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Structural members within the exospore ofSelaginella galeottii suggestive of those present at maturity are first detectable when the exospore is approximately 5 µm in thickness. Subsequent changes in successively larger sporangia involve a gradual size increase of the component units simultaneously throughout the exospore. Concomitantly, non-membrane bound material present at the inner surface of the tapetum (and the persistent megasporocytes) and throughout the sporangium locule changes from primarily droplets and weftlike material (including beaded wefts) to coarse fibrous material. The taxa which possess this unusual wall pattern cut across presently accepted taxonomic schemes. This is not the case with the other wall ultrastructural types in the genus. The possibility exists that this megaspore wall type defines a separate lineage within the genus which, by virtue of its large megaspores, was able to compete well and radiate to produce a variety of life forms.  相似文献   

Abnormal megaspore tetrad configurations from Selaginella laevigata and of Lagenicula crass-iaculeata (Lower Carboniferous) have been studied by SEM. These abnormalities reflect the variation expected in the presumed evolution of the seed-plants from free-sporing het-erosporous ancestors. In addition, they indicate a possible role for the aborted members of a tetrad in the successful development and maturation of the functional spore(s). Aborted members of tetrads also reveal the later stages of the developmental sequence occurring in spore wall construction and highlight the interplay of sporopollenin production, its colloidal flocculation and polymerization, and distortion caused by protoplast expansion. Possible causes of abortion in both living and extinct lycopsid megaspores are discussed.  相似文献   

Tamarixia aguacatensis Yefremova, sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) is described from Mexico as a parasitoid of the avocado psyllid, Trioza aguacate Hollis & Martin (Hemiptera: Triozidae). Trioza aguacate is a serious pest of avocado, Persea americana Miller. A key to the species of Tamarixia Mercet in Mexico is given.  相似文献   

We have used a polymorphism dataset on introns and coding sequences of X-linked loci in Drosophila americana to estimate the strength of selection on codon usage and/or biased gene conversion (BGC), taking into account a recent population expansion detected by a maximum-likelihood method. Drosophila americana was previously thought to have a stable demographic history, so that this evidence for a recent population expansion means that previous estimates of selection need revision. There was evidence for natural selection or BGC favouring GC over AT variants in introns, which is stronger for GC-rich than GC-poor introns. By comparing introns and coding sequences, we found evidence for selection on codon usage bias, which is much stronger than the forces acting on GC versus AT basepairs in introns.  相似文献   

A new look at the acetolysis method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The acetolysis method intreduced byGunnar Erdtman is still a very welcome and highly successful technique in palynology. However, acetolysis destroys all pollen material with the exception of sporopollenin that forms the outer pollen wall, the exine. Modern palynology in its application to plant systematics and phylogeny must consider all sporoderm characters, not only those of the exine. The neglect of the intine may distort some principal palynological aspects. This is illustrated by cases of total breakdown or gross modification of thin exine structures (e.g. inBeilschmiedia, Strelitzia) and by the clarification of apertures (e.g.,Polyalthia, Fissistigma, Calluna). In our view the investigation of both acetolysed and non-acetolysed pollen is obligatory for a well balanced view of pollen structure and function.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The gametophytes of most homosporous ferns are cordate–thalloid in shape. Some are strap- or ribbon-shaped and have been assumed to have evolved from terrestrial cordate shapes as an adaptation to epiphytic habitats. The aim of the present study was to clarify the morphological evolution of the strap-shaped gametophyte of microsoroids (Polypodiaceae) by precise analysis of their development.


Spores of Colysis decurrens collected in Kagoshima, Japan, were cultured and observed microscopically. Epi-illuminated micrographs of growing gametophytes were captured every 24 h, allowing analysis of the cell lineage of meristems. Light microscopy of resin-sections and scanning electron microscopy were also used.

Key Results

Contrary to previous assumptions that strap-shaped Colysis gametophytes have no organized meristem, three different types of meristems are formed during development: (1) apical-cell based – responsible for early growth; (2) marginal – further growth, including gametophyte branching; and (3) multicellular – formation of cushions with archegonia. The cushion is two or three layers thick and intermittent. The apical-cell and multicellular meristems are similar to those of cordate gametophytes of other ferns, but the marginal meristem is unique to the strap-shaped gametophyte of this fern.


