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汪青雄  肖红  杨超 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):949-953
2009—2011年4—7月在陕西红碱淖对同域分布的遗鸥和棕头鸥巢参数特征、巢群空间分布和巢址生境选择进行了对比分析。结果表明:巢外径、巢深、巢高等参数均存在显著差异,这主要是与营巢生境和巢址空间分布上有关;从巢群空间分布上来看,两者均选择于湖心岛上营巢繁殖,巢群呈斑块状分布,但彼此没有混巢现象,有时甚至通过压缩种间巢间距来达到共存,由于遗鸥繁殖群体数量占优势,遗鸥总是占据最佳的巢域,棕头鸥巢群通常被排挤至湖心岛边缘部分;在巢址生境选择上,植被类型、植被高度、植被盖度、巢离水面高度和巢距最近水边距离均存在显著差异。这表明两者巢址生境选择上具有特异性,这种特异性使得巢址生境选择上存在生态位差异,促成了遗鸥和棕头鸥能在同一湖心岛上营巢繁殖因素之一。  相似文献   

杨超  汪青雄  黄原  肖红 《动物学杂志》2013,48(4):605-618
本文对采自陕西红碱淖湿地繁殖的遗鸥(Larus relictus)、棕头鸥(L.brunnicephalus)、普通燕鸥(Sterna hirundo)和鸥嘴噪鸥(Gelochlidon nilotica)线粒体ND2基因全序列进行了测定和分析.联合已知该基因全序列的其他44种鸟类,重建了48种鸟类51个体之间的系统发育关系,并确定了4种鸥在系统发育中的地位.结果表明,4种鸥ND2基因全长均为1 041 bp;ML、MP和Bayes树拓扑结构大致相同,支持遗鸥划归为黑头鸥族(Black-headed species),棕头鸥划归为面具鸥族(Masked species),棕头鸥较为原始;普通燕鸥和鸥嘴噪鸥均隶属于黑帽族(Black cap species),鸥嘴噪鸥较为原始,处于分支底部,普通燕鸥与黑枕燕鸥(S.sumatrana)及与北极燕鸥(S.paradisaea)、南美燕鸥(S.hirundinacea)、南极燕鸥(S.vittata)聚类分支亲缘关系较近,但未能明确其具体分类地位;由于样品缺乏,鸥科(Laridae)、燕鸥科(Sternidae)和剪嘴鸥科(Rynchopidae)拓扑结构未能正确解析.  相似文献   

利用线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因全序列,对采自陕西红碱淖湿地繁殖的遗鸥Larus relictus、棕头鸥Larus brunnicephalus、普通燕鸥Sterna hirundo和鸥嘴噪鸥Gelochlidon nilotica的序列特征进行了分析.联合已知该基因全序列的其它32种鸟类,构建了36种鸟类之间的系统发育关系,并确定了4种鸥在系统发育中的地位.结果表明:4种鸥Cytb基因全长均为1 143 bp;MP、ML和Bayes树拓扑结构大致相同,支持遗鸥、渔鸥Larus ichthyaetus和地中海鸥Larus audouinii、Larus melancephalus划归为黑头鸥族;棕头鸥划归为面具族;遗鸥与地中海鸥亲缘关系较近,与渔鸥次之,与棕头鸥亲缘关系较远;普通燕鸥和鸥嘴噪鸥均划归为黑帽族;燕鸥属和凤头燕鸥属亲缘关系较近,噪鸥属较为古老,是较早分化出的一支;鞘嘴鸥科作为单型科,受不同选择压力导致和鸥类亲缘关系甚远;建议将灰头鸥Larus cirrocephalus移人巾头鸥族;鸥科、燕鸥科和剪嘴鸥科的拓扑结构未能准确解析,需要进一步分析研究.  相似文献   

2005~2009年,采用路线调查法和定点观察法对陕西红碱淖湿地鸥科鸟类组成及其分布进行了调查研究.结果 表明:红碱淖分布有鸥科鸟类4属10种,在此繁殖的有5种,其中有全球性濒危鸟类--遗鸥的最大种群在此繁殖.记述了鸥科鸟类最早发现时间段、分布状况及迁徙数量情况,也探明了繁殖种群数量.并从植被类型、水位变化、食物因素、湖心岛生境状况和环境气候等因素分析了红碱淖鸥科鸟类迁徙状况、种群数量变化、繁殖情况等.  相似文献   

河北沿海发现小凤头燕鸥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正2017年7月25日,在河北省唐山市海港开发区金沙岛一季节性水塘(39°10′26″N,118°58′16″E)观察到1只小凤头燕鸥(Thalasseus bengalensis),该鸟停歇约10 min后飞离该地。至8月7日,在该地点多次记录到单只小凤头燕鸥停歇洗浴。附近亦有普通燕鸥(Sterna hirundo)、白额燕鸥(S.albifrons)、反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetta)、环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)等水鸟在此停歇或觅食。所发现的小凤头燕鸥  相似文献   

