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The role of the Ah locus in hexachlorobenzene (HCB)-induced porphyria and the possible involvement of P-450 cytochromes P(1)450 and P(3)450 in the pathogenesis of this disease were investigated in two congenic strains of C57BL/6J mice that differ only at this locus. Female B6-Ahb mice (Ah receptor: approximately 30-70 fmol/mg of cytosolic protein) and B6-Ahd mice (Ah receptor: undetectable) were pretreated with iron (500 mg/kg) and then fed a diet containing 0 or 200 p.p.m. of HCB for up to 17 weeks. Mice from the two strains consumed similar amounts of HCB. Urinary excretion of porphyrins was increased after 7 weeks of HCB treatment in B6-Ahb mice, and after 15 weeks was over 200 times greater than that of mice given iron only. In B6-Ahd mice, porphyrin excretion did not begin to increase until after 13 weeks, and after 15 weeks was only six times greater than that of controls. Similar differences were seen in the 15-week hepatic porphyrin concentrations (B6-Ahb: 1110 +/- 393; B6-Ahd: 17.6 +/- 14.5; controls: approximately 0.20 nmol/g). Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (EC activity was diminished by 70 and 20% in B6-Ahb B6-Ahd mice respectively after 15 weeks of treatment with HCB. Cytochromes P(1)450 and P(3)450 were measured in hepatic microsomes (microsomal fractions) by radioimmunoassay and immunoblotting, using antisera raised against the orthologous rat isoenzymes P450c and P450d. HCB induced small amounts of a protein recognized by anti-P450c (P(1)450) in B6-Ahd mice, but not in B6-Ahd mice. Relatively large amounts of a protein recognized by anti-P450d (P(3)450) were induced in both strains, but to a somewhat greater extent in the B6-Ahb mice. The hepatic accumulation of HCB at 15 weeks was greater in B6-Ahb than in B6-Ahd mice, in association with elevated hepatic lipid levels in the former strain. The results of this experiment indicate that the Ah locus influences the susceptibility of C57BL/6J mice to HCB-induced porphyria and are consistent with the suggestion that the sustained induction of P(3)450 and/or P(1)450 may be a causative factor in the development of this disease.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with the C57BL/6 genetic background allow the generation of knockout mice without the need to backcross to C57BL/6. However, C57BL/6 ES cells whose pluripotency after homologous recombination has been confirmed are not yet available from public cell banks. To facilitate the use of ES cells derived from C57BL/6 sublines in both biologic and medical research, we demonstrated that the use of knockout serum replacement as a medium supplement and 8-cell blastomeres as recipient embryos allowed establishment of ES cells and production of germline chimeric mice, respectively. Under effective conditions, a large number of ES cell lines were established from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N blastocysts. The majority of ES cells in many cell lines obtained from both strains showed a normal chromosome number. Germline chimeric mice were generated from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N ES cells. Finally, the ES cell line B6J-S1UTR, derived from C57BL/6J, was used for successful production of gene knockout mice. C57BL/6J ES (B6J-S1UTR and B6J-23UTR) and C57BL/6N ES (B6N-22UTR) cells are available from the cell bank of the BioResource Center at RIKEN Tsukuba Institute (http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/cell/english/).  相似文献   

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) differs markedly from other chlorinated benzenes (CBs) as an inducer of cytochrome P-450 (P-450) isozymes as determined by radioimmunoassay and immunoblotting. At greater than 99% pure, HCB induced both the phenobarbital-inducible forms, cytochromes P-450b + e (70 chi), and the 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible forms, cytochromes P-450c (58 chi) and P-450d (8 chi), in rat liver microsomes. The concentration of P-450d was considerably greater than that of P-450c in HCB-induced rat liver. In contrast to HCB, all lower chlorinated benzenes tested were PB-type inducers. Hexachlorobenzene increased the amounts of translatable messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for P-450b, P-450c, and P-450d in rat liver polysomes, suggesting that it increases the synthesis of these proteins. Evidence that HCB interacted with the putative Ah receptor for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was equivocal. Western blots of liver microsomes from Ah-responsive C57BL/6J (B6) and nonresponsive DBA/2J (D2) mice demonstrated that HCB produced a large increase in P3-450 and a very small increase in P1-450 in the responsive strain. The increase in P1-450 was not observed after HCB administration to nonresponsive mice, but a small increase in P3-450 was noted. These findings suggested that HCB may act through the Ah receptor. However, HCB was at best a very weak competitor for specific binding of [3H]-TCDD to the putative receptor in rat or mouse hepatic cytosol in vitro, producing decreases in binding of [3H]-TCDD only at very high concentrations (10(-6) to 10(-5) M).  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial learning are found in many species of mammals and even in invertebrates. Results from laboratory mouse studies, however, have been inconsistent in comparison to studies of humans, laboratory rats and wild rodent species. Here we re-examined this question in C57BL/6J mice that were exposed to enriched environments using two tasks, an object recognition task and a place learning task where mice were motivated by exploratory drive, not aversive conditioning or food restriction. Using these methods, we found a female advantage for object recognition, similar to the female advantage found in humans and laboratory rats. In the place learning task, male performance was unimpaired by intra-maze cue deletion but impaired by extra-maze cue masking. Female mice, in contrast, were able to navigate accurately under both cue conditions. In summary, by utilizing testing and housing methods that were more species appropriate, we found sex-specific patterns of cue encoding and place learning in better accordance with prior results from other mammalian species. The implication of these results is that the C57BL/6J mouse is an appropriate model for the study of cognitive sex differences in mammals.  相似文献   