The strap-shaped gametophytes of C. decurrens may have evolved from ancestors with a cordate shape by insertion of the marginal meristem phase between the first apical-cell-based meristem and subsequent multicellular meristem phases. Repeated retrieval of the marginal meristem at the multicellular meristem phase would result in indefinite prolongation of gametophyte growth, an ecological adaptation to epiphytic habitats.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Arabidopsis thaliana pollen cell wall is a complex structure consisting of an outer sporopollenin framework and lipid-rich coat, as well as an inner cellulosic wall. Although mutant analysis has been a useful tool to study pollen cell walls, the ultrastructure of the arabidopsis anther has proved to be challenging to preserve for electron microscopy.


In this work, high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution and transmission electron microscopy were used to examine the sequence of developmental events in the anther that lead to sporopollenin deposition to form the exine and the dramatic differentiation and death of the tapetum, which produces the pollen coat.

Key Results

Cryo-fixation revealed a new view of the interplay between sporophytic anther tissues and gametophytic microspores over the course of pollen development, especially with respect to the intact microspore/pollen wall and the continuous tapetum epithelium. These data reveal the ultrastructure of tapetosomes and elaioplasts, highly specialized tapetum organelles that accumulate pollen coat components. The tapetum and middle layer of the anther also remain intact into the tricellular pollen and late uninucleate microspore stages, respectively.


This high-quality structural information, interpreted in the context of recent functional studies, provides the groundwork for future mutant studies where tapetum and microspore ultrastructure is assessed.  相似文献   

Haemocytes play an essential role in defending invertebrates against pathogens and parasites that enter their haemocoel. In the present study, the cockroach, Periplaneta americana was able to encapsulate Hymenolepis diminuta eggs within 24 h after injection. Proteolytic activity of egg capsules was determined by gelatin zymography. A gelatinase-type proteolytic enzyme with molecular weight about 65 kDa was present at the time of capsule formation. Enzyme activity was obviously inhibited by leupeptin but not by ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) or 1,10-phenanthroline or phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Hence, we tentatively characterized this enzyme as a cysteine proteinase. The specificity of the cellular immune response in vivo and the increased cysteine proteinase activity coincided with the capsule size and encapsulation process. The possible function of this cysteine proteinase activity during encapsulation of the H. diminuta eggs by P. americana is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The postembryonic development of the antennal lobes of Periplaneta americana L. was examined with light- and electron-microscopical methods. There is no difference in the number of glomeruli and neurons in the antennal lobes of larval and adult animals. At hatching, the first larva already possesses the adult number of approximately 125 glomeruli and 500 to 560 deutocerebral neurons in the dorsolateral cell group of each antennal lobe. During postembryonic development the volume of the deutocerebral neurons increases three- to fourfold. The glomeruli of the first larva have about 7 % of the volume of the corresponding adult glomeruli. Since number, pattern, and size ratio of glomeruli (with the exception of the macroglomerulus) are constant in all larval stages and adult animals, it is possible to identify individual glomeruli. During the whole postembryonic development the ordinary glomeruli show a continuous volume increase, which parallels the increase in antennal sensory input. The macroglomerulus develops by way of special growth of two to four neuropil units, but not before the last three to four larval stages and only in males. Its growth precedes the formation of antennal pheromone receptors during the final molt; these receptors are known to project into the macroglomerulus. The development of the macroglomerulus in the last larval stages of the male may be caused by a genetically fixed growth program of specific deutocerebral neurons.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 291/1)  相似文献   

The presence of a rooting promoter in paratially purified extracts of avocado (Persea amricana Mill.) organs has been demonstrated using the mung bean rooting bioassay. Extraction with 80% methanol was followed by partition into diethyl ether, paper chromatography (PC) and 3 steps of thin layer chromatography (TLC). The number of roots induced by the rooting promoter in the absence of exogenous auxin was 5 to 7 times higher than that of the water control and 50% higher than by 4-(indol-3-yl) butyric acid (IBA) at its reported optimum concentration. Rooting of tomato, Coleus and young avocado cuttings was also enhanced by the rooting promoter. The rooting promoter was inhibitory in the wheat coleoptile section elongation bioassay for auxins and had slight inhibitory activity in the split pea stem curvature test.The biological properties of the avocado rooting promoter may be comparable to those of -(p-chlorophenoxy) isobutyric acid (PCIB) which acts as an anti-auxin in certain bioassays and, nevertheless, promotes the rooting of mung bean cuttings.  相似文献   