2004年7月28日~8月2日,在考察浙江象山韭山列岛省级海洋生态自然保护区时,发现了正处于繁殖中期的黑嘴端凤头燕鸥(Sterna bernsteini)的群体混群于大凤头燕鸥(S.bergii)的繁殖群中。据估测,大凤头燕鸥的种群数量为3500~4500只,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥的种群数量为10~20只。这是目前继2000年马祖群岛发现黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖群之后的第2个繁殖群体。  相似文献   

何芬奇  江航东 《动物学杂志》2016,51(6):1139-1141
黑嘴端凤头燕鸥(Thalasseus bernsteini),今又称中华凤头燕鸥,因其群体数量殊微自鸟种受胁状态定量评估以来一直被视为极危物种。尽管近些年来只观测报道了该种在台湾海峡和大舟山群岛的两个群体,作者2010年撰文指出应视其北方群体依然存在。2016年8月8日,韩国政府发布公报称,在韩国西南部的近海无人岛屿上观察记录到有黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖,同年自8月初至9月上旬,在中国江苏如东和山东胶州湾相继发现记录到黑嘴端凤头燕鸥成鸟引领当年幼鸟并成鸟结小群停歇的多起实例。据此,对黑嘴端凤头燕鸥北方群体的存在应再无争议且对该种繁殖分布态势之拼图板的认知亦初显完整。但诘问依然是:就黑嘴端凤头燕鸥群体总量而言,被人类所知晓的,或者换言之,处在人类监控或掌控之下的,其比例究竟如何?  相似文献   

有关棕头鸥和遗鸥两近似种的分类与分布问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文根据近几年的野外观察结果并分析有关文献资料,系统地比较研究了棕头鸥和遗鸥两近似种的分类和分布现状,直接依据野外活体形态并对照系列标本对两种鸥的成、幼鸟和雏鸟的形态及野外临别特征给出了较精确的描述,澄清了这两种鸥以往在分类上的混淆有分布认识上的错位,同时从生态-动物、地理和行为学的角度对两种鸥的现有分布和今后分布态势的演进做了分析论证。  相似文献   

杨岚 《动物学研究》2005,26(6):602-602
在最近整理标本的过程中,作者发现1981年4月13日采自云南昆明滇池草海的一只红嘴巨燕鸥(Sterna caspia),为云南鸥科(Laridae)鸟类种的新记录。据约翰.马敬能等(2000)记录,红嘴巨燕鸥(Sterna caspiaPallas,1770,Caspian Tern)中文名为红嘴巨鸥。作者考虑该种鸟类隶属于鸥科的燕鸥属(Sterna),故建议将中文名修订为“红嘴巨燕鸥”。鉴别特征:体形较大,体重610g,体长470mm,嘴峰长60mm,翅长340mm,尾长160mm,跗长40mm。前额、头顶至后枕白色,布有黑色纵纹,枕部和眼下的纵纹较为密集而粗著,眼先和额部的纵纹较纤细而稀疏。背部和两翅表面银灰…  相似文献   

陕西红碱淖棕头鸥孵卵行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪青雄  肖红  杨超  刘铮 《生态学杂志》2015,34(3):760-764
2014年5—6月,应用e-Science信息技术,对红碱淖棕头鸥的孵卵行为进行了研究。结果表明,不同孵化阶段昼夜间孵卵节律分别为:孵化前期换孵次数7.88±1.08(n=39)、5.00±0.89(n=39),坐巢方向变换27.75±2.04(n=39)、14.37±1.72(n=39),翻卵次数27.13±2.02(n=39)、11.25±1.08(n=39);孵化中期换孵次数3.11±0.19(n=65)、1.32±0.11(n=65),坐巢方向变换23.37±0.91(n=65)、10.95±0.86(n=65),翻卵次数21.11±1.11(n=65)、8.47±0.77(n=65);孵化后期换孵次数3.17±0.22(n=42)、0.95±0.05(n=42),坐巢方向变换20.06±1.46(n=42)、6.62±0.84(n=42),翻卵次数22.39±1.78(n=42)、5.33±0.55(n=42)。当大风或大雨时,对同一孵化阶段的换孵次数、坐巢方向变换和翻卵次数均存在极显著差异(P0.01)。双亲交替换孵主要集中于04:00—10:00、12:00—14:00等时间段内。孵化后期,亲鸟坐巢时长达到(713.29±40.62)min(n=42)。棕头鸥通过调节昼夜间的孵卵节律来控制卵的温度,以保证昼夜间卵胚胎的正常发育。同时与同域分布繁殖的遗鸥的孵卵节律进行了比较。  相似文献   

