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Investigations carried out permitted to detect the in vitro growth of cells in the synovial fluid of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Five types of cells (macrophages, polykariocytes, fibroblast-like cells histiocytes and lymphocytes) appeared during transformation. It was revealed that the intensity of the cell growth in the culture depended on the activity of the disease; there was also a significant decrease of this intensity (P less than 0.01) in the treatment of the patients. The growth of the fibroblast-like cells up to the formation of colonies pointed to their possible participation in the genesis of inflammatory processes and sclerosing of the vessels. The observed phenomenon of the cytopathic interaction of the lymphocytes and of the fibroblast-like cells served as an index of an autoimmune conflict in the joint and, possibly, one of the mechanisms of automaintenance of the autoimmune process.  相似文献   

T cell activation and function are critically regulated by positive and negative costimulatory molecules. Aberrant expression and function of costimulatory molecules have been associated with persistent activation of self-reactive T cells in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this study, initial analysis of costimulatory molecules led to the unexpected observation that, in addition to CD80, several negative regulators (e.g., CTLA-4, programmed death-1 (PD-1), and PD ligand-1) were overexpressed in synovial T cells and macrophages derived from RA patients as opposed to controls. The expression of CD80 and PD ligand-1 on monocytes could be induced in vitro by IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha that were produced abundantly in RA-derived synovial fluid (SF). Furthermore, the soluble form of negative costimulatory molecules occurred at high concentrations in sera and SF of RA patients and correlated with titers of rheumatoid factor in RA patients. In particular, the levels of soluble PD-1 were found to correlate significantly with those of TNF-alpha in SF derived from RA patients. Detailed characterization of soluble PD-1 revealed that it corresponded to an alternative splice variant (PD-1Deltaex3) and could functionally block the regulatory effect of membrane-bound PD-1 on T cell activation. Our data indicate a novel pathogenic pathway in which overexpression of negative costimulatory molecules to restrict synovial inflammation in RA is overruled by the excessive production of soluble costimulatory molecules.  相似文献   



Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by invasion of cartilage, bone and tendon by inflamed synovium. Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that hypoxia is a feature of RA synovitis. In the present study, we investigated the consequences of hypoxia on angiogenesis and synovial fibroblast migration in RA.  相似文献   

Regulation of rheumatoid synovial cell growth by ceramide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Overgrowth of rheumatoid synoviocytes, which results in joint destruction, is due to impaired balance between cell proliferation and cell death (apoptosis). Ceramide is an important lipid messenger involved in mediating a variety of cell functions including apoptosis. We investigated the effects of ceramide on growth-promoting anti-apoptotic signals in rheumatoid synovial cells. Human synovial cells isolated from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were stimulated with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in the presence or absence of C2-ceramide. The kinase activity of Akt, MEK, and ERK1/2 was analyzed in PDGF-stimulated synovial cells by Western blot analysis. Pretreatment with C2-ceramide completely inhibited PDGF-induced cell cycle progression of rheumatoid synovial cells. PDGF stimulation induced phosphorylation and activation of Akt, MEK, and ERK1/2 in rheumatoid synovial cells. C2-ceramide inhibited the activation of Akt, MEK and ERK1/2 in PDGF-stimulated synovial cells. Our data demonstrated that inhibition of anti-apoptotic kinases, such as Akt and ERK1/2, may play an important role in ceramide-mediated apoptosis of rheumatoid synovial cells.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease characterised by synovial lining hyperplasia and progressive destruction of joint tissues. Experimental data suggests that abnormal alterations in the expression of proteins involved in maintaining homeostatic control of the cell cycle is involved in disease progression in RA. By contributing to the overgrowth of synovial tissue, factors such as dysregulated proliferation or reduced apoptosis of cells can directly influence the pathological outcome of RA.  相似文献   

Kallikrein in synovial fluid with rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The levels of kallikrein and collagenase in synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were examined and the role of kallikrein in procollagenase activation is discussed. Both prekallikrein and active kallikrein in synovial fluid from patients with RA were significantly elevated when compared to synovial fluid from patients with osteoarthritis (OA). In RA synovial fluid, the ratio of the active form to total kallikrein was also higher than that in OA synovial fluid. Both active collagenase and the alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M)-collagenase complex in RA synovial fluid were higher than in OA synovial fluid. A partial correlation (r = 0.58) between active kallikrein and total collagenase (active and alpha 2M-collagenase complex) was observed in RA synovial fluid. These observations indicate that both kallikrein and collagenase are associated with the destruction of cartilage, but the role of kallikrein in procollagenase activation was not fully clarified.  相似文献   

