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Analogues of latarcins Ltc1 and Ltc3b, antimicrobial peptides from the venom of the Central Asian spider Lachesana tarabaevi capable of formation of amphiphilic structures in membranes without involvement of disulfide bonds, were synthesized. The amino acid sequences of the analogues correspond to immature forms of these peptides, each of them containing an additional C-terminal amino acid residue. It is concluded from the study of the biological activity of the synthesized peptides that the posttranslational C-terminal amidation of Ltc3b is a functionally important modification that ensures a high activity of the mature peptide. The lipid composition was shown to affect the interaction of synthesized peptides with artificial membranes. The analogue of Ltc3b manifested the highest activity on cholesterol-containing membranes. The mechanism of action of the studied antimicrobial peptides on membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

Venom of Lachesana tarabaevi (Zodariidae, “ant spiders”) exhibits high insect toxicity and serves a rich source of potential insecticides. Five new peptide toxins active against insects were isolated from the venom by means of liquid chromatography and named latartoxins (LtTx). Complete amino acid sequences of LtTx (60-71 residues) were established by a combination of Edman degradation, mass spectrometry and selective proteolysis. Three toxins have eight cysteine residues that form four intramolecular disulfide bridges, and two other molecules contain an additional cystine; three LtTx are C-terminally amidated. Latartoxins can be allocated to two groups with members similar to CSTX and LSTX toxins from Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) and Lycosa singoriensis (Lycosidae). The interesting feature of the new toxins is their modular organization: they contain an N-terminal cysteine-rich (knottin or ICK) region as in many neurotoxins from spider venoms and a C-terminal linear part alike some cytolytic peptides. The C-terminal fragment of one of the most abundant toxins LtTx-1a was synthesized and shown to possess membrane-binding activity. It was found to assume amphipathic α-helical conformation in membrane-mimicking environment and exert antimicrobial activity at micromolar concentrations. The tails endow latartoxins with the ability to bind and damage membranes; LtTx show cytolytic activity in fly larvae neuromuscular preparations. We suggest a membrane-dependent mode of action for latartoxins with their C-terminal linear modules acting as anchoring devices.  相似文献   

Analogues of latarcins Ltc1 and Ltc3b, antimicrobial peptides from the venom of the Central Asian spider Lachesana tarabaevi capable of formation of amphiphilic structures in membranes without involvement of disulfide bonds, were synthesized. The amino acid sequences of the analogues correspond to immature forms of these peptides, each of them containing an additional C-terminal amino acid residue. It is concluded from the study of the biological activity of the synthesized peptides that the posttranslational C-terminal amidation of Ltc3b is a functionally important modification that ensures a high activity of the mature peptide. The lipid composition was shown to affect the interaction of synthesized peptides with artificial membranes. The analogue of Ltc3b manifested the highest activity on cholesterol-containing membranes. The mechanism of action of the studied antimicrobial peptides on membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

Zodariid spiders of two genera in Israel are revised. The genus Lachesana is represented by two species. Only one male of these was ever depicted while the females of both and their hitherto unknown retreats were never described. Pax gen. nov. has been erected to accommodate five species, some of which have formerly been placed in Slorena, Selamia or Habronestes . Diagnostic characters of the West Mediterranean Selamia and the Australian Habronestes are newly illustrated. No drawings of Pax libani and P. islamita were ever published; the male of the latter is described here for the first time. Pax palmonii sp. nov. and P. engediensis sp. nov. are described and affinities of all taxa are discussed. Illustrations, records of distribution and keys to the species are provided.  相似文献   

