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AIMS: The identification, differentiation and characterization of indigenous Saccharomyces sensu stricto strains isolated from Croatian vineyards and the evaluation of their oenological potential. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 47 Saccharomyces sensu stricto strains were isolated from Chardonnay grapes and identified by physiological and molecular genetic methods. By using the standard physiological and biochemical tests, six isolates were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and 41 as Saccharomyces paradoxus. However, PCR-RFLP analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) region of the 18S ribosomal DNA identified 12 of the isolates as S.cerevisiae and 35 as S. paradoxus. Fermentation trials in a grape juice medium showed that these isolates ferment vigorously at 18 degrees C and display tolerance to high levels of ethanol. None of these isolates appeared to produce either hydrogen sulphide or killer toxins. CONCLUSION: Saccharomyces paradoxus, possessing potentially important oenological characteristics, occurs in much higher numbers than S. cerevisiae in the indigenous population of Saccharomyces sensu stricto strains in Croatian vineyards. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study forms an essential step towards the preservation and exploitation of the hidden oenological potential of the untapped wealth of yeast biodiversity in the Croatian grape-growing regions. The results obtained demonstrate the value of using molecular genetic methods, such as PCR-RFLP analyses, in conjunction with the traditional taxonomic methods based on phenotypic characteristics in such ecotaxonomic surveys. The results also shed some light on the ecology and oenological potential of S.paradoxus, which is considered to be the natural parent species of the domesticated species of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group.  相似文献   

Strains of Staphylococcus aureus obtained from bovine (n = 117) and caprine (n = 114) bulk milk were characterized and compared with S. aureus strains from raw-milk products (n = 27), bovine mastitis specimens (n = 9), and human blood cultures (n = 39). All isolates were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In addition, subsets of isolates were characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), multiplex PCR (m-PCR) for genes encoding nine of the staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE), and the cloverleaf method for penicillin resistance. A variety of genotypes were observed, and greater genetic diversity was found among bovine than caprine bulk milk isolates. Certain genotypes, with a wide geographic distribution, were common to bovine and caprine bulk milk and may represent ruminant-specialized S. aureus. Isolates with genotypes indistinguishable from those of strains from ruminant mastitis were frequently found in bulk milk, and strains with genotypes indistinguishable from those from bulk milk were observed in raw-milk products. This indicates that S. aureus from infected udders may contaminate bulk milk and, subsequently, raw-milk products. Human blood culture isolates were diverse and differed from isolates from other sources. Genotyping by PFGE, MLST, and m-PCR for SE genes largely corresponded. In general, isolates with indistinguishable PFGE banding patterns had the same SE gene profile and isolates with identical SE gene profiles were placed together in PFGE clusters. Phylogenetic analyses agreed with the division of MLST sequence types into clonal complexes, and isolates within the same clonal complex had the same SE gene profile. Furthermore, isolates within PFGE clusters generally belonged to the same clonal complex.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting has been used to detect genetic variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Three different probes have been identified that can be used to detect DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms between strains of this species. The strains used in this study differ only in terms of their geographic origin or genetic background. One of the probes used is the bacteriophage vector M13, and the other two are repetitive sequences derived from the medfly genome based on a weak homology to M13. Within a strain, each probe produces a consistent restriction fragment profile that is not affected by the method or timing of DNA extraction. Between strains, when M13 is used as a probe, an average of 10% of the observable bands are polymorphic. Use of the medfly genomic sequences as a probe increases the proportion of polymorphic bands between strains up to 30%. The fact that genetic differences between even such closely related strains can be reliably detected by this method holds great promise for studies of insect pests including the ability to monitor the movements of pest species, determining the extent of genetic variation in pest populations, and in making identifications from otherwise unidentifiable material.  相似文献   

不同寄主来源寄生疫霉菌株的遗传变异分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从300条RAPD随机引物中筛选出扩增多态性丰富的13条引物,对寄主来源不同的29个寄生疫霉(Phytophthora parasitica)菌株进行基因组DNA遗传变异分析。用筛选出的13条引物对供试菌株进行RAPD-PCR扩增,共产生139条RAPD条带,其中133条为多态性条带,多态检测率为95.7%。利用PopGene Version 1.31软件对供试菌株间的遗传距离进行聚类分析并构建系统树状图,供试29个菌株被划分为5个遗传聚类组,不同菌株间具有丰富的遗传变异。其中寄主为烟草(Nicotiana spp.)、腊梅(Chimonanthus praecox)、凤尾兰(Yucca gloriosa)和西番莲(Passiflora edulis)的菌株的遗传结构与其寄主来源具有明显的相关性,而寄主为刺槐(Sophora chinensis)和番茄(Lycopersicum esculentum)的菌株与其寄主来源的相关性较小,来源于不同寄主植物的菌株之间遗传距离较远。结果提示在寄生疫霉与其不同寄主植物的长期协同进化过程中,寄主对病原菌的遗传结构具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Mycobacterium xenopi is an environmental bacterium that occasionally causes disease in humans. A method is described for DNA fingerprinting strains of this species. Seven of 10 strains from humans were clearly distinguishable from each other using DNA fingerprinting. This method will enable the investigation of possible environmental sources and human spread of disease due to this species.  相似文献   

