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《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(59):152-163

Investigations of the deposits in Rodgers Shelter (23BE 125), on the western periphery of the Ozark Highlands, delineated major depositional patterns at the site and determined the chronological relationship of these patterns to human activities. Twenty-five sediment samples representing a stratigraphic sequence through the 11,000 year old accumulation were subjected to 2 types of analysis: 1) particle size determinations made by a combination of the hydrometer method and wet sieving, and 2) determination of mineral and rock composition of gravel and coarse sand by visual examination

Principal components factor analysis applied to particle size and composition data yielded 3 factors representing changing upland and hillslope erosional patterns, shifting location of the nearby Pomme de Terre River channel, and variations in vertical accretion by the Pomme de Terre River.

Weighted average cluster analysis of factor scores on the 3 depositional variables delimited 7 major groups of samples, each representing distinctly different depositional conditions. Viewed stratigraphically, 10 depositional units were defined. The depositional environment of each was determined by mean factor scores. These stratigraphic units provide a more refined picture of site stratigraphy than is available from field observations alone.

Viewed chronologically, the cluster analysis provides a model of the post-Pleistocene depositional history of the site: progressing from a period of intense upland erosion and aggradation by the Pomme de Terre, to a period of severe local hillslope erosion and valley degradation, and finally to a period of combined alluvial and colluvial deposition on the T-lb terrace. When the depositional history and cultural history of the site are compared, every major hypothesized change in human adaptive strategy coincides with a major change in depositional patterns, providing a convincing example of the close interrelationship between human behavior and surrounding environmental conditions  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(89):217-228

Phillips Spring (23Hi216) is a multicomponent archaeological site associated with an active artesian spring on a terrace of the Pomme de Terre river in western Missouri. Preservation of both carbonized and uncarbonized plant remains is excellent and remains of plants representing 32 taxa, including 24 potential food plant, occur atthe site as well as eight taxa of wood charcoal. In addition, there are remains of squash (Cucurbita pepo) and bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) dating 4260 B.P., 40008.), 1999 B.P., and squash dating 2293 B.P. When combined with data from a Woodland storage pit at nearby Boney Spring (squash dated at 1920 B.P.) and Blackwell Cave (bottle gourd at 730 B.P.), it appears that these cultigens were being grown in the western Missouri Ozarks for much of the last 4000 years. Phillips Spring is a multicomponent (Late Archaic and Middle Woodland) site situatedon a terrace of the Pomme de Terre River in Hickory County, Missouri. Discovered in 1973, the site was subsequently excavated during four field seasons: 1974, 1976, 1977 and 1978. The 1974 excavations defined four cultural horizons including three Late Archaic and a Woodland component (Chomko 1976) and produced numerous well preservedplant remains. The presence of squash (Cucurbita pepo) in the earliest component, later associated with a date of3927 B. P., prompted additional testing of the site in 1976 and full scale excavation in 1977 and 1978 (Kay 1978, Robinson 1978). Results of the 1974 excavations have been previously discussed (Chomko 1978, Chomko and Crawford 1978) and the present paper discusses the plant remains from the 1976 and more extensive 1977 excavations. While the 1978 material, presently awaiting analysis, will undoubtedly increase both our knowledge of activity patterns at the site and our sample size of specific types of features and biotic remains, it will probably not add substantially to the extensive list of plant taxa which have been recovered from the spring.  相似文献   

Peduncles ofCucurbita argyrosperma ssp.argyrosperma are present in collections of desiccated archaeological plant remains from at least seven prehistoric Ozark rockshelter sites. A radiocarbon date (Accelerator Mass Spectrometer method) on a fragment of one of these fruiting stems has a two-sigma calendric date range of A.D. 1280-1490. One C.argyrosperma ssp.argyrosperma peduncle excavated from the Cahokia site in Illinois was among contents of a sub-mound pit deposited during the 11th century A.D. Therefore, cushaw-like squashes were present in eastern North America before European contact, contrary to the long-held belief thatCucurbita pepo was the only prehistoric squash species in the region. Landraces of eastern North American cushaws were isolated from their Southwestern and Mexican argyrosperma progenitors for a longer period of time than previously believed.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(81):235-255