Five amphipathic peptides with antimicrobial, hemolytic, and insecticidal activity were isolated from the crude venom of the wolf spider Oxyopes kitabensis. The peptides, named oxyopinins, are the largest linear cationic amphipathic peptides from the venom of a spider that have been chemically characterized at present. According to their primary structure Oxyopinin 1 is composed of 48 amino acid residues showing extended sequence similarity to the ant insecticidal peptide ponericinL2 and to the frog antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin. Oxyopinins 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d have highly similar sequences. At least 27 out of 37 amino acid residues are conserved. They also show a segment of sequence similar to ponericinL2. Circular dichroism analyses showed that the secondary structure of the five peptides is essentially alpha-helical. Oxyopinins showed disrupting activities toward both biological membranes and artificial vesicles, particularly to those rich in phosphatidylcholine. Electrophysiological recordings performed on insect cells (Sf9) showed that the oxyopinins produce a drastic reduction of cell membrane resistance by opening non-selective ion channels. Additionally, a new paralytic neurotoxin named Oxytoxin 1 was purified from the same spider venom. It contains 69 amino acid residue cross-linked by five disulfide bridges. Application of mixtures containing oxyopinins and Oxytoxin 1 to insect larvae showed a potentiation phenomenon, by which an increase lethality effect is observed. These results suggest that the linear amphipathic peptides in spider venoms and neuropeptides cooperate to capture insects efficiently.  相似文献   

The arms race between specialist predators and their prey has resulted in the evolution of a variety of specific adaptations. In venomous predators, this can include venom composition, particularly if predators are specialized on dangerous prey. Here, we performed an integrative study using six species of highly specialized ant‐eating spiders of the genus Zodarion to investigate their phylogeny, realized trophic niche, efficacy in the capture of various ant species and venom composition. Data on natural diet obtained by next‐generation sequencing and field observations showed that the six Zodarion species exploit different ant species. Their phylogeny, based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes, correlated with the composition of their natural prey, indicating that closely related Zodarion species specialize on similar ant species. Prey‐capture parameters differed among Zodarion species suggesting prey‐specific efficacy. Similarly, the venom profiles of both low and high molecular compounds differed among species. Only the profiles of low molecular compounds were correlated with capture efficacy parameters, suggesting that the venom of Zodarion spiders contains prey‐specific components. Our study suggests that Iberian Zodarion spiders are specialized on particular ant species.  相似文献   

Three novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), named panurgines (PNGs), were isolated from the venom of the wild bee Panurgus calcaratus. The dodecapeptide of the sequence LNWGAILKHIIK-NH2 (PNG-1) belongs to the category of α-helical amphipathic AMPs. The other two cyclic peptides containing 25 amino acid residues and two intramolecular disulfide bridges of the pattern Cys8–Cys23 and Cys11–Cys19 have almost identical sequence established as LDVKKIICVACKIXPNPACKKICPK-OH (X=K, PNG-K and X=R, PNG-R). All three peptides exhibited antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria, antifungal activity, and low hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. We prepared a series of PNG-1 analogs to study the effects of cationicity, amphipathicity, and hydrophobicity on the biological activity. Several of them exhibited improved antimicrobial potency, particularly those with increased net positive charge. The linear analogs of PNG-K and PNG-R having all Cys residues substituted by α-amino butyric acid were inactive, thus indicating the importance of disulfide bridges for the antimicrobial activity. However, the linear PNG-K with all four cysteine residues unpaired, exhibited antimicrobial activity. PNG-1 and its analogs induced a significant leakage of fluorescent dye entrapped in bacterial membrane-mimicking large unilamellar vesicles as well as in vesicles mimicking eukaryotic cell membrane. On the other hand, PNG-K and PNG-R exhibited dye-leakage activity only from vesicles mimicking bacterial cell membrane.  相似文献   

