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Butterflies have sophisticated color vision. While the spectral organization of the compound eye has been well characterized in the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus, neural mechanisms underlying its color vision are largely unexplored. Towards a better understanding of signal processing in the visual system of P. xuthus, we used immunocytochemical techniques to analyze the distribution of transmitter candidates, namely, histamine, serotonin, tyramine and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Photoreceptor terminals in the lamina and medulla exhibited histamine immunoreactivity as demonstrated in other insects. The anti-histamine antiserum also labeled a few large medulla neurons. Medulla intrinsic neurons and centrifugal neurons projecting to the lamina showed serotonin immunoreactivity. Tyramine immunostaining was detected in a subset of large monopolar cells (LMCs) in the lamina, transmedullary neurons projecting to the lobula plate, and cell bodies surrounding the first optic chiasma. An anti-GABA antiserum labeled a subset of LMCs and populations of columnar and tangential neurons surrounding the medulla. Each of the four antisera also labeled a few centrifugal neurons that innervate the lobula complex from the central brain, suggesting that they have neuromodulatory roles. A distinctive feature we found in this study is the possibility that tyramine and GABA act as transmitters in LMCs of P. xuthus, which has not been reported in any other insects so far.  相似文献   

Summary We present a quantitative evaluation of Golgiimpregnated columnar neurons in the optic lobe of wildtype Drosophila melanogaster. This analysis reveals the overall connectivity pattern between the 10 neuropil layers of the medulla and demonstrates the existence of at least three major visual pathways. Pathway 1 connects medulla layer M10 to the lobula plate. Input layers of this pathway are M1 and M5. Pathway 2 connects M9 to shallow layers of the lobula, which in turn are tightly linked to the lobula plate. This pathway gets major input via M2. Pathways 1 and 2 receive input from retinula cells R1-6, either via the lamina monopolar cell L1 (terminating in M1 and M5) or via L2 and T1 (terminating in M2). Neurons of these pathways typically have small dendritic fields. We discuss evidence that pathways 1 and 2 may play a major role in motion detection. Pathway 3 connects M8 to deep layers of the lobula. In M8 information converges that is derived either from M3 (pathway 3a) or from M4 and M6 (pathway 3b), layers that get their major input from L3 and R8 or L4 and R7, respectively. Some neurons of pathway 3 have large dendritic fields. We suggest that they may be involved in the computation of form and colour. Possible analogies to the organization of pathways in the visual system of vertebrates are discussed.During the final editing of this work our friend A.P.M. Dittrich was tragically killed in an accident. Without him this and the previous work would never have been completed  相似文献   

The correct targeting of photoreceptor neurons (R-cells) in the developing Drosophila visual system requires multiple guidance systems in the eye-brain complex as well as the precise organization of the target area. Here, we report that the egghead (egh) gene, encoding a glycosyltransferase, is required for a compartment boundary between lamina glia and lobula cortex, which is necessary for appropriate R1-R6 innervation of the lamina. In the absence of egh, R1-R6 axons form a disorganized lamina plexus and some R1-R6 axons project abnormally to the medulla instead of the lamina. Mosaic analysis demonstrates that this is not due to a loss of egh function in the eye or in the neurons and glia of the lamina. Rather, as indicated by clonal analysis and cell-specific genetic rescue experiments, egh is required in cells of the lobula complex primordium which transiently abuts the lamina and medulla in the developing larval brain. In the absence of egh, perturbation of sheath-like glial processes occurs at the boundary region delimiting lamina glia and lobula cortex, and inappropriate invasion of lobula cortex cells across this boundary region disrupts the pattern of lamina glia resulting in inappropriate R1-R6 innervation. This finding underscores the importance of the lamina/lobula compartment boundary in R1-R6 axon targeting.  相似文献   