We used mark-resight data and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess movements and gene flow between Central Pacific breeding colonies of the great frigatebird, Fregata minor. Of 715 adult frigatebirds marked on Tern Island and Johnston Atoll, 21.3% were resighted at other frigatebird colonies at least 582 km away. Mark-resight data indicated regular movement of males and females between Tern Island and Johnston Atoll (873 km apart), and less frequent movements to other islands; no birds marked on Tern or Johnston were seen on Christmas Island, but one was seen in the Philippines, 7627 km from where it was marked. Despite the regular occurrence of interisland movements, Bayesian analyses of AFLP data showed significant genetic differentiation between Tern Island and Johnston Atoll, and more pronounced differentiation between these two islands and the more distant Christmas Island. The AFLP profiles of three birds breeding on Tern Island fell within the profile-cluster typical for Christmas Island birds, both in a nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis and in a population assignment test, suggesting dispersal events from Christmas Island to Tern Island. Several factors could explain the persistence of genetic structure despite frequent movements between colonies: many movements occurred during the nonbreeding season, many breeding-season movements did not involve mate-acquisition behaviours and individuals that do disperse may be selected against, as suggested by morphometric differences between colonies. The persistence of genetic structure among breeding colonies despite significant interisland movements suggests limits to the effectiveness of migration as a homogenizing force in this broadly distributed, extremely mobile species.  相似文献   

遗鸥繁殖生境选择及其繁殖地湿地鸟类群落研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文就遗鸥(Larus relictus)在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原对其繁殖生境的选择和该生境下所出现的湿地鸟类种类、数量、居留习性等作了记述,并对该地湿地鸟类的区系成份、生境类型与种的生态分布及数量配比关系、伴生种问题及东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)在鄂尔多斯的发现等作了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Time budgets of free-living chicks of Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea and Common Terns S. hirundo throughout development are presented with special reference to changes in time allocation when growth rate varies. Chicks of both species were inactive most of the time observed (87%). Time allocated to the different behaviours changed during development and was generally better correlated with body mass than age. Slower growing nestlings were brooded more and allocated more time to quiescence and less time to locomotion, preening, begging and attacking (the latter two significant only for the Arctic Tern). The energetic implications of variation in time budgets with age and growth rate were considered. Parental brooding resulted in an average energy saving of nearly 40% of an individual nestling's thermoregulatory costs. Whereas thermoregulatory costs remained nearly unchanged in Arctic Tern chicks, these were negatively correlated with growth rate in Common Terns. Tentatively, we estimated a 30% reduction in a nestling's total energy requirement for a 50% reduction in average growth rate for both species.  相似文献   

The slaty-backed gull population of Kronotskoe Lake has not been subjected to anthropogenic impact for many decades. The number and distribution of the breeding colonies of the slaty-backed gulls on the islands of this largest freshwater reservoir of the Kamchatka Peninsula are presented. Data on the breeding phenology, the seasonal dynamics of the food composition of breeding gulls, the foraging distance, and breeding success are considered. These data are compared to the results obtained earlier for Kuril’skoe Lake. Both gull populations are unique in that they are the only freshwater colonies within the distribution range of this marine species. The breeding success of the slaty-backed gulls on Kronotskoe Lake suffers from predation, both intra- and interspecific, in the latter case from brown bears and sea eagles. The hatching period and the fledging time of chicks in this population are both shifted to the end of summer, when gulls have the most abundant food available within the lake area, which increases successful survival of the fledglings. Despite considerable differences between the ecosystems of Kronotskoe Lake and Kuril’skoe Lake, there are several common features in the diets of the gull populations living on the lakes: (1) Despite the fact that gulls perform foraging flights to the sea coast, they only take fish and almost never collect marine invertebrates there. (2) Nearly half of all food items are taken within a 40-km distance from the colony. (3) During the growth period of chicks, gulls from both lakes rely on salmonids (anadromous in Kuril’skoe Lake, resident in Kronotskoe Lake) that they hunt in the lakes near their colonies.  相似文献   

Cooper, J., Brooke, R.K., Cyrus, D.P., Martin, A.P., Taylor, R.H. & Williams, A.J. 1992. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Caspian Tern Sterna caspia in southern Africa. Ostrich 63: 58–67.