Aging and glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6J male mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Age-dependent changes in glucose homeostasis were assessed in specific pathogen-free C57BL/6J male mice. Increased islet size and pancreatic insulin content in old (21-25-month-old) mice were associated with lower nonfasting plasma glucose levels and improved clearance of either an oral or an i.p. administered glucose load in comparison with young, mature (4-5-month-old) males. The almost twofold increase in islet size correlated with a twofold increase of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from perifused islets from 25-month-old males compared with 5-month-old males. These aging male mice did not become obese, and there were no fibrotic changes associated with the hyperplastic islets observed in the old males. Thus, the findings that glucose tolerance did not deteriorate with age, coupled with the lack of evidence for impaired beta cell responsiveness to glucose in old males, suggest that deterioration in glucose homeostasis is not an inevitable consequence of aging in the mouse.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of conditional knockout (KO) technology has resulted in the demand for efficient FLP deleter mice. In addition, FLP deleters are needed in genetic backgrounds that are suited to behavioral studies. We generated CAG-FLPe transgenic (Tg) mice with the C57BL/6J genetic background, which is one of the most commonly-used strains in behavioral studies. We assessed the recombination efficiency of the CAG-FLPe-Tg lines by crossing them with a mouse line carrying a FRT-PGK-neo-FRT cassette. Four of five independent CAG-FLPe lines induced recombination in most (91%-100%) of their progenies, although a small fraction (0%-30%, depending on the line) showed mosaic recombination patterns. These animals are highly potent as deleters of FRT cassettes and are useful for behavioral studies involving conditional KO mice.  相似文献   

Restoration of gallstone susceptibility by leptin in C57BL/6J ob/ob mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The absence of leptin due to the ob mutation leads to obesity and confers resistance to diet-induced cholesterol gallstone formation in otherwise susceptible C57BL/6J mice. To investigate contributions of obesity and leptin to gallstone susceptibility, C57BL/6J ob/ob mice were treated daily with i.p. saline or recombinant murine leptin at low (1 microgram/g bw) or high (10 microgram/g bw) doses and were pair-fed a lithogenic diet (15% dairy fat, 1.25% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid). Weight loss in ob/ob mice increased in proportion to leptin dose, indicating that the lithogenic diet did not impair leptin sensitivity. In a dose-dependent manner, leptin promoted cholesterol crystallization and gallstone formation, which did not occur in saline-treated mice. Notwithstanding, leptin decreased biliary lipid secretion rates without enriching cholesterol in bile. Leptin did not affect bile salt hydrophobicity, but did increase the biliary content of the most abundant molecular species of phosphatidylcholine, 16:0-18:2. Treatment with leptin down-regulated 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase and prevented cholesterol from accumulating in liver. Consistent with increased hepatic clearance, leptin decreased plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations. This was accommodated in liver without up-regulation of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase or Acat. These data suggest that despite the lithogenic diet, endogenous sources constitute a significant proportion of biliary cholesterol during leptin-induced weight loss. Kinetic factors related to cholesterol nucleation, gallbladder contractility, or mucin secretion may have accounted for leptin-induced gallstone formation.  相似文献   