A large number of cells die via programmed cell death during the normal development of the Drosophila optic lobe. In this study, we report the precise spatial and temporal pattern of cell death in this organ. Cell death in the developing optic lobe occurs in two distinct phases. The first phase extends from the start of metamorphosis to the mid-pupal stage. During this phase, a large number of cells die in the optic lobe as a whole, with a peak of cell death at an early pupal stage in the lamina and medulla cortices and the region of the T2/T3/C neurons, and a smaller number of dead cells observed in the lobula plate cortex. The second phase extends from the mid-pupal stage to eclosion. Throughout this period, a small number of dying cells can be observed, with a small peak at a late pupal stage. Most of the dying cells are neurons. During the first phase, dying cells are distributed in specific patterns in cortices. The lamina cortex contains two distinct clusters of dying cells; the medulla cortex, four clusters; the lobula plate cortex, one cluster; and the region of the T2/T3/C neurons, one cluster. Many of the clusters maintain their distinct positions in the optic lobe but others extend the region they cover during development. The presence of distinct clusters of dying cells at different phases suggests that distinct mechanisms control cell death during different stages of optic lobe development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Variants of the Golgi-Colonnier (1964) selective silver procedure have been used to show up neurons in insect brains. Neural elements are particularly clearly impregnated in the optic lobes. Three classes of nerve cells can be distinguished; perpendicular (class I), tangential (class II) and amacrine cells (class III). There are many types of neurons in each class which together have a very wide variety of form. Their components are related to specific strata in the optic lobe regions. Short visual cells from the retina terminate in the lamina in discrete groups of endings (optic cartridges). Pairs of long visual fibres from ommatidia pass through the lamina and end in the medulla. Class I cells link these two regions in parallel with the long visual fibres and groups of these elements define columns in the medulla. These in turn give rise to small-field fibres that project to the lobula complex. Tangential processes intersect the parallel arrays of class I cells at characteristic levels. Some are complex in form and may invade up to three regions. Another type provides a direct link between the ipsi- and contralateral optic lobe. Amacrine cells are intrinsic to single lobe regions and have processes situated at the same levels as those of classes I and II cells. A fifth optic lobe region, the optic tubercle, is connected to the medulla and lobula and also receives a set of processes from the mid-brain. There are at least six separate types of small-field relays which could represent the retina mosaic arrangement in the lobula.  相似文献   

Panorpa larvae possess stemmata (lateral ocelli), which have the structure of compound eyes, and stemma lamina and stemma medulla neuropils. A distinct lobula neuropil is lacking. The stemma neuropils have a columnar organization. They contain lamina monopolar cells, and both short and long visual fibers. All the identified larval monopolar neurons have radially arranged dendrites along the entire depth of the lamina neuropil and a single terminal arborization within the medulla (L1/L2-type). The terminals of visual fibers have short spiny lateral projections. Long fibers possess en passant synapses within the lamina. The same principles of organization of first and second order visual neuropils are found in Panorpa imagines. In contrast to the larvae, a lobula neuropil is present. Adults have monopolar cells of the L1-type that are similar to the L1-neurons found in Diptera. The columnar organization, the presence of short and long visual fibers, and lamina monopolar neurons are thus features common to both visual systems, viz., the larval (stemmata) and the imaginal (compound eyes).  相似文献   

Brain morphogenesis depends on the maintenance of boundaries between populations of non-intermingling cells. We used molecular markers to characterize a boundary within the optic lobe of the Drosophila brain and found that Slit and the Robo family of receptors, well-known regulators of axon guidance and neuronal migration, inhibit the mixing of adjacent cell populations in the developing optic lobe. Our data suggest that Slit is needed in the lamina to prevent inappropriate invasion of Robo-expressing neurons from the lobula cortex. We show that Slit protein surrounds lamina glia, while the distal cell neurons in the lobula cortex express all three Drosophila Robos. We examine the function of these proteins in the visual system by isolating a novel allele of slit that preferentially disrupts visual system expression of Slit and by creating transgenic RNA interference flies to inhibit the function of each Drosophila Robo in a tissue-specific fashion. We find that loss of Slit or simultaneous knockdown of Robo, Robo2 and Robo3 causes distal cell neurons to invade the lamina, resulting in cell mixing across the lamina/lobula cortex boundary. This boundary disruption appears to lead to alterations in patterns of axon navigation in the visual system. We propose that Slit and Robo-family proteins act to maintain the distinct cellular composition of the lamina and the lobula cortex.  相似文献   

The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medula in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum. "Cartridge"-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.  相似文献   

