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Schistosoma mansoni synthesizes glycoconjugates which interact with galectin-3, eliciting an intense humoral immune response. Moreover, it was demonstrated that galectin-3 regulates B cell differentiation into plasma cells. Splenomegaly is a hallmark event characterized by polyclonal B cell activation and enhancement of antibody production. Here, we investigated whether galectin-3 interferes with spleen organization and B cell compartment during chronic schistosomiasis, using wild type (WT) and galectin-3-/- mice. In chronically-infected galectin-3-/- mice the histological architecture of the spleen, including white and red pulps, was disturbed with heterogeneous lymphoid follicles, an increased number of plasma cells (CD19-B220-/lowCD138+) and a reduced number of macrophages (CD19-B220-Mac-1+CD138-) and B lymphocytes (CD19+B220+/highCD138-), compared with the WT infected mice. In the absence of galectin-3 there was an increase of annexin-V+PI- cells and a major presence of apoptotic cells in spleen compared with WT infected mice. In spleen of WT infected mice galectin-3 was largely expressed in lymphoid follicles and extrafollicular sites. Thus, we propose that galectin-3 plays a role in splenic architecture, controlling distinct events such as apoptosis, macrophage activity, B cell differentiation and plasmacytogenesis in the course of S. mansoni infection.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni genomic DNA from male and female adult worms was subjected to restriction by the isoschizomeric endonucleases HpaII and MspI, which display different sensitivities with respect to cytosine methylation. The digested DNA was hybridized with 13 S. mansoni probes. Southern blot analysis showed that there were no observable differences in the restriction patterns of the two isoschizomers and that the patterns were identical in male and female parasites. Adenine methylation was also ruled out since no differences were observed with DpnI, Sau3A1, or MboI restriction enzymes. The methylation-dependent restriction endonuclease McrBC, which cleaves DNA containing methylcytosine and will not cleave unmethylated DNA, did not digest S. mansoni genomic DNA. These results demonstrate that the genome of adult S. mansoni is not methylated.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata, highly susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni, were seen to shed less and less cercariae along the time of infection. Histological examination kept a close correlation with this changing pattern of cercarial shedding, turning an initial picture of no-reaction (tolerance) gradually into one of hemocyte proliferation with formation of focal encapsulating lesions around disintegrating sporocysts and cercariae, a change that became disseminated toward the 142nd day post miracidial exposure. Findings were suggestive of a gradual installation of acquired immunity in snails infected with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Chronic schistosomiasis induces Th2/T regulatory responses which are able to down-modulate allergic inflammation and asthma. Because co-stimulatory molecules and IL-10 are essential for inducing tolerance, the aim of this study was to determine by flow cytometry, the expression of CD28, CTLA4, CD40L, CD80, CD86, HLA-DR, IL-10 and IL-10 receptor, by mononuclear cells from asthmatic individuals infected with Schistosoma mansoni and compare with non-infected individuals. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stained with fluorochrome conjugated antibodies for the expression of co-stimulatory molecules, and for intracellular CTLA4 and IL-10 expression. There was no significant difference in the frequency of T cells expressing CD28 between the two groups. However, the frequency of TCD4+ cells expressing CTLA4 and CD40L was higher in infected asthmatics. The frequency of monocytes expressing CD80 and CD86 did not differ between groups, while the expression of HLA-DR and IL-10 receptor was higher on monocytes of infected individuals. Furthermore, monocytes and CD4+CD25+ cells of infected individuals expressed higher levels of IL-10. We conclude that, besides alternatively-activated monocytes that are, together with CD4+CD25+ cells, important sources of IL-10, CTLA4 and CD40L expression may also participate in the down-modulation of inflammatory allergic response in S. mansoni-infected asthmatics.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here that a second mechanism of platelet activation dependent on lymphokine could also take place in the expression of platelet cytotoxicity against Schistosoma mansoni in vitro. Indeed, IgE, as previously described, but also IFN-gamma, present in the sera of infected rats, together induce platelets from normal rats into cytotoxic effectors for the parasitic larvae. This second mechanism appears also effective in vivo since the passive transfer of normal platelets treated by recombinant IFN-gamma (rIFN-gamma) and the administration of rIFN-gamma to rats conferred a protective immunity to S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease due to Schistosoma mansoni. Schistosome infection is known to induce granulomas not only in the spleen, bladder, liver and intestine but also in the brain and spinal cord resulting in severe neuropathological and psychiatric disorders though the interaction between Schistosoma mansoni infection and the nervous system has received on the whole little attention. In the present review it has been discussed recent findings from experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection in mouse nervous system. We show that brain granulomas are associated with a significant alteration in the constitutive levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), a trophic factor playing an essential role in nerve growth and differentiation and in preventing neuronal damages. Animals infected with schistosomes suffered also of increased pain sensitivity which was inhibited by TNF-alpha antibody injections and not by anti-NGF. These findings suggest that the neuropathological dysfunctions in neuroschistosomiasis may be linked to changes in the basal levels and/or activity of neurotrophic factors caused by local formation of granulomas.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the lysosomal enzyme markers, acid phosphatase (AP), peroxidase (PO), and nonspecific esterase (NE), within circulating blood cells (hemocytes) were examined in a schistosome-susceptible (PR albino M-line) and a resistant (10-R2) strain of Biomphalaria glabrata during the course of infection with Schistosoma mansoni. The dynamics of serum (cell-free hemolymph) AP activities and total hemocyte numbers in infected snails also were investigated. Hemocyte subpopulations, as determined by these enzyme markers, responded differently to parasite infection between snail strains. Generally, the hemocyte subpopulations within PR albino snails remained largely unchanged, whereas the same subpopulations in 10-R2 snails fluctuated considerably. The distribution of AP in the hemocytes of 10-R2 snails decreased by 1 hr postexposure (PE) to the parasite and remained low through 12 hr before increasing to control values at 24 hr and 2 wk PE. In comparison, PO activity increased by 1 hr PE and peaked at 12 hr before dropping to 0 hr values by 2 wk PE. The NE activity exhibited still another pattern with the percentage of NE-positive cells decreasing from 0 to 12 hr PE followed by a recovery to 0-hr values by 24 hr. The abundance of these hemocyte enzymes followed a similar pattern to that of their distribution, although some differences were observed. Serum AP values varied little in PR albino snails except for a significant increase at 2 wk PE, indicating a possible response to tissue damage resulting from migrating daughter sporocysts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The perfused large mesenteric lymph node of the dog was observed under the scanning electron microscope.The lymph sinus contains reticulum cells which mostly are two-dimensionally formed stellate plates oriented in a uniform direction. Large round macrophages are loosely fixed by the reticulum cell processes. No intermediate type between both cells has been observed. Macrophages having a few long tentacle-like projections are densely covered by clubbed cytoplasmic processes. Smaller round cells, probably plasma cells and lymphocytes also remained in the sinus.The pulp of the node is built up by reticulum cells, much smaller than those in the sinus, and by densely packed round cells including a few macrophages.The trabeculae and the reticulum of the nodal parenchyme form a continuous structure.Cordial thanks are expressed to Dr. Toshihiro Ishii, Professor of Anatomy of the Tohoku University Medical School, for his valuable advice. Thanks are also due to the kind cooperation of Mr. Akira Kubotsu of the Central Research Laboratories, Kuraray Co. Ltd.  相似文献   