In C57BL/6J mice and the ob/+ and ob/ob mutants total plasma corticosterone levels were found to be statistically different. In C57BL/6J mice the level was 1.9 +/- 0.2 mug/100 ml plasma, in ob/+ mice 8.6 +/- 1.6 mug/100 ml and in ob/ob mice 13.7 +/- 1.5 mug/100 ml. The percentage of protein-bound corticosterone as well as the free endogenous corticosterone levels were also different. Feeding a high-fat diet to young C57BL/6J and C57BL/6J-ob/ob mice for a period of 4 weeks had no effect upon blood glucose, plasma insulin and plasma corticosterone levels. The significantly higher increase in body weight of the high-fat diet groups of both lines of mice was mainly due to fat cell hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Given the environmental forcing by extremes in hypoxia-reoxygenation, there might be no genetic effect on posthypoxic short-term potentiation of ventilation. Minute ventilation (VE), respiratory frequency (f), tidal volume (VT), and the airway resistance during chemical loading were assessed in unanesthetized unrestrained C57BL/6J (B6) and A/J mice using whole body plethysmography. Static pressure-volume curves were also performed. In 12 males for each strain, after 5 min of 8% O2 exposure, B6 mice had a prominent decrease in VE on reoxygenation with either air (-11%) or 100% O2 (-20%), due to the decline of f. In contrast, A/J animals had no ventilatory undershoot or f decline. After 5 min of 3% CO2-10% O2 exposure, B6 exhibited significant decrease in VE (-28.4 vs. -38.7%, air vs. 100% O2) and f (-13.8 vs. -22.3%, air vs. 100% O2) during reoxygenation with both air and 100% O2; however, A/J mice showed significant increase in VE (+116%) and f (+62.2%) during air reoxygenation and significant increase in VE (+68.2%) during 100% O2 reoxygenation. There were no strain differences in dynamic airway resistance during gas challenges or in steady-state total respiratory compliance measured postmortem. Strain differences in ventilatory responses to reoxygenation indicate that genetic mechanisms strongly influence posthypoxic ventilatory behavior.  相似文献   

Using sucrose gradients, the Ah receptor and a 3-4S binding peak were measured in hepatic cytosol from Dub: ICR, C57BL/6, and DBA/2 male mice. Isosafrole, piperonyl butoxide, and 5-t-butyl-1,3-benzodioxole were unable to displace 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or 3-methylcholanthrene from either the Ah receptor or the 3-4S binding peak, in vitro. In in vivo experiments, treatment of C57BL/6 mice with 3-methylcholanthrene caused a 4-fold reduction in Ah receptor binding 2 h after i.p. injection; whereas, isosafrole caused a 2-fold enhancement of the Ah receptor after 24 h. This increase in the Ah receptor binding following isosafrole treatment may be due to induction. 3-Methylcholanthrene treatment of C57BL/6 mice also caused a 3-fold reduction in the 3-4S binding peak 2 h after i.p. injection; isosafrole treatment had little or no effect on the 3-4S peak in C57BL/6 or DBA/2 mice. Both in vivo and in vitro data appear to demonstrate that there is no direct role for the Ah receptor or the 3-4S protein in the regulation of cytochrome P-450 by methylenedioxyphenyl compounds. Using Sephadex G-100 chromatography, a cytosolic protein fraction was obtained from C57BL/6 and Dub:ICR mice which was previously implicated by others as a carrier in the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). This fraction was applied to sucrose gradients and sedimented in the 3-4S region. Hence it appears that the 3-4S binding peak may be the carrier described by these workers.  相似文献   

Orthotopic ovarian transplantations were done between young (6-wk-old) and aged (17-mo-old) C57BL/6J mice. The percentages of mice mating following surgery from the four possible ovarian transfer combinations were as follows: young into young, 83%; young into aged, 46%; aged into young, 83%; and aged into aged, 36%. The percentages of these mice that were pregnant 10 days following the presence of a vaginal sperm plug were as follows: young into young, 58%; young into aged, 9%; aged into young, 50%; and aged into aged, 0%. Some of the fetuses derived from matings of the above mice were dissociated and their cells prepared for chromosomal smears. No evidence of aneuploidy or mosaicism was found in fetuses derived from ovaries of young or aged mice. Aged ovaries, transferred to either young or aged recipients, were found to have fewer developing follicles and lower weight, which was most apparent in recipients that failed to mate or to get pregnant. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin in plasma from each of the pregnant recipients were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. The only statistical differences found between the transfer groups occurred in FSH concentrations. Plasma FSH was markedly elevated (P less than 0.005) in young recipients with ovaries transplanted from aged donors, in comparison to young recipients with ovaries from young donors. These data indicate that the aging ovary and uterus play a secondary role in reproductive failure and that the aging hypothalamic-hypophyseal complex is primarily responsible for the loss of fecundity in older female C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

Behaviour of female C57BL/6J strain mice was studied in the elevated plus-maze and Porsolt's tests after either long-lasting individual housing or keeping with daily shifting group-housed females (social instability). After 2-3 months, an increased level of anxiety in the individually housed females was revealed in the elevated plus-maze. However, in 3 months the least passive behaviour in the Porsolt's was in the individually housed females. No changes were found in behaviour of females individually housed at 3 weeks of age for 4 months. Also, females with preliminary social contacts with males and following individual housing for one month had not any abnormalities in the used behavioural tests. Social instability conditions did not significantly influence the females' plus-maze behaviour, but decreased the passive behaviour in the Porsolt's test.  相似文献   