The Phillips Spring Site is situated on a Holocene terrace of the Pomme de Terre River in northern Hickory County, Missouri. Eleven. radiocarbon dates provide a good chronologie framework for the four cultural components recognized at the site. There are three Archaic components which span the period 4280 to 1990 BP. The initial Archaic occupation coincides with the establishment of the present vegetation pattern in the area. A single Late Woodland assemblage, dating from 1410 to 1000 BP, is comparable in cultural content to components of the HighlandAspect.  相似文献   

Previous suggestions that prehistoric agriculturalists of the Ozark Bluff Dweller culture utilized a fully domesticated form ofChenopodium have been confirmed. Comparative examination of infructescence and fruit structure indicates that archaeological material is assignable toC. berlandieri ssp.nuttalliae, a product of Mexican agriculture. Large-fruited chenopod remains from other sites in eastern North America, often identified as those of wild species, may also belong to the Mexican domesticated form. A related, wild species of northeastern North America,C. bushianum, shows similarities to the Mexican weed-crop complex that may reflect prehistoric genetic interaction. This is the first documented report of domesticatedChenopodium from prehistoric North America.  相似文献   

The bimaculatus group of anoles inhabit the northern Lesser Antilles, as far south as Dominica. This study uses 1005 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA sequence data from two genes, cytochrome b (521 bp) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (484 bp) to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships between species and populations of anoles from all islands banks. Allele frequency data from nuclear microsatellite loci are also analysed to assess their utility in uncovering historical relationships and provide independent corroboration for the mtDNA tree. Although the number of microsatellite loci used (six) was relatively small, some essential elements of the mitochondrial DNA phylogeny were recovered successfully. Anoles from Terre de Haut, Les Saintes, previously described as a subspecies of Anolis marmoratus, are shown to be more closely related to A. oculatus and their elevation to a full species, A. terraealtae, is supported. An island colonisation sequence inferred from the phylogeny shows a general pattern of North-to South colonisation. However, the Saban anole, A. sabanus, is shown to be derived from A. marmoratus populations from western Basse Terre following a longer-range, south to north translocation.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the effects of historical climate change and drainage isolation on the distribution of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b genetic variation within the rainbow darter, Etheostoma caeruleum (Percidae: Etheostomatinae). Location Eastern North American streams including tributaries to the Mississippi River, Great Lakes, Potomac River and Hudson Bay drainages. Methods Parsimony analyses, Bayesian analyses and haplotype networks of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Results Four major clades were recovered from sampled populations of E. caeruleum. Three of four clades are distributed in the western portion of the species’ range (primarily west of the Mississippi River). Samples from this region do not form a monophyletic group, and sequences often vary greatly between samples from adjacent stream systems (up to 7.2% divergence). A basal clade includes samples from the White River system in the Ozark Highlands. The northern Ozarks–upper Midwest clade includes samples from Missouri River tributaries and the upper Midwest (Hudson Bay, upper Mississippi River, and western Lake Michigan drainage). The eastern clade is composed of individuals from the Ohio River, Great Lakes and Potomac River. The Mississippi River corridor clade includes samples from middle and lower Mississippi River tributaries. Main conclusions The four major clades of E. caeruleum are deep allopatric lineages with well‐defined boundaries and have additional phylogeographical structure within each clade. The Ozark Highlands have the greatest levels of diversity relative to distributional area, with marked cytochrome b subdivisions between adjacent stream systems. Samples from previously glaciated areas do not have a subset of the cytochrome b diversity found in unglaciated areas, but four separate source areas are identified based on phylogenetic analyses. Dispersal into previously glaciated areas followed several known glacial outlets and, based on sequence divergence between populations, may have occurred during different glacial or interglacial stages. The disjunct distribution and cytochrome b pattern of E. caeruleum in the Mississippi River corridor clade is consistent with late Pleistocene and Recent changes in the course and characteristics of the middle and lower Mississippi River. Phylogeographical boundaries between clades of E. caeruleum correspond to independent sources of biogeographical information and provide insight into historical stream drainage relationships, post‐glacial colonization and drainage isolation patterns.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(22):231-237

