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The notion that modern metabolism was derived from a complex RNA world in which most reactions were catalyzed by ribozymes has received wide acceptance. However, the evolutionary links between the first self-replicating systems and ribozymes as complex as, say, the Group I self-splicing intron or the HDV ribozyme, have remained elusive. While prebiotic chemists have succeeded in synthesizing short oligonucleotides, it is not immediately obvious how these could have replicated and evolved to the point where they could assume complex shapes and catalytic functions. Nonetheless, recent experiments from a variety of disciplines suggest a plausible pathway from prebiotic chemistry to complex metabolism, and this review is intended as a hypothetical roadmap for the origin and subsequent evolution of life.  相似文献   



A key event in the origin of life on this planet has been formation of self-replicating RNA-type molecules, which were complex enough to undergo a Darwinian-type evolution (origin of the "RNA world"). However, so far there has been no explanation of how the first RNA-like biopolymers could originate and survive on the primordial Earth.  相似文献   



The hypothesis of an RNA-based origin of life, known as the "RNA world", is strongly affected by the hostile environmental conditions probably present in the early Earth. In particular, strong UV and X-ray radiations could have been a major obstacle to the formation and evolution of the first biomolecules. In 1951, J. D. Bernal first proposed that clay minerals could have served as the sites of accumulation and protection from degradation of the first biopolymers, providing the right physical setting for the evolution of more complex systems. Numerous subsequent experimental studies have reinforced this hypothesis.


The ability of the possibly widespread prebiotic, clay mineral montmorillonite to protect the catalytic RNA molecule ADHR1 (Adenine Dependent Hairpin Ribozyme 1) from UV-induced damages was experimentally checked. In particular, the self-cleavage reaction of the ribozyme was evaluated after UV-irradiation of the molecule in the absence or presence of clay particles. Results obtained showed a three-fold retention of the self-cleavage activity of the montmorillonite-protected molecule, with respect to the same reaction performed by the ribozyme irradiated in the absence of the clay.


These results provide a suggestion with which RNA, or RNA-like molecules, could have overcame the problem of protection from UV irradiation in the RNA world era, and suggest that a clay-rich environment could have favoured not only the formation of first genetic molecules, but also their evolution towards increasingly complex molecular organization.

How life emerged on this planet is one of the most important and fundamental questions of science. Although nearly all details concerning our origins have been lost in the depths of time, there is compelling evidence to suggest that the earliest life might have exploited the catalytic and self-recognition properties of RNA to survive. If an RNA based replicating system could be constructed in the laboratory, it would be much easier to understand the challenges associated with the very earliest steps in evolution and provide important insight into the establishment of the complex metabolic systems that now dominate this planet. Recent progress into the selection and characterization of ribozymes that promote nucleotide synthesis and RNA polymerization are discussed and outstanding problems in the field of RNA-mediated RNA replication are summarized.Cell division is a fundamental biological process in which genetic information is duplicated and shared between daughter cells. In extant cellular life, DNA serves as the repository of genetic information, but its replication is complicated by the daunting size and complex structural organization of modern genomes. For this reason, multiple enzymes are required to ensure faithful genomic replication in all higher life forms. Notably, simpler replicating systems such as viruses, have smaller genomes and tend to use correspondingly more error-prone replicative machinery (Kunkel and Bebenek 2000; Gago, Elena et al. 2009). Presumably, if the initial organisms on this planet also had small genomes, then the earliest genomic replication could have been a relatively simple and error-prone process compared with the complex replicative strategies of modern life.  相似文献   

At early stages of biochemical evolution, the complexity of replicating molecules was limited by unavoidably high mutation rates. In an RNA world, prior to the appearance of cellular life, an increase in molecular length, and thus in functional complexity, could have been mediated by modular evolution. We describe here a scenario in which short, replicating RNA sequences are selected to perform a simple function. Molecular function is represented through the secondary structure corresponding to each sequence, and a given target secondary structure yields the optimal function in the environment where the population evolves. The combination of independently evolved populations may have facilitated the emergence of larger molecules able to perform more complex functions (including RNA replication) that could arise as a combination of simpler ones. We quantitatively show that modular evolution has relevant advantages with respect to the direct evolution of large functional molecules, among them the allowance of higher mutation rates, the shortening of evolutionary times, and the very possibility of finding complex structures that could not be otherwise directly selected.  相似文献   

