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The incubation of mastocytoma P815 cells at low temperature (0 degrees C/1-2 hr), with a subsequent shift to greater than or equal to 20 degrees C results in the formation and shedding of membrane vesicles from the tumor cell surfaces. This process, when occurring at physiologic temperature (37 degrees C), mimics the morphological and membrane permeability changes occurring during T-lymphocyte mediated cytolysis of tumor cells. The latter is an oxygen dependent event, but it is not known whether this requirement is at the effector T cell or at the tumor cell level. The present study investigated the oxygen consumption rates of mastocytoma P815 cells induced to shed membrane vesicles by a temperature shift (0 degrees C/1-2 hrs----greater than or equal to 20 degrees C). Results showed that cells undergoing the membrane vesicle shedding process had significantly higher oxygen requirements than control non-shedding cells. Inhibition of the shedding process with deuterium oxide and hexylene glycol, reduced the oxygen consumption rates of low temperature treated cells to the level of control cells. The oxygen consumption rates of the latter were unaffected by these microtubule stabilizing agents. These data indicate that the oxygen required for immune T-cell mediated lysis of tumor cells may be at the target tumor cell level.  相似文献   

Mammalian females are born with a finite number of ovarian oocytes, the vast majority of which ultimately undergo degeneration by atresia. The overall process of ovarian follicular atresia has been morphologically well described only in large antral follicles. Additionally, little attention has been focused on ultrastructural changes in the oocyte. Furthermore, most such morphological studies were performed prior to identification of apoptosis as a mechanism of physiological cell death. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to use electron microscopy to compare the process of atretic oocyte degradation in ovarian follicles of female Fischer 344 rats (38 days old) with ultrastructural characteristics of apoptosis. Examination of ovarian follicles revealed that nucleolar segregation, cytoplasmic or nuclear condensation, apoptotic body formation, and chromatin margination along the nuclear membrane are never observed in atretic oocytes during the degenerative process. Instead, early morphological changes in atretic oocytes include retraction of granulosa cell- and oocyte-derived microvilli and condensation of mitochondria and loss of cristae. These occurrences coincide with initiation of granulosa cell apoptosis. After most granulosa cells are lost, more severe changes occur, including segmentation of the oocyte and cytoplasmic vacuolization as atresia progresses. Thus, these results suggest that, during atresia, oocytes are removed by physiological oocyte cell death, a method that does not involve classically described apoptosis.  相似文献   

Successful in vitro maturation (IVM) of bovine oocytes requires continual and/or episodic protein synthesis by cumulus-oocyte complexes. This study was designed to expose time-dependent changes in protein synthesis and accumulation by bovine oocytes and cumulus cells during routine IVM. Silver staining after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) demonstrated little if any change in protein species present or their relative contents in oocytes during IVM; one notable exception, however, was the gradual accumulation of a 39-kDa polypeptide between 4–24 hr of maturation culture. Cumulus cells, on the other hand, exhibited no qualitative differences during the period examined, but total protein content did increase during IVM. Metabolic labeling with [35S]-methionine, however, demonstrated changes in protein synthesis, both quantitative and qualitative, by both cell types. Oocytes exhibited a steady or slightly increasing rate of synthesis during the first 12 hr of IVM; thereafter, protein synthesis declined to about 10% of the initial rate by 40 hr in culture. In contrast, protein synthesis in cumulus cells was relatively constant during the first 24 hr. Of greater interest is the demonstration that the synthesis of at least seven oocyte-specific and five cumulus-specific proteins was stage-dependent during maturation. These results indicate that maturation of bovine oocytes is associated with the synthesis of several distinct and temporally expressed proteins which may play roles in the highly ordered sequence of events that culminates in oocyte maturation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yin XJ  Tani T  Kato Y  Tsunoda Y 《Theriogenology》2000,54(9):1469-1476