A new family of antimicrobial peptides was isolated from the venom of Cupiennius salei. The peptides were purified to homogeneity, and the sequence of cupiennin 1a was determined by Edman degradation: GFGALFKFLAKKVAKTVAKQAAKQGAKYVVNKQME-NH(2). The amino acid sequences of cupiennin 1b, c, and d were obtained by a combination of sequence analysis and mass spectrometric measurements of comparative tryptic peptide mapping. All peptides consist of 35 amino acid residues and are characterized by a more hydrophobic N-terminal chain region and a C terminus composed preferentially of polar and charged residues. The total charge of all cupiennins calculated under physiological conditions is +8, and their C terminus, formed by a glutamic acid residue, is amidated. Conformational studies of the peptides revealed a high helix forming potential. Antimicrobial assays on bacteria with cupiennin 1a, 1d, and synthesized cupiennins 1a* and 1d* showed minimal inhibitory concentrations for bacteria in the submicromolar range. Their lytic effect on human red blood cells was lower by a factor of 8 to 14 than the highly hemolytic melittin. Cupiennin 1a, 1b, 1d, 1a*, and 1d* showed pronounced insecticidal activity. The immediate biological effects and the structural properties of the isolated cupiennins indicate a membrane-destroying mode of action on prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Natural venoms are promising sources of candidate therapeutics including antibiotics. A recently described potent antimicrobial peptide latarcin 2a (Ltc 2a) from Lachesana tarabaevi spider venom shows a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. This peptide consists of 26 amino acid residues and therefore its production using chemical synthesis, although trivial, is costly. We describe an easy approach to Ltc 2a production in Escherichia coli using the conventional fusion partner thioredoxin. Latarcin 2a synthetic gene was cloned into the expression vector pET-32b, which was then used to transform E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. His-tagged fusion purification was achieved using metal-chelate affinity chromatography. Since no methionine residues are present in the latarcin 2a sequence, cyanogen bromide could be effectively utilized to separate the target product from the carrier protein. Reverse-phase HPLC was used as the final step of purification; the final yield was 3 mg/L of bacterial culture. To increase the yields, we attempted incorporation of Ltc 2a tandem repeats into the fusion protein; however, production rates greatly decreased due to enhanced fusion toxicity. Moreover, we probed constructs to produce an Ltc 2a dimer and the Ltc 2a propeptide to study their functional properties. Recombinant peptides were produced at appreciable yields and biological tests to determine their activities were performed. Latarcin 2a is the first linear peptide from spider venom and one of the first membrane-active peptides from venomous animals to be biosynthetically produced.  相似文献   

Four new peptides of the mastoparan family, characterized recently in the venom of three neotropical social wasps collected in the Dominican Republic, Polistes major major, Polistes dorsalis dorsalis and Mischocyttarus phthisicus were synthesized and tested for antimicrobial potency against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli (E.c.) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and for hemolytic and mast cells degranulation activities. As these peptides posses strong antimicrobial activity (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against Bacillus subtillis and E.c. in the range of 5–40 μM), we prepared 40 of their analogs to correlate biological activities, especially antimicrobial, with the net positive charge, hydrophobicity, amphipathicity, peptide length, amino acid substitutions at different positions of the peptide chain, N-terminal acylation and C-terminal deamidation. Circular dichroism spectra of the peptides measured in the presence of trifluoroethanol or SDS showed that the peptides might adopt -helical conformation in such anisotropic environments.  相似文献   

Two novel antimicrobial peptides, named halictines, were isolated from the venom of the eusocial bee Halictus sexcinctus. Their primary sequences were established by ESI-QTOF mass spectrometry, Edman degradation and enzymatic digestion as Gly-Met-Trp-Ser-Lys-Ile-Leu-Gly-His-Leu-Ile-Arg-NH2 (HAL-1), and Gly-Lys-Trp-Met-Ser-Leu-Leu-Lys–His-Ile-Leu-Lys-NH2 (HAL-2). Both peptides exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but also noticeable hemolytic activity. The CD spectra of HAL-1 and HAL-2 measured in the presence of trifluoroethanol or SDS showed ability to form an amphipathic α-helical secondary structure in an anisotropic environment such as bacterial cell membrane. NMR spectra of HAL-1 and HAL-2 measured in trifluoroethanol/water confirmed formation of helical conformation in both peptides with a slightly higher helical propensity in HAL-1. Altogether, we prepared 51 of HAL-1 and HAL-2 analogs to study the effect of such structural parameters as cationicity, hydrophobicity, α-helicity, amphipathicity, and truncation on antimicrobial and hemolytic activities. The potentially most promising analogs in both series are those with increased net positive charge, in which the suitable amino acid residues were replaced by Lys. This improvement basically relates to the increase of antimicrobial activity against pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to the mitigation of hemolytic activity.  相似文献   

