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Capsule Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden migrate towards the southeast in the autumn, via the Middle East, to winter in Saharan and sub-Saharan locations or in India, while the spring migration is more directly towards the north.

Aims To study the migration routes and wintering area of Little Ringed Plovers (Charadrius dubius) breeding in South Sweden, and to investigate the migration strategy and speed for this little studied shorebird.

Methods We use light-level geolocators to track the year-round movements of Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden.

Results Autumn migration proceeded towards the southeast, in three birds via lengthy stopovers in the Middle East, followed by movements towards the west and southwest to final winter destinations in Africa, while one male made a long stopover in northwestern Iran before migrating to India. The birds wintering in Africa probably stayed at freshwater locations in the Sahara or just south or north of the Sahara. Spring migration was more directly back to the breeding area. Overall migration speeds were similar during autumn and spring migration at about 189 and 209?km/day, respectively. The migration was carried out mainly as many short flights between stopovers. In particular, autumn migration was longer than the direct distance between breeding and wintering sites.

Conclusions This study shows that the geolocator method can successfully be used with relatively small (40?g) shorebirds. We found that a local population of Little Ringed Plover may have widely differing wintering sites (low connectivity), from sub-Saharan Africa to the Indian subcontinent. The migration strategy of the Little Ringed Plover, with multiple short flights, deviates from that of many other long-distance migrating shorebirds that, instead, make one or a few long flights.  相似文献   

The annual migration cycle of waterbirds often involves several distinct movement stages, for example within‐winter movements or the moult migration during summer, which require a high degree of individual flexibility in migration direction. Here, we investigate whether such flexibility is a common characteristic of waterbird migration by analysing movement behaviour of a dabbling duck, the gadwall Anas strepera, during the little studied, intermediate autumn period. The tracking of individuals via satellite transmitters (n = 7) as well as the ring re‐encounter analysis of three European gadwall populations (Germany, England, Russia) revealed that autumn movements were multidirectional. Furthermore, the comparison with winter re‐encounters suggested that autumn movements were partly independent of the movements towards subsequently used south to southwestern wintering areas. Some individuals even travelled long distances north‐ or eastwards. Accordingly, some autumn locations were characterized by a harsh climate, thus serving as temporary staging sites but necessitating further movements when wetlands freeze during winter. The occurrence of such detours or reversals of migration was confirmed by the transmitter data. Inter‐individual variability in distance and direction of autumn movements was found for both sexes and age‐classes indicating that gadwalls, in general, followed flexible movement strategies. Based on the extent of multidirectional autumn movements, we hypothesize important benefits of such flights and suggest that the analysis of year‐round movement patterns of individual animals during their distinct life‐history stages is essential to understand how they can successfully reproduce and survive.  相似文献   

Capsule Iceland is a stop‐over site for a population of Purple Sandpipers that winter in Britain. Here, they accumulate fuel loads for onward migration along with birds that have wintered in Iceland.

Aims To establish whether Purple Sandpipers from Britain stop‐over in Iceland during spring migration and, if so, to describe their population structure, changes in mass and moult.

Methods Purple Sandpipers were cannon‐netted on the coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland during May 2003 and 2005. Birds were aged, sexed (some by DNA) and standard biometric measurements made. Active body moult was scored.

Results Bill and wing lengths showed that the Purple Sandpipers we caught were similar to one of the populations that winter in Britain rather than Icelandic breeding birds. There were more males than females throughout the migration period (63% males for first‐year‐birds and 67% for adult birds). Accounting for a bias due to a higher percentage of males in a less usual habitat (muddy/sandy bays), the values for rocky sites were 52% males for first‐year birds and 62% for adults. The percentage of first‐year birds was 19% in 2003 and 32% in 2005, though the latter figure was biased by catches in muddy/sandy bays where there was a higher percentage of young birds. The percentage of first‐year birds was 25% on just the rocky shores in 2005. Many birds were in latter stages of body moult, and males were slightly in advance of females. Increasing mass showed that they were preparing for onward migration. The average increase of 0.58 g per day was similar to the rate measured in Orkney at an earlier point on the migration route. However, a high turnover of birds could be the reason for these low values. By late May, and close to the assumed departure date, the Purple Sandpipers of the different age/sex classes had fuel indices of 24–29% (33–42% of the lean mass). This was lower than that for the high Arctic sandpipers (Knots and Sanderlings) leaving southwest Iceland for Greenland and Canada.