Analysis of a murine model of schistosomiasis revealed that both the thymus (T)- and bursa (B)-derived compartments of the immune system are modified during acute infection. The functional capacity of T and B lymphocytes to respond to mitogenic stimuli and the humoral response to thymus-dependent (SRBC) and thymus-independent (DNP-Ficoll) antigens are severely depressed. In addition, it was found that suppressor cells capable of inhibiting the response of normal lymphocytes to SRBC arise during acute infection. Although the splenic frequency of T (theta) and B (Ig+) cells remained constant during chronic infection, quantitative changes were detected in each population. In the T cell pool there was a decrease in the percentage of Ly-1+ cells and a concomitant increase in Ly-1+, 2+, 3+, cells, whereas the B cell pool showed a progressive loss of complement receptor-bearing lymphocytes, which apparently was the result of inactivation of surface complement receptor by a serum factor specifically found in infected mice. Characterization of the serum factor strongly suggests it is an immune complex. Thus, it appears that both suppressor cells and immune complexes contribute to changes noted in the immune system during acute schistosomiasis. Additional studies carried out in mice after unisexual infection revealed that egg production is not a necessary prerequisite for several of the immunologic phenomena associated with acute schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes extravasated into the sinuses of the rat mesenteric lymph nodes as a result of short-term clamping of the portal vein were, although autologous, phagocytized markedly by the lymph node macrophages at 1 hr after reopening of the vein. The erythrophagosomes formed in the macrophages were exposed three-dimensionally by the cellular matrix maceration method and observed with a high-resolution scanning electron microscope. These results were compared to those obtained by conventional transmission electron microscopy. The process of degradation of an erythrocyte took about 6 hr. Coated pits were formed on the erythrophagosomal membrane at the early stage, and the erythrophagosomes were degraded by two different pathways: 1) the degradative pathway by invaginations of the phagosomal membrane, through which the erythrophagosome shrank and broke into secondary lysosomes, and 2) the hemolytic degradative pathway, by which it lost its content and formed a ghost.  相似文献   

