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Desensitization of corticotropin-releasing factor receptors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pretreatment of rat anterior pituitary cells with corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) rapidly and markedly reduced the ability of CRF to restimulate cyclic AMP formation and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release. The effect was dependent on the length of time of pretreatment as well as the concentration of CRF. Neither basal nor intracellular immunoreactive ACTH levels nor basal cyclic AMP content were affected. CRF's stimulatory action on cyclic AMP formation and ACTH release recovered within one hour following CRF pretreatment. Forskolin, a compound that directly activates adenylate cyclase also releases ACTH from these cells. Pretreatment with CRF did not alter forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation or ACTH secretion. Furthermore, CRF pretreatment did not change epinephrine's ability to increase the release of ACTH. These results indicate that CRF can regulate the responsiveness of its own receptor.  相似文献   

The present study localized corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors and studied the actions of CRF in the neonatal rat spinal cord preparation. Lumbar CRF receptors were present in highest concentrations in laminae I and II with progressively lower concentrations in lamina IX and intermediate and central zones respectively. CRF directly and indirectly depolarized lumbar motoneurons in a concentration-related manner and the putative receptor antagonist, alpha helical oCRF(9–41), partially blocked the depolarizing response to CRF. The electrophysiological responses to CRF and the distribution of receptors within the spinal cord suggest that CRF may play a physiological role in regulating spinal cord reflex function.  相似文献   

Ebner K  Singewald N 《Amino acids》2006,31(3):251-272
Summary. Substance P (SP) is one of the most abundant peptides in the central nervous system and has been implicated in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes including stress regulation, as well as affective and anxiety-related behaviour. Consistent with these functions, SP and its preferred neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor has been found within brain areas known to be involved in the regulation of stress and anxiety responses. Aversive and stressful stimuli have been shown repeatedly to change SP brain tissue content, as well as NK1 receptor binding. More recently it has been demonstrated that emotional stressors increase SP efflux in specific limbic structures such as amygdala and septum and that the magnitude of this effect depends on the severity of the stressor. Depending on the brain area, an increase in intracerebral SP concentration (mimicked by SP microinjection) produces mainly anxiogenic-like responses in various behavioural tasks. Based on findings that SP transmission is stimulated under stressful or anxiety-provoking situations it was hypothesised that blockade of NK1 receptors may attenuate stress responses and exert anxiolytic-like effects. Preclinical and clinical studies have found evidence in favour of such an assumption. The status of this research is reviewed here.  相似文献   

Specific receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were identified in the rat anterior pituitary gland by binding studies with 125I-Tyr-CRF. Binding of the labeled CRF analog to pituitary particles was rapid and temperature-dependent, and reached steady state within 45 min at 22 degrees C. The CRF binding sites were saturable and of high affinity, with dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.76 X 10(-9) M. Pituitary binding of 125I-Tyr-CRF was inhibited by CRF, Tyr-CRF and the active 15-41 fragment of CRF, but not by the inactive 21-41 CRF fragment and unrelated peptides. The binding-inhibition potencies of the CRF peptides were similar to their activities as stimuli of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release. The high-affinity CRF sites were markedly reduced in adrenalectomized rats, and this change was reversed by dexamethasone treatment. These data indicate that the high-affinity CRF sites demonstrated in the anterior pituitary are the functional receptors which mediate the stimulatory action of the peptide on ACTH release, and that CRF receptors are down-regulated during increased secretion of the hypothalamic hormone.  相似文献   

Although restraint stress accelerates colonic transit via a central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), the precise mechanism still remains unclear. We tested the hypothesis that restraint stress and central CRF stimulate colonic motility and transit via a vagal pathway and 5-HT(3) receptors of the proximal colon in rats. (51)Cr was injected via the catheter positioned in the proximal colon to measure colonic transit. The rats were subjected to a restraint stress for 90 min or received intracisternal injection of CRF. Ninety minutes after the administration of (51)Cr, the entire colon was removed, and the geometric center (GC) was calculated. Four force transducers were sutured on the proximal, mid, and distal colon to record colonic motility. Restraint stress accelerated colonic transit (GC of 6.7 +/- 0.4, n=6) compared with nonrestraint controls (GC of 5.1 +/- 0.2, n=6). Intracisternal injection of CRF (1.0 microg) also accelerated colonic transit (GC of 7.0 +/- 0.2, n=6) compared with saline-injected group (GC of 4.6 +/- 0.5, n=6). Restraint stress-induced acceleration of colonic transit was reduced by perivagal capsaicin treatment. Intracisternal injection of CRF antagonists (10 microg astressin) abolished restraint stress-induced acceleration of colonic transit. Stimulated colonic transit and motility induced by restraint stress and CRF were significantly reduced by the intraluminal administration of 5-HT(3) antagonist ondansetron (5 x 10(-6) M; 1 ml) into the proximal colon. Restraint stress and intracisternal injection of CRF significantly increased the luminal content of 5-HT of the proximal colon. It is suggested that restraint stress stimulates colonic motility via central CRF and peripheral 5-HT(3) receptors in conscious rats.  相似文献   