The recently extinct large-bodied New World monkey Protopithecus brasiliensis Lund 1836 was named based on a distal humerus and proximal femur found in the Lagoa Santa cave system in the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. These bones are from an animal about twice the size of the largest extant platyrrhines. One hundred and seventy-five years later, a nearly complete skeleton was discovered in the Toca da Boa Vista caves in the neighboring state of Bahia and was allocated to the same taxon as it was the first platyrrhine fossil of comparable size found since the originals. Our detailed study of the equivalent elements, however, reveals important morphological differences that do not correspond to intraspecific variation as we know it in related platyrrhine taxa. The presence of both an expanded brachioradialis flange on the humerus and gluteal tuberosity on the femur of the Bahian skeleton distinguishes it from the Lagoa Santa fossil as well as from all other platyrrhines. Further cranial and postcranial evidence suggests a closer relationship of the former with the alouattine Alouatta, while the limited Lund material fits more comfortably with the ateline clade. Therefore, we propose to limit P. brasiliensis Lund to the distal humerus and proximal femur from Lagoa Santa and erect a new genus and species for the skeleton from Toca da Boa Vista. Cartelles coimbrafilhoi was a large-bodied frugivore with a relatively small brain and diverse locomotor repertoire including both suspension and climbing that expands the range of platyrrhine biodiversity beyond the dimensions of the living neotropical primates.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs) in insect chemical communication, direct proof that they are detected and recognized by insects by contact or by olfactory receptors are rare. In Periplaneta americana, CHs induce aggregation. The aim of our study was to investigate how CHs are detected by P. americana antennae. Using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography, the three main CHs of the species profile were identified in the volatiles emitted by these insects. Gas chromatography coupled to electroantennography recordings demonstrated that the antennae responded to these three CHs. Furthermore, CHs had an attraction effect in Y-olfactometer bioassays when presented at high concentrations. As CHs can be perceived by P. americana, at least from a short distance, they could play a role in attracting conspecifics during aggregation processes, in addition to inducing aggregation when direct contact is possible.  相似文献   

We report the molecular and functional characterization of a new alpha chain of laminin in Drosophila. The new laminin chain appears to be the Drosophila counterpart of both vertebrate alpha2 (also called merosin) and alpha1 chains, with a slightly higher degree of homology to alpha2, suggesting that this chain is an ancestral version of both alpha1 and alpha2 chains. During embryogenesis, the protein is associated with basement membranes of the digestive system and muscle attachment sites, and during larval stage it is found in a specific pattern in wing and eye discs. The gene is assigned to a locus called wing blister (wb), which is essential for embryonic viability. Embryonic phenotypes include twisted germbands and fewer pericardial cells, resulting in gaps in the presumptive heart and tracheal trunks, and myotubes detached from their target muscle attachment sites. Most phenotypes are in common with those observed in Drosophila laminin alpha3, 5 mutant embryos and many are in common with those observed in integrin mutations. Adult phenotypes show blisters in the wings in viable allelic combinations, similar to phenotypes observed in integrin genes. Mutation analysis in the eye demonstrates a function in rhabdomere organization. In summary, this new laminin alpha chain is essential for embryonic viability and is involved in processes requiring cell migration and cell adhesion.  相似文献   

As humans continue to explore the last uncharted regions of the planet, discoveries of previously unknown species of large vertebrates have become infrequent. Here, we report on the discovery of a spectacular new species of giant, secretive, frugivorous, forest monitor lizard (Genus: Varanus) from the forests of the northern Philippines. Using data from morphology and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we demonstrate the taxonomic distinctiveness of this new 2 m long species and provide insight into its historical biogeography and systematic affinities. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the new species is closely related to Varanus olivaceus (from southern Luzon and nearby islands), but it differs from this and other varanids with respect to characteristics of scalation, colour pattern, body size, anatomy of the reproductive organs and genetic divergence. The new species appears to be restricted to forests of the central and northern Sierra Madre mountain range; it is separated from the range of V. olivaceus by a more than 150 km stretch that includes at least three low-elevation river valley barriers to dispersal. This discovery identifies a seldom-perceived biogeographic boundary and emphasizes the need for continued biodiversity research in the megadiverse conservation hotspot of the Philippines. It is anticipated that the new species will serve as an important flagship species for conservation efforts aimed at preserving the remaining forests of northern Luzon.  相似文献   