In the Plains periphery of the Central Area, Missouri, extensive preceramic remains are found. Well recognized complexe s with Paleo-Indian connections are Nebo Hill, Sedalia, Graham Cave Levels 6-4, andArnoldResearch Cave. Radiocarbon dates range from 7738 B. C. to 4322 B. C. Other preceramic complexes described from excavations include the Hatten Mound component and the Lincoln County burial site, in the Northwest Prairie; Blackwell Component A in the Ozark Highland; and the Jakie L2 and L3 components dated at 5112 B. C. to 4422 B. C. in the Southwest Drainage. Surface collections from all areas indicate preceramic occupations.  相似文献   

Review of late Holocene paleoenvironmental and cultural sequences from four regions of western North America show striking correlations between drought and changes in subsistence, population, exchange, health, and interpersonal violence during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (A.D. 800-1350). While ultimate causality is difficult to identify in the archaeological record, synchrony of the environmental and cultural changes and the negative character of many human responses--increased interpersonal violence, deterioration of long-distance exchange relationships, and regional abandonments--suggest widespread demographic crises caused by decreased environmental productivity. The medieval droughts occurred at a unique juncture in the demographic history of western North America when unusually large populations of both hunter-gathers and agriculturalists had evolved highly intensified economies that put them in unprecedented ecological jeopardy. Long-term patterns in the archaeological record are inconsistent with the predicted outcomes of simple adaptation or continuous economic intensification, suggesting that in this instance environmental dynamics played a major role in cultural transformations across a wide expanse of western North America among groups with diverse subsistence strategies. These events suggest that environment should not be overlooked as a potential cause of prehistoric culture change.  相似文献   

The study of coprolites (desiccated feces) is recognized as a viable method for analyzing parasitism of prehistoric peoples. Eight species of helminth parasites, including nematodes, cestodes, and acanthcephalans, have been recovered from archaeological sites on the Colorado Plateau. The comparative analysis of parasitological findings illustrates the effects of changing subsistence strategies and varying life-style on prehistoric human parasitism. This comparative study is based on the analysis of coprolites recovered from one Archaic hunter-gatherer site and two Anasazi agricultural villages. Hunter-gatherers are represented by coprolites from Dust Devil Cave in south-eastern Utah. Coprolites of prehistoric agriculturalists from Antelope House in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, and from Salmon Ruin in northwestern New Mexico were studied. The results demonstrate that helminth parasitism increased with the advent of agriculture. Between the agricultural sites, differences in patterns of excreta disposal, foraging behavior, and local ecology resulted in pronounced variations in both percentage of coprolites containing parasite remains and the number of parasite species represented.  相似文献   

Hunter–gatherer population growth rate estimates extracted from archaeological proxies and ethnographic data show remarkable differences, as archaeological estimates are orders of magnitude smaller than ethnographic and historical estimates. This could imply that prehistoric hunter–gatherers were demographically different from recent hunter–gatherers. However, we show that the resolution of archaeological human population proxies is not sufficiently high to detect actual population dynamics and growth rates that can be observed in the historical and ethnographic data. We argue that archaeological and ethnographic population growth rates measure different things; therefore, they are not directly comparable. While ethnographic growth rate estimates of hunter–gatherer populations are directly linked to underlying demographic parameters, archaeological estimates track changes in the long-term mean population size, which reflects changes in the environmental productivity that provide the ultimate constraint for forager population growth. We further argue that because of this constraining effect, hunter–gatherer populations cannot exhibit long-term growth independently of increasing environmental productivity.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Cross-disciplinary approaches to prehistoric demography’.  相似文献   

