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Palmdelphin是参与质膜的动态变化与细胞形态的调控的paralemmin家族新成员,与神经发育的相关性尚不明确.前期工作提示,它与调控小脑发育的一种肌动蛋白结合蛋白Mtss1(metastasis suppressor1)具有一定相关性.为了探索该基因与小脑出生后发育的相关性,利用原位杂交技术研究Palmdelphin在小脑中的时空表达,结果表明,Palmdelphin在出生后第7d大鼠小脑中有明显的表达,且分布主要集中在浦肯野神经元.半定量RT-PCR的结果进一步表明Palmdelphin的转录水平在小脑发育过程中受到调控,在出生后7d有表达高峰.这些结果显示Palmdelphin与小脑出生后神经元发育存在一定相关性.  相似文献   

通过对受精未孵育鸡蛋卵黄的不同部位加以考查,发现DNA和RNA在卵黄中的分布是广泛存在的;采用荧光试剂Hoechst33258和RiboGreen对DNA和RNA进行定量分析,结果表明:DNA在不同部位卵黄中的分布比较均匀,且主要存在于卵黄颗粒中,而RNA的含量在胚下表层卵黄、侧面和植物极中有较大差异.  相似文献   

Calcium ions mediate cellular activity by binding to specific cellular proteins. The following study systematically examines the cellular complement of calcium-binding proteins in different cell fractions and life cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei. Using a 45Ca-gel overlay procedure, eight calcium-binding proteins were consistently observed. The majority of proteins were cytosolic (84, 70, 64, 22, and 15 kd) while the remainder (55, 46, and 29 kd) were particulate. Although calmodulin was detected amongst the calcium-binding proteins, it did not represent the majority of calcium-binding activity. Of special interest was the 46 kd calcium-binding protein which was associated with 3-fold more calcium in cultured procyclic forms than in slender bloodstream forms. By contrast, promastigote forms of Leishmania mexicana did not contain the 46 kd calcium-binding protein. These data suggest that responsiveness to calcium signals may vary during the trypanosome life cycle as a result of changes in the cellular complement of calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Chromatin boundary elements (CBEs) are widely distributed in the genome and mediate formation of chromatin loops, but their roles in gene regulation remain poorly understood. The complex expression pattern of the Drosophila homeotic gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) is directed by an unusually long regulatory sequence harboring diverse cis elements and an intervening neighbor gene fushi tarazu (ftz). Here we report the presence of a multitude of CBEs in the Scr regulatory region. Selective and dynamic pairing among these CBEs mediates developmentally regulated chromatin loops. In particular, the SF1 boundary plays a central role in organizing two subsets of chromatin loops: one subset encloses ftz, limiting its access by the surrounding Scr enhancers and compartmentalizing distinct histone modifications, and the other subset subdivides the Scr regulatory sequences into independent enhancer access domains. We show that these CBEs exhibit diverse enhancer-blocking activities that vary in strength and tissue distribution. Tandem pairing of SF1 and SF2, two strong CBEs that flank the ftz domain, allows the distal enhancers to bypass their block in transgenic Drosophila, providing a mechanism for the endogenous Scr enhancer to circumvent the ftz domain. Our study demonstrates how an endogenous CBE network, centrally orchestrated by SF1, could remodel the genomic environment to facilitate gene regulation during development.  相似文献   