How life emerged from simple non-life chemicals on the ancient Earth is one of the greatest mysteries in biology. The gene expression system of extant life is based on the interdependence between multiple molecular species (DNA, RNA, and proteins). While DNA is mainly used as genetic material and proteins as functional molecules in modern biology, RNA serves as both genetic material and enzymes (ribozymes). Thus, the evolution of life may have begun with the birth of a ribozyme that replicated itself (the RNA world hypothesis), and proteins and DNA joined later. However, the complete self-replication of ribozymes from monomeric substrates has not yet been demonstrated experimentally, due to their limited activity and stability. In contrast, peptides are more chemically stable and are considered to have existed on the ancient Earth, leading to the hypothesis of RNA–peptide co-evolution from the very beginning. Our group and collaborators recently demonstrated that (1) peptides with both hydrophobic and cationic moieties (e.g., KKVVVVVV) form β-amyloid aggregates that adsorb RNA and enhance RNA synthesis by an artificial RNA polymerase ribozyme and (2) a simple peptide with only seven amino acid types (especially rich in valine and lysine) can fold into the ancient β-barrel conserved in various enzymes, including the core of cellular RNA polymerases. These findings, together with recent reports from other groups, suggest that simple prebiotic peptides could have supported the ancient RNA-based replication system, gradually folded into RNA-binding proteins, and eventually evolved into complex proteins like RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) has emerged as major health concern, as ZIKV infection has been shown to be associated with microcephaly, severe neurological disease and possibly male sterility. As the largest protein component within the ZIKV replication complex, NS5 plays key roles in the life cycle and survival of the virus through its N-terminal methyltransferase (MTase) and C-terminal RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains. Here, we present the crystal structures of ZIKV NS5 MTase in complex with an RNA cap analogue (m7GpppA) and the free NS5 RdRp. We have identified the conserved features of ZIKV NS5 MTase and RdRp structures that could lead to development of current antiviral inhibitors being used against flaviviruses, including dengue virus and West Nile virus, to treat ZIKV infection. These results should inform and accelerate the structure-based design of antiviral compounds against ZIKV.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease (RNase) P is a site‐specific endoribonuclease found in all kingdoms of life. Typical RNase P consists of a catalytic RNA component and a protein moiety. In the eukaryotes, the RNase P lineage has split into two, giving rise to a closely related enzyme, RNase MRP, which has similar components but has evolved to have different specificities. The eukaryotic RNases P/MRP have acquired an essential helix‐loop‐helix protein‐binding RNA domain P3 that has an important function in eukaryotic enzymes and distinguishes them from bacterial and archaeal RNases P. Here, we present a crystal structure of the P3 RNA domain from Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase MRP in a complex with RNase P/MRP proteins Pop6 and Pop7 solved to 2.7 Å. The structure suggests similar structural organization of the P3 RNA domains in RNases P/MRP and possible functions of the P3 domains and proteins bound to them in the stabilization of the holoenzymes' structures as well as in interactions with substrates. It provides the first insight into the structural organization of the eukaryotic enzymes of the RNase P/MRP family.  相似文献   

In vitro selection experiments show first and foremost that it is possible that functional nucleic acids can arise from random sequence libraries. Indeed, even simple sequence and structural motifs can prove to be robust binding species and catalysts, indicating that it may have been possible to transition from even the earliest self-replicators to a nascent, RNA-catalyzed metabolism. Because of the diversity of aptamers and ribozymes that can be selected, it is possible to construct a 'fossil record' of the evolution of the RNA world, with in vitro selected catalysts filling in as doppelgangers for molecules long gone. In this way a plausible pathway from simple oligonucleotide replicators to genomic polymerases can be imagined, as can a pathway from basal ribozyme activities to the ribosome. Most importantly, though, in vitro selection experiments can give a true and quantitative idea of the likelihood that these scenarios could have played out in the RNA world. Simple binding species and catalysts could have evolved into other structures and functions. As replicating sequences grew longer, new, more complex functions or faster catalytic activities could have been accessed. Some activities may have been isolated in sequence space, but others could have been approached along large, interconnected neutral networks. As the number, type, and length of ribozymes increased, RNA genomes would have evolved and eventually there would have been no area in a fitness landscape that would have been inaccessible. Self-replication would have inexorably led to life.  相似文献   

The “RNA World” hypothesis suggests that life developed from RNA enzymes termed ribozymes, which carry out reactions without assistance from proteins. Ribonuclease (RNase) P is one ribozyme that appears to have adapted these origins to modern cellular life by adding protein to the RNA core in order to broaden the potential functions. This RNA‐protein complex plays diverse roles in processing RNA, but its best‐understood reaction is pre‐tRNA maturation, resulting in mature 5' ends of tRNAs. The core catalytic activity resides in the RNA subunit of almost all RNase P enzymes but broader substrate tolerance is required for recognizing not only the diverse sequences of tRNAs, but also additional cellular RNA substrates. This broader substrate tolerance is provided by the addition of protein to the RNA core and allows RNase P to selectively recognize different RNAs, and possibly ribonucleoprotein (RNP) substrates. Thus, increased protein content correlated with evolution from bacteria to eukaryotes has further enhanced substrate potential enabling the enzyme to function in a complex cellular environment. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1244–1251, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although there is more and more evidence suggested the existence of an RNA World during the origin of life, the scenario concerning the origin of the RNA World remains blurry. Usually it is speculated that it originated from a prebiotic nucleotide pool, during which a self-replicating RNA synthesis ribozyme may have emerged as the first ribozyme – the RNA replicase. However, there is yet no ersuasive supposition for the mechanism for the self-favouring feature of the replicase, thus the speculation remains unconvincing. Here we suggest that intramolecular catalysis is a possible solution. Two RNA synthesis ribozymes may be integrated into one RNA molecule, as two functional domains which could catalyze the copy of each other. Thus the RNA molecule could self-replicate and be referred to as “intramolecular replicase“ here. Computational simulation to get insight into the dynamic mechanism of emergence of the intramolecular replicase from a nucleotide pool is valuable and would be included in a following work of our group.  相似文献   