Summary Comparisons of prehistoric (A.D. 1100–1400) and extant cricetine-dominated rodent faunas from two locations in New Mexico and one in Arizona reveal temporal changes in both species diversity and taxonomic composition. The archaeological context of the prehistoric faunas permitted them to be dated rather accurately; paleoenvironmental inferences generated from other materials recovered in the excavations such as pollen samples, agricultural remains, and tree-ring specimens provided evidence about prehistoric environmental conditions in the study areas. Both richness and evenness components of diversity are lower in the present day faunas than in their prehistoric counterparts. At the beta (between-habitat or valley-wide) level of diversity the increased prehistoric species richness as well as the nature of the differences in present and prehistoric taxonomic composition can be accounted for by small climatic shifts which were occurring between A.D. 1100 and 1300 in the Southwest and the resultant biogeogrphic responses of certain rodent species. Alpha (or within-habitat) diversity is similar for all analyzed faunas. This suggests basic similarities in very local species packing despite observed spatial and temporal variation in valley-wide diversities. Environmental changes stemming from climatic shifts provide a reasonable explanation of the observed patterns of rodent species occurrence and diversity. Habitat destruction resulting from agricultural practies of prehistoric human populations appears to have had only a limited impact on these rodent communities.  相似文献   

Unexpected habitat innovations among invading species are illustrated by the expansion of dreissenid mussels across sedimentary environments in shallow water unlike the hard substrates where they are conventionally known. In this note, records of population characteristics of invading zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (Dreissena bugensis) mussels from 1994 through 1998 are reported from shallow (less than 20m) sedimentary habitats in western Lake Erie. Haphazard SCUBA collections of these invading species indicated that combined densities of zebra and quagga mussels ranged from 0 to 32,500 individuals per square meter between 1994 and 1998, with D. polymorpha comprising 75–100% of the assemblages. These mixed mussel populations, which were attached by byssal threads to each other and underlying sand-grain sediments, had size–frequency distributions that were typical of colonizing populations on hard substrates. Moreover, the presence of two mussel cohorts within the 1994 samples indicated that these species began expanding onto soft substrates not later than 1992, within 4 years of their initial invasion in western Lake Erie. Such historical data provide baselines for interpreting adaptive innovations, ecological interactions and habitat shifts among the two invading dreissenid mussel species in North America.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(73):207-211

Among the most common surface indicators of archaeological sites in south central Montana and northern Wyoming are the grey and red porcellanite flakes resulting from tool making activities. Although one of the major lithic materials used by prehistoric inhabitants of the northern plains region, porcellanite’s identity has remained relatively unknown. Amateur and professional archaeologist alike have loosely referred to this material as “metamorphosed siltstone”, “baked shale”, “Powder River chert”, “grey chert”, “fired brick”, “jasper”, etc. Similarly, fused glass is often misrepresented as obsidian. Because of its unique origin, definablearea of occurrence (the western coal region, the European coal fields, and perhaps other coalbearing areas), and its extensive utilization by the prehistoric populations of the region, porcellanite and fused glass deserve additional attention from archaeologists.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(60):116-131

While chemical analyses of deposits from archaeological sites have often used phosphorus as an indicator of past human activity, there is little agreement on which type of phosphorus test is most useful for particular problem orientations. This paper evaluates the utility of tests for total phorphorus, available phosphorus, and organic matter in stratified cultural deposits at Rodgers Shelter, Missouri. Total phosphorus correlates highly with faunal debris density and seems to be most useful for internal site structure investigation. Available phosphorus appears to be associated with natural soil development as well as intensity of past human activity, and should be a good indicator of potential and actual subsurface cultural horizons. Organic matter is found to have lower correlation with cultural debris densities than does phosphorus. In addition, debris density and phosphorus distributions allow the formulation of hypotheses concerning natural mixing of cultural materials at the site andthe development of subsurface soil horizons  相似文献   