1.  Responses to moving contrast gratings and to flicker have been studied in cells in the medulla of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata using intracellular recordings and stainings. Medullary neurons responded periodically to flicker. Those which primarily discriminated motion had periodic responses or DC shifts in membrane potentials or increased noise. Intrinsic neurons included a T1a cell which was directionally selective (DS) and specific non-DS amacrine cells (6 types) arborizing either distal or proximal to the serpentine layer. Among the 12 types of output neurons recorded, 1 projected to the lobula plate, 6 to the lobula (Tm and T2 cells), 3 to both the lobula and lobula plate (Y cells), and 2 to the central brain.
2.  Irrespective of their projection, medulla neurons which arborize in the stratum of the L2 terminals respond to flicker as does L2 and have the simplest, primarily periodic, responses to motion. The responses have significant power at the second harmonic of the stimulus temporal frequency suggesting that a non-linear operation, such as multiplication, may occur in the L2 stratum. Cells with arbors coinciding with either of the two levels of L1 terminals have much more complex responses to motion. All cells projecting to the lobula plate responded periodically to movement in some direction(s).

Summary The mapping of the compound eyes onto the visual neuropils and the cell types in the lamina and the lobula complex of Bibionidae (Diptera) were studied by means of extracellular cobalt injections and Golgi impregnations. Dorsal and ventral eyes in males map into separate dorsal-and ventral neuropils up to the level of the lobula complex. The dorsal-eye lamina is unilayered, while the ventral-eye lamina in males and the lamina in females are multilayered: layers A and C are invaded by en-passant terminals of long visual fibres, layer B by the terminals of short visual fibres. Long visual fibres have a short and a long terminal in the ventral medulla with terminal specialisations in three distinct layers. Only one type of receptor ending exists in the dorsal medulla, the terminal branches of which are restricted to one layer only. Arrays of contralateral neurones are found in the medial part of the dorsal lobula, which receives input from the zone of binocular vision of the ipsilateral dorsal eye, and in the posterior dorsal lobula and lobula plate. The dorsal lobula plate contains large tangential neurones, the dendritic arborisations of which are revealed by cobalt injection into the thoracic ganglia. The divided brain of male bibionids offers the opportunity to investigate separately the nervous systems involved in sex-specific visually guided flight behaviour and in general visually guided flight control.  相似文献   

Golgi staining of neuronal cell types in the optic lobe rudiments of adult eyeless flies of the sine oculis (so) mutant of Drosophila melanogaster reveals partial independence of optic lobe's development from compound eye formation. (1) Differentiation and maintenance of many neuronal cell types of medulla and lobular complex do not require innervation of the medulla from the retina and the lamina. Neurons derived from the outer and inner optic anlage have been found in adult eyeless flies. (2) The rudiments of ipsilateral medulla, lobula, and lobular plate are isotopically connected with each other. (3) Stratification of the lobular complex is retained. (4) Equivalent parts of the dorsal lobulae are connected by heterolateral small field neurons. (5) The shapes of many tangential neurons of the medulla show sprouting and compensatory innervation of the lobular complex. The basic results reported here for eyeless flies have many parallels in what is known about anophthalmic mice.  相似文献   

The butterfly Papilio xuthus has compound eyes with three types of ommatidia. Each type houses nine spectrally heterogeneous photoreceptors (R1–R9) that are divided into six spectral classes: ultraviolet, violet, blue, green, red, and broad-band. Analysis of color discrimination has shown that P. xuthus uses the ultraviolet, blue, green, and red receptors for foraging. The ultraviolet and blue receptors are long visual fibers terminating in the medulla, whereas the green and red receptors are short visual fibers terminating in the lamina. This suggests that processing of wavelength information begins in the lamina in P. xuthus, unlike in flies. To establish the anatomical basis of color discrimination mechanisms, we examined neurons innervating the lamina by injecting Neurobiotin into this neuropil. We found that in addition to photoreceptors and lamina monopolar cells, three distinct groups of cells project fibers into the lamina. Their cell bodies are located (1) at the anterior rim of the medulla, (2) between the proximal surface of the medulla and lobula plate, and (3) in the medulla cell body rind. Neurobiotin injection also labeled distinct terminals in medulla layers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Terminals in layer 4 belong to the long visual fibers (R1, 2 and 9), while arbors in layers 1, 2 and 3 probably correspond to terminals of three subtypes of lamina monopolar cells, respectively. Immunocytochemistry coupled with Neurobiotin injection revealed their transmitter candidates; neurons in (1) and a subset of neurons in (2) are immunoreactive to anti-serotonin and anti-γ-aminobutyric acid, respectively.  相似文献   