It is now believed that in the origin of life, proteins should have been "invented" in an RNA world. However, due to the complexity of a possible RNA-based proto-translation system, this evolving process seems quite complicated and the associated scenario remains very blurry. Considering that RNA can bind amino acids with specificity, it has been reasonably supposed that initial peptides might have been synthesized on "RNA templates" containing multiple amino acid binding sites. This "Direct RNA Template (DRT)" mechanism is attractive because it should be the simplest mechanism for RNA to synthesize peptides, thus very likely to have been adopted initially in the RNA world. Then, how this mechanism could develop into a proto-translation system mechanism is an interesting problem.  相似文献   

Scientific theories about the origin-of-life theories have historically been characterized by the chicken-and-egg problem of which essential aspect of life was the first to appear, replication or self-sustenance. By the 1950s the question was cast in molecular terms and DNA and proteins had come to represent the carriers of the two functions. Meanwhile, RNA, the other nucleic acid, had played a capricious role in origin theories. Because it contained building blocks very similar to DNA, biologists recognized early that RNA could store information in its linear sequences. With the discovery in the 1980s that RNA molecules were capable of biological catalysis, a function hitherto ascribed to proteins alone, RNA took on the role of the single entity that could act as both chicken and egg. Within a few years of the discovery of these catalytic RNAs (ribozymes) scientists had formulated an RNA World hypothesis that posited an early phase in the evolution of life where all key functions were performed by RNA molecules. This paper traces the history the role of RNA in origin-of-life theories with a focus on how the discovery of ribozymes influenced the discourse.  相似文献   

Ma W  Yu C  Zhang W 《Bio Systems》2007,90(1):28-39
The origin of life remains a highly speculative field, mainly due to the shortage of our knowledge on prebiotic chemistry and basic understanding on the essence of life. In this context, computer simulation is expected to play an important role. For instance, the scenario concerning the genesis of the widely accepted RNA World remains blurry, though we have gathered some circumstantial evidence and fragmented knowledge on several supposed stages, including formation of polynucleotides from a prebiotic nucleotide pool, emergence of RNA replicases (RNA molecules catalyzing their own replication), and evolution of RNA replicases. It is highly valuable to simulate the stages as a continuous process to evaluate the plausibility of the supposition and study the rules involved. Here we construct a computer simulation on the process using Monte Carlo method. It demonstrates that primordial RNA replicases may appear and spread in a nucleotide pool provided they could recognize their own sequence and their complements as catalytic targets, and then may evolve to more efficient RNA replicases. Apart from its indication on the genesis of the RNA World, the vivid simulation of emergence of the “first replicative molecules” and their subsequent evolution is impressive and may help to get insight into “how could self-replication and Darwinian evolution, two key features of life, emerge in a non-life background?” thus improve our understanding of “what is life” when studying origins of life.  相似文献   

During an early step in the evolution of life, RNA served both as genome and as catalyst, according to the RNA world hypothesis. For self-replication, the RNA organisms must have contained an RNA that catalyzes RNA polymerization. As a first step toward recapitulating an RNA world in the laboratory, a polymerase ribozyme was generated previously by in vitro evolution and design. However, the efficiency of this ribozyme is about 100-fold too low for self-replication because of a low affinity of the ribozyme to its primer/template substrate. To improve the substrate interactions by colocalizing ribozyme and substrate on micelles, we attached hydrophobic anchors to both RNAs. We show here that the hydrophobic anchors led to aggregates with the expected size of the corresponding micelles. The micelle formation increased the polymerization yield of full-length products by 3- to 20-fold, depending on substrates and reaction conditions. With the best-characterized substrate, the improvement in polymerization efficiency was primarily due to reduced sequence-specific stalling on partially extended substrates. We discuss how, during the origin of life, micellar ribozyme aggregates could have acted as precursors to membrane-encapsulated life forms.  相似文献   

RNA–polypeptide complexes (RNPs), which play various roles in extant biological systems, have been suggested to have been important in the early stages of the molecular evolution of life. At a certain developmental stage of ancient RNPs, their RNA and polypeptide components have been proposed to evolve in a reciprocal manner to establish highly elaborate structures and functions. We have constructed a simple model system, from which a cooperative evolution system of RNA and polypeptide components could be developed. Based on the observation that several RNAs modestly accelerated the chemical ligation of the two basic peptides. We have designed an RNA molecule possessing two peptide binding sites that capture the two peptides. This designed RNA can also accelerate the peptide ligation. The resulting ligated peptide, which has two RNA-binding sites, can in turn function as a trans-acting factor that enhances the endonuclease activity catalyzed by the designed RNA.  相似文献   

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