Previous methods which employed simple sucrose or salt solutions to isolate yolk platelets have failed to preserve their superficial layer, and the preparations obtained generally exhibit some contamination when observed with the light or electron microscope. When yolk platelets are suspended in a sucrose-polyvinylpyrrolidinone medium, however, they remain relatively intact and their superficial layer is not lost to the medium. A method, which takes advantage of this fact, is described for the isolation of frog (Rana pipiens) yolk platelets which are free from nuclear contamination and practically free from cytoplasmic contamination. After such platelets are treated with distilled water, the superficial layer is no longer seen and a new dense and granular matrix is frequently found surrounding the crystalline main body. The significance of this and other observations concerning the effects of calcium and ethylenediamine tetraacetate are discussed.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are the causative agents of human trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness). The pathogenic stage of the parasite has unique adaptations to life in the bloodstream of the mammalian host, including upregulation of endocytic and lysosomal activities. We investigated stage-specific requirements for cytoplasmic adaptor/clathrin machinery in post-Golgi apparatus biosynthetic sorting to the lysosome using RNA interference silencing of the Tbμ1 subunit of adaptor complex 1 (AP-1), in conjunction with immunolocalization, kinetic analyses of reporter transport, and quantitative endocytosis assays. Tbμ1 silencing was lethal in both stages, indicating a critical function(s) for the AP-1 machinery. Transport of soluble and membrane-bound secretory cargoes was Tbμ1 independent in both stages. In procyclic parasites, trafficking of the lysosomal membrane protein, p67, was disrupted, leading to cell surface mislocalization. The lysosomal protease trypanopain was also secreted, suggesting a transmembrane-sorting receptor for this soluble hydrolase. In bloodstream trypanosomes, both p67 and trypanopain trafficking were unaffected by Tbμ1 silencing, suggesting that AP-1 is not necessary for biosynthetic lysosomal trafficking. Endocytosis in bloodstream cells was also unaffected, indicating that AP-1 does not function at the flagellar pocket. These results indicate that post-Golgi apparatus sorting to the lysosome is critically dependent on the AP-1/clathrin machinery in procyclic trypanosomes but that this machinery is not necessary in bloodstream parasites. We propose a simple model for stage-specific default secretory trafficking in trypanosomes that is consistent with the behavior of other soluble and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored cargos and which is influenced by upregulation of endocytosis in bloodstream parasites as an adaptation to life in the mammalian bloodstream.African trypanosomes (Trypanosoma brucei subspecies), the agents of African sleeping sickness, are alone among the kinetoplastid parasites (including Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp.) in having a pathogenic bloodstream stage that exists and replicates extracellularly in the mammalian host. This places unique constraints on the parasite in terms of dealing with host immune responses and on acquisition of essential nutrients. The parasite has evolved many strategies to deal with these constraints, the best known of which is the process of antigenic variation (9). Another is the lysosome, which impacts the host-pathogen balance in multiple ways. Trypanosomes have a single terminal lysosome that is the final repository of endocytic cargo acquired from the host serum for nutritional purposes (30), as well as for potentially lytic immune complexes removed from the cell surface (4, 8). Both endocytosis and lysosomal hydrolytic activities are differentially regulated through the trypanosome life cycle (11, 30), and there are stage-specific differences in the biosynthetic trafficking of essential lysosomal components (discussed below). The release of lysosomal proteases is a factor in the signature event of human infection, penetration of the central nervous system (36). Finally, lysosomal physiology is critical to the activity of an innate human serum resistance trait, trypanolytic factor, which limits the host range of Trypanosoma species (38).Clearly, given its multiple roles in pathogenesis, biogenesis of the lysosome is critical to the success of trypanosomes as human parasites. As in all eukaryotes, lysosomal biogenesis is a balance between the proper sorting of newly synthesized membranes and proteins and recycling of established membranes and proteins internalized from the cell surface. In each case, protein sorting involves recognition of specific signals in cargo molecules by cellular machinery for inclusion in nascent transport vesicles destined for downstream delivery. Unique sets of cytoplasmic coat complexes at discrete intracellular locations serve the dual purpose of simultaneously mediating vesicle formation and selective cargo loading. The best characterized of these machineries is the clathrin/adaptin system for formation of coated vesicles at the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane (10, 41). Adaptor complexes (APs) are cytosolic heterotetramers that interact with specific signals in the cytoplasmic domains of membrane cargo proteins, such as dileucine motifs ([E/D]XXXL[L/I]) and tyrosine motifs (YXXØ, where Ø is a bulky hydrophobic residue). The prototypic AP complexes are AP-1 and AP-2, which function at the trans-Golgi network and plasma membrane, respectively. Both are composed of two large subunits (γ/β1 in AP-1; α/β2 in AP-2) and two smaller subunits (σ1/μ1 in AP-1; σ2/μ2 in AP-2). YXXØ motifs interact with μ adaptins, and dileucine motifs interact with combinations of adaptin subunits in both AP-1 and AP-2 (26, 40, 42). It is the large subunits, particularly β adaptin, that mediate clathrin recruitment (19, 44). Other APs, AP-3 and AP-4, with discrete subunit compositions, also exist. AP-3 functions in trafficking to lysosome-related organelles, such as melanosomes, and AP-4 may be involved in basolateral trafficking in polarized epithelial cells (10). The genome of the African trypanosome, T. brucei, encodes a complete complement of orthologous subunits for AP-1, AP-3, and AP-4 but has no genes for AP-2, the major adaptor complex mediating endocytosis in vertebrate cells (16). This is likely due to evolutionary loss, since the closely related T. cruzi has orthologues of all four APs.Two major lysosomal cargo proteins have been studied in T. brucei, the LAMP (lysosome-associated membrane protein)-like protein p67 and the cathepsin L orthologue trypanopain. p67 is a type I membrane protein with a large glycosylated lumenal domain and a short cytoplasmic domain (1, 27). In procyclic insect stage (PCF) trypanosomes, the cytoplasmic domain is both necessary and sufficient for lysosomal targeting of a heterologous reporter, and its deletion results in mistargeting of p67 to the cell surface (1). The cytoplasmic domain contains two canonical dileucine motifs, mutation of which also results in delivery to the cell surface (47). These findings strongly indicate the existence of cognate cytoplasmic machinery for lysosomal delivery of p67 in PCF trypanosomes. Strikingly, however, the cytoplasmic domain, and its motifs, are totally dispensable for lysosomal targeting in bloodstream stage (BSF) trypanosomes (1). Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain results in minor mislocalization to the cell surface, but p67 is still overwhelmingly delivered to the lysosome. Ongoing lysosomal targeting cannot easily be attributed to misfolding of the lumenal domain, as suggested by others (3), since the normal transport-associated patterns of p67 glycosylation and cleavage prevail in these deletion constructs.Less is known about targeting of soluble trypanopain. In mammalian cells, soluble hydrolases are targeted to the lysosome by the addition of mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) moieties in the Golgi apparatus, which serve as ligands for recognition and lysosomal targeting by downstream M6P receptors (28). Soluble hydrolases can also be sorted by receptors that recognize polypeptide motifs, such as sortilins in mammalian cells (12) and Vps10 in yeast (13, 32). These receptors have lumenal cargo recognition domains and cytoplasmic domains containing signals for late endosomal targeting and recycling. M6P-modified N-linked glycans are not found in trypanosomes, and genes encoding the necessary enzymatic activities are absent from the genome (16), ruling out this possibility for trypanopain sorting. However, the T. cruzi orthologue, cruzipain, has been shown to rely on peptide motifs in the N-terminal prodomain for targeting (24), raising the possibility of a sortilin/Vps10p-like sorting receptor. Although there are no obvious orthologues of these proteins in the T. brucei genome, overexpression of trypanopain in PCF trypanosomes leads to secretion, an observation that is consistent with saturation of a specific sorting receptor (S. S. Sutterwala and J. D. Bangs, unpublished observations).Having previously studied the innate signals involved in p67 targeting (1, 47), we now turned our attention to the cognate machinery for post-Golgi apparatus sorting. Specifically, we investigate the role of trypanosomal AP-1 in stage-specific biosynthetic trafficking to the lysosome using RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated silencing of the Tbμ1 (geneDB no. Tb927.7.3180 [www.genedb.org]) subunit as our primary strategy. Our results demonstrate that AP-1 and clathrin are critical for lysosomal targeting of p67 and trypanopain in PCF trypanosomes but that they are essentially dispensable in BSF parasites. These data, in conjunction with the behavior of p67-targeting mutants (1) and other trypanosomal secretory reporters, lead us to propose a simple model for stage-specific default trafficking in African trypanosomes. Although in some respects our results are similar to those of a recent publication using RNAi silencing of the Tbγ1 subunit of AP-1 (3), they differ in key aspects, leading us to significantly different conclusions.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system was utilized to define developmental and structural properties of neurotransmitter transporter mRNAs and the pharmacological characteristics of encoded carriers independent of the complexities of brain tissue preparations. Poly(A)+ RNA from dissected brain regions of neonatal and adult rats was microinjected into Xenopus oocytes and the expression of Na(+)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters determined 48 h later. Transport studies conducted with oocytes injected with RNAs derived from juvenile rat tissues indicate a region- and transporter-specific, postnatal increase in mRNA abundance as a major factor in the developmental changes observed for brain high-affinity amino acid uptake systems. Both L-glutamic acid (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake systems were detectable by day 3 in postnatal forebrain mRNA and became progressively enriched during the next 2 weeks of forebrain development. In contrast, brainstem Glu and GABA transporter enrichment was 60-70% of adult values by day 3 and exceeded adult levels by day 10. Parallel determinations of L-glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA abundance during development argue for distinct regulatory influences on mRNAs directing transmitter synthesis and reuptake. Glycine uptake could not be detected at any point of forebrain development and exhibited a gradual postnatal rise to adult levels over the first 3 postnatal weeks of brainstem development. Uptake studies conducted with well-characterized inhibitors of Glu, GABA, dopamine, and choline transport (D-aspartate, nipecotic acid, nomifensine, and hemicholinium-3, respectively) revealed that oocyte transporters encoded by adult rat brain mRNAs retained antagonist sensitivities exhibited by in vitro brain preparations. In addition, a differential regional sensitivity to the Glu transport antagonist dihydrokainate (1 mM) was observed, lending support to previous reports of region-specific Glu transporter subtypes. To determine the structural diversity present among brain transporter mRNAs, poly(A)+ RNA was size-fractionated on linear (10-31%) sucrose density gradients prior to oocyte injection. These experiments revealed two mRNA size classes (2.4-3.0 kb, 4.0-4.5 kb) independently capable of directing the synthesis of Glu, GABA, and glycine transporters. In regions other than the cerebellum, Glu and GABA transporter activities migrated as single, yet distinct, peaks of 4.0-4.5 kb. In contrast, both Glu and GABA transporters exhibited major peaks of activity at 2.5-3.0 kb with size-fractionated cerebellar mRNA. Brainstem glycine uptake exhibited a broad sedimentation profile, with peaks apparent at 2.4 and 4.0 kb. Taken together, these findings indicate previously unappreciated complexity in mRNA structure and regulation which underlies the expression of amino acid neurotransmitter uptake systems in the rodent CNS.  相似文献   