Synaptic connections of neurons in the Drosophila lamina, the most peripheral synaptic region of the visual system, have been comprehensively described. Although the lamina has been used extensively as a model for the development and plasticity of synaptic connections, the neurotransmitters in these circuits are still poorly known. Thus, to unravel possible neurotransmitter circuits in the lamina of Drosophila we combined Gal4 driven green fluorescent protein in specific lamina neurons with antisera to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid decarboxylase, a GABA(B) type of receptor, L-glutamate, a vesicular glutamate transporter (vGluT), ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors, choline acetyltransferase and a vesicular acetylcholine transporter. We suggest that acetylcholine may be used as a neurotransmitter in both L4 monopolar neurons and a previously unreported type of wide-field tangential neuron (Cha-Tan). GABA is the likely transmitter of centrifugal neurons C2 and C3 and GABA(B) receptor immunoreactivity is seen on these neurons as well as the Cha-Tan neurons. Based on an rdl-Gal4 line, the ionotropic GABA(A) receptor subunit RDL may be expressed by L4 neurons and a type of tangential neuron (rdl-Tan). Strong vGluT immunoreactivity was detected in alpha-processes of amacrine neurons and possibly in the large monopolar neurons L1 and L2. These neurons also express glutamate-like immunoreactivity. However, antisera to ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors did not produce distinct immunosignals in the lamina. In summary, this paper describes novel features of two distinct types of tangential neurons in the Drosophila lamina and assigns putative neurotransmitters and some receptors to a few identified neuron types.  相似文献   

By combining neuropharmacology and electrophysiology, we tried to determine whether the main neuronal mechanism responsible for direction-selective motion detection in the fly is based on an excitatory or an inhibitory synaptic interaction. By blocking inhibitory interactions with picrotoxinin, an antagonist of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, we could abolish most of the directional selectivity of a large-field movement-sensitive neuron (H1-cell) in the lobula plate of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala. These modifications are similar to changes observed in the optomotor response of the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster after application of picrotoxinin (Bülthoff and Bülthoff 1987a, b). Assuming a simplified logical model, these results are compatible with inhibitory synaptic interactions at the level of the elementary movement detectors. The picrotoxinin-induced changes in direction selectivity are not due to modifications of the peripheral visual processing in the retina and lamina. This was shown by simultaneous recordings of the electroretinogram and the H1-cell. The latencies between drug injections into various parts of the brain and their first effects on the H1-cell suggest that the inhibitory mechanism for motion detection is located in the medulla rather than in the lobula plate.  相似文献   

Diopsid flies have eye stalks up to a centimeter in length, displacing the retina laterally from the rest of the head. This bizarre condition, called hypercephaly, is rare, but has evolved independently among several insect orders and is most common in flies (Diptera). Earlier studies of geometrical optics and behavior have led to various hypotheses about possible adaptive advantages of eye stalks, such as enhanced stereoscopic vision while other hypothesis suggest that eye stalks are an outcome of sexual selection. Here, we focus on how these curious distortions of head/eye morphology are accompanied by changes in the neural organization of the visual system of Cyrtodiopsis quinqueguttata. Histological examinations reveal that the optic lobes, lamina (La), medulla (Me), lobula (Lo), and lobula plate (LP) are contained entirely within the fly's eye bulbs, which are located at the distal ends of the eye stalks. We report that the organization of the peripheral visual system (La and Me) is similar to that of other Diptera (e.g., Musca and Drosophila), but deeper visual areas (Lo and LP) have been more strongly modified. For example, in both the lobula and lobula plate, fewer but larger giant collector neurons are found. The most pronounced difference is the reduction in the number of wide-field vertical cells of the lobula plate, where there are only four relatively large fibers, as opposed to 11 in Musca. The “fewer but larger” neural organization may enhance the conduction velocities of these cells, but may result in a loss of spatial resolution. At the base of the eye bulb, axon bundles collect and form a long optic nerve that extends the length of the eye stalk. We suggest that this organization of the diopsid visual system provides evidence for the costs of possessing long eye stalks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 449–468, 1998  相似文献   