The present study determined a suitable parthenogenetic activation procedure for rabbit oocytes and examined the developmental potential of enucleated oocytes receiving cultured cumulus cells. Unfertilized oocytes recovered from superovulated rabbits were activated with one or two sets of electrical pulses, with or without subsequent administration of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP). The proportion of oocytes treated with one or two sets of electrical pulses and 6-DMAP that cleaved (87% and 98%, respectively) and developed into blastocysts (77% and 85%, respectively) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those activated with electrical pulses alone (30% and 42% for cleavage, 7% and 17% for blastocysts). Cumulus cells separated from ovulated oocytes obtained from mature rabbits were cultured for three to five passages and then induced to quiescence by serum starvation before nuclear transfer. The enucleated oocytes receiving cumulus cells were activated with electrical pulses followed by the addition of 6-DMAP, and cultured in vitro for 5 to 6 d or transferred to pseudopregnant recipient females 1 d after activation. Of 186 nuclear-transferred oocytes, 123 (66%) cleaved and 42 (23%) developed into blastocysts. After transfer of 174 nuclear-transferred oocytes to 8 recipient females, a total of 3 implantation sites were observed in 3 recipient females but no fetuses were obtained.  相似文献   

Mucification (or expansion) of the cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte is thought to depend on the direct action of gonadotropins in stimulating production and deposition of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the extracellular matrix. We now report that the oocyte is essential for this process. Either follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) at 1 micrograms/ml or dibutyryl cAMP at 2 mM induces mucification of intact cumulus cell-oocyte complexes (COCs) in vitro, but fails to stimulate mucification of isolated cumulus cells. HA synthesis by FSH-stimulated cumulus cells is only approximately 3.5% of the value achieved by FSH-stimulated COCs. Isolated oocytes cultured with or without FSH do not synthesize detectable amounts of HA but induce isolated cumulus cells to increase HA synthesis approximately 13-fold in cocultures with FSH. Medium conditioned by isolated oocytes for 5 hr induces nearly the same level of HA synthesis by cumulus cells under the same culture conditions. FSH also stimulates cumulus cells to increase synthesis of dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (DS-PGs) approximately 3-fold, but this stimulation does not depend upon the presence of oocytes. The results indicate that oocytes produce a soluble factor(s) essential in combination with FSH to stimulate HA, but not DS-PG, synthesis by cumulus cells in vitro and that this factor(s) acts independently or downstream from the FSH-induced formation of cAMP.  相似文献   

At the time of fertilization, release of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) into the cytoplasm of oocytes is said to be induced by hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol bis phosphate (PI2) via activation of phospholipase C and is responsible for the Ca2+ oscillation in oocytes immediately after sperm penetration. On the other hand, cumulus cells have been reported to play an important role in cytoplasmic maturation of mammalian oocytes and to affect embryonic development after fertilization. To obtain more information on the role of cumulus cells in cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes, the effects of cumulus cells on the rise in [Ca2+]i and the rates of activation and development of porcine mature oocytes induced by IP3 injection were investigated. Mature porcine oocytes that had been denuded of their cumulus cells in the early stage of the maturation period had a depressed rise in [Ca2+]i (4.0-6.0) and reduced rates of activation (31.4-36.8%) and development (10.0-24.4%) induced by IP3 injection compared with those of their cumulus-enclosed counterparts (7.3, 69.1% and 43.8%; P < 0.05). The [Ca2+]i rise and the rates of activation and development depressed by the removal of cumulus cells were restored by adding pyruvate to the maturation medium. Furthermore, the IP3 injection-induced depression of [Ca2+]i rise in mature oocytes derived from cumulus-denuded oocytes (DOs) was restored when they were cultured in a medium with pyruvate (3.9-6.3, P < 0.05). Also, mature oocytes from cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) cultured in a medium without glucose had a lower rise in [Ca2+]i than that in mature oocytes from COCs cultured with glucose (7.4-6.0, P < 0.05). Cumulus cells supported porcine oocytes during maturation in the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by IP3 and the following activation and development of porcine oocytes after injection of IP3. Moreover, we inferred that a function of cumulus cells is to produce pyruvate by metabolizing glucose and to provide oocytes with pyruvate during maturation, thereby promoting oocyte sensitivity to IP3.  相似文献   

