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Summary Lowland rice (RD 3) was cultivated in containers of clay soil submerged with 5 cm water under controlled conditions in the phytotron. Deep placement of urea supergranules 5 cm in the soil significantly enhanced both plant growth and fertilizer efficiency when the plants were cultivated under high light intensity (70 Wm–2). At the highest urea level grain yield increased 119% above the control level, while growth and fertilizer efficiency was not as high when deep placement of calcium nitrate was used.The application of urea prills and calcium nitrate (18.4g Nm–2) in two split doses on the soil surface increased grain yield as much as 91% above the control level. At the lower nitrogen concentration (9.2 g N m–2), the urea prills were more efficient than calcium nitrate as indicated by the grain yield. The height of those plants fertilized by surface application was affected by the concentration and not the type of fertilizer. The number of tillers, however, was significantly higher on urea fertilized plants.When the rice plants were cultivated under low light intensity 930 Wm–2), neither the nitrogen fertilizers nor the method of application had a significant effect on growth and yield.  相似文献   

Summary Results of a two year study on the fate on15N-labelled urea (9.95 atoms percent excess15N) applied @ 180 kg N/ha to flooded rice in monolith lysimeters at the Punjab Agricultural University Farm, Ludhiana are reported. The soil of the experimental field was sandy clay loam in texture (Typic Ustochrept), had pH 7.9, organic carbon 0.36 percent, available N 187 kg/ha and total N 0.08 percent. The results revealed that 18.1 to 53.0 per cent of the fertilizer N was utilized by the rice plant, 25.1 to 41.1 percent was immobilized in the soil and 4.8 to 7.2 percent was lost by denitrification. The losses due to ammonia volatilization and leaching were negligible. The data on vertical distribution of labelled N in the soil profile reflected a higher concentration (38.3 to 39.5 per cent) in the surface (0–30 cm) soil. The content sharply decreased (1.8 to 2.4, percent) in lower soil layers (30–150 cm). A balance sheet of the various pathways of applied N showed that 58.8 to 72.2 and 66.2 to 83.0 percent N was recovered in 1976 and 1977, respectively and 17 to 41.2 per cent of labelled N still remained unaccounted for. Utilization of fertilizer N by rice was increased and losses decreased when N was applied in three equal splits as compared to the single N application at transplanting.Availability of fertilizer N immobilized in the soil was investigated in the succeeding crops of wheat and rice. The results showed that 2.1 tot 3.4 per cent of the N applied to the preceding rice was utilized by the second rice crop grown in succession. This may look small but cannot be neglected on a long term basis. But there is need to initiate long term studies to investigate the, turnover of residual N and to determine the fate of applied N in varying soil and cropping systems by using improved techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of deep placement and surface application of urea fertilizer on the yield of rice grown in pots of alluvial clay soil covered with 5 cm water was studied under controlled conditions. Application of two levels of urea supergranules and prills (2 g and 4 g urea/0.1 m2) on the surface of submerged soil increased the vegetative growth and enhanced the grain yield as much as 85%. However, no difference in yield was found between urea prills applied in three split doses and one application of urea supergranules.Deep placement of two levels of urea supergranules in the soil at four different depths (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 cm) resulted in the highest yields. The fertilizer was most efficient when the highest concentration was placed in the soil at a depth of 5.0 cm. This application method increased the grain yield by 20% as compared with the soil surface application.  相似文献   