Conclusions Our study confirmed that Purple Sandpipers do stop‐over in Iceland, and the possible lower rate of fuel accumulation and smaller amount stored, compared with Knots and Sanderlings, suggests a different migration pattern.  相似文献   


Two studies of the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the hyper-eutrophic Hartbeespoort Dam, revealed that both in summer when the lake was anaerobic below 15 m depth, and in winter, when homogeneous, aerobic conditions existed throughout the water column, a major portion of the zooplankton standing crop displayed a reversed migration tendency. The clado-cerans Daphnia pulex and D. longispina, and the copepod Thermo-cyclops oblongatus were the species involved. There was no evidence to sugest that interspecific interference, a phenomenon recently found to have caused reversed vertical migration in the rotifer Asplanchna priodonta, was responsible for the unusual movements recorded in the present study, since the species concerned were by far the total biomass and size dominants of the population.  相似文献   



During the non-breeding period, many birds migrate to milder areas, found closer to the equator than their breeding sites. Opposite movements are very rare. In the Southern Ocean, the abundance of 13C declines markedly with more southern latitude, providing a characteristic 13C isoscape. This can be used as a tracer for the movement of seabirds between breeding and inter-breeding areas, by comparing stable isotope ratios of feathers grown at different times of the year.


We studied seasonal movements of Thin-billed prions (Aves, Procellariiformes), breeding at the Subantarctic Falkland/Malvinas Islands, compared with those of Wilson's storm-petrels breeding in the Antarctic South Shetland Islands. The two species showed opposite migratory movements. While Wilson's storm-petrels moved to warmer waters north of the Drake Passage in winter, Thin-billed prions showed a reversed movement towards more polar waters. Carbon stable isotope ratios in recent and historical feathers indicated that poleward winter movements of Thin-billed prions were less common historically (45% in 1913-1915), and have only recently become dominant (92% in 2003-2005), apparently in response to warming sea temperatures.


This study shows that pelagic seabirds can rapidly change migration strategies within populations, including migration towards more poleward waters in winter.  相似文献   

Tracking studies normally focus on long‐distance migrants, meaning that our understanding about short‐distance migration remains limited. In this study, we present the first individual tracks of the Eurasian golden plover Pluvialis apricaria, a short‐distance migrant, which were tracked from a Scandinavian breeding population using geolocators. In addition, golden plovers are known for their cold spell‐induced winter movements, and this study provides some first individual tracking data on this type of movements. In three cases the plovers spent the winter in NW Europe and in four cases they departed during winter from NW Europe to spend the rest of the winter in Iberia or Morocco (one bird that was tracked during two subsequent migration cycles moved to Iberia in the first winter but remained in NW Europe during the second winter). The four winter departures were associated with a cold spell in NW Europe during which maximum temperatures dropped to freezing. Cold spell‐induced winter movements were notably long and fast. The birds that remained at their NW European wintering site did not experience such cold spell. However, the plovers did not always move in response to freezing temperatures, as demonstrated by the individual that was tracked for a second season, when it experienced four cold spells at its wintering site in NW France without leaving. Little information was obtained about spring migration, but one bird had a prominent counter‐clockwise loop migration pattern through E Europe. Due to their cold spell winter movements, golden plovers exhibit great flexibility in migration patterns, resulting in a notably large spread in final wintering areas.  相似文献   

The swamp type of the Asian water buffalo is assumed to have been domesticated by about 4000 years BP, following the introduction of rice cultivation. Previous localizations of the domestication site were based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation within China, accounting only for the maternal lineage. We carried out a comprehensive sampling of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Nepal and Bangladesh and sequenced the mtDNA Cytochrome b gene and control region and the Y‐chromosomal ZFY, SRY and DBY sequences. Swamp buffalo has a higher diversity of both maternal and paternal lineages than river buffalo, with also a remarkable contrast between a weak phylogeographic structure of river buffalo and a strong geographic differentiation of swamp buffalo. The highest diversity of the swamp buffalo maternal lineages was found in south China and north Indochina on both banks of the Mekong River, while the highest diversity in paternal lineages was in the China/Indochina border region. We propose that domestication in this region was later followed by introgressive capture of wild cows west of the Mekong. Migration to the north followed the Yangtze valley as well as a more eastern route, but also involved translocations of both cows and bulls over large distances with a minor influence of river buffaloes in recent decades. Bayesian analyses of various migration models also supported domestication in the China/Indochina border region. Coalescence analysis yielded consistent estimates for the expansion of the major swamp buffalo haplogroups with a credibility interval of 900 to 3900 years BP. The spatial differentiation of mtDNA and Y‐chromosomal haplotype distributions indicates a lack of gene flow between established populations that is unprecedented in livestock.  相似文献   