We investigated the formation of LH receptor (LHR) in cumulus cells surrounding porcine oocytes and the role of LHR in meiotic maturation of oocytes. At least three splice variants of LHR mRNA were detected in cumulus cells, in addition to the full-length form. Low levels of three types of products were seen in cumulus cells from cumulus oocytes complexes (COCs), whereas the full-length form was significantly increased by 12-h cultivation with FSH. The addition of FSH also significantly increased the binding level of biotinylated hCG to COCs. The formation of LHR in FSH-stimulated cumulus cells was not affected by additional 0.5 mM phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), and the oocytes were synchronized to the germinal vesicle (GV) II stage by exposure to 0.5 mM IBMX and FSH for 20 h. The binding of LH to its receptor induced a further increase in cAMP level and progesterone production and acceleration of meiotic progression to the metaphase I stage. The oocytes cultured with LH for 24 h following cultivation with FSH and IBMX were used for in vitro fertilization. At 6 days after in vitro fertilization, blastocyst rate in oocytes matured under these conditions was significantly higher than that of oocytes cultured in the absence of LH. Treatment of oocytes with FSH and 0.5 mM IBMX to express LH receptor in cumulus cells while holding oocytes at the GV II stage is a very beneficial way to produce in vitro-matured oocytes, which have high developmental competence.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,69(3):291-295
This study was carried out to investigate the role of maturation by cumulus cells and the initial bond between the cumulus cells and the oocyte on nuclear maturation of sheep oocytes. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in saline at 30–35 °C within 1–3 h after collection. The oocytes of follicles, 2–6 mm in diameter, were recovered by aspiration and collected in a pre-incubated (at 38.6 °C, 5% CO2, and 100% humidity) Hepes-modified TCM 199 medium. After preliminary evaluation, the oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm and which were surrounded with at least two layers of cumulus cells (good quality oocytes) were selected and subjected to culture in pre-incubated bicarbonate-buffered TCM 199 supplemented with 0.05 IU/ml recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (rhFSH), 1 IU/ml human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and 1 μg/ml estradiol (OCM: oocyte culture medium). Before culturing, the selected oocytes were randomly divided into four treatment groups: Group 1, cumulus enclosed oocytes cultured in OCM; Group 2, denuded oocytes cultured in OCM; Group 3, denuded oocytes co-cultured with a cumulus cell monolayer in OCM; Group 4, denuded oocytes cultured in OCM in the presence of cumulus cells-conditioned medium. After an incubation period (26–27 h), the nuclear status of the oocytes in each treatment group was assessed using a 2% orcein stain. The rate of oocytes reaching the metaphase II (MII) stage (metaphase of second stage of meiosis division) was 82%, 5%, 11%, and 47% for Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The differences between groups were significantly (P < 0.05) different. The percentage of MII oocytes in Group 4 (47%) was higher than that obtained in Group 3 (11%), indicating a higher efficiency in a cumulus cell-conditioned medium, compared to the cumulus cells monolayer in providing the proper condition for sheep oocyte nuclear maturation. The results suggest the ability of sheep oocytes to resume meiosis in the absence of gap junctional communication (GJC) between the cumulus cells and oocyte being drastically interrupted while for optimum oocyte nuclear maturation, the intact physical contact between the oocyte and cumulus cells is essential.  相似文献   

Cumulus expansion and cumulus cell-oocyte coupling during in-vivo and in-vitro maturation of pig oocytes were studied by measuring [3H]uridine uptake. In vivo, cumulus expansion started before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) (16 h versus 20 h after hCG) but no significant change occurred in the coupling index until 32 h after hCG. Intercellular coupling was decreasing at 32 h after hCG in oocytes at anaphase I and telophase I. Complete uncoupling was closely correlated with corona radiata expansion. In vitro, partial uncoupling was observed in oocyte-cumulus cell complexes from prepubertal and PMSG-stimulated gilts cultured for 16 and 32 h, respectively. The addition of FSH caused cumulus expansion, and the functional coupling between the cumulus cells and the oocyte was maintained up to at least 16 h of culture in complexes from prepubertal gilts. We conclude that, under our conditions, neither hormone-free nor FSH-supplemented medium ensured the same [3H]uridine uptake and uncoupling kinetics as during in-vivo maturation.  相似文献   