We previously proposed three hypotheses relating the mechanism of antimicrobial and cytolytic peptides in model membranes to the Gibbs free energies of binding and insertion into the membrane [Almeida, P. F., and Pokorny, A. (2009) Biochemistry 48, 8083-8093]. Two sets of peptides were designed to test those hypotheses, by mutating of the sequences of δ-lysin, cecropin A, and magainin 2. Peptide binding and activity were measured on phosphatidylcholine membranes. In the first set, the peptide charge was changed by mutating basic to acidic residues or vice versa, but the amino acid sequence was not altered much otherwise. The type of dye release changed from graded to all-or-none according to prediction. However, location of charged residues in the sequence with the correct spacing to form salt bridges failed to improve binding. In the second set, the charged and other key residues were kept in the same positions, whereas most of the sequence was significantly but conservatively simplified, maintaining the same hydrophobicity and amphipathicity. This set behaved completely different from predicted. The type of release, which was expected to be maintained, changed dramatically from all-or-none to graded in the mutants of cecropin and magainin. Finally, contrary to the hypotheses, the results indicate that the Gibbs energy of binding to the membrane, not the Gibbs energy of insertion, is the primary determinant of peptide activity.  相似文献   

记述了分布于江西和海南的拟平腹蛛科2新种:庐山斯托蛛,新种(图1~12)Storenomorpha lushanensis Yu & Chen sp.nov.和海南斯托蛛,新种(图13~24)Storenomorpha hainanensis Jin&Chen sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Three bradykinin-related peptides (nephilakinins-I to -III) and bradykinin itself were isolated from the aqueous washing extract of the capture web of the spider Nephila clavipes by gel permeation chromatography on a Sephacryl S-100 column, followed by chromatography in a Hi-Trap Sephadex-G25 Superfine column. The novel peptides occurred in low concentrations and were sequenced through ESI-MS/MS analysis: nephilakinin-I (G-P-N-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2), nephilakinin-II (E-A-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2) and nephilakinin-III (P-S-P-P-G-F-S-P-F-R-NH2). Synthetic peptides replicated the novel bradykinin-related peptides, which were submitted to biological characterizations. Nephilakinins were shown to cause constriction on isolated rat ileum preparations and relaxation on rat duodenum muscle preparations at amounts higher than bradykinin; apparently these peptides constitute B2-type agonists of ileal and duodenal smooth muscles. All peptides including the bradykinin were moderately lethal to honeybees. These bradykinin peptides may be related to the predation of insects by the webs of N. clavipes.  相似文献   

Almaaytah A  Zhou M  Wang L  Chen T  Walker B  Shaw C 《Peptides》2012,35(2):291-299
The venoms of scorpions are complex cocktails of polypeptide toxins that fall into two structural categories: those that contain cysteinyl residues with associated disulfide bridges and those that do not. As the majority of lethal toxins acting upon ion channels fall into the first category, most research has been focused there. Here we report the identification and structural characterization of two novel 18-mer antimicrobial peptides from the venom of the North African scorpion, Androctonus amoreuxi. Named AamAP1 and AamAP2, both peptides are C-terminally amidated and differ in primary structure at just two sites: Leu-->Pro at position 2 and Phe-->Ile at position 17. Synthetic replicates of both peptides exhibited a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity against a Gram-positive bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus), a Gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli) and a yeast (Candida albicans), at concentrations ranging between 20 μM and 150 μM. In this concentration range, both peptides produced significant degrees of hemolysis. A synthetic replicate of AamAP1 containing a single substitution (His-->Lys) at position 8, generated a peptide (AamAP-S1) with enhanced antimicrobial potency (3-5 μM) against the three test organisms and within this concentration range, hemolytic effects were negligible. In addition, this His-->Lys variant exhibited potent growth inhibitory activity (ID(50) 25-40 μm) against several human cancer cell lines and endothelial cells that was absent in both natural peptides. Natural bioactive peptide libraries, such as those that occur in scorpion venoms, thus constitute a unique source of novel lead compounds with drug development potential whose biological properties can be readily manipulated by simple synthetic chemical means.  相似文献   