Genome-wide gene expression was comparatively investigated in early-passage rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) synovial fibroblasts (SFBs; n = 6 each) using oligonucleotide microarrays; mRNA/protein data were validated by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and western blotting and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of the microarray data suggested constitutive upregulation of components of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta pathway in RA SFBs, with 2 hits in the top 30 regulated pathways. The growth factor TGF-beta1, its receptor TGFBR1, the TGF-beta binding proteins LTBP1/2, the TGF-beta-releasing thrombospondin 1 (THBS1), the negative effector SkiL, and the smad-associated molecule SARA were upregulated in RA SFBs compared to OA SFBs, whereas TGF-beta2 was downregulated. Upregulation of TGF-beta1 and THBS1 mRNA (both positively correlated with clinical markers of disease activity/severity) and downregulation of TGF-beta2 mRNA in RA SFBs were confirmed by qPCR. TGFBR1 mRNA (only numerically upregulated in RA SFBs) and SkiL mRNA were not differentially expressed. At the protein level, TGF-beta1 showed a slightly higher expression, and the signal-transducing TGFBR1 and the TGF-beta-activating THBS1 a significantly higher expression in RA SFBs than in OA SFBs. Consistent with the upregulated TGF-beta pathway in RA SFBs, stimulation with TGF-beta1 resulted in a significantly enhanced expression of matrix-metalloproteinase (MMP)-11 mRNA and protein in RA SFBs, but not in OA SFBs. In conclusion, RA SFBs show broad, constitutive alterations of the TGF-beta pathway. The abundance of TGF-beta, in conjunction with an augmented mRNA and/or protein expression of TGF-beta-releasing THBS1 and TGFBR1, suggests a pathogenetic role of TGF-beta-induced effects on SFBs in RA, for example, the augmentation of MMP-mediated matrix degradation/remodeling.  相似文献   

When stimulated with increasing amounts of interleukin 1 beta (IL 1 beta) rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as compared with osteoarthritis (OA), synovial cells grown in RPMI plus fetal bovine serum (FBS), released significantly more prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (p less than 0.05; paired t test, two-tailed). PGE2 release by IL 1 beta-stimulated RA synovial cells grown for 14 days in serum-free RPMI was significantly less than that released by the same cells grown in medium plus 10% FBS (p less than 0.03; two-tailed). Since these data suggest that growth factors present in FBS may augment the effects of IL 1 beta, experiments were conducted to study the influence of four polypeptide growth factors--transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), on IL 1 beta-induced release of PGE2 by cultured RA synovial cells. Both EGF and bFGF significantly enhanced IL 1 beta-induced release of PGE2 (p less than 0.05; paired t test, one-tailed), while PDGF was synergistic with IL 1 beta, significantly increasing release of PGE2 by these cultured cells (p less than 0.02; two-tailed). No such effect was seen when TGF-beta was added to the culture medium. Taken together, these data lend support to the concept that within the synovial micro-environment small quantities of individual growth factors may potentiate the effects of IL 1 beta to amplify intra-articular inflammation.  相似文献   

Summary Milk secretion and mammary function in dairy animals are regulated by local mechanisms sensitive to the frequency or efficiency of milking. Acute local control of milk secretion occurs through autocrine feedback inhibition by a milk protein. Sustained changes in milking frequency and milk secretion are associated with longer-term adaptations in the degree of differentiation and, ultimately, the number of mammary epithelial cells. Differentiation of cultured mammary cells is suppressed by a milk fraction containing the inhibitor, suggesting that intra-mammary regulation of differentiation in vivo is elicited by the same autocrine regulator subsequent to its acute effect on milk secretion. The autocrine factor may affect mammary cell differentiation by modulating the number of cell surface hormone receptors for prolactin, thereby changing their sensitivity to circulating hormones.Dedicated to Professor Stuart Patton on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Plasma cells are found surrounding the inflammatory infiltrates of macrophages, T, and B cells in the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid and reactive arthritis. This characteristic arrangement suggests that in the synovial tissue CD20+ B cells differentiate into plasma cells. To examine clonal relationships, we have used micromanipulation to separately isolate CD20+ B cells and plasma cells from single infiltrates. DNA was extracted, and from both populations the VH/VL gene repertoires was determined. The data show that in the inflamed synovial tissue activated B cells are clonally expanded. During proliferation in the network of follicular dendritic cells, V gene variants are generated by the hypermutation mechanism. Surprisingly, we do not find identical rearrangements between CD20+ B cells and plasma cells. Nevertheless, the finding of clonally related plasma cells within single infiltrates suggests that these cells underwent terminal differentiation in the synovial tissue. These results indicate that B cell differentiation in the synovial tissue is a dynamic process. Whereas CD20+ B cells may turnover rapidly, plasma cells may well be long lived and thus accumulate in the synovial tissue. The analysis of individual B cells recovered from synovial tissue opens a new way to determine the specificity of those cells that take part in the local immune reaction. This will provide new insights into the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid or reactive arthritis.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis: regulation of synovial inflammation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder that presents as a symmetric polyarthritis associated with swelling and pain in multiple joints, often initially occurring in the joints of the hands and feet. Articular inflammation causes activation and proliferation of the synovial lining, expression of inflammatory cytokines, chemokine-mediated recruitment of additional inflammatory cells, as well as B cell activation with autoantibody production. A vicious cycle of altered cytokine and signal transduction pathways and inhibition of programmed cell death contribute to synoviocyte and osteoclast mediated cartilage and bone destruction. A combination of targeted interventions at various stages in the pathogenesis of RA will likely be required to control symptoms in certain patients with this complex and potentially disabling disease. The regulation of rheumatoid synovial inflammation will be reviewed, followed by a brief summary of the therapeutic implications of these advances, including strategies targeting key cytokines, signal transduction molecules, co-stimulatory molecules, B cells, chemokines, and adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