Ascosphaera apis causes chalkbrood in honeybees, a chronic disease that reduces the number of viable offspring in the nest. Although lethal for larvae, the disease normally has relatively low virulence at the colony level. A recent study showed that there is genetic variation for host susceptibility, but whether Ascosphaera apis strains differ in virulence is unknown. We exploited a recently modified in vitro rearing technique to infect honeybee larvae from three colonies with naturally mated queens under strictly controlled laboratory conditions, using four strains from two distinct A. apis clades. We found that both strain and colony of larval origin affected mortality rates. The strains from one clade caused 12-14% mortality while those from the other clade induced 71-92% mortality. Larvae from one colony showed significantly higher susceptibility to chalkbrood infection than larvae from the other two colonies, confirming the existence of genetic variation in susceptibility across colonies. Our results are consistent with antagonistic coevolution between a specialized fungal pathogen and its host, and suggest that beekeeping industries would benefit from more systematic monitoring of this chronic stress factor of their colonies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Polyploidization plays an important role in the evolution of many plant genera, including Koeleria. The knowledge of ploidy, chromosome number and genome size may enable correct taxonomic treatment when other features are insufficient as in Koeleria. Therefore, these characteristics and their variability were determined for populations of six central European Koeleria taxa. METHODS: Chromosome number analysis was performed by squashing root meristems, and ploidy and 2C nuclear DNA content were estimated by flow cytometry. KEY RESULTS: Three diploids (K. glauca, K. macrantha var. macrantha and var. pseudoglauca), one tetraploid (K. macrantha var. majoriflora), one decaploid (K. pyramidata) and one dodecaploid (K. tristis) were found. The 2C nuclear DNA content of the diploids ranged from 4.85 to 5.20 pg. The 2C DNA contents of tetraploid, decaploid and dodecaploid taxa were 9.31 pg, 22.89 pg and 29.23 pg, respectively. The DNA content of polyploids within the K. macrantha aggregate (i.e. within K. macrantha and K. pyramidata) was smaller than the expected multiple of the diploid genome (K. macrantha var. macrantha). Geography-correlated variation of DNA content was found for some taxa. Czech populations of K. macrantha var. majoriflora had a 5.06% smaller genome than the Slovak ones. An isolated eastern Slovakian population of K. tristis revealed 8.04% less DNA than populations from central Slovakia. In central and north-west Bohemia, diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of K. macrantha were sympatric; east from this region diploid populations, and towards the west tetraploid populations were dominant. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkable intra-specific inter-population differences in nuclear DNA content were found between Bohemian and Pannonian populations of Koeleria macrantha var. majoriflora and between geographically isolated central and eastern Slovakian populations of K. tristis. These differences occur over a relatively small geographical scale.  相似文献   

Recent surveys suggest that the endangered St. Lawrence beluga ( Delphinapterus leucas ) population is not recovering significantly despite 20 years of protection. Dead individuals that have been autopsied show high levels of tumours and infections. This situation could be a result of pollution, loss of genetic variation, inbreeding depression or a combination of these factors. Analyses of DNA fingerprints from St. Lawrence belugas with three minisatellite probes (Jeffreys 33.6, 33.15 and M13) indicate a reduced level of genetic variation compared to Beaufort Sea animals. The average band-sharing between individuals of the St. Lawrence beluga population for the three probes (0.534, 0.573 and 0.478, respectively) was significantly higher than that of the Beaufort Sea beluga population (0.343, 0.424, 0.314, respectively). Higher levels of mean allele frequency in the St. Lawrence belugas (0.33 vs. 0.21) suggest that this population is composed of individuals which are related. Inbreeding depression could therefore be a factor in the lack of recovery of the St. Lawrence beluga population.  相似文献   