Summary In order to improve nitrogen recovery by rice, the effect of a urease inhibitor phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) on the efficiency of fertilizer urea was studied in laboratory and greenhouse. Addition of PPD to urea (5% w/w) delayed urea hydrolysis by 3 to 4 days and reduced ammonia volatilization from 45% (without PPD) to 8.5% (with PPD). Ammonia volatilization obeyed first order kinetics. Urea hydrolysis was sufficiently strongly inhibited to match the nitrification potential of the soil. N application to rice by three different modes showed that a delayed mode (4 splits) was superior to two conventional modes (3 splits) in nitrogen recovery and fertilizer efficiency since it met nitrogen requirement of plants at reproductive stage. In 2 out of 3 modes of application, there was a 14% increase (relative) in grain yields and dry matter, and 6.8% increase in N uptake efficiency on application of PPD along with urea. The results indicate that urease inhibitors like PPD can be effectively used to block urea hydrolysis, reduce ammonia volatilization losses and improve N use efficiency by rice.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of water regime on the performance of rice were investigated in a greenhouse experiment and two field experiments. The greenhouse experiment involved four water regimes (continuous flooding, and soil drying for 16 days — begun 2, 5, and 8 weeks after transplanting — followed by reflooding), four soils, and 0 and 100 mg N/kg. Soil drying raised the redox potentials of all soils beyond the aerobic threshold. Averaged for soils and N levels, yields from treatments in which soil drying was begun at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting were lower than that from the continuously flooded treatment, but the simple effects of soil drying on yield and N uptake depended on the soil and the growth stage of the plant. None of the soil-drying treatments had adverse effects in the soil high in N but soil drying at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting had adverse effects in the soil low in N. The field experiments tested the effects of three water regimes (continuous flooding, alternate drying and flooding every 2 weeks, and soil drying for 2 weeks at 6 weeks after transplanting following by reflooding), and 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N/ha on a nearly neutral clay soil, during two seasons. None of the soil-drying treatments depressed growth, yield, or N uptake by rice at any level of N in either season. Nitrate was absent after drying, so denitrification was not possible on subsequent flooding. The adverse effects on yield of alternate flooding and drying, attributed to nitrification-denitrification, may be insignificant in wetland fields carrying an actively growing rice crop.  相似文献   

Summary To determine effects of level and time of application of urea on grain yields, components of grain yield, and nitrogen use efficiency by irrigated direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L. var. IR 298-12-1-1-1), three field experiments were conducted at the Gezira Agricultural Research Station during the period 1976–78. The treatments included the factorial combination of three levels of nitrogen as urea (0,75 and 150 kg N/ha) two or three splits, and three times of topdressing of urea (early season application, 10 days after rice emergence, DRE; maximum tillering stage, 40 DRE; and panicle initiation stage, 75 DRE).Without application of nitrogen, grain yields averaged 1.5 t/ha. The yields averaged for rate and time of split significantly increased with increase in nitrogen applied to 3.9 and 5.0 t/ha, but nitrogen use efficiency (kg rice/kg N) decreased from 31 to 23 with the application of 75 and 150 kg N/ha respectively.As compared to other treatments of time of urea application, topdressing of urea at maximum tillering and panicle initiation stages significantly improved nitrogen use efficiency by promoting production of more panicles per unit land area, and increasing grain weight. Three splits were no better than the two splits given at maximum tillering and panicle initiation stages.  相似文献   

Summary Two15N-labelled slow-release nitrogen (N) sources, oxamide and isobutylidene diurea (IBDU), each at two particle sizes, and15N-labelled urea were compared at two rates as sources of N for rice (Oryza sativa) under two watering regimes which simulated a transplant (continuous flood, CF) and a direct-seeded (A/F) system of paddy rice culture. Highest grain yields were obtained from −8+10-mesh oxamide particles applied at the rate of 2,000 mg of N/5 kg of soil, CF series; this yield was slightly higher than that obtained from −3+4-mesh oxamide, A/F series. Incubating the N fertilizers in moist (22% water) soil for 21 days immediately before flooding and transplanting rice greatly reduced N supply because of nitrification during the preflood period, followed by denitrification after flooding. This resulted in less plant uptake of N and less grain yield from urea, fine oxamide and IBDU, A/F series. For coarse oxamide, N release during the preflood period resulted in higher N uptake and grain yield in the A/F rather than in the corresponding CF series. The pattern of fertilizer N uptake by rice plants was affected by kind of fertilizer, particle size of oxamide and IBDU, and watering regime. Uptake of fertilizer N generally paralleled uptake of soil N throughout the growth period. Plant tops continued to accumulate some N during the period of grain filling, but much of the N in plant tops was translocated to the grain after heading. There was a large decrease in dry weight, N content, and15N content of tops after heading. Root weight and N content increased rapidly at first, and then at a diminishing rate until maturity. Unexplained N deficits occurred in the CF series (14–23% of the N applied, depending on N rate and source), and in the A/F series for IBDU (37–43% of the N applied).  相似文献   

Summary Oryza sativa grown in flooded soil were transferred to water culture solution and acetylene reduction activities (ARA) of intact plants and rootless plants were measured for 5 h. Relative rate of ARA associated with the rootless wetland rice plant as compared with an intact plant varied from 8 to 100 percent, depending on the growth stage and varieties of rice and highest at the early stage (3 weeks after transplanting) for all varieties tested (IR26, Latisail, Khao Lo, and JBS236). ARA of shoots was associated with basal parts of the shoots about 3 cm from the base of wetland cultivated rice andOryza australiensis. Phyllospheric ARA was negligible except for senescent outer leaf sheaths. Microaerophilic N2-fixing bacteria also inhabited basal parts of shoots (outer leaf sheaths and stems) of wetland rice. These findings suggest that N2-fixation is partly associated with the shoots of wetland rice plants.  相似文献   