Cumulus cells are metabolically coupled to oocytes via heterologous gap junctions. This coupling terminates near the time of ovulation, and the termination appears to be correlated with the mucification of the cumulus cells lying immediately adjacent to the oocytes. The first objective of this project was to determine whether follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) induction of cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling could occur independently of FSH-stimulated cumulus mucification (expansion). Intercellular coupling was measured as a percentage of radiolabeled choline (or its metabolites) that was incorporated into the oocyte relative to the total amount of radiolabel incorporated into the entire cumulus cell-oocyte complex. It was found that the complete suppression of FSH-stimulated cumulus expansion with chondroitin sulfate B had no suppressive effect on FSH-stimulated cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling. This finding showed that FSH-stimulated cumulus expansion was not required for cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling. Since 17β-estradiol, testosterone, or progesterone could not induce maximal cumulus cell uncoupling, it was concluded that the uncoupling-promoting action of FSH was probably not mediated by steroid hormones. A partial uncoupling of cumulus cells and oocytes was found when spontaneous oocyte maturation had occurred in the absence of FSH. This partial uncoupling was prevented by incubation of cumulus cell-oocyte complexes in concentrations of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) or 3-isobutyl-1-methyl xanthine (IBMX) (0.25 and 0.10 mM respectively) that suppressed spontaneous oocyte maturation without inducing cumulus expansion. These inhibitors also prevented the maximal induction of uncoupling that would have been provoked by biological grade preparations of either FSH or luteinizing hormone (LH). It was concluded that two factors were required to bring about maximal cumulus cell-oocyte uncoupling: one factor was dependent upon the action of gonadotropins on cumulus cell function, the other factor appeared to be a function of the oocytes, since maximal uncoupling could occur only after the germinal vesicles had broken down.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies in our laboratory have indicated that modulating cumulus expansion early or late during culture has a profound influence on the subsequent development of cumulus-enclosed oocytes. Our objectives were to evaluate the effect of short term exposure to recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (r-hFSH) during in vitro maturation (IVM) on cumulus expansion and developmental competence of bovine oocytes. A highly significant (P < 0.0001) improvement in blastocyst development rate as a proportion of cleaved oocytes after IVM of oocytes was observed in the presence of r-hFSH for the first 6 hr of culture. To demonstrate the importance of the functional coupling between the oocyte and the cumulus compartment during that period of 6 hr, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured with r-hFSH for the first 6 hr followed by 18 hr in presence of 1-heptanol or 1-octanol (gap junction inhibitors) to block the communication between the two. With the coupling inhibitors, the blastocyst yield was significantly decreased (P < 0.05). A brief treatment (30 min) with the weak base methylamine, known to reverse the gap junction inhibitors effect, significantly (P < 0.05) reversed the inhibitory action of these agents on the blastocyst rate. Gap junction communication between the oocyte and surrounding cumulus cells was further studied using microinjection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow. Morphological evidences (dye transfer) were obtained that support the presence of functional coupling for a longer period with the FSH short exposure. In conclusion, high developmental rates of bovine oocytes can be achieved with a short exposure to r-hFSH. This effect is believed to be mediated through gap junctions as developmental competence of oocytes is compromised by the inhibition of their function.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of female gametes is still an open problem because of their structural sensitivity to the cooling-and-freezing process and to the exposure to cryoprotectants. The present work was aimed to study the effect of vitrification on immature bovine oocytes freed of cumulus cell investment before freezing. To verify the feasibility and efficiency of denuded oocyte (DO) cryopreservation, the cytoplasmic alterations eventually induced either by cell removal or by the vitrification process were analyzed. In particular, the migration of cortical granules and Ca++ localization were studied. In addition, the localization and distribution of microtubules and microfilaments in immature fresh and vitrified DOs were evaluated. Finally, to establish whether the removal of cumulus cells influenced developmental competence, DOs