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CORNER  E. J. H. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(2):347-368
1. The following noveltiea are described, with notes on otherspecies of their genera : Aphelaria subgen. Tremellodendropsis for the A. tuberosa alliancewith subtremellaceous basidia: A. amboinensis (Lév.)comb. nov. Chaetotyphula gelatinosa sp. nov. and C. tetraspora sp. nov.from Tropical America, whence C. hyalina (Jungh.) Corner isalso recorded. Clavariadelphus junceus (Fr.) Corner is recorded from Brazil. Mucronella flava sp. nov. from Iowa. Phaeoapheloria austra1iensis gen. et sp. nov. is intermediatebetween Aphelaria and stereoid fungi. Pistillaria trispora sp. nov. from Iowa: P. tucumanensis (Speg.)comb. nov. for Typhula tucumanensis Speg. Phistillina calyx Heim is excluded as marasmioid. 2. The Physalacria-subseriea is reviewed, and the followingare described aa new: Hormomitaria albidula sp. nov. from Brazil Pseudotyhula gen. nov. from West Africa: P. ochracea sp. nov.as the typespecies : P. tenuipes (Lloyd) comb. nov. (= Mucronellatenuipes Lloyd).  相似文献   

Taxonomic history of two confused genera , Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed . It is concluded that they are distinct from each other . In Gastrochilus the lip is semiglobose-saccate with indistinct side-lobes and a much larger mid-lobe , the column is footless and the pollinia are porate , while in Saccolabium the lip is cylindrical-spurred with indistinct side-lobes and a small mid- lobe , the column has a short foot and the pollinia are solid . The former is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the latter is restricted to Java and Sumatra of Indonesia . As a result , a proposal is made to modify the conserved name Saccolabium and to exclude the previously listed synonym or rejected name Gastrochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (No . 1822 .) .  相似文献   

回顾盆距兰属(Gastrochilus)与囊唇兰属(Saccolabium)两个混淆属的简史。它们为彼此明显不同的独立属。盆距兰属的唇瓣为半球形囊状,侧裂片不明显,中裂片甚大;蕊柱无足;花粉团具孔隙。囊唇兰属的唇瓣为圆筒状距形,侧裂片明显,中裂片很小;蕊柱有短足;花粉团实心。前者广泛分布于亚洲热带与亚热带地区;后者则只局限于印度尼西亚的爪哇与苏门答腊。因此,建议在国际命名法规中取消保留名Saccolabium以及作为其异名的废弃名Gastrochilus(1822号)。  相似文献   


The family Heteroderidae, its two subfamilies Heteroderinae and Meloidogyninae and the nominal genera of Heteroderinae (Heterodera Schmidt, 1871; Meloidodera Chitwood, Hannon &Esser, 1956; and Cryphodera Colbran, 1966) are rediagnosed. Meloidoderita Pogosyan, 1966 is considered a genus inquirenda. Two new genera from southern California are described in the subfamily Heteroderinae. A key to the genera, illustrations and a phylogeny of the Heteroderinae are proposed.  相似文献   

Two new genera are described while a systematic study on the genus Siraitia (s. l. ) is made. Siraitia Merr. (s. 1. )contains seven or eight species, some of which were placed in the genus Thladiantha Bunge(Cogniaux 1881, 1916, Jeffrey 1962)until 1981 (Lu & Zhang 1981 ). Though Siraitia as a genus was des cribed in 1934, it has not been properly circumscribed up to now. Siraitia (Jeffrey 1980)was divided into three subgenera (Zhang & Lu 1989)which in this study are raised to three genera: namely Baijiania1) A. M. Lu et J. Q. Li, gen. nov., Microlagenaria (C. Jeffrey) A. M. Lu et J. Q. Li, gen. nov. and Siraitia Merr. Baijiania is clearly discriminated from Siraitia by non-glandular scales, entire leaf-blades racemose, 5—8-flowered male inflorescences, large, heterogeneous, glabrescent or sparsely hairy sepals, reniform anthers , wingless seeds thick extine and chromosome number 2n = 32. The genus Microlagenaria, which is only distrib uted in Africa is situated between Baijiania and Siraitia in phylogeny, but more closely related to the latter (Plants with glandular scales; leaf-blades 3-5-obed; male inflorescences racemose, many-flowered; sepals small, triangular; anthers reniform, curved; female flowers solitary or 8-13-flowered, clustered on a short (2cm) peduncle). A key to the genera is as follows: 1. Plants without glandular scales 2. Tendrils coiling above the forking point, anthers erect, 2n= 18 ........................................................ 1. Thladiantha 2. Tendrils coiling both above and below the forking point; anthers curved, 2n= 32 .................................................. 2. Baijiania 1. Plants with glandular scales 3. Leaves 3--5-lobed, anthers curved, seeds wingless ........................... ....................................................... 3. Microlagenaria 3. Leaves entire, anthers S-shaped, folded, seeds winged 2n= 38... 4. Siraitia  相似文献   