A field experiment conducted at Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, during three successive seasons showed that with the 120-day-duration variety Ratna two dual crops ofAzolla pinnata R. Brown (Bangkok isolate) could be achieved 25 and 50 days after transplanting (DAT) by inoculating 2.0 t ha−1 of fresh Azolla 10 and 30 DAT respectively. One basal crop of Azolla could also be grown using the same inoculum 20 days before transplanting (DBT) in fallow rice fields. The three crops of Azolla grown—once before transplanting and twice after transplanting—gave an average total biomass of 38–63 and 43–64 t ha−1 fresh Azolla containing 64–90 and 76–94 kg N ha−1 respectively in the square and rectangular spacings. Two crops of Azolla grown only as a dual crop, on the other hand, gave 26–39 and 29–41 t ha−1 fresh Azolla which contained 44–61 and 43–59 kg N ha−1 respectively. Growth and yield of rice were significantly higher in Azolla basal plus Azolla dual twice incorporated treatments than in the Azolla dual twice incorporation, Azolla basal plus 30 kg N ha−1 urea and 60 kg N ha−1 urea treatments. Azolla basal plus 30 kg N ha−1 urea and 60 kg N ha−1 urea showed similar yields but Azolla dual twice incorporation was significantly lower than those. The different spacing with same plant populations did not affect growth and yield significantly, whereas Azolla growth during dual cropping was 8.3 and 64% more in the rectangular spacing than in the square spacing in Azolla basal plus Azolla dual twice incorporation and Azolla dual twice incorporation treatments.  相似文献   

Barraquio  W. L.  Daroy  M. L. G.  Tirol  A. C.  Ladha  J. K.  Watanabe  I. 《Plant and Soil》1986,90(1-3):359-372
Summary A short-term laboratory acetylene reduction assay using cut plant-soil samples incubated in the dark was developed for measuring relative N2-fixing activities associated with field-grown rice plants. The assay sample consists of rhizosphere soil, root, and cut stem and leaf sheath. The cut plant-soil assay is relatively simple, rapid, and convenient; it reduces, if not eliminates, the problems encountered in whole-plant (field, pot, and water culture) and excised roots assays. Varietal differences in N2-fixing activity were detected with the new assay technique.  相似文献   

Anand Swarup 《Plant and Soil》1988,106(1):135-141
The influence of organic matter, added in the form ofCasuarina equisetifolia andAcacia nilotica leaves, on the chemical and electrochemical kinetics of a flooded sodic soil and rice growth, was studied in a pot experiment. With the addition of organic matter, not only the peaks of CO2 production and maximum concentrations of extractable Fe and Mn and other cations occurred earlier, but their concentrations were also significantly higher as compared to the control (no organic matter). The high concentrations of CO2 and reduced redox potential (Eh) appeared to influence the soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and the accumulation of cations and to be chiefly responsible for better rice growth. Acacia proved more effective than Casuarina in improving rice yield and the sodic soil.  相似文献   

The family Acetobacteraceae currently includes three known nitrogen-fixing species, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, G. johannae and G. azotocaptans. In the present study, acetic acid-producing nitrogen-fixing bacteria were isolated from four different wetland rice varieties cultivated in the state of Tamilnadu, India. Most of these isolates were identified as G. diazotrophicus on the basis of their phenotypic characteristics and PCR assays using specific primers for that species. Based on 16S rDNA partial sequence analysis and DNA: DNA reassociation experiments the remaining isolates were identified as Acetobacter peroxydans, another species of the Acetobacteraceae family, thus far never reported as diazotrophic. The presence of nifH genes in A. peroxydans was confirmed by PCR amplification with nifH specific primers. Scope for the findings: This is the first report of the occurrence and association of N2-fixing Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Acetobacter peroxydans with wetland rice varieties. This is the first report of diazotrophic nature of A. peroxydans.  相似文献   

Seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. IR42) were inoculated with nitrogen-fixingAzospirillum lipoferum (strain 34H) by immersing the roots in the inoculum for 6 h. The plants were grown in the prescence of NH4 +-N for 47 days in a hydroponic system under greenhouse conditions. Inoculation significantly enhanced PO4-ion uptake of the plants in 4 of the 7 samplings tested while the uptake of NH4-ion was significantly increased in two samplings and was decreased in one sampling. Inoculation reduced root length significantly and caused significant increases in shoot fresh and dry weights. Root surface area was not affected by inoculation. Bacterial population counts suggested thatA. lipoferum survived on the roots till the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Ammonia often has been reported to inhibit cell growth. The aqueous ammonia equilibrium between the un-ionized form (NH3) and the ammonium ion (NH4 +) depends on the pH of the solution. Extensive studies in batch and continuous cultivation by varying pH and total ammonia concentration were carried out to investigate whether a kinetic model describing growth inhibition by ammonia has to be based on the total ammonia concentration, or the concentration of NH3. A significant relationship between the specific growth rate and death rate, respectively, and the NH3 concentration but not the total ammonia concentration, was detected. An adaptation of the cells to high ammonia levels was not observed. Based on these results a new kinetic model for ammonia mediated growth inhibition is suggested. For high density cultivation it is recommended to control the pH at the lower limit of the growth optimum to keep the NH3 level low.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of 100 kg N ha–1 applied as15N-urea and its modified forms was followed in 4 successive field-grown wetland rice crops in a vertisol. The first wet season crop recovered about 27 to 36.6% of the applied N depending upon the N source. In subsequent seasons the average uptake was very small and it gradually decreased from 1.4 to 0.5 kg N ha–1 although about 18 to 20, 12 to 17 and 14 to 18 kg ha–1 residual fertilizer N was available in the root zone after harvest of first, second and third crops, respectively. The average uptake of the residual fertilizer N was only 7.6% in the second crop and it decreased to 4.5% in the third and to 3.2% in the fourth crop although all these crops were adequately fertilized with unlabelled urea. The basal application of neem coated urea was more effective in controlling the leaching loss of labelled NH4+NO3–N than split application of uncoated urea. In the first 3 seasons in which15N was detectable, the loss of fertilizer N through leaching as NH4+NO3–N amounted to 0.5 kg ha–1 from neem-coated urea, 1.5 kg from split urea and 4.1 kg from coal tar-coated urea. At the end of 4 crops, most of the labelled fertilizer N (about 69% on average) was located in the upper 0–20 cm soil layer showing very little movement beyond this depth. In the profile sampled upto 60 cm depth, totally about 13.8 kg labelled fertilizer N ha–1 from neem-coated urea, 12.7 kg from coal-tar coated urea, and 11.8 kg from split urea were recovered. The average recovery of labelled urea-N in crops and soil during the entire experimental period ranged between 42 and 51%. After correcting for leaching losses, the remaining 47 to 56% appeared to have been lost through ammonia volatilization and denitrification.  相似文献   

Urea, added at 2 to 20 mg/g in solid bran medium supporting growth of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus, led to a higher concentration of NH4 + and pH but a decrease in biomass production.The authors are with the Department of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from a flooded Louisiana, USA, rice field were measured over the first cropgrowing season. Microplots contained the semidwarf Lemont rice cultivar drill seeded into a Crowley silt loam soil (Typic Albaqualfs). Urea fertilizer was applied preflood at rates of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N ha–1. Emissions of CH4 from the plots to the atmosphere were measured over a 86-d sampling period until harvest. Methane samples were collected in the morning hours (0730–0930) using a closed-chamber technique. Emissions of CH4 were highly variable over the first cropping season and a significant urea fertilizer effect was observed. Two peak CH4 emission periods were observed and occurred about 11 d after panicle differentiation and during the ripening stages. Maximum CH4 emmissions from the 0, 100, 200 and 300 urea-N treatments were 6.0, 8.9, 9.8 and 11.2 kg CH4 ha–1 d–1, respectively. These flux measurements corresponded to approximately 210, 300, 310 and 360 kg CH4 evolved ha–1 over the 86-d sampling period for the 4 treatments.  相似文献   