were thawed after vitrification, matured in vitro and fertilized; then presumptive zygotes were cultured to reach the blastocyst stage. The results indicate that mechanical removal of cumulus cells from immature bovine oocytes does not affect their maturation competence but reduces the blastocyst rate when compared with intact cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs). The findings indicate further that the vitrification process induces changes of cytoplasmic components. However, the composition of the manipulation medium used to remove cumulus cells plays a crucial role in reducing the injuries caused by cryopreservation in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments. In fact, the presence of serum exerts a sort of protection, significantly improving both oocyte maturation and blastocyst rates. In conclusion, we demonstrate that denuded immature oocytes can be vitrified after cumulus cells removal and successfully develop up, after thawing, to the blastocyst stage, following in vitro maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption during constant-load exercise   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Earlier work from this laboratory has determined that glucose plays an important role in the mechanisms regulating meiotic maturation in mammalian oocytes. In the current study, we have further explored the role of glucose in hormone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) in an effort to better understand how glucose utilization and metabolism relate to the control of meiotic maturation in mouse cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes (CEO). When CEO were cultured in medium containing 4 mM hypoxanthine (to maintain meiotic arrest), 5.5 mM glucose, and 0.23 mM pyruvate, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulated lactate accumulation in a time-dependent manner. Addition of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) to the medium at various times after the initiation of culture resulted in rapid termination of lactate production and suppression of FSH-induced GVB scored after 18 hr of culture, the effectiveness diminishing the longer the delay before addition of 2-DG. By 8 hr, addition of 2-DG was without effect on GVB. Similar effects were seen when FSH-treated CEO were washed free of glucose. In a 2-DG dose-response experiment, gonadotropin-induced lactate production was prevented, but this inhibition did not necessarily prevent GVB. The activities of six metabolic enzymes were measured in extracts of freshly isolated complexes, and in order of increasing activity were: hexokinase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase. Of the six enzymes examined, only hexokinase activity was increased in CEO exposed to FSH. CEO were cultured in microdrops in the presence or absence of FSH, and aliquots from the same microdrop were assayed for glucose, lactate, and pyruvate. In response to FSH, utilization of glucose in microdrop cultures by CEO was markedly increased and was accompanied by comparable lactate production and limited pyruvate production. Cycloheximide and α-amanitin both blocked FSH-induced oocyte maturation, but only cycloheximide prevented the increase in hexokinase activity and glucose consumption. These data suggest that hexokinase is an important rate-limiting enzyme for glucose utilization that is under translational control and participates in the mechanisms controlling the reinitiation of meiosis. However, stimulation of glycolytic activity does not appear to be a necessary concomitant for meiotic induction. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zou X  Chen Y  Wang Y  Luo J  Zhang Q  Zhang X  Yang Y  Ju H  Shen Y  Lao W  Xu S  Du M 《Cloning》2001,3(1):31-37
This study was designed to produce cloned goats from cumulus cells. Cloning donor nuclei were from cumulus cells either freshly isolated or cultured in vitro. Enucleated oocytes were either injected with cumulus cell nuclei without piezo-driven manipulator (injection method) or fused with cumulus cells (fusion method). The survival rate of cloned embryos, obtained by injection, was higher than that derived from fusion (62.7 and 45.9%, respectively). Two cloned goats were derived by fusion with in vitro cultured cumulus cells without starvation, but died shortly after natural birth, from respiratory difficulties. Their birth weights (2.23 kg and 2.03 kg) were within the normal range (2.0-2.7 kg) and postmortem analysis revealed no morphological abnormalities. The third cloned goat, derived by injection of nuclei from freshly isolated cumulus cells, weighed 3.3 kg at birth, and was 37% overweight compared with the average weight of the same species. This goat is healthy and well as this paper is being prepared. Nested PCR-RFLP analysis confirmed that all the cloned goats were derived from the donor cells.  相似文献   

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