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J Papkoff  I M Verma  T Hunter 《Cell》1982,29(2):417-426
We identified, in cells transformed by Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MuSV clone 124), a protein encoded by the M-MuSV transforming gene, v-mos. An antiserum against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C terminus of a protein predicted from the v-mos nucleotide sequence specifically recognizes a protein doublet of approximately 37,000 daltons from 35S-methionine-labeled M-MuSV 124-transformed producer cells. By peptide mapping, this protein is almost identical to the 37 kd in vitro translation product from the M-MuSV v-mos gene. Immunoprecipitates from 32P-labeled cells contain a single v-mos-specific phosphoprotein, which has at least six sites of phosphorylation containing phosphoserine. Pulse-chase experiments show that the lower band in the 35S-methionine-labeled doublet is the primary translation product, which is modified, probably by phosphorylation, to yield the upper band. A similar mos protein is immunoprecipitated from HT1-MuSV-transformed cells, but not from uninfected NIH/3T3 cells. These mos proteins are present at very low levels in transformed cell lines. Cells acutely infected with M-MuSV 124, however, transiently contain much higher levels of the mos protein. These high levels coincide with extensive cell mortality.  相似文献   

We examined the mos-specific intracellular RNA species in 6m2 cells, an NRK cell line nonproductively infected with the ts110 mutant of Moloney murine sarcoma virus. These cells present a normal phenotype at 39 degrees C and a transformed phenotype at 28 or 33 degrees C, expressing two viral proteins, termed P85gag-mos and P58gag, at 28 to 33 degrees C, whereas only P58gag is expressed at 39 degrees C. It has been previously shown that 6m2 cells contain two virus-specific RNA species, a 4.0-kilobase (kb) RNA coding for P58gag and a 3.5-kb RNA coding for P85gag-mos. Using both Northern blot and S1 nuclease analyses, we show here that the 3.5-kb RNA is the predominant viral RNA species in 6m2 cells grown at 28 degrees C, whereas only the 4.0-kb RNA is detected at 39 degrees C. During temperature shift experiments, the 3.5-kb RNA species disappears after a shift from 28 to 39 degrees C and is detected again after a shift back from 39 to 28 degrees C. By Southern blot analysis, we have detected only one ts110 proviral DNA in the 6m2 genome. This observation, as well as previously published heteroduplex and S1 nuclease analyses which showed that the 3.5-kb RNA species lacks about 430 bases found at the gag gene-mos gene junction in the 4.0-kb RNA, suggests that the 3.5-kb RNA is a splicing product of the 4.0-kb RNA. The absence of the 3.5-kb RNA when 6m2 cells are grown at 39 degrees C indicates that the splicing reaction is thermosensitive. The splicing defect of the ts110 Moloney murine sarcoma virus viral RNA in 6m2 cells cannot be complemented by acute Moloney murine leukemia virus superinfection, since no 3.5-kb ts110 RNA was detected in acutely superinfected 6m2 cells maintained at 39 degrees C. The spliced Moloney murine leukemia virus env mRNA, however, is found in acutely infected cells maintained at 39 degrees C, suggesting that the lack of ts110 viral RNA splicing at 39 degrees C is not due to an obvious host defect. In sharp contrast, however, 6m2 cells chronically superinfected with Moloney murine leukemia virus produce a 3.5-kb RNA species at 39 degrees C as well as at 28 degrees C and contain proviral DNAs corresponding to the two viral RNA species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Total cellular calcium content (determined by atomic absorption spectrometry) of Rat-1 cells transformed by temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma virus decreases with cell density, but is found not significantly different at permissive and at non-permissive temperature. Kinetic analysis of 45Ca efflux from preloaded cells exhibits three separable pools of exchangeable calcium. The ratio of pool size of the fast-exchanging Ca-compartment (bound to cell surface) to pool size of the intermediate Ca-compartment (cytoplasmic) was found to decrease from 2.5 to 1.3 upon shift from non-permissive to permissive temperature. The slowly exchanging Ca-pool (presumably mitochondrial) did not change significantly upon temperature shift. These and further data demonstrate a close correlation between distribution of cellular Ca among different cellular compartments and characteristics of cellular proliferation, both attributable to the function(s) of a single oncogene.  相似文献   

Using a rat monoclonal antibody directed against the p21 src protein of the Harvey strain of Murine Sarcoma Virus (MSV), we have examined the reactivity of human cells in tissue culture using immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Qualitative results indicated that untransformed mouse and human fibroblastic cells have undetectable amounts of p21; these levels were greatly increased after transformation with Harvey MSV. A group of human tumor cell lines adapted to tissue culture were examined and almost all of the epithelial tumor lines showed significant localization with this antibody. Notable exceptions were two melanoma cell lines which were negative for p21 by immunofluorescence. When normal human epithelial cells derived from esophageal or foreskin epithelium were examined, the antibody showed significant reactivity with subconfluent growing cells. After the normal cells were allowed to become quiescent, the reactivity with this antibody decreased. All of the localization seen by fluorescence was in a distribution consistent with the previously demonstrated location of p21 scr on the inner aspect of the plasma membrane. Electron microscope localization showed labeling for this antigen on the inner surface of the plasma membrane in both transformed mouse cells and in the human tumor cell lines MCF-7 and HTB-2 (RT4). These results suggest that the amounts of p21-like proteins detectable in human epithelial tumor cells do not necessarily reflect their malignant potential, but may be related to their epithelial nature. The loss of detectable localization at quiescence suggests that p21 levels decrease when these epithelial cells stop growing, and raises the possibility that an analog of p21 may be used by these human epithelial cells to regulate cell growth.  相似文献   

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