The Caspian Tern Sterna caspia occurs along the whole southern African coastline and on large river systems and water bodies away from the coast. A total of 28 definite breeding localities has been recorded in southern Africa. Breeding has occurred recently at at least 14 coastal localities between Swakopmund, Namibia, and Lake St Lucia, Natal, South Africa. Inland breeding has been recorded in recent years at Sua Pan, Botswana and Kalkfonteindam, Orange Free State, South Africa. Based on censuses conducted between 1980 and 1991, the southern African breeding population is estimated to be of the order of 500 pairs, 91% of which breed coastally and 89% breed on islands. Up to 290 pairs (58%) bred at Lake St Lucia. Seventyone per cent of the 1980–1991 breeding population falls within eight nature reserves. Conservation of the Caspian Tern in southern Africa requires protection at breeding localities, including commercial salt and soda ash extraction works, against the effects of changing water levels, human disturbance and predation. Pesticide levels of addled and abandoned eggs should be measured at selected breeding localities.  相似文献   

The Tinhosas islands, in São Tomé e Príncipe, host the most important seabird breeding colony in the Gulf of Guinea, but information on its conservation status was hitherto unpublished or anecdotal, the last assessment having been performed in 1997. A two-day expedition to the Tinhosas islands was undertaken to estimate the status of breeding seabirds in 2013. Four of the five seabird species known to breed in São Tomé e Príncipe, namely Brown Booby Sula leucogaster, Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus, Brown Noddy Anous stolidus and Black Noddy Anous minutus, occur on the Tinhosas. A decrease of 80% in Brown Booby numbers, possibly due to occasional exploitation, and a 30% increase in Sooty Tern and Black Noddy numbers, were found compared to 1997 data although survey methods differed. Breeding of Brown Noddy and Madeiran Storm-petrel Hydrobates castro remains unconfirmed. Our estimates confirmed that BirdLife International Important Bird and Biodiversity Area criteria are met for at least one species, the Sooty Tern. The islands are not legally protected, nonetheless, apart from moderate levels of disturbance by fishermen who land on Tinhosa Grande, no alien species were seen, and no immediate threats to the Tinhosas colony were detected. Multiple visits within and between years are recommended, to census breeders, monitor threats and establish breeding phenologies.  相似文献   

Bird growth rates are usually derived from nonlinear relationships between age and some morphological structure, but this procedure may be limited by several factors. To date, nothing is known about the capacity of plasma metabolite profiling to predict chick growth rates. Based on laboratory-trials, we here develop predictive logistic models of body mass, and tarsus and wing length growth rates in Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica chicks from measurements of plasma metabolite levels at different developmental stages. The predictive model obtained during the fastest growth period (at the age of 12 days) explained 65-68% of the chicks' growth rates, with fasting triglyceride level explaining most of the variation in growth rate. At the end of pre-fledging period, β-hydroxybutyrate level was also a good predictor of growth rates. Finally, we carried out a field test to check the predictive capacity of the models in two colonies of wild Gull-billed Tern, comparing field-measured and model-predicted growth rates between groups. Both, measured and predicted growth rates, matched statistically. Plasma metabolite levels can thus be applied in comparative studies of chick growth rates when semi-precocial birds can be captured only once.  相似文献   

于2009年4 11月,对西藏夯错的水鸟资源状况进行了调查,旨在了解该地区水鸟资源状况的了解,并为禽流感的防控提供了科学依据。在夯错全年共记录到水鸟26种,隶属于6目10科。夯错也是斑头雁和棕头鸥重要的繁殖地。水鸟春秋季迁徙高峰期在4月份和10月份,这也是水鸟多样性较高的2个月,其主要原因是由于迁徙鸭类数量和种类的增加。卫星跟踪研究表明,在繁殖前期,斑头雁活动区面积较大,主要在夯错及其周围的湿地取食;进入繁殖中期,斑头雁的活动范围减少了许多;繁殖后期,随着幼鸟陆续出壳,父母随即带领幼鸟离开夯错,到其它湿地取食和育雏,因此此期的活动区面积较大。由于夯错面积较小,不能满足斑头雁对食物的需求,因此部分斑头雁选择其它湿地作为主要的取食地,但部分扩散到其它湿地的斑头雁在迁徙前期重新返回夯错,使得该时期斑头雁的数量有呈上升趋势。通过与青海湖水鸟资源状况的比较发现,夯错水鸟种类较少,这可能主要是由于两个湖泊所处地理区划的不同,并由此带来的气候环境的差异,以及植被条件的不同所造成的。这种差异主要是由于夯错海拔较高,紫外线很强,气候干燥,植被单一,栖息地类型多样性较低,因此水鸟的种数也相对较少一些。  相似文献   

A study was carried out of the variability of mited colledted from 6 species of birds as follows: Larus argentatus Pontopp., L. minutus Pall., Gelochelidon nilotica Gm., Chlidonias leucoptera (Temm.), Ch. nigra (L.) and Sterna hirundo L. Structural peculiarities characteristic of the parasites of the above species have been revealed. The mites from St. hirundo were isolated into a distinct species, Larinyssus substerna sp. n., which is most close to L. sterna Fain, 1972. The new species differs from L. sterna in a smaller size of gnathosoma and chelicerae, lesser number of hypostomal setae and the presence of pigidial shields.  相似文献   

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