Tracking 47 post-spawned adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in a hydropower-regulated river through autumn, winter and spring revealed that winter survival was 56% and 75% in two study years, respectively, with higher mortality of males than females (50% vs. 33% and 100% vs. 13%, respectively). Some kelts (n = 7) displayed nondirected movements that were interpreted as a reconditioning period for an average of 9–17 days prior to directed downstream movements indicating the initiation of migration. Survival after the initiation of migration in spring was 83% and 94% to the hydropower dam in the first and second study years, and decreased to 60 and 63%, respectively, after dam passage. There were no further losses in the downriver reach in the second year, with the first year having a cumulative survival estimate of 53% to the river mouth. Kelts approached the dam when the spillway gates were available as a passage option most of the time (64%–75%), but some kelts arrived at the dam or had not yet passed when spillways were closed (n = 6) and the only remaining passage option was restricted to the turbines. However, all but one kelt that must have passed via turbine were successful in reaching the river mouth. Migratory delay presumably due to searching behaviour caused by low water flow was estimated at approximately 6 days as migration rates were significantly slower in the reservoir (median ± s.e. 8.5 ± 2.5 km day−1) than up- (29.7 ± 5.0 km day−1) or downriver (22.1 ± 3.1 km day−1). The proportion of time (median 30%) that kelts spent swimming upstream (searching behaviour) in the reservoir was a significant variable for migration success.  相似文献   

Weather can shape movements of animals and alter their exposure to anthropogenic threats. Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are increasingly at risk from collision with turbines used in onshore wind energy generation. In the midwestern United States, development of this energy source typically occurs in upland areas that bald eagles use only intermittently. Our objective was to determine the factors that cause wintering bald eagles to occupy riparian areas and riskier, upland areas. We tracked 20 bald eagles using telemetry in the Upper Midwest (MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, USA) during winter 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 and evaluated habitat use by eagles in response to variation in weather and time of year. Eagles used riparian areas more when wind speed and atmospheric pressure were low. Exclusive use of uplands was more frequent during weather systems with low pressure and high humidity and after long periods of cold weather. There was a non-linear response to time of year (measured by days before migration) in the frequency of exclusive use of uplands or riparian areas. Probability of exclusive use of either landscape was generally constant within 95 days prior to migration. The probability of use of riparian areas, however, was markedly less during dates >100 days before migration. Our results suggest that eagles are most likely to be exposed to wind energy developments located in upland areas during low pressure systems, after long periods of cold weather, and several months before the onset of spring migration. This information helps to better understand the factors influencing bald eagle habitat use in winter and will be useful to managers and developers wishing to establish effective strategies to avoid, minimize, and mitigate take, and to survey for mortalities at wind energy developments. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Two aerial sample counts were carried out in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania, in the dry season of 1972 and the wet season of 1973. Population estimates of elephant, buffalo and other large mammals were made, and trend surface analysis was used to identify the basic gradients and contours of density, diversity and biomass within the Park. A cluster analysis, based on similarities between principal component scores, and validated by a multiple discriminant analysis, produced a classification of the Park into three Regions which differed significantly in densities, diversity and biomass. Ruaha Park carries year round a high density of elephants (1–7 km-8). Seasonal movements into and out of the Park were not found, although movements within and between Regions could be detected.  相似文献   

Long‐lived animals sometimes skip one or more breeding seasons; however, little is known about their movements and activities during such ‘sabbatical’ periods. Here we present novel data on year‐round movements and activities of two male black‐tailed gulls Larus crassirostris during a sabbatical year. We compare the data with those in a year when they bred and with those of two other breeding males. The year‐round migration routes of two sabbatical males were consistent with those of the breeding males: they returned to the breeding area but did not visit the colony in the sabbatical year. They landed more frequently on water (a potential index of foraging effort) during the non‐breeding autumn and winter prior to the sabbatical year than before breeding. Sabbatical gulls may forage more intensively to recover body condition immediately after breeding.  相似文献   