Isozymes of laboratory strains of Biomphalaria glabrata have been studied by starch gel electrophoresis. Methods are outlined for adaptation of this technique to the genetic study of these snails. Twenty-eight presumptive gene loci have been identified. Twelve invariant enzymes were observed. Sixteen loci displayed some polymorphism within or among the strains. These polymorphisms were generally widespread among strains from Brazil, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, and the Dominican Republic. A high degree of intrastrain polymorphism was noted even in some presumably inbred laboratory strains. Crosses between strains were used to demonstrate the genetic basis for the patterns observed at 9 of the 16 polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Microsatellites, or short tandem repeats, are abundant across genomes of most organisms. It is evident that the most straightforward and conclusive way of studying mutations in microsatellite-containing loci is to use clonally transmitted genomes or DNA sequences inherited in multigeneration pedigrees. At present, little is known about the origin of genetic variation in species that lack effective genetic recombination. DNA fingerprinting in 43 families of the parthenogenetic lizard species Darevskia armeniaca (131 siblings), using (GACA)(4), (GGCA)(4), (GATA)(4), and (CAC)(5) probes, revealed mutant fingerprints in siblings that differed from their mothers in several restriction DNA fragments. In some cases, the mutant fingerprints detected in siblings were also found in population samples. The mutation rate for new restriction fragment length estimated by using multilocus probes varied from 0.8 x 10(-2) to 4.9 x 10(-2) per band/per sibling. Probably, the most variations detected as restriction fragment length polymorphism have germ-line origin, but somatic changes of (CAC)(n) fingerprints in adult lizards were also observed. These results provide new evidence of existing unstable regions in genomes of parthenogenetic vertebrate animals, which provide genetic variation in unisexual populations.  相似文献   

Centromeric DNA from chromosome VI in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
The functional sequence from the centromere in chromosome VI ( CEN6 ) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was narrowed down to a stretch of 500 bp by a Bal31 deletion approach. The DNA sequence in this region shows three long stretches, 40 bp, 96 bp, and 63 bp of 85% and more AT pairs and a pyrimidine purine bias in the individual single strands. We assume that the CEN6 functional sequences encompass these AT-rich stretches because this part shows striking similarities to sequence elements common to CEN3 and CEN11 DNA. A strain comparison revealed that CEN6 DNA sequences are confined to the Saccharomyces genus and probably only to the S. cerevisiae species. CEN6 is not highly conserved within S. cerevisiae strains because EcoRI and HindIII restriction site variants are found with high frequency.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of multiple strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus from a natural woodland site in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA, using enrichment culturing in a medium containing 7.6% (v/v) ethanol. The method was applied to bark and flux material collected from broad-leaved trees (mostly Quercus spp.) and to associated soils. Many candidate wild strains of Saccharomyces were isolated using this method, most of them from soils associated with oaks. Matings to genetically marked tester strains of S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus identified roughly equal numbers of these two species within this collection. The S. paradoxus isolates showed significant partial reproductive isolation from a conspecific European strain, whereas the S. cerevisiae isolates did not. Variability in both chromosome size and Ty1 element hybridization profiles was observed within both populations at this site. We discuss the relevance of our data to current debates concerning whether S. cerevisiae is a wild species or a domesticated species.  相似文献   

A rice minisatellite probe detecting DNA fingerprints was used to assess genetic variation in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Fifty-seven cultivars of rice, including 40 closely related cultivars released in the US, were studied. Rice DNA fingerprinting revealed high levels of polymorphism among distantly related cultivars. The variability of fingerprinting pattern was reduced in the closely related cultivars. A genetic similarity index (S) was computed based on shared fragments between each pair of cultivars, and genetic distance (D) was used to construct the dendrograms depicting genetic relationships among rice cultivars. Cluster analysis of genetic distance tended to group rice cultivars into different units corresponding with their varietal types and breeding pedigrees. However, by comparison with the coefficients of parentage, the criterion of relatedness based on DNA fingerprints appeared to overestimate the genetic relationships between some of the closely related US cultivars. Although this may reduce the power of fingerprints for genetic analysis, we were able to demonstrate that DNA fingerprinting with minisatellite sequences is simpler and more sensitive than most other types of marker systems in detecting genetic variation in rice.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not consititute an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the USDA or the University of Missouri. Contribution from the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Genetics Research Unit, and the University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 12178.  相似文献   

Genetic variability among root voles (Microtus oeconomus [Pallas, 1776]) originating from two distantly separate regions of Norway (Valdres and Finnmark) was studied by DNA fingerprinting using the probes 33.15, 33.6 and M13. All three probes revealed polymorphic, although relatively simple, patterns. DNA fingerprint banding patterns were clearly diagnostic of the animals' region of origin. Notably, Valdres animals display a high molecular-weight cluster of bands not found in Finnmark, reflective of the isolation, and possibly an indication of separate colonization events, of the two groups. On the local level in Finnmark, bands associating with a specific trap site were observed in trappings on consecutive years. Comparisons of Finnmark animals taken at three trap sites at approximately 10 km intervals show a gradient of genetic similarity. Captive bred siblings were also compared, yielding average values significantly higher than those seen from same-site comparisons. We suggest that the sensitivity provided by DNA fingerprinting with multi-locus minisatellite probes is appropriate for population genetic studies in M. oeconomus. Also, because band-sharing correlates to spacing in M. oeconomus, we propose that DNA fingerprinting may be used to study dispersal, recruitment and other population processes in this and possibly other rodent species.  相似文献   

