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《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(67):1-25

The Stricker site is a multi-component habitation area in Big Bend Reservoir, South Dakota. Component A, the latest and most I imited occupation, represents the Dakota from the middle of the 19th century to the present. Component B represents the major occupation by people following the Coalescent Tradition in the form of the Extended Coalescent variant. Component C, a minor occupation, is representative of the Initial variant of the Middle Missouri Tradition. Most of the features and artifacts pertain to Component B. The analysis provides evidence for a transition from the Shannon phase into the Felicia phase  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):59-82

Chronology has long been a major concern of researchers in the Middle Missouri Subarea. However, the paucity of radiocarbon dates, as well as the general lack of multiple dates for many components, has hampered comprehensive assessment and interpretation of culture-historical sequences. A large number of radiocarbon dates pertaining to the Middle Missouri Tradition has become available over the last several years, and presently at least 124 dates are available from both published and unpublished sources for 36 components of the tradition. Dates for each radiocarbon-dated Middle Missouri Tradition component in the Big Bend, Bad-Cheyenne, Cannonball, and Knife-Heart Regions – a total of 111 dates for 33 components – are assessed and averaged according to techniques recently advanced by Bruce Rippeteau and Austin Long. Tentative occupational sequences for each of these regions are offered and problems with specific date series are discussed. Dates for components in the Grand-Moreau Region and the James River valley are also discussed, but are not fitted into sequence. Lehmer’s earlier postulation of a gap in the Bad-Cheyenne sequence at about A.D. 1300 is supported by this analysis, and the presence of a similar hiatus is suggested for the Cannonball Region.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(41):228-241

Ceramics recovered from the Gettysburg Site during the summers of 1964, 1965, and 1966 are described and analyzed. A comparison is made with ceramic collections from 19 other sites in the Middle Missouri Valley. Concluding comments demonstrate the relationship of the Gettysburg Site to sites of the Extended Coalescent Horizon.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(34):239-264

Fieldwork at the Gillette Site primarily cons is ted of the partial excavation ofthreecircular houses, across section of a fortification ditch, and the removal of a buriaL The latest occupation, Component A, is identified as a manifestation of the Stanley or Snake Butte focus, dating from about 1700 to 1800 A. D. Component B represents a circular house tradition probably belonging to an earlier period in the Coalescent Tradition than does Component A. The limited data from Component C implies a village occupation of an indeterminate cultural affiliation earlier than Component B.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):14-20

Taxa in the Middle Missouri subarea are differentiated largely on the basis of cultural content and time; thus, the creation of a new taxon (the Modified Initial Middle Missouri Variant of the Middle Missouri Tradition) implies change within the Initial Middle Missouri Variant - change which is implied but not documented. The objective of the present study is to examine the validity of the new taxon. The analysis relies primarily on ceramics, supplemented by a new series of radiocarbon dates. The investigation failed to support the hypothesized ceramic tradition change, and the radiocarbon dates suggest these sites do not fit the Modified Initial Middle Missouri time period. This study concludes the Modified Initial Middle Missouri Variant is not a valid taxon.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):301-310

Craniometric data are used to compare available human crania from Mill Creek and early Middle Missouri Tradition sites with a pooled Mandan sample and Coalescent Tradition samples from Crow Creek, Mobridge and Rygh(inferred proto-Arikara). Discriminant functions are computed for the reference samples, and test cases are classified according to their proximity to each population centroid. With one exception, early Middle Missouri Tradition site crania compare most favorably with Mandan. Mill Creek site specimens are unlike the Mandan, most closely resembling early Coalescent samples.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(46):277-294

Faunal remains from ten South Dakota archaeological sites, ranging temporally from ca. 600 B.C. - A.D. 1600, are identified and analyzed by the method of White (1952). This analysis shows what species were used, and in what numbers, in sites of the three major temporal divisions; Woodland, Middle Missouri and Coalescent. Bison are the preferred animals in all time periods. Group related butchering techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(58):i-ii