Summary Blood-, lymph node-, and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (PBL, LNC, and TIL, respectively) from patients with colonic neoplasms were tested for responsiveness to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). All populations responded, with LNC and PBL showing comparable reactivities while TIL were less reactive as assessed by incorporation of 3H-thymidine. Increased mitogen responsiveness was observed for T cells enriched by SRBC rosette formation or passage through nylon columns. Mitomycin C-treated LNC and TIL inhibited PHA induced 3H-thymidine incorporation of admixed autologous PBL, suggesting the presence of suppressor cells. Suppressor activity resided primarily in the SRBC rosetting population and was dose-dependent, with increasing numbers of LNC giving greater diminution of PHA response. Suppression by LNC was apparent only when they were added to PBL responders within 6 h of the initiation of stimulation assays, in common with the effects of Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced suppressors on PBL phytomitogen responsiveness. Con A-induced and LNC-suppressor activity could be reversed by addition of lymphocyte-conditioned medium (CM) containing T cell growth factor (TCGF; interleukin IL-2). These data provide further evidence that the suppressor phenomena observed in this system are a function of activated T cells present both in drainage lymph nodes and at the tumour site.  相似文献   

High doses of gamma radiation (10 Krad) in Biomphalaria tenagophila snails (Taim strain), which have been found to be resistant to Schistosoma mansoni, were not sufficient to impair their resistance to the parasite. The number of hemocytes, as well as their phagocytic activity, were not affected by irradiation, thus showing resemblance with mammal macrophages, which are resistant to gamma irradiation also.  相似文献   

With the aim to evaluate the circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) levels in relation to the different clinical phases of Schistosoma sp. infection a sandwich ELISA using monoclonal antibody 5H11 was performed. The sera of three groups of 25 Brazilian patients with acute, intestinal and hepatosplenic forms of S. mansoni infection were tested and compared to a non-infected control group. Patients and control groups were matched for age and sex and the number of eggs per gram of feces was equally distributed among the three patient groups. Sensitivity of 100%, 72%, 52% of the assay was observed for the intestinal, hepatosplenic and acute toxemic groups respectively. The specificity was 100%. Intestinal and hepatosplenic groups presented CCA levels significantly higher in comparison to those observed for acute patients (F-ratio = 2,524; p = 0.000 and F-ratio = 6,314; p = 0.015 respectively). There was no significant difference of CCA serum levels between hepatosplenic and intestinal groups (F-ratio = 1,026; p = 0.316).  相似文献   

Dendritic cell activation and function in response to Schistosoma mansoni   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dendritic cells (DC) are uniquely specialised for both antigen acquisition and presentation, linking innate and adaptive immunity. Their central role in the activation of na?ve T cells gives DC a strategic position in the control of immune responses. While the mechanisms by which viral, bacterial or protozoal pathogens interact with and activate DC are increasingly understood, much less is known about how these cells react to more complex organisms such as schistosomes. Recent studies have examined the impact on DC of antigens from different life cycle stages of Schistosoma mansoni and have revealed a DC phenotype quite distinct to that of conventional activation. Schistosome antigens elicit little of the cytokine secretion and costimulation that are abundantly triggered in DC by unicellular, proinflammatory pathogens and indeed may even actively inhibit such events. The DC response is not a null one, however, since S. mansoni-exposed DC still act as potent antigen presenting cells capable of generating a powerful Th2 immune response. Understanding the interaction between schistosomes and DC is therefore not only addressing fundamental questions of DC biology and immunity to multicellular parasites but also opens the way to therapeutic manipulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