Random shifts in blood cell genotypic composition are commonly observed in allophenic mice. This phenomenon was studied in 16 mosaic mice produced from very closely related strains, and no such changes were observed in the mosaic composition of erythrocytes, platelets, and lymphocytes over a period of 14 weeks. Furthermore, the mosaic distribution of a large group (66) of these mosaic mice was markedly biased in favor of those animals containing major contributions of both strains. This contrasts with what is normally found in collections of allophenic mice, in which the mosaic distribution curves are usually much flatter. While most allophenic mice have been produced from inbred strains with many genetic differences our results were obtained with congenic strains. This suggests that both properties, the unstable mosaic composition of blood cells and the flat mosaic distribution curves, are caused by specific genetic differences between cells of the two strains and are not inherent properties of allophenic mice. We propose that genetic differences cause these phenomena by inhibiting the mixing of cells of the two strains. Such might occur for example if, throughout development, cells of the same H-2 haplotype had greater affinity for each other than for ones of disparate H-2 haplotypes.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat, carbohydrate-free diet (HFD) for 9 mo. Approximately 50% of the mice became obese and diabetic (ObD), approximately 10% lean and diabetic (LD), approximately 10% lean and nondiabetic (LnD), and approximately 30% displayed intermediate phenotype. All of the HFD mice were insulin resistant. In the fasted state, whole body glucose clearance was reduced in ObD mice, unchanged in the LD mice, and increased in the LnD mice compared with the normal-chow mice. Because fasted ObD mice were hyperinsulinemic and the lean mice slightly insulinopenic, there was no correlation between insulin levels and increased glucose utilization. In vivo, tissue glucose uptake assessed by 2-[(14)C]deoxyglucose accumulation was reduced in most muscles in the ObD mice but increased in the LnD mice compared with the values of the control mice. In the LD mice, the glucose uptake rates were reduced in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and total hindlimb but increased in soleus, diaphragm, and heart. When assessed in vitro, glucose utilization rates in the absence and presence of insulin were similar in diaphragm, soleus, and EDL muscles isolated from all groups of mice. Thus, in genetically homogenous mice, HFD feeding lead to different metabolic adaptations. Whereas all of the mice became insulin resistant, this was associated, in obese mice, with decreased glucose clearance and hyperinsulinemia and, in lean mice, with increased glucose clearance in the presence of mild insulinopenia. Therefore, increased glucose clearance in lean mice could not be explained by increased insulin level, indicating that other in vivo mechanisms are triggered to control muscle glucose utilization. These adaptive mechanisms could participate in the protection against development of obesity.  相似文献   

Tumours of the bone were found in 17 (12 females and 5 males) of 6768 (0.25%) C57BL/10J mice (3384 males and 3384 females) pooled from 14 oncogenic studies carried out from 1973 to 1987. Tumours of bone were found predominantly in female mice and were age related. The tumours were classified histologically as osteosarcoma (5 osteoblastic, 6 mixed type and 1 fibroblastic), chondroma (2), chondromyxoid fibroma (1), chondrosarcoma (1) and periosteal fibroma (1).  相似文献   

In the analysis of complex traits, congenic strains are powerful tools because they allow characterization of a single locus in the absence of genetic variation throughout the remainder of the genome. Here, we report the construction and initial characterization of a genome-wide panel of congenic strains derived from the donor strain DBA/2J on the background strain C57BL/6J. For many strains, we have carried out high-density SNP genotyping to precisely map the congenic interval and to identify any contaminating regions. Certain strains exhibit striking variation in litter size and in the ratio of females to males. We illustrate the utility of the set by "Mendelizing" the complex trait of myocardial calcification. These 65 strains cover more than 95% of the autosomal genome and should facilitate the analysis of the many genetic trait differences that have been reported between these parental strains.  相似文献   

The teratogenicity of caffeine, as well as two of its three dimethylated metabolites (theobromine and theophylline), has been established in animal studies. The third metabolite, paraxanthine, has not been reported as being tested for teratogenicity even though it is actually the major demethylated metabolite of caffeine metabolism in man. Pregnant C57BL/6J mice were treated i.p. with 175 or 300 mg/kg/day paraxanthine (1,7-dimethylxanthine) dissolved in deionized water at 4 p.m. on day 11 and 9 a.m. on day 12 of gestation. All dams were sacrificed on day 18, and fetuses were fixed for Wilson's razor blade sectioning or double-staining skeletal examination. A dose-related increase in total malformations, primarily cleft palate and limb malformations, was found. The pattern of malformations was similar to that reported for caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, i.e., an asymmetric response with the left forelimb most often affected. A 21% resorption and a 46% malformation rate was observed at 300 mg/kg/day of paraxanthine, indicating that paraxanthine was slightly less toxic to the embryo than caffeine. Therefore, the parent compound, caffeine, as well as all three of its dimethylated metabolites--paraxanthine, theophylline, and theobromine--are teratogenic.  相似文献   

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