Partial migration (when only some individuals in a population undertake seasonal migrations) is common in many species and geographical contexts. Despite the development of modern statistical methods for analyzing partial migration, there have been no studies on what influences partial migration in tropical environments. We present research on factors affecting partial migration in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in northeastern Namibia. Our dataset is derived from 32 satellite tracking collars, spans 4 years and contains over 35,000 locations. We used remotely sensed data to quantify various factors that buffalo experience in the dry season when making decisions on whether and how far to migrate, including potential man-made and natural barriers, as well as spatial and temporal heterogeneity in environmental conditions. Using an information-theoretic, non-linear regression approach, our analyses showed that buffalo in this area can be divided into 4 migratory classes: migrants, non-migrants, dispersers, and a new class that we call "expanders". Multimodel inference from least-squares regressions of wet season movements showed that environmental conditions (rainfall, fires, woodland cover, vegetation biomass), distance to the nearest barrier (river, fence, cultivated area) and social factors (age, size of herd at capture) were all important in explaining variation in migratory behaviour. The relative contributions of these variables to partial migration have not previously been assessed for ungulates in the tropics. Understanding the factors driving migratory decisions of wildlife will lead to better-informed conservation and land-use decisions in this area.  相似文献   

Migration is an important component of the life history of many animals, but persistence of large-scale terrestrial migrations is being challenged by environmental changes that fragment habitats and create obstacles to animal movements. In northern Alaska, the Central Arctic herd (CAH) of barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) is known to migrate over large distances, but the herd’s seasonal distributions and migratory movements are not well documented. From 2003–2007, we used GPS radio-collars to determine seasonal ranges and migration routes of 54 female caribou from the CAH. We calculated Brownian bridges to model fall and spring migrations for each year and used the mean of these over all 4 years to identify areas that were used repeatedly. Annual estimates of sizes of seasonal ranges determined by 90% fixed kernel utilization distributions were similar between summer and winter (X̅ = 27,929 SE = 1,064 and X̅ = 26,585 SE = 4912 km2, respectively). Overlap between consecutive summer and winter ranges varied from 3.3–18.3%. Percent overlap between summer ranges used during consecutive years (X̅ = 62.4% SE = 3.7%) was higher than for winter ranges (X̅ = 42.8% SE = 5.9%). Caribou used multiple migration routes each year, but some areas were used by caribou during all years, suggesting that these areas should be managed to allow for continued utilization by caribou. Restoring migration routes after they have been disturbed or fragmented is challenging. However, prior knowledge of movements and threats may facilitate maintenance of migratory paths and seasonal ranges necessary for long-term persistence of migratory species.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(50):1-45

The Glenrock Buffalo Jump, 48C0304 is part of a Late Prehistoric period buffalo procurement complex in central Wyoming along the south side of the North Platte River. Operation of the jump required controlled movements of buffalo herds for as far as one to three miles before they were finally stampeded over a bluff 40 feet high. The effective width of the bluff was small and as a result the herd had to be under control during the final stampede as well as the initial drive.

Good bone preservation in much of the site allowed recovery of large samples for analysis and in addition large numbers of simple but functional tools were found in context. Marks that reflected a number of butchering operations appeared repeatedly suggesting stylized methods, and from this a model of Late Prehistoric butchering is postulated which needs further testing in other mass butchering contexts.  相似文献   

During satellite-tracking investigations of 140 white storks (Ciconia ciconia), one individual, the long-term world record holder among birds, was followed along 12 migratory journeys over a period of 10 years. This long-term study confirms what previous several-year tracking studies of white storks had indicated: there can be great variability from year to year in the choice of winter quarters as well as in the routes and times of migration, intermediate destinations and stop-over periods, but constancy of winter quarters and migration routes is also possible. The variability may well be caused by external factors, of which food supply is probably predominant.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Capsule: We describe ecological factors associated with movements of a globally declining raptor species, the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca.

Aims: To describe the movements, habitat associations and resource selection of Eastern Imperial Eagles marked in Central Asia.

Methods: We used global positioning system (GPS) data sent via satellite telemetry devices deployed on Eastern Imperial Eagles captured in Kazakhstan to calculate distances travelled and to associate habitat and weather variables with eagle locations collected throughout the annual cycle. We also used resource selection models to evaluate habitat use of tracked birds during autumn migration. Separately, we used wing-tagging recovery data to broaden our understanding of wintering locations of eagles.