Oncostatin M (OSM) belongs to IL‐6 subfamily and is mostly produced by T lymphocytes. High levels of OSM are detected in the pannus of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and it may arouse the inflammation responses in joints and eventually leads to bone erosion. Placenta growth factor (PLGF) is an angiogenic factor and highly homologous with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). It has been recently reported that PLGF is highly expressed in synovial tissue and enhances the production of proinflammatory cytokines including TNF‐α and IL‐6. Here, we demonstrated that OSM increased mRNA and protein levels of PLGF in a time‐ and concentration‐dependent manner in RA synovial fibroblasts. Inhibitors of JAK3 and PI3K antagonized OSM‐induced production of PLGF. OSM enhanced the phosphorylation of Tyr705‐STAT3, Ser727‐STAT3, Ser473‐Akt, and increased the nuclear translocation of phosphorylated STAT3 time‐dependently. Transfection of dominant negative Akt or application of PI3K inhibitorLY294002 significantly inhibited p‐Tyr705‐STAT3, p‐Ser727‐STAT3, and PLGF expression, indicating that Akt is involved in JAK3/STAT3/PLGF signaling cascade. To further examine whether STAT3 binds to the promoter region of PLGF, Chip assay was used and it was found that OSM could bind with PLGF promoter, which was inhibited by JAK3 and PI3K inhibitors. Accumulation of PLGF in the pannus may contribute to the inflammation, angiogenesis and joints destruction in RA patients. These findings demonstrated the important role of OSM in the pathology network of RA and provided novel therapeutic drug targets for RA treatment. J. Cell. Physiol. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Activating Fc gamma receptors (FcgammaRs) have been identified as having important roles in the inflammatory joint reaction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and murine models of arthritis. However, the role of the inhibitory FcgammaRIIb in the regulation of the synovial inflammation in RA is less known. Here we have investigated synovial tissue from RA patients using a novel monoclonal antibody (GB3) specific for the FcgammaRIIb isoform. FcgammaRIIb was abundantly expressed in synovia of RA patients, in sharp contrast to the absence or weak staining of FcgammaRIIb in synovial biopsies from healthy volunteers. In addition, the expression of FcgammaRI, FcgammaRII and FcgammaRIII was analyzed in synovia obtained from early and late stages of RA. Compared with healthy synovia, which expressed FcgammaRII, FcgammaRIII but not FcgammaRI, all activating FcgammaRs were expressed and significantly up-regulated in RA, regardless of disease duration. Macrophages were one of the major cell types in the RA synovium expressing FcgammaRIIb and the activating FcgammaRs. Anti-inflammatory treatment with glucocorticoids reduced FcgammaR expression in arthritic joints, particularly that of FcgammaRI. This study demonstrates for the first time that RA patients do not fail to up-regulate FcgammaRIIb upon synovial inflammation, but suggests that the balance between expression of the inhibitory FcgammaRIIb and activating FcgammaRs may be in favour of the latter throughout the disease course. Anti-inflammatory drugs that target activating FcgammaRs may represent valuable therapeutics in this disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression pattern of cell cycle related gene products in active and quiescent Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Synovial tissue from 20 patients with active proliferative RA and 28 patients with RA in remission was immunohistochemically examined for expression of p53, p63, p21, p27, p16, cyclin D1, CDK4, RB, E2F, Ki-67 on tissue microarrays and by DNA flow cytometry for cell cycle phases. RESULTS: Elevated expression of p53 and p27 was found in synovial lining and in stromal cells in proliferative active RA. In the remission stage this finding was confined to the synovial lining. Most of the cells were in the G0-phase. Ki-67 proliferation index was maximum 10% in synovial cells. CONCLUSION: The p53 pathway is activated in synovial cells in active RA as well as in quiescent stage of disease. Differences in the spatial expression pattern of proteins involved in the p53 pathway in RA in remission compared to actively proliferating RA reflect the phasic nature of the disease and support in our opinion the concept of adaptive role of p53 pathway in RA.  相似文献   



The rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium is characterised by the presence of an aggressive population of activated synovial fibroblasts (RASFs) that are prominently involved in the destruction of articular cartilage and bone. Accumulating evidence suggests that RASFs are relatively resistant to Fas-ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis, but the data concerning tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) have been conflicting. Here, we hypothesise that the susceptibility of RASFs to receptor-mediated apoptosis depends on the proliferation status of these cells and therefore analysed the cell cycle dependency of FasL- and TRAIL-induced programmed cell death of RASFs in vitro.  相似文献   



Protein citrullination is present in the rheumatoid synovium, presumably contributing to the perpetuation of chronic inflammation, in the presence of specific autoimmunity. As a result, the present study examined the possibility that effective antirheumatic treatment will decrease the level of synovial citrullination.


Synovial biopsies were obtained from 11 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients before and after 8 weeks of treatment with 20 mg methotrexate weekly, 15 RA patients before and 2 weeks after an intraarticular glucocorticoid injection, and eight healthy volunteers. Synovial inflammation was assessed with double-blind semiquantitative analysis of lining thickness, cell infiltration, and vascularity by using a 4-point scale. Expression of citrullinated proteins (CPs) with the monoclonal antibody F95 and peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) 2 and 4 was assessed immunohistochemically with double-blind semiquantitative analysis. In vitro synovial fluid (SF), peripheral blood (PB), mononuclear cells (MCs), and synovial explants obtained from RA patients were incubated with dexamethasone and analyzed with immunohistochemistry for expression of CP as well as PAD2 and PAD4 enzymes.


The presence of synovial CP was almost exclusive in RA compared with healthy synovium and correlated with the degree of local inflammation. Treatment with glucocorticoids but not methotrexate alters expression of synovial CP and PAD enzymes, in parallel with a decrease of synovial inflammation. Ex vivo and in vitro studies suggest also a direct effect of glucocorticoids on citrullination, as demonstrated by the decrease in the level of citrullination and PAD expression after incubation of SFMC and synovial explants with dexamethasone.


Synovial citrullination and PAD expression are dependent on local inflammation and targeted by glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

B-cells of the rheumatoid synovial tissue are a constant part of and, in some histopathological subtypes, the dominant population of the inflammatory infiltrate, located in the region of tissue destruction. The pattern of B-cell distribution and the relationship to the corresponding antigen-presenting cells (follicular dendritic reticulum cells: FDCs) show a great variety. B-cells may exhibit (i) a follicular organization forming secondary follicles; (ii) follicle-like patterns with irregularly formed FDC networks, and (iii) a diffuse pattern of isolated FDCs. Molecular analysis of immunoglobulin VH and VL genes from human synovial B-cell hybridomas and synovial tissue demonstrates somatic mutations due to antigen activation. The FDC formations in the synovial tissue may therefore serve as an environment for B-cell maturation, which is involved in the generation of autoantibodies. An autoantibody is defined as "pathogenic" if it fulfills the Witebsky-Rose-Koch criteria for classical autoimmune diseases: definition of the autoantibody; induction of the disease by transfer of the autoantibody; and isolation of the autoantibody from the disease-specific lesion. B-cells from rheumatoid synovial tissue show specificity for FcIgG, type II collagen, COMP, sDNA, tetanus toxoid, mitochondrial antigens (M2), filaggrin and bacterial HSPs. The contributions of these antigens to the pathogenesis of RA are still hypothetical. A possible contribution could derive from crossreactivity and epitope mimicry: due to crossreaction, an antibody directed originally against a foreign infectious agent could react with epitopes from articular tissues, perpetuating the local inflammatory process. The characteristic distribution pattern, the localisation within the area of tissue destruction, the hypermutated IgVH and IgVL genes, and their exclusive function to recognize conformation-dependent antigens suggest a central role for B-cells in the inflammatory process of rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the analysis of synovial B-cell hybridomas and experimental expression of synovial IgVH and IgVL genes will help to characterise the antigens responsible for the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

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