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The Jurgens Site     
《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(84):1-149


The Breeden Site cultural sequence reenforcesthe general culture history already established for the Bad-Cheyenne Region and the more inclusive Middle Missouri Tradition. House remains and the bulk of the ceramic materials from the site indicate habitation of the area by peoples of the Initial Middle Missouri Variant and the PostContact Coalescent Variant.Component A at the Breeden Site and the Monroe and Anderson components at the Dodd Site exhibit a complex of diagnosticcultural traits significant enough to define a new phase - the Anderson Phase. A temporal span of approximately A.D. 950to 1250 is suggested for the phase. Component B of the Breeden Site, an early manifestation of the Post-Contract Coalescent Variant, is closely associated with components of the Felicia Phase and the putative Talking Crow Phase. Breeden Component B probably represents an upriver movement of Coalescent peoples from the Big Bend area, eventually being assimilated into the Arikara populations of the Bad River Phase within the Bad-Cheyenne Region.  相似文献   

乳链菌肽的作用位点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢逢春  杨博 《生命的化学》2000,20(4):173-175
乳链菌肽 (nisin)是由乳酸乳球菌属乳酸亚种 (Lactococcuslactissubsp .lactis)的某些菌株产生的一种抗菌多肽 ,对范围广泛的革兰氏阳性菌有极强的抑杀作用。它是一种多肽 ,很容易被人体消化酶分解成氨基酸而被人体吸收和利用 ,因此乳链菌肽作为食品防腐剂具有天然无毒的特点。人们一直都试图将乳链菌肽当做一种抗生素用于医疗方面 ,由于它易被人体消化酶分解和溶解度不高 ,以及在其它方面存在着一些缺陷 ,目前还不适于药用。近年来 ,很多致病菌对常见的抗生素产生了抗性 ,甚至有些菌对人们所能依靠的最后…  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(19):41-51

Excavation of a campsite and kill site area situated on a natural animal crossing or saddle between the North Fork of the Tongue River and Beaver Creek just south of Little Bald Mountain, Wyoming, at an elevation of 9,000 feet is described. Among the features found were two firepits containing burned rock, animal bones, and artifacts. The amount of artifacts and animal bones recovered suggested a long and/or intensive occupation, The bones included those of elk and mountain sheep, intermixed with teeth.  相似文献   


Twelve species of vertebrate animals have been recorded for the Vore Site Local Fauna, Bison being the most common form with estimates of individuals present lying between 15,000 and 25,000 animals. Candidae are the second most common group. Discriminant function analyses performed on the canid skulls has shown them to be part of a local population of wolf Idog hybrids with incipient domestication of that population appearing to be ongoing throughout the occupation of the site. No major shift in ecological zones or species distribution has occurred in the region since the occupation of the site except for those species extripated by the white man.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(85):239-248

Carbonized botanical remains from Nebo Hill 23CL11), a Late Archaic site along the Missouri River, are investigated to gain information relevant to several lines of analysis. A considerable diversity of taxa are represented, but most are present in low quantities. Results indicate that black walnuts (Juglans nigra) were the predominant plant food gathered. Seeds may also have been utilized, but the evidence is not conclusive. Gathering activities appear to have concentrated on a narrow range of plant foods. Seasonal availability of recovered plant remains indicates a probable late summer and autumn occupation.  相似文献   

本文记述了2004年采集自临安市5个地点的旧石器时代的石制品22件,其中1件出自下蜀土层中,其余均为脱层标本。石器中以厚石片为毛坯加工成器的比例明显高于西苕溪流域,应引起关注。出自下蜀土层的标本属于晚更新世晚期,有网纹印痕的标本可能归旧石器时代早期至中期,而没有网纹印痕的脱层标本的年代应不早于网纹红土的年代。  相似文献   

General genealogical processes such as Λ- and Ξ-coalescents, which respectively model multiple and simultaneous mergers, have important applications in studying marine species, strong positive selection, recurrent selective sweeps, strong bottlenecks, large sample sizes, and so on. Recently, there has been significant progress in developing useful inference tools for such general models. In particular, inference methods based on the site frequency spectrum (SFS) have received noticeable attention. Here, we derive a new formula for the expected SFS for general Λ- and Ξ-coalescents, which leads to an efficient algorithm. For time-homogeneous coalescents, the runtime of our algorithm for computing the expected SFS is O(n2),  where n is the sample size. This is a factor of n2 faster than the state-of-the-art method. Furthermore, in contrast to existing methods, our method generalizes to time-inhomogeneous Λ- and Ξ-coalescents with measures that factorize as Λ(dx)/ζ(t) and Ξ(dx)/ζ(t),  respectively, where ζ denotes a strictly positive function of time. The runtime of our algorithm in this setting is O(n3). We also obtain general theoretical results for the identifiability of the Λ measure when ζ is a constant function, as well as for the identifiability of the function ζ under a fixed Ξ measure.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(18):237-245

A small cave in northeastern Wyoming yielded a number of bone fragments and artifacts representing an intermittent cultural deposition since the Early Period. A radiocarbon age of 6975 ± 275 years was obtained for one of the oldest components in the site.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(93):173-193