The methionine residues in Tyr-corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and Tyr-sauvagine radioligands are subject to oxidation, which renders them biologically inactive. Therefore [Tyr(0,) Gln(1,) Leu(17)]sauvagine (YQLS), in which the methionine was replaced with leucine was synthesized and labeled with (125)Iodine using chloramine-T. Mass spectroscopy revealed that chloramine-T-treatment did not oxidize YQLS. (125)I-YQLS bound with high affinity to cells expressing the murine CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1), CRF receptor 2 (CRFR2), and the mouse brain regions known to express both CRF receptors. (125)I-YQLS chemically cross-linked to CRFR1. In conclusion, (125)I-YQLS is oxidation-resistant, high affinity radioligand that can be chemically cross-linked to the CRF receptors.  相似文献   

Alterations of gastrointestinal (GI) motor function are part of the visceral responses to stress. Inhibition of gastric emptying and stimulation of colonic motor function are the commonly encountered patterns induced by various stressors. Activation of brain corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors mediates stress-related inhibition of upper GI and stimulation of lower GI motor function through interaction with different CRF receptor subtypes. CRF subtype 1 receptors are involved in the colonic and anxiogenic responses to stress and may have clinical relevance in the comorbidity of anxiety/depression and irritable bowel syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary As -turn-inducing motif, 4-(N-Fmoc-2-aminoethyl)-6-dibenzofuranpropionic acid was synthesized and incorporated into the corticotropin-releasing factor. The effect on structural and biological properties was investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of a corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor antagonist, alpha-helical CRF, on systemic and regional hemodynamic adjustments to exercise were studied in conscious rats. On consecutive days, rats received saline icv, alpha-helical CRF icv, and no treatment 30 min before treadmill exercise (TMX). Increases in heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) in response to TMX (16.1-28.6 m/min) were similar after icv administration of saline or no treatment. In rats receiving saline icv or no treatment, estimated vascular resistance increased in the mesenteric and renal regions and declined in the iliac (hindlimb) region. After icv administration of alpha-helical CRF9-41, HR and MAP responses during TMX were significantly attenuated. In addition, TMX-induced elevations of estimated mesenteric vascular resistance and iliac blood flow velocity were blunted after CRF receptor blockade. These altered cardiovascular and hemodynamic responses were ultimately reflected in the animals' compromised ability to run. The results suggest that the central nervous system actions of endogenous CRF are necessary for the full expression of the cardiovascular adjustments to TMX in the conscious rat.  相似文献   

Type 2 corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors (CRFR2) within the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), a key glucose-sensing region, play a major role in regulating the hormonal counterregulatory responses (CRRs) to acute hypoglycemia. The VMH expresses both subtypes of CRF receptors, CRFR1 and CRFR2. The objective of this study was to examine the role of the CRFR1 receptor in the VMH in the regulation of the CRR to acute hypoglycemia. To compare the hormonal CRR to hypoglycemia, awake and unrestrained Sprague-Dawley rats were bilaterally microinjected to the VMH with either 1) aECF, 2) CRF (1 pmol/side), 3) CRFR1 antagonist Antalarmin (500 pmol/side), or 4) CRF + Antalarmin prior to undergoing a hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemic (2.8 mM) clamp. A second series of studies also incorporated an infusion of [(3)H]glucose to allow the calculation of glucose dynamics. In addition the effect of CRFR1 antagonism in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) was studied. Activation of VMH CRFR1 increased, whereas inhibition of CRFR1 suppressed hypoglycemia-induced CRRs. Inhibition of VMH CRFR1 also increased peripheral glucose utilization and reduced endogenous glucose production during hypoglycemia, whereas VMH CRF reduced peripheral glucose utilization. In contrast CRFR1 inhibition in the PVN blunted corticosterone but not epinephrine or glucagon CRR to hypoglycemia. In contrast to CRFR2 activation, CRFR1 activation within the VMH amplifies CRRs to acute hypoglycemia. The balance between these two opposing CRFRs in this key glucose-sensing region may play an important role in determining the magnitude of CRRs to acute hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a common mitogenic factor that stimulates the proliferation of different types of cells, especially fibroblasts and epithelial cells. EGF activates the EGF receptor (EGFR/ErbB), which initiates, in turn, intracellular signaling. EGFR family is also expressed in neurons of the hippocampus, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex in addition to other regions of the central nervous system (CNS). EGF enhances the differentiation, maturation and survival of a variety of neurons. Transgenic mice lacking the EGFR developed neurodegenerative disease and die within the first month of birth. EGF acts not only on mitotic cells but also on postmitotic neurons, and many studies have indicated that EGF has neuromodulatory effect on various types of neurons in the CNS. This review highlights some of the major recent findings pertinent to the EGF and ErbB family with special references to elucidating their roles in the regulation of neurogenesis, signal transduction and trafficking and degradation.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor types 1 and 2 are broadly expressed by most cell types and are activated by binding of either TNF or lymphotoxin-beta. TNF receptor-mediated immune reactions are critically important in the pathogenesis and control of a variety of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi. This review summarizes recent findings on the role of TNF receptors in infectious diseases and discusses the divergent functions of these receptors in immune responses.  相似文献   