Three hominid molars were recovered from a depth of 7.0-7.1 meters in the Mumba Shelter at Lake Eyasi, northern Tanzania. Geological context of the finds and archaeological data indicate that people with a Middle Stone Age technology were using the Mumba locality intermittently whenever retreat of lake waters allowed access to the site. Uranium series dates suggest an age on the order of 130,000 years bp for the teeth and stone tools. Based on morphological analyses, the dental remains probably belonged to one individual and appear to be the crowns of two upper permanent M2s and one lower permanent M2. Crown areas are very small, even in comparison to the variation exhibited by recent African populations. Crown patterns have no archaic features. These teeth are smaller than any verifiable archaic Homo sapiens examples; thus, they may represent early anatomically modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex interactions among environment, genotype and ontogeny in determining organismal phenotypes is cental to many biological disciplines. The Eurycea multiplicata complex, endemic to the Interior Highlands (Ozark Plateau and Ouachita Mountains) of eastern North America, comprises a diverse radiation of paedomorphic surface-dwelling (E. tynerensis), metamorphic surface-dwelling (E. multiplicata multiplicata and E. m. griseogaster) and metamorphic subterranean (Typhlotriton spelaeus) hemidactyliine plethodontid salamanders. Portions of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome-b and NADH dehydrogenase-4, totalling 1818 base pairs (bp) were sequenced for 70 ingroup individuals plus numerous outgroup taxa, to examine the biogeography and relationships among these morphologically disparate species. Results show the E. multiplicata complex to be monophyletic, with its two most divergent clades corresponding to geography, not morphology or life history. Transforming surface-dwelling populations from the Ouachitas (E. m. multiplicata) are sister to the Ozark taxa, including paedomorphic surface-dwelling (E. tynerensis), subterranean (T. spelaeus) and transforming surface-dwelling salamanders assigned to the 'subspecies'E. m. griseogaster. Among Ozark taxa T. spelaeus (deeply nested within Eurycea) is sister to a clade that includes E. m. griseogaster and E. tynerensis. Current taxonomy suggests that paedomorphic populations (E. tynerensis) from the western Ozarks are distinct from nearby transforming populations (E. m. griseogaster). However, paedomorphic and transforming salamanders do not form reciprocally monophyletic groups and many populations share almost identical haplotypes. Ancestral state reconstruction of life history traits shows that paedomorphosis arose independently from three to nine times. Most populations are either completely paedomorphic or completely transforming. This suggests that local habitat parameters strongly influence life history mode in this complex, either facultatively or by selection for particular genotypes.  相似文献   

Through our research focusing on genetic studies of both ancient and extant commensal animals in the Pacific for addressing issues of population origins and mobility in the region, we have been able to process a large number of archaeological faunal remains that we can compare to modern samples from the same islands. These comparisons shed light on and provide specific evidence for Rattus exulans population change through time. This information may provide a model for understanding human populations in the region and will illustrate the complexities of using data obtained from modern populations to infer prehistoric relationships. Two case studies are presented here-analyses of modern and archaeological populations of R. exulans from both Chatham Island and New Zealand. These two cases provide very different pictures regarding the relationship between the archaeological and the extant populations.  相似文献   

Zooarchaeological evidence has often been called on to help researchers determine prehistoric relative abundances of elk (Cervus elaphus) in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Some interpret that evidence as indicating elk were abundant; others interpret it as indicating elk were rare. Wildlife biologist Charles Kay argues that prehistoric faunal remains recovered from archaeological sites support his contention that aboriginal hunters depleted elk populations throughout the Intermountain West, including the Yellowstone area. To support his contention Kay cites differences between modern and prehistoric relative abundances of artiodactyls, age and sex demographics of ungulates in the prehistoric record indicating selective predation of prime-age females, and a high degree of fragmentation of artiodactyl bones indicating humans were under nutritional stress. Kay’s data on taxonomic abundances are time and space averaged and thus mask much variation in elk abundances. When these data are not lumped they suggest that elk were at some times, in some places, as abundant as they are today. Data on the age-sex demography of artiodactyl prey are ambiguous or contradict Kay’s predictions. Bone fragmentation data are variously nonexistent or ambiguous. The zooarchaeological implications of Kay’s aboriginal overkill hypothesis have not yet undergone rigorous testing. Insightful comments of two anonymous reviewers helped improve this paper. Lyman earned his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Washington in 1982. His research interests include the cultural and natural history of the Pacific northwestern United States. He is presently a professor in, and chair of, the Department of Anthropology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.  相似文献   

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