Excavations at Lubbock Lake (41 LU1), Southern High Plains of Texas, revealed the presence of a complex, late Paleo-Indian feature containing a camping area and bison (Bison antiquus) kill/butchering locale. The feature is found within a cienega or marsh deposit and dates from 8300 to 8600 years. At least two camping episodes are indicated, separated by the kill/butchering event. Camp debris consists of a projectile point midsection, unifacial and bifacial tools, and flakes. Faunal debris includes remains of butchered pronghorn antelope, rabbits, ducks, grouse, and turtles. The kill/butchering locale contains remains of four bison and three fetuses, a bone expediency tool, a reworked projectile point base, unifacial butchering tools, and flakes. Projectile points, other lithic tools, and age of the feature indicate a Firstview occupation. From faunal and geologic data, site environs are reconstructed as a marshlands rimmed by a narrow border of wet meadows grading into a mixed grass prairie. Although several late Paleo-Indian kill/butchering locales are known on the Southern High Plains, this feature is the first late Paleo-Indian camp.  相似文献   

O-糖链维持所连接蛋白质部分的空间构象。O-糖基化作为生物体内重要的生物过程,其起始步骤具有复杂的高度选择性,迄今为止还未发现固定的模式。人们通过比较已知O-糖基化部位周围的氨基酸序列,推测出O-糖基化位点的一些规律及其酶的催化特性。  相似文献   

The Site of Oxygen Limitation in Soybean Nodules   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
In legume nodules the [O2] in the infected cells limits respiration and nitrogenase activity, becoming more severe if nodules are exposed to subambient O2 levels. To identify the site of O2 limitation, adenylate pools were measured in soybean (Glycine max) nodules that were frozen in liquid N2 before being ground, lyophilized, sonicated, and separated on density gradients of nonaqueous solvents (heptane/tetrachloroethylene) to yield fractions enriched in bacteroid or plant components. In nodules maintained in air, the adenylate energy charge (AEC = [ATP + 0.5 ADP]/[ATP + ADP + AMP]) was lower in the plant compartment (0.65 ± 0.04) than in the bacteroids (0.76 ± 0.095), but did not change when the nodulated root system was exposed to 10% O2. In contrast, 10% O2 decreased the bacteroid AEC to 0.56 ± 0.06, leading to the conclusion that they are the primary site of O2 limitation in nodules. To account for the low but unchanged AEC in the plant compartment and for the evidence that mitochondria are localized in O2-enriched microenvironments adjacent to intercellular spaces, we propose that steep adenylate gradients may exist between the site of ATP synthesis (and ADP use) in the mitochondria and the extra-mitochondrial sites of ATP use (and ADP production) throughout the large, infected cells.  相似文献   

1. During the course of studies directed to determine the transport of Angiotensin II AT(2) receptors in the rat brain, we found that stab wounds to the brain revealed a binding site recognized by the AT(2) receptor ligand CGP42112 but not by Angiotensin II. 2. We localized this novel site to macrophages/microglia associated with physical or chemical injuries of the brain. 3. The non-Angiotensin II site was also highly localized to inflammatory lesions of peripheral arteries. 4. In rodent tissues, high binding expression was limited to the spleen and to circulating monocytes. A high-affinity binding site was also characterized in human monocytes. 5. Lack of affinity for many ligands binding to known macrophage receptors indicated the possibility that the non-Angiotensin II CGP42112 binding corresponds to a novel site.6. CGP42112 enhanced cell attachment to fibronectin and collagen and metalloproteinase-9 secretion from human monocytes incubated in serum-free medium but did not promote cytokine secretion. 7. When added in the presence of lipopolysaccharide, CGP42112 reduced the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-1 beta, and IL-6, and increased protein kinase A. 8. Molecular modeling revealed that a CGP42112 derivative was selective for the novel macrophage site and did not recognize the Angiotensin II AT(2) receptor. 9. These results demonstrate that CGP42112, previously considered as a selective Angiotensin II AT(2) ligand, recognizes an additional non-Angiotensin II site different from AT(2) receptors. 10. Our observations indicate that CGP42112 or related molecules could be considered of interest as potential anti-inflammatory compounds.  相似文献   

湖北官庄坪遗址动物遗骸研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江三峡官庄坪遗址动物遗骸分属于新石器时代、东周时期和明代。新石器时代的重要动物遗骸包括大熊猫、大苏门羚、普氏野马等,其中大苏门羚是我国至今发现该种动物生存时代最晚的地点。官庄坪遗址明代动物骨骼中,有三峡地区引进型动物家黄牛。官庄坪遗址动物群的总体特征,反映三峡新石器时代以来具备高山—峡谷的立体气候自然景观。新石器时代至明代环境变化不大,峡谷以湿热、多林环境为主,峰顶区域则在气候、植被等自然环境方面有些改变。官庄坪遗址动物遗骸,反映三峡古居民对野生动物资源的依赖性较强。该遗址新石器时代墓葬中,存在随葬多种野生动物下颌骨的考古学文化现象,其中以大熊猫下颌骨作为随葬品,是世界范围内第一例。  相似文献   

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