Year-round studies of epiphytic yeast communities revealed that the number of ascosporogenous yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces inhabiting living and decaying leaves of some plants increased considerably in certain short periods (at the beginning of summer and in winter). Massive isolation of saccharomycetes was performed from 11 plant species; earlier, these yeasts had been revealed mainly in sugar-rich substrates. The isolates were identified as Saccharomyces paradoxus based on their physiological properties and the lengths of restriction fragments of 5.8S-ITS rDNA. Possible reasons for short-term increases in the number of saccharomycetes in plant phyllosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the strain variability among Vibrio alginolyticus isolates from different sources by insertion sequence-targeted PCR fingerprinting and whole cell protein profile analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven strains of V. alginolyticus were isolated from seven different sources including healthy, infected, farm-reared and wild shrimps. Following biochemical characterization, the isolates were analysed by PCR fingerprinting and whole cell protein analysis by SDS-PAGE. The strains were genetically different irrespective of the sources of isolation. CONCLUSIONS: Strain variation exists in V. alginolyticus isolates obtained even from the same source, and PCR fingerprinting is a simple and efficient method in identifying strain-specific variations among the different isolates. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Vibrio alginolyticus is implicated in severe vibriosis of marine aquaculture systems although many strains are avirulent and could be used as probiotic strains. As a wide variation exists among this species, differentiating the harmful and beneficial strains would help in finding ways of controlling the infections by eliminating harmful shrimp pathogenic vibrios.  相似文献   

Analysis of production brewing strains of yeast by DNA fingerprinting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. WIGHTMAN, D.E. QUAIN AND P. G. MEADEN. 1996. Production brewing strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were analysed by DNA fingerprinting, using a Southern blotting and hybridization procedure and employing the Tyl-15 transposon as a probe. The ability to differentiate readily between strains was very dependent on the restriction enzyme used to digest the DNA prior to Southern blotting and hybridization; the enzymes Eco RI, Pst I and Sal I were found to be particularly useful in this respect. The method was applicable to the differentiation of both ale and lager yeasts, and was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish between very closely related strains. DNA fingerprinting by this approach confirmed, for example, that a flocculent strain isolated during a production-scale fermentation with a lager yeast was genotypically different from the parent.  相似文献   

Tightly linked to the gene that encodes murine beta-glucuronidase (GUS) are three GUS-specific regulatory elements. Together, these elements define the GUS gene complex. Specific alleles of each regulatory element are associated with a specific GUS structural allele. These associations define the three common forms (haplotypes) of the GUS gene complex, designated A, B, and H. As an initial step in defining the DNA determinants of each regulatory element and to develop DNA markers for the common haplotypes, we have identified several DNA variants by blot hybridization analysis of restricted genomic DNA using GUS-specific cDNA probes. Of 30 tested restriction endonucleases, 24 reveal DNA polymorphisms that distinguish B- and H-haplotype DNA from that of the A haplotype. Of these 24, 18 uncover a restriction fragment length polymorphism in which the polymorphic fragment of A-haplotype DNA is 200-300 bp larger than the corresponding fragment of B- or H-haplotype DNA. DNA sequence analysis of this polymorphic region reveals the presence of a short, interspersed repetitive element of the B2 family within A-haplotype DNA which is absent in DNAs of B- or H-haplotype mice. None of the DNA variations revealed by these analyses can be associated at this time with variation in the regulatory or structural properties of GUS among the common haplotypes. Nevertheless, they do provide useful haplotype-specific markers within the GUS gene complex which are of critical importance for DNA transfer experiments in transgenic mice and in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Summary For screening better types among 10 strains with the help of the D 2 statistic, an experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications. 10 plants in each plot were randomly selected and observations were recorded on final plant height, heading duration, effective tillers, number of grains per panicle, yield per plant and 100 grain weight.The observations were analyzed and found to be significant at 1% level.In the study of distance relations the contribution of grain number per panicle to D 2 values was found to be maximum. Again, this technique also helped in grouping the 10 strains into four clusters, viz. A, B, C and D, of which B possessed six strains out of 10; A possessed two and C and D one each.Group A comprised 2 selections from the same cross. Group D was composed of a selection from a cross involving Dular and Taichung Native-1 as parents. Group B possessed Dular, two selections from a cross involving Dular as one of the parents, Dharial and N.C.-1626. The constituents of A are expected to be transgressive segregates.Group A was maximally distantly related with D followed in order by C and B. The distance between B and C was small.Group D was found to be the best of all strains studied, followed by B, C and A.Dedicated to Prof. J. Straub on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

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