With an autotrophic, N-free medium, Xanthobacter populations were isolated from the roots of wetland rice grown under field conditions. Xanthobacter populations ranged from 3.2×104 to 5.1×105 colony-forming units (cfu) g-1 of root and averaged 47-fold higher on the root or rhizoplane than in the neighbouring nonrhizosphere. Characterization studies indicated dissimilarities in carbon utilization and motility among the isolated Xanthobacter strains and other recognized Xanthobacter species. Under gnotobiotic conditions, the population of one isolate, Xanthobacter sp. JW-KR1, increased from 105 to 107 cfu plant-1 1 d after inoculation when a rice plant was present, but declined to numbers below the limit of detection (<104 cfu assembly-1) after 3 d in the absence of a plant. Scanning electron microscopy revealed Xanthobacter as pleomorphic forms on the rhizoplane. To assess the effect of Xanthobacter on plant growth, rice plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in plant assemblies containing sand and half-strength Hoagland's nutrient solution with and without nitrogen. Plants were either inoculated with 105 cfu Xanthobacter g-1 of sand or left uninoculated. After 40 d, plants without nitrogen showed no significant differences in top or root dry weight, plant height, root length, or number of tillers or leaves, whether the plants were inoculated or uninoculated. However, when nitrogen was added, inoculated plants had a significantly larger top dry weight (15%) and number of leaves (19%) than uninoculated plants. Under conditions of added and no added nitrogen, acetylene reduction assays showed Xanthobacter sp. JW-KR1 produced <0.1 (below detection limit) and 7 nmol C2H4 plant-1 h-1, respectively. Under the conditions studied, the results suggest that both Xanthobacter and wetland rice derive some benefits from their association.  相似文献   

In short-term water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4 + at a higher rate than NO3 . Maximum NO3 uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L–1 NO3 -N, whereas NH4 + absorption was saturated at 240 mg L–1 NH4 +-N. 15NH4 + accumulated in roots and to a lesser degree in both leaves and stems. However, 15NO3 was mostly partitioned between leaves and roots.Adding increasing amounts of unlabeled NH4 + (15–60 mg L–1 N) to nutrient solutions containing 120 mg L–1 N as 15N labeled nitrate reduced 15NO3 uptake. Maximum inhibition of 15NO3 uptake was about 55% at 2.14 mM NH4 + (30 mg L–1 NH4 +-N) and it did not increase any further at higher NH4 + proportions.In a long-term experiment, the effects of concentration and source of added N (NO3 or NH4 +) on nutrient concentrations in leaves from plants grown in sand were evaluated. Leaf concentration of N, P, Mg, Fe and Cu were increased by NH4 + versus NO3 nutrition, whereas the reverse was true for Ca, K, Zn and Mn.The effects of different NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) at 120 mg L–1 total N on leaf nutrient concentrations, fruit yield and fruit characteristics were investigated in another long-term experiment with plants grown in sand cultures. Nitrogen concentrations in leaves were highest when plants were provided with either NO3 or NH4 + as a sole source of N. Lowest N concentration in leaves was found with a 75:25 NO3 -N/NH4 +-N ratio. With increasing proportions of NH4 + in the N supply, leaf nutrients such as P, Mg, Fe and Cu increased, whereas Ca, K, Mn and Zn decreased. Yield in number of fruits per tree was increased significantly by supplying all N as NH4 +, although fruit weight was reduced. The number of fruits per tree was lowest with the 75:25 NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratio, but in this treatment fruits reached their highest weight. Rind thickness, juice acidity, and colour index of fruits decreased with increasing NH4 + in the N supply, whereas the % pulp and maturity index increased. Percent of juice in fruits and total soluble solids were only slightly affected by NO3 :NH4 + ratio.  相似文献   

Lenssen  G. M.  Lamers  J.  Stroetenga  M.  Rozema  J. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):379-388
The growth response of Dutch salt marsh species (C3 and C4) to atmospheric CO2 enrichment was investigated. Tillers of the C3 speciesElymus athericus were grown in combinations of 380 and 720 11-1 CO2 and low (O) and high (300 mM NaCl) soil salinity. CO2 enrichment increased dry matter production and leaf area development while both parameters were reduced at high salinity. The relative growth response to CO2 enrichment was higher under saline conditions. Growth increase at elevated CO2 was higher after 34 than 71 days. A lower response to CO2 enrichment after 71 days was associated with a decreased specific leaf area (SLA). In two other experiments the effect of CO2 (380 and 720 11-1) on growth of the C4 speciesSpartina anglica was studied. In the first experiment total plant dry weight was reduced by 20% at elevated CO2. SLA also decreased at high CO2. The effect of elevated CO2 was also studied in combination with soil salinity (50 and 400 mM NaCl) and flooding. Again plant weight was reduced (10%) at elevated CO2, except under the combined treatment high salinity/non-flooded. But these effects were not significant. High salinity reduced total plant weight while flooding had no effect. Causes of the salinity-dependent effect of CO2 enrichment on growth and consequences of elevated CO2 for competition between C3 and C4 species are discussed.  相似文献   

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