Results: Eagles tagged in Kazakhstan wintered in most countries on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Iran and India. The adult eagle we tracked travelled more efficiently than did the four pre-adults. During autumn migration, telemetered eagles used a mixture of vegetation types, but during winter and summer, they primarily used bare and sparsely vegetated areas. Finally, telemetered birds used orographic updrafts to subsidize their autumn migration flight, but they relied on thermal updrafts during spring migration.

Conclusion: Our study is the first to use GPS telemetry to describe year-round movements and habitat associations of Eastern Imperial Eagles in Central Asia. Our findings provide insight into the ecology of this vulnerable raptor species that can contribute to conservation efforts on its behalf.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spatial distribution and parental care of demersal egg masses of buffalo sculpin (Enophrys bison) were studied at 11 areas in Puget Sound, Washington, during 1972–1973. Adult buffalo sculpin inhabited rock and rock-sand habitats at depths from the intertidal to minus 20 m throughout the year, but 84% of all spawn clusters were found at depths between –1 m and +1 m within localized rocky areas. Areas used for spawning were exposed to strong tidal currents and other water movements. A single male fish guarded and fanned spawn, but eggs were temporarily deserted when less than about 1 m of water covered the spawning site. The cyclical nature of male desertion, behavior of spawn predators, and spawn mortality due to physical factors while emergent suggest several possible advantages to low intertidal spawning. These advantages include spatial and temporal escape from marine predators by embryos, time for the tending parent to forage, and optimal physical conditions for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Capsule In this region the diet is mainly cold-blooded prey, mostly insects such as beetles.

Aims To describe the diet of this newly separated, poorly documented and endangered species.

Method Diet was inferred from pellet analysis, collected during a single breeding and winter period in the steppe of the Crau.

Results A total of 5409 prey were identified from 257 pellets. Vertebrates were seldom taken, except by adults (small passerines) during the fledgling period. High seasonal differences were found. Hymenoptera were largely consumed in autumn, Arachnida in autumn and winter, Orthoptera in summer and autumn and Lepidoptera larvae in winter and spring and by fledglings. Nevertheless, Coleoptera were ingested in large proportions all year round. Carabidae were the main prey in winter and Melolonthidae were especially important for adults during the nestling period, as were Cetoniidae for the fledglings.

Conclusion Small mammals and small birds were less exploited in France and Spain (L. m. meridionalis) than in Israel (L. m. elegans or L. m. aucheri), whereas the opposite might be expected, following a north–south climatic gradient. Thus, the nominate subspecies L. m. meridionalis differed in diet from L. m. elegans or L. m. aucheri.  相似文献   

1. The migrant Vanessa atalanta (L.) occurs throughout Europe and North Africa. In autumn, populations emigrate from northern and central Europe to the Mediterranean region to overwinter. In the spring, the northern range is recolonised by migrants from the south. The dynamics of the species in the winter range is poorly known. 2. From 1994 to 1999, adults and immatures of V. atalanta were monitored all year round in Mediterranean habitats in north‐east Spain. 3. Data showed that the Catalonia lowlands is an area to which V. atalanta migrates to breed during the winter. Migrants arrive in October and early November and initiate a period of intensive breeding. Larval development occurs throughout the winter until a first annual generation of adults appears in early spring. 4. Most of the butterflies emerging in the spring emigrate and leave the area without breeding. The data suggest strongly that recolonisation of the northern range is by these butterflies not by wintering adults. Altitudinal migration also seems to be a common phenomenon, allowing a further summer generation of adults to occur at high elevations within the Mediterranean region. 5. The complex phenology of V. atalanta in its southern range has evolved as a strategy to track larval resources through space and time. Autumn migration coincides with the greatest availability of the main food plant, Urtica dioica L. Late spring migration occurs by the time food quality is decreasing.  相似文献   


The Vore Site is a Late Prehistoric buffalo jump in the Red Valley of the Wyoming Black Hills. Stratified middens of butchered Bison bone are found from about 1.2 to 3.7 meters in depth, in the bottom of a large pseudokartst sink. Up to 22 separate middens were revealed where separation between levels was best, and these represent an unusually detailed and well-preserved record of buffalo jumping in the Black Hills region. Typological evidence, radiocarbon dates and preliminary correlation of varved sediments and tree-ring series indicate that the site was used between A.D. 1500 and 1800. Two seasons of intensive work resulted in only a 5-10% sample of the site deposits.  相似文献   

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