The role of insulin-like growth factor 2 and its receptors in human tumors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) is important for normal development and growth of an organism. In humans it is encoded by 11p15.5 paternally expressed imprinted gene. It binds at least two different types of receptors: IGF type 1 (IGF-1R) and IGF-2/mannose 6-phosphate receptors (IGF-2R/M6P). Ligand binding to IGF-1R provokes mitogenic and anti-apoptotic effects. IGF-2R/M6P has tumor suppressor function; it mediates IGF-2 degradation. When the IGF-2 gene/protein is overexpressed, mostly as a consequence of loss of heterozygosity resulting in paternal allele duplication (LOH) or by loss of imprinting (LOI), it is involved in the development and progression of many tumors and overgrowth syndromes by autocrine or paracrine mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relation between testosterone changes in response to anticipatory stress and several psychological variables that contribute to the stress reaction. Salivary testosterone was determined in 76 female students under stress-free conditions and before an important examination. Individual stress reactions were highly variable in direction and extent: both significant increases and decreases were found. Thus the data did not confirm previous findings of general increases in testosterone levels under stress in women. Depending on the women's level of trait anxiety (assessed via STAI) and the general use of positive or negative cognitive coping strategies (assessed via SVF), we found significant differences in their baseline testosterone levels. Individual endocrine changes under stress were correlated with baseline testosterone levels: High testosterone concentrations at rest were more likely to drop under anticipatory stress than low concentrations. These contrasting effects can be explained by the significant interaction of trait anxiety and the sex role dimension of masculinity (assessed via BSRI) with testosterone production in females.  相似文献   

Effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) on the formation of post-stress psychopathology were studied using of two genetic strains KHA (Koltushi high Avoidance) and KLA (Koltushi low Avoidance) selected on high or low acquisition of active avoidance, respectively. These strains are characterized by higher (KHA) and lower (KLA) behavioral activity in open field and adopted, respectively, active and passive strategies in stressful conditions. A widely used experimental paradigm of learned helplessness where behavioral depression was produced by inescapable uncontrollable footshock has been applied in our study. KHA rats demonstrated psychopathology already 1st day following exsposure to the stress faktor, and the depression progressed by the 5th and 10th post-stress days. Intranasal application of CRH facilitated the development of depression in active rats. In KLA rats, which originally displayed low exploratory activity associated with high anxiety, the inescapable stress at first enhanced the exploratory behavior but 10 days later these rats displayed a progressive decline of exploration and locomotion. Initially, the application of CRH also enhanced the exploratory behavior in these rats, but to 10th post-stress day promoted development of depressive state. The results suggest that CRH in different ways affects the formation of depressive state in rats with different strategies of adaptive behavior.  相似文献   

The G-protein-coupled receptor B1 family includes corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), growth hormone-releasing hormone, incretin, and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptors. The three-dimensional NMR structure of the first extracellular domain (ECD1) of CRF receptor 2beta (CRF-R2beta), free and complexed with astressin, comprises a Sushi domain. This domain is stabilized in part by a salt bridge between Asp(65) and Arg(101). Analogous residues are conserved in other members of the B1 family. To address the importance of the salt bridge residues within this receptor family, we studied the effects of mutating the residues in full-length CRF-R2beta and isolated ECD1. Mutation D65A or D65R/R101D resulted in loss of the canonical disulfide arrangement, whereas R101A retained the Cys(4)-Cys(6) disulfide bond. The mutations resulted in misfolding within the ECD1 as determined by NMR and 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate binding but did not prevent cell surface expression. The D65A mutation in CRF-R2beta greatly reduced binding and activation, but the R101A substitution had only a small effect. Similar effects were seen on astressin binding to the ECD1. The different interactions of Asp(65) and Arg(101), deduced from the three-dimensional structure of the complex, are consistent with the differential effects seen in the mutants. The reduction in binding of Asp(65) mutants is a consequence of a distinct Asp(65)-Trp(71) interaction, which stabilizes the ligand-binding loop. Hence, loss of the salt bridge leads to disruption of the overall fold but does not abolish function. Because homologous mutations in other B1 receptors produce similar effects, these conserved residues may play similar roles in the entire receptor family.  相似文献   

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