It has recently been discovered that single neuron stimulation can impact network dynamics in immature and adult neuronal circuits. Here we report a novel mechanism which can explain in neuronal circuits, at an early stage of development, the peculiar role played by a few specific neurons in promoting/arresting the population activity. For this purpose, we consider a standard neuronal network model, with short-term synaptic plasticity, whose population activity is characterized by bursting behavior. The addition of developmentally inspired constraints and correlations in the distribution of the neuronal connectivities and excitabilities leads to the emergence of functional hub neurons, whose stimulation/deletion is critical for the network activity. Functional hubs form a clique, where a precise sequential activation of the neurons is essential to ignite collective events without any need for a specific topological architecture. Unsupervised time-lagged firings of supra-threshold cells, in connection with coordinated entrainments of near-threshold neurons, are the key ingredients to orchestrate population activity.  相似文献   

Soluble calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II has been purified from adult and 10-day-old rat forebrain. By autoradiography, the alpha/beta subunit ratios of the 10-day and adult enzymes were 0.67 +/- 0.03 and 2.20 +/- 0.15, respectively. By silver staining, the alpha/beta subunit ratios were 1.02 +/- 0.06 and 2.36 +/- 0.10, respectively. The apparent holoenzyme molecular masses of the purified 10-day and adult enzymes were 500,000 daltons and 700,000 daltons. However, varying the purification conditions revealed higher and lower molecular mass forms at both ages and suggested that the form of the kinase that is usually purified is merely that which has the highest affinity for calmodulin-Sepharose and may not be the form of the kinase that exists in vivo. The subunits of the adult and 10-day enzymes were indistinguishable by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis and one-dimensional proteolytic peptide maps. These results are consistent with the suggestion that at least two developmentally regulated isoenzymes of this kinase exist in rat forebrain.  相似文献   

该基因在果种皮中特异表达,10~40 d果皮中丰富表达,推测为与花生果种皮发育相关基因.  相似文献   

Abstract: To identify nuclear proteins that might play a role in the acquisition of neuronal phenotype, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) was used to analyze nuclear proteins expressed over the course of embryonic rat brain development. Metabolically labeled rat brain nuclear proteins from embryonic day 14 (E14) were compared with proteins from embryonic day 20 (E20). Over this period, the rat brain develops from a collection of relatively homogeneous precursor cells into a complex structure containing many different classes of neurons. Computer-assisted analysis of 2D-PAGE fluorograms identified 11 proteins that show increases in their rate of synthesis between E14 and E20. Twenty proteins that consistently appear at E20 are not detectable on fluorograms of E14 nuclear proteins, even after long exposures, and thus may be considered to appear de novo. Fifty-eight proteins show consistent down-regulation between E14 and E20, and of these, 19 are not detectable on fluorograms of E20 nuclear proteins. The electrophoretic properties of many of these proteins suggest that they are previously unreported, developmentally regulated nuclear proteins. Some of the developmentally regulated, brain-enriched nuclear proteins identified here may play a role in regulating the expression of neural genes important for cellular differentiation in the mammalian CNS.  相似文献   