The present study describes the isolation and pharmacological characterisation of the neurotoxin delta-missulenatoxin-Mb1a (delta-MSTX-Mb1a) from the venom of the male Australian eastern mouse spider, Missulena bradleyi. This toxin was isolated using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and was subsequently shown to cause an increase in resting tension, muscle fasciculation and a decrease in indirect twitch tension in a chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle bioassay. Interestingly, these effects were neutralised by antivenom raised against the venom of the Sydney funnel-web spider Atrax robustus. Subsequent whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology on rat dorsal root ganglion neurones revealed that delta-MSTX-Mb1a caused a reduction in peak tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive sodium current, a slowing of sodium current inactivation and a hyperpolarising shift in the voltage at half-maximal activation. In addition, delta-MSTX-Mb1a failed to affect TTX-resistant sodium currents. Subsequent Edman degradation revealed a 42-residue peptide with unusual N- and C-terminal cysteines and a cysteine triplet (Cys(14-16)). This toxin was highly homologous to a family of delta-atracotoxins (delta-ACTX) from Australian funnel-web spiders including conservation of all eight cysteine residues. In addition to actions on sodium channel gating and kinetics to delta-ACTX, delta-MSTX-Mb1a caused significant insect toxicity at doses up to 2000 pmol/g. Delta-MSTX-Mb1a therefore provides evidence of a highly conserved spider delta-toxin from a phylogenetically distinct spider family that has not undergone significant modification.  相似文献   

CsTx-1, the main neurotoxic acting peptide in the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, is composed of 74 amino acid residues, exhibits an inhibitory cysteine knot motif, and is further characterized by its highly cationic charged C terminus. Venom gland cDNA library analysis predicted a prepropeptide structure for CsTx-1 precursor. In the presence of trifluoroethanol, CsTx-1 and the long C-terminal part alone (CT1-long; Gly-45-Lys-74) exhibit an α-helical structure, as determined by CD measurements. CsTx-1 and CT1-long are insecticidal toward Drosophila flies and destroys Escherichia coli SBS 363 cells. CsTx-1 causes a stable and irreversible depolarization of insect larvae muscle cells and frog neuromuscular preparations, which seem to be receptor-independent. Furthermore, this membranolytic activity could be measured for Xenopus oocytes, in which CsTx-1 and CT1-long increase ion permeability non-specifically. These results support our assumption that the membranolytic activities of CsTx-1 are caused by its C-terminal tail, CT1-long. Together, CsTx-1 exhibits two different functions; as a neurotoxin it inhibits L-type Ca(2+) channels, and as a membranolytic peptide it destroys a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes. Such a dualism is discussed as an important new mechanism for the evolution of spider venomous peptides.  相似文献   

Delta-atracotoxin-Ar1a (delta-ACTX-Ar1a) is the major polypeptide neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the male Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus. This neurotoxin targets both insect and mammalian voltage-gated sodium channels, where it competes with scorpion alpha-toxins for neurotoxin receptor site-3 to slow sodium-channel inactivation. Progress in characterizing the structure and mechanism of action of this toxin has been hampered by the limited supply of pure toxin from natural sources. In this paper, we describe the first successful chemical synthesis and oxidative refolding of the four-disulfide bond containing delta-ACTX-Ar1a. This synthesis involved solid-phase Boc chemistry using double coupling, followed by oxidative folding of purified peptide using a buffer of 2 M GdnHCl and glutathione/glutathiol in a 1:1 mixture of 2-propanol (pH 8.5). Successful oxidation and refolding was confirmed using both chemical and pharmacological characterization. Ion spray mass spectrometry was employed to confirm the molecular weight. (1)H NMR analysis showed identical chemical shifts for native and synthetic toxins, indicating that the synthetic toxin adopts the native fold. Pharmacological studies employing whole-cell patch clamp recordings from rat dorsal root ganglion neurons confirmed that synthetic delta-ACTX-Ar1a produced a slowing of the sodium current inactivation and hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage-dependence of activation and inactivation similar to native toxin. Under current clamp conditions, we show for the first time that delta-ACTX-Ar1a produces spontaneous repetitive plateau potentials underlying the clinical symptoms seen during envenomation. This successful oxidative refolding of synthetic delta-ACTX-Ar1a paves the way for future structure-activity studies to determine the toxin pharmacophore.  相似文献   

1. Ground venom glands from male and female funnel-web spiders (Atrax robustus) were extracted with acetic acid (0.35 M). 2. A protein constituent of these extracts, atraxin, which caused muscle fasciculation when applied to the phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm of the mouse in vitro, was isolated by the sequential application of ultrafiltration, gel permeation and ion exchange chromatography. 3. When subjected to isoelectricfocusing, amino acid analysis, ultracentrifugation, ultraviolet and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, it was shown that atraxin had an approximate molecular weight of 9800, an isoelectric point of greater than 9 and that it contained 76 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

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