报道了采自广州从化的野牡丹科肉穗草属(Sarcopyramis)和兰科独蒜兰属(Pleione)各一种新分布植物,分别为楮头红(S. nepalensis Wall.)和独蒜兰[P. bulbocodioides (Franch.) Rolfe],凭证标本存放于华南农业大学植物标本馆(CANT)。两种植物在从化的分布地海拔260~300 m,是二者在中国大陆的最南部、海拔最低的分布记录,对研究两属植物的扩散机制、垂直分布及气候变化对物种迁移的影响等理论问题具有参考意义。  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜对山东分布的蹄盖蕨科2属(蹄盖蕨属和假蹄盖蕨属)7种植物的根、根茎、叶柄、叶轴、叶表皮、表皮毛和孢子囊进行了形态解剖学的系统研究.结果表明,在形态解剖学方面2属植物的共同特征为:根均为无髓中柱;叶柄基部的双柱型维管束向上渐靠近联合形成1个周韧型维管束;叶上下表皮垂周壁均呈波状;气孔主要为胞环型、周胞型或极附型.2属植物的不同特征是:蹄盖蕨属植物体无毛;而假蹄盖蕨属植物叶片和叶轴上均生有腺毛;蹄盖蕨属植物根皮层外侧为薄壁细胞,假蹄盖蕨属则为棕色厚壁细胞环.研究结果表明蹄盖蕨科为一个自然分类群,并支持假蹄盖蕨属的成立.  相似文献   

福建维管束植物2个新记录属及6个新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据野外考察,报道福建2新记录属:莼菜属和牧根草属;6新记录种:莼菜、球果牧根草、岭南山竹子、蔓芒萁、两广黄檀、林猪殃殃.  相似文献   

All species that have been described in Apicalia , except the type-species, are transferred to other eulimid genera. Three species earlier included in other genera and four new species are placed in Apicalia , viz. A. angulata sp.n. A, cicatricosa sp.n. A. echinasteri sp.n. (all three Queensland), and A. habei sp.n. (Japan). Those of which the hosts are known are all ectoparasites of asteroids. Two of the seven species previously included in Stilapex are excluded and four species earlier placed in other genera are transferred to Stilapex . The members of the latter genus are parasites of ophiuroids. Tropiometricola gen.n. is erected to include Stilifer sphaeroconcha Habe, a crinoid parasite. Parvioris gen.n. is described with Eulima fulvescens A. Adams as type species. A list of species described in eulimid genera and fitting Parvioris is given. P. australiensis sp.n. (W. Australia), P. blakeae sp.n. (Mauritius), P. mortoni sp.n. (Hong Kong), and P. noumeae sp.n. (New Caledonia) are described. Those species of which the host is known, are all ectoparasites of starfishes.  相似文献   

The role of sequence variation in the spectral tuning of color vision is well established in many systems. This includes the cichlids of Lake Victoria where sequence variation has been linked to environmental light gradients and speciation. The cichlids of Lake Malawi are a similar model for visual evolution, but the role of gene sequence variation in visual tuning between closely related species is unknown. This work describes such variation in multiple species of two rock-dwelling genera: Metriaclima and Labidochromis. Genomic DNA for seven cone opsin genes was sequenced and the structure of the opsin proteins was inferred. Retinal binding pocket polymorphisms were identified and compared to available data regarding spectral absorbance shifts. Sequence variation with known or potential effects on absorbance spectra were found in four genes: SWS1 (UV sensitive), SWS2B (violet sensitive), RH2Aβ (green sensitive), and LWS (red sensitive). Functional variation was distributed such that each genus had both a variable short-wavelength and long-wavelength sensitive opsin. This suggests spectral tuning is important at the margins of the cichlid visual spectrum. Further, there are two SWS1 opsin alleles that differ in sensitivity by 10 nm and are >2 MY divergent. One of these occurs in a haplotype block >1 kb. Potential haplotype blocks were found around the RH2 opsin loci. These data suggest that molecular diversification has resulted in functionally unique alleles and changes to the visual system. These data also suggest that opsin sequence variation tunes spectral sensitivities between closely related species and that the specific regions of spectral tuning are genus-specific.  相似文献   

报道了山东植物2个新记录属:荚果蕨属(Matteuccia Todaro)及其新记录种荚果蕨(Matteuccia struthiopteris(Linnaeus)Todaro),觿茅属(Dimeria Robert Brown)及其新记录种觿茅(Dimeria ornithopoda Trinius)。凭证标本均存放于山东中医药大学药学院标本室(SDCM)。  相似文献   

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