In Pisum sativum, two classes of genes encode distinct isoforms of cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS). The first class comprises two nearly identical or “twin” GS genes (GS341 and GS132), while the second comprises a single GS gene (GS299) distinct in both coding and noncoding regions from the “twin” GS genes. Gene-specific analyses were used to monitor the individual contribution of each gene for cytosolic GS during root nodule development and in cotyledons during germination, two contexts where large amounts of ammonia must be assimilated by GS for nitrogen transport. mRNAs corresponding to all three genes for cytosolic GS were shown to accumulate coordinately during a time course of nodule development. All the GS mRNAs also accumulate to wild-type levels in mutant nodules formed by a nifD strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum indicating that induced GS expression in pea root nodules does not depend on the production of ammonia. Distinct patterns of expression for the two classes of GS genes were observed in certain mutant root nodules and most dramatically in cotyledons of germinating seedlings. The different patterns of expression between the two classes of genes for cytosolic GS suggests that their distinct gene products may serve nonoverlapping functions during pea development.  相似文献   

Spore formation in yeast is an unusual form of cell division in which the daughter cells are formed within the mother cell cytoplasm. This division requires the de novo synthesis of a membrane compartment, termed the prospore membrane, which engulfs the daughter nuclei. The effect of mutations in late-acting genes on sporulation was investigated. Mutation of SEC1, SEC4, or SEC8 blocked spore formation, and electron microscopic analysis of the sec4-8 mutant indicated that this inability to produce spores was caused by a failure to form the prospore membrane. The soluble NSF attachment protein 25 (SNAP-25) homologue SEC9, by contrast, was not required for sporulation. The absence of a requirement for SEC9 was shown to be due to the sporulation-specific induction of a second, previously undescribed, SNAP-25 homologue, termed SPO20. These results define a developmentally regulated branch of the secretory pathway and suggest that spore morphogenesis in yeast proceeds by the targeting and fusion of secretory vesicles to form new plasma membranes in the interior of the mother cell. Consistent with this model, the extracellular proteins Gas1p and Cts1p were localized to an internal compartment in sporulating cells. Spore formation in yeast may be a useful model for understanding secretion-driven cell division events in a variety of plant and animal systems.  相似文献   

Synucleins constitute a group of unique, evolutionarily conserved proteins that are expressed predominantly in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. Although the normal cellular functions of synucleins are not clear, these proteins have been implicated in various neurodegenerative conditions in humans. We found that persyn, a recently characterized member of the synuclein family, is expressed not only in the nervous system but also in the stratum granulosum of the epidermis of neonatal and adult mice. This finding together with our recent observations that persyn influences neurofilament network integrity in sensory neurons raises the possibility that persyn in skin could be involved in modulation of the keratin network.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis grown in the yolk sac of embryonated eggs was purified by centrifugation on continuous isopycnic Renografin density gradients. A band of chlamydial particles with a buoyant density of 1.20 contained 70% of the starting particles, and electron microscopy revealed the virtual absence of contaminating egg material. Centrifugation on Renografin gradients caused only a moderate decrease in infectivity. For large-scale purification, infected yolk sac was centrifuged through Renografin solutions, resulting in greater than 60% recovery of starting chlamydial particles, but less than 1% recovery of the dry weight and protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two molecular mass subtypes of muscarinic receptor are expressed by the chick retina (72 and 86 kDa). During development, the ratio of subtypes changes, with the 72-kDa form becoming predominant. We have found that subtype switch can occur in retina cell culture, and have investigated factors that influence this in vitro increase in the 72-kDa receptor. Increases similar to those in vivo occurred when cells were cultured at 105 cells/cm2, but not at 10-fold lower density. High-density cultures, maintained on coverslips, showed no receptor development when transferred to large volumes of fresh medium, indicating that cell-cell contact alone was not responsible for induction. However, replacement of fresh medium with conditioned medium (from high-density cultures) resulted in normal induction. There were no morphological differences between cultures with high and low levels of the 72-kDa receptor. Conditioned medium also induced 72-kDa receptors in low-density cultures, consistent with a minimal role for cell-cell contact. Efficacy of conditioned medium was markedly dependent on age. Media from cells cultured 1–4 days had no effect, but media from cells cultured 5–8 and 1–8 days elicited 1.6-fold and fourfold increases in the 72-kDa subtype, respectively. The data indicate that maturing retina cells secrete developmentally regulated factors that are necessary for abundant expression of the 72-kDa muscarinic receptor subtype.  相似文献   

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