S. phacochoeri n. sp. from muscle fibers of the skeletal musculature of two warthogs in South Africa are described by light and and electron microscopy. Sarcocystis dubeyella sarcocysts are macroscopic (up to 12 mm long and 1 mm wide), with a parasite-induced encapsulation of the host muscle fiber in which the plasma membrane of the latter remained unaltered. The sarcocyst wall is characterized by evenly arranged, irregularly semicircular or rectangular villar protrusions (5.0 T. 2.8-11.0 μm) with indented margins and no specific content. Sarcocystis phacochoeri formed filiform microcysts (up to 4 mm long and 0.13 mm wide). Its cyst wall is provided with tightly packed, molarlike villar protrusions (1.6-3.3 T. 1.7-3.3 μm), with smooth margins, hollow on one side, and with longitudinal condensations of the fine granular matrix at various locations in the interior.  相似文献   

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