Work in the Missouri River valley has yielded information on the earliest through historic sedentary, horticultural occupations. In the Cannonball region of North Dakota, previous studies have (1) established the presence of two cultural traditions (the Middle Missouri and Coalescent), and (2) outlined major shifts in intra-tradition and occupational patterns. Tests and excavations at the Cross Ranch (320L 14) and Clark’s Creek (32ME 1) sites provide the first information on the early sedentary occupation of the Knife-Heart region. Remains from these sites are similar to those in Middle Missouri tradition sites in the adjacent Cannonball region. This study defines and evaluates variation in the ceramic and lithic technologies within the seemingly stable Middle Missouri cultural tradition by using new analytic techniques, statistical methods and computer analysis. Previously reported material and new data are analyzed and compared. Radiocarbon dates which range from the 12th through mid-15th centuries provide temporal control. Analysis of the fauna and flora indicate a stable subsistence based on hunting and horticulture. The artifact assemblages suggest general cultural stability and persistence. There are, however, subtle differences in the lithics and ceramics, most of which reflect changes through time by people sharing the same general potting and stone working practices. It is hypothesized that Clark’s Creek represents a northern component of the Fort Yates phase. A Nailati phase is posited on the basis of formal and temporal variation between Cross Ranch and the Fort Yates phase sites.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(62):336-343

Preliminary inspection of surface features and ceramic remains led one author to assign the Helb site, in north-central South Dakota, to the Term ina I Variant of the Middle Missouri Tradition. New data from limited investigations at Helb are used to evaluate this assignment. The program objectives and design are outlined, and preliminary discussion of structural remains, ceramic and lithic samples and recently obtained radiocarbon determinations are provided. These evidences suggest that the site should be reassigned to the Extended Variant of the same tradition  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):287-300

In the mid-fourteenth century, over 486 individuals apparently were massacred at the Crow Creek Site (39 B F 11), located on the east bank of the Missouri River in South Dakota. During the analysis of the skeletons, a search was made for evidence of diseases, anomalies, and abnormalities which had affected these people during life and had left an imprint upon their bones. The salient pathology is tabulated here, discussed briefly, and illustrated. Because these people had apparently lived and died together in a pre-White contact Initial Coalescent variant village and were probably ancestral to the Arikara, data obtained from this study could provide valuable baseline information for comparison with other studies in paleopathology from the Dakotas.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(81):235-255

The Phillips Spring Site is situated on a Holocene terrace of the Pomme de Terre River in northern Hickory County, Missouri. Eleven. radiocarbon dates provide a good chronologie framework for the four cultural components recognized at the site. There are three Archaic components which span the period 4280 to 1990 BP. The initial Archaic occupation coincides with the establishment of the present vegetation pattern in the area. A single Late Woodland assemblage, dating from 1410 to 1000 BP, is comparable in cultural content to components of the HighlandAspect.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):132-150

Some years ago Donald Lehmer (1954) suggested, on the basis of data from sites near the Oahe Dam, that Middle Missouri Tradition and Coalescent Tradition populations practiced distinctly different lithic resource exploitation patterns. This study attempts to evaluate and expand upon Lehmer’s observations using data from four archaeological sites near Mobridge, South Dakota. An underlying premise is that studies of lithic resource exploitation must be grounded in a firm understanding of the geologic and geographic parameters of the natural resource base. Toward this end, field reconnaissanceand geologic information are used to define 12 stone types which occur in high frequency in the chipped stone artifact assemblages and which have reasonably well defined natural source locations and conditions. Comparisons of the four site assemblages according to the frequency of occurrence of these stone types supports Lehmer’s observations, and illustratescontrastive patterns of resource exploitation associated with the two cultural traditions. Coalescent populations relied heavily on several stone types occurring naturally in the Big Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota, while Middle Missouri populations generally ignored these sources and relied heavily on Knife River Flint as a major lithic resource. These contrastive exploitation patterns appear to have remained relatively constant through time and across considerable space.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(29):171-180

Site 39LM219, an earth-lodge village located in the neck of the Big Bend of the Missouri River in Lyman County, South Dakota, is assigned to the Chouteau Aspect and is presumed to date at about A. D. 1700. Probably the site is part of the Crazy Bull Site previously described in this journal.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(42):310-338