A practical and convenient method of rearing Eucyclops serrulatus in a microculture environment is described. A complete life cycle of E. serrulatus was maintained in a narrow space on a microscope slide glass on which a cover glass of 22 x 40 mm in size was mounted at a height of 0.8 mm. The culture medium was constituted by bottled mineral water boiled with grains of Glycine max (soybean). Chilomonas paramecium, a free-living protozoan organism, was provided as live food. Growth of nauplii hatched from eggs to the first stage of copepodite took an average of 7.7 days, and the growth of copepodite 1 to the egg-bearing adult female took an average of 20.1 days in the microculture cell with an average life time of 44.7 days. Continuous passage of copepods was successfully maintained as long as sufficient medium and food were provided. The microculture method enables an in situ microscopic observation on the growth and developmental process of helminth larvae experimentally infected to copepods as well as of copepod itself. Furthermore, it does not require anesthetization and, therefore, minimize the amount of stress exposed to copepods during the handling process.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Balsaminaceae consist of two genera, the monospecific Hydrocera and its species-rich sister Impatiens. Although both genera are seemingly rather similar in overall appearance, they differ in ecology, distribution range, habitat preference and morphology. Because morphological support for the current molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of Impatiens is low, a developmental study is necessary in order to obtain better insights into the evolutionary history of the family. Therefore, the floral development of H. triflora and I. omeiana was investigated, representing the most early-diverged lineage of Impatiens, and the observations were compared with the literature.


Flowers at all developmental stages were examined using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy.

Key results

In Hydrocera, two whorls of five free perianth primordia develop into a less zygomorphic perianth compared with its sister genus. The androecial cap originates from five individual stamen primordia. Post-genital fusion of the upper parts of the filaments result in a filament ring below the anthers. The anthers fuse forming connivent anther-like units. The gynoecium of Hydrocera is pentamerous; it is largely synascidiate in early development. Only then is a symplicate zone formed resulting in style and stigmas. In I. omeiana, the perianth is formed as in Hydrocera. Five individual stamen primordia develop into five stamens, of which the upper part of the filaments converge with each other. The gynoecium of I. omeiana is tetramerous; it appears annular in early development.


Comparison of the present results with developmental data from the literature confirms the perianth morphocline hypothesis in which a congenital fusion of the parts of the perianth results in a shift from pentasepalous to trisepalous flowers. In addition, the development of the androecial cap and the gynoecium follows several distinct ontogenetic sequences within the family.  相似文献   

The cockroach, Periplaneta americana represents a basal insect lineage that undergoes the ancestral hemimetabolous mode of development. Here, we examine the embryonic and post-embryonic functions of the hox gene Scr in Periplaneta as a way of better understanding the roles of this gene in the evolution of insect body plans. During embryogenesis, Scr function is strictly limited to the head with no role in the prothorax. This indicates that the ancestral embryonic function of Scr was likely restricted to the head, and that the posterior expansion of expression in the T1 legs may have preceded any apparent gain of function during evolution. In addition, Scr plays a pivotal role in the formation of the dorsal ridge, a structure that separates the head and thorax in all insects. This is evidenced by the presence of a supernumerary segment that occurs between the labial and T1 segments of RNAiScr first nymphs and is attributed to an alteration in engrailed (en) expression. The fact that similar Scr phenotypes are observed in Tribolium but not in Drosophila or Oncopeltus reveals the presence of lineage-specific variation in the genetic architecture that controls the formation of the dorsal ridge. In direct contrast to the embryonic roles, Scr has no function in the head region during post-embryogenesis in Periplaneta, and instead, strictly acts to provide identity to the T1 segment. Furthermore, the strongest Periplaneta RNAiScr phenotypes develop ectopic wing-like tissue that originates from the posterior region of the prothoracic segment. This finding provides a novel insight into the current debate on the morphological origin of insect wings.  相似文献   

Observations by Dobzhansky’s group in the 1940s suggesting that the presence of recessive genotypes could account for lower larval developmental rates in Drosophila melanogaster were not confirmed at the time and all subsequent investigations on this subject focused on the analysis of ecological models based on competition among pre-adult individuals. However, a paper published in this journal in 1991 eventually confirmed the finding made by Dobzhansky and his co-workers. In this report, we provide a theoretical analysis of the population genetic effects of a delay in the rate of larval development produced by such a genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

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