The metabolism of benzoic acid was examined in S. mansoni infected CBA mouse. The result showed that control animals dosed with 150 mg/kg benzoic acid resulted in urinary excretion of two metabolites, hippuric acid and benzoic acid glucuronide. Administration of the same dose to animal carrying S. mansoni for a period of over 6 weeks resulted in decreased formation of hippuric acid and total elimination of benzoic acid by glucuronide pathway.  相似文献   

Infectious cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni gain entry to the mammalian host through the skin where they induce a transient inflammatory influx of mononuclear cells. Some of these cells have antigen-presenting cell function (MHCII+) and have been reported to migrate to the skin-draining lymph nodes (sdLN) where they have the potential to prime CD4+ cells of the acquired immune response. Here, in mice exposed to vaccinating radiation-attenuated schistosome larvae, which induce high levels of protective immunity to challenge infection, we describe the parasite-induced migration of Langerhans cells (LCs) from the epidermal site of immunisation to the sdLN using a specific monoclonal antibody that recognises langerin (CD207). CD207+ cells with dendritic morphology were abundant in the epidermis at all times and their migration into the dermis was detected soon after vaccination. All CD207+ LCs were MHCII+ but not all MHCII+ cells in the skin were CD207+. LCs migrated from the dermis in enhanced numbers after vaccination, as detected in dermal exudate populations recovered after in vitro culture of skin biopsies. Elevated numbers of CD207+ LCs were also detected in the sdLN from 24h to 4 days after vaccination. However, compared with other dermal-derived antigen-presenting cells that were CD207-MHCII+ or CD207-CD11c+, the relative numbers of CD207+ cells in the dermal exudate population and in the sdLN were very small. Furthermore, the migration of CD207+ cells after exposure to 'protective' radiation-attenuated, compared with 'non-protective' normal cercariae, was similar in terms of numbers and kinetics. Together, these studies suggest that CD207+ LCs are only a minor component of the antigen-presenting cell population that migrates from the epidermis and they are unlikely to be important in the priming of protective CD4+ cells in the sdLN.  相似文献   

Since its recent emergence from the enteropathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Y. pestis, the plague agent, has acquired an intradermal (id) route of entry and an extreme virulence. To identify pathophysiological events associated with the Y. pestis high degree of pathogenicity, we compared disease progression and evolution in mice after id inoculation of the two Yersinia species. Mortality studies showed that the id portal was not in itself sufficient to provide Y. pseudotuberculosis with the high virulence power of its descendant. Surprisingly, Y. pseudotuberculosis multiplied even more efficiently than Y. pestis in the dermis, and generated comparable histological lesions. Likewise, Y. pseudotuberculosis translocated to the draining lymph node (DLN) and similar numbers of the two bacterial species were found at 24 h post infection (pi) in this organ. However, on day 2 pi, bacterial loads were higher in Y. pestis-infected than in Y. pseudotuberculosis-infected DLNs. Clustering and multiple correspondence analyses showed that the DLN pathologies induced by the two species were statistically significantly different and identified the most discriminating elementary lesions. Y. pseudotuberculosis infection was accompanied by abscess-type polymorphonuclear cell infiltrates containing the infection, while Y. pestis-infected DLNs exhibited an altered tissue density and a vascular congestion, and were typified by an invasion of the tissue by free floating bacteria. Therefore, Y. pestis exceptional virulence is not due to its recently acquired portal of entry into the host, but is associated with a distinct ability to massively infiltrate the DLN, without inducing in this organ an organized polymorphonuclear cell reaction. These results shed light on pathophysiological processes that draw the line between a virulent and a hypervirulent pathogen.  相似文献   

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