An examination of this site on the west bank of the Missouri River in north-central South Dakota has revealed an unfortified settlement of approximately 30 earthlodges. The settlement pattern and artifact inventory indicate that the Fox Island site is an Extended Coalescent village that appears to be a descendant of the complex defined at Mols, tad Village.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(22):231-237

In the Plains periphery of the Central Area, Missouri, extensive preceramic remains are found. Well recognized complexe s with Paleo-Indian connections are Nebo Hill, Sedalia, Graham Cave Levels 6-4, andArnoldResearch Cave. Radiocarbon dates range from 7738 B. C. to 4322 B. C. Other preceramic complexes described from excavations include the Hatten Mound component and the Lincoln County burial site, in the Northwest Prairie; Blackwell Component A in the Ozark Highland; and the Jakie L2 and L3 components dated at 5112 B. C. to 4422 B. C. in the Southwest Drainage. Surface collections from all areas indicate preceramic occupations.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(31):78-99

One circular earth lodge and an interhouse test trench were excavated at the Peterson Site by the Smithsonian Institution, Missouri Basin Projec;t in 1958 prior to the flooding of the area by the Big Bend Reservoir. Surface features indicated that the site was an unfortified village of about 40 lodges. The artifact inventory suggests that the village, which has been tentatively assigned to the Fort Thompson Focus, was probably occupied during the mid-18th century.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(30):250-255

Two prehistoric complexes in the northern part of the Middle Missouri area, the Thomas Riggs and Huff Foci, comprise the late stage of the Middle Missouri Tradition. Although transitional sites are as yet lacking, this late stage is regarded as an outgrowth of the early stages of the same tradition, localized further south along the Missouri River in South Dakota. The Huff Focus postdates the Thomas Riggs Focus and is a direct outgrowth of Thomas Riggs, both foci being assigned to the Fire Heart Aspect. This aspect is the prehistoric antecedent for the Heart River Focus, the protohistoric express ion of Historic Mandan culture. Brief comments are offeredon the history, or1g1ns, distribution, characteristics, dating, and relationships of the Thomas Riggs and Huff Foci.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(29):152-165

The Meander Site (39LM20l) is located on the left bank of the White River in Lyman County, South Dakota, about eight miles above the junction of the White and Missouri rivers. Test excavations at the site were conducted in 1953 by Harold A. Hus cher of the Smithsonian Institution, River BasinSurveys. Though few in number, the artifacts recovered indicate the occupation belongs to the Chouteau Aspect. Ceramic analysis suggests the site was occupied at a time somewhat prior to the occupation of the Crazy Bull Site (Frantz 1962).  相似文献   

Long bone growth variation among skeletal samples has had limited application to ecological studies of archaeological groups, in spite of its well-known sensitivity to health and nutritional status. In this study we examine long bone growth variation among ten samples of Arikara skeletal groups, all located in the Middle Missouri subarea of South Dakota and ranging in time from A.D. 1600 to 1832. The samples are analyzed by variant, an archaeological taxonomic unit below Tradition. Children's long bones between about 0.5 and 11.9 years of age were analyzed by means of regression using the model, bone length =b0 + b1 (age) + b2 (log10 age). The three variants, Extended Coalescent, Postcontact Coalescent, and Disorganized Coalescent, differ from one another with regard to health and nutritional status. Extended Coalescent groups probably experienced periods of undernutrition due to unfavorable climatic conditions prevailing at the time. Postcontact Coalescent groups experienced more favorable health and nutrition due to improved climatic conditions and introduction of the horse. Disorganized Coalescent groups were exposed to undernutrition and high levels of morbidity, due to introduction of epidemic diseases, depopulation, and intertribal conflict. Analysis of slopes shows significant heterogeneity among variants for humerus, radius, and tibia, but not femur. In general, the Postcontact Coalescent is characterized by slighter greater rates of increase with age and longer bone lengths for each age than is Extended Coalescent. Disorganized Coalescent exhibits lower rates of increase, particularly in later childhood, with shorter bone lengths in late childhood. Disorganized Coalescent also presents longer radius and humerus lengths than the other two variants in early childhood, an unexpected finding. This may be partly, but not entirely, explained by differential bone response to stress along the lines of maturity gradients.  相似文献   

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