Summary The pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) family of neuropeptides comprises a series of closely related octadecapeptides, isolated from different species of crustaceans and insects, which can be demonstrated immunocytochemically in neurons in the central nervous system and optic lobes of some representatives of these groups (Rao and Riehm 1989). In this investigation we have extended these immunocytochemical studies to include the blowfly Phormia terraenovae and the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. In the former species tissue extracts were also tested in a bioassay: extracts of blowfly brains exhibited PDH-like biological activity, causing melanophore pigment dispersion in destalked (eyestalkless) specimens of the fiddler crab Uca pugilator. Using standard immunocytochemical techniques, we could demonstrate a small number of pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive (PDH-IR) neurons innervating optic lobe neuropil in the blowfly and the cockroach. In the blowfly the cell bodies of these neurons are located at the anterior base of the medulla. At least eight PDH-IR cell bodies of two size classes can be distinguished: 4 larger and 4 smaller. Branching immunoreactive fibers invade three layers in the medulla neuropil, and one stratum distal and one proximal to the lamina synaptic layer. A few fibers can also be seen invading the basal lobula and the lobula plate. The fibers distal to the lamina appear to be derived from two of the large PDH-IR cell bodies which also send processes into the medulla. These neurons share many features in their laminamedulla morphology with the serotonin immunoreactive neurons LBO-5HT described earlier (see Nässel 1988). It could be demonstrated by immunocytochemical double labeling that the serotonin and PDH immunoreactivities are located in two separate sets of neurons. In the cockroach optic lobe PDH-IR processes were found to invade the lamina synaptic region and form a diffuse distribution in the medulla. The numerous cell bodies of the lamina-medulla cells in the cockroach are located basal to the lamina in two clusters. Additional PDH-IR cell bodies could be found at the anterior base of the medulla. The distribution and morphology of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the cockroach lamina was found to be very similar to the PDH-IR ones. It is hence tempting to speculate that in both species the PDH-and serotonin-immunoreactive neurons are functionally coupled with common follower neurons. These neurons may be candidates for regulating large numbers of units in the visual system. In the flies photoreceptor properties may be regulated by action of the two set of neurons at sites peripheral to the lamina synaptic layer, possibly by paracrine release of messengers.  相似文献   

The optic lobes of Diptera have been examined by variants of the Golgi-Colonnier selective staining techniques and by reduced silver procedures. All, bar one, of the elements described by the earlier authors (Vigier 1908; Zawarzin 1913; Cajal & Sanchez 1915) have been seen, in part or in their entirely, in these preparations. Many other forms, hitherto unrecognized, have been found. Their perpendicular topographical relationships have been reconstructed in the optic lobe regions. Some lateral relationships have also been reconstructed between elements in regions whose columnar arrangement is clearly discernible in Golgi preparations; these include the lamina and the medulla. In the Diptera the projection pattern of the retina mosaic into the lamina neuropil involves complex chiasmata between the two regions (Braitenberg 1967); these have been confirmed from these species. The retina-lamina mosaic is, essentially, homotopically preserved in the columnar medulla, via long visual fibres and monopolar cells. The medullary mosaic is preserved through its strata by transmedullary cells and the longest small-field amacrine cells. The mosaic is projected to the two regions of the lobula complex by class I cells (see part I). The organization of the tangential cell processes suggests that some of them may interact with large or whole field aggragates of the relayed retinal mosaic. Others, especially in the lobula, may interact with small oval or narrow strip-field aggragates. Although there are many differences of neural form and number of neurons between species, both the Lepidoptera and Diptera have the same fundamental plan of neuroarchitecture.  相似文献   

Seidel C  Bicker G 《Tissue & cell》1996,28(6):663-672
The biogenic amine serotonin is a neurotransmitter and modulator in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In the CNS of insects, serotonin is expressed by identifiable subsets of neurons. In this paper, we characterize the onset of expression in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of the honeybee during pupal development. Several identified serotonin-immunoreactive neurons are present in the three neuromeres of the suboesophageal ganglion the dorsal protocerebrum, and the deutocerebrum at pupal ecdysis. Further immunoreactive neurons are incorporated into the developing pupal brain in two characteristic developmental phases. During the first phase, 5 days after pupal ecdysis, serotonin immunoreactivity is formed in the protocerebral central body, the lamina and lobula, and the deutocerebral antennal lobe. During the second phase, 2 days later, immunoreactivity appears in neurons of the protocerebral noduli of the central complex, the medulla, and the pedunculi and lobes of the mushroom bodies. Three novel serotonin-immunoreactive neurons that innervate the central complex and the mushroom bodies can be individually identified.  相似文献   

Summary The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medulla in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum.Cartridge-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.The investigation was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (Grant No. 2760-009)  相似文献   

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