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《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(97):217-224

One aspect of the Denver Elephant Project, the experimental use of thrusting spears, is presented. A recentlydeceased elephant was made available for archaeological experimentation, and as a part of this work the author manufactured and, with the aid of others, employed a series of thrusting spears tipped with Clovis fluted point replicas. It was found that the use of composite thrusting spears permitted penetration of the elephant carcass, but also revealed problems in spear design. The types of projectile point breakage which occurred were found to compare favorably with archaeological specimens. Other implications of the work for the understanding of Clovis elephant procurement strategy and weaponry are presented, and suggestions are made for future experiments.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(33):201-203

An analysis of differential breakage in a sample of Clovis, Agate Bas in and Folsom points suggests that the Clovis form is the most resistant to breakage and the fluted Folsom type the most fragile.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(81):183-219

Due to strong Indian opposition and ambiguous state laws, Iowa archaeologists have found it impossible to investigate aboriginal cemetery areas in recent years. The accidental discovery of an Archaic ossuary at a construction site on the grounds of the Lewis Central School in southwestern Iowa provided a turning point in Indian-archaeologist relations which ultimately led to a resolution of the problem through the enactment of new sections in the Iowa legal code. This article traces the history of events leading up to the discovery of the Lewis Central School site (13PW5), and provides substantive data concerning materials recovered from that site. This is done to demonstrate that a considerable amount of information is obtainable through such studies and to provide archaeologists and physical anthropologists with a frame of reference to evaluate the results obtained. The paper concludes with a presentation of additions and changes in the Iowa legal code and a discussior, of the effects the Iowa precedent may have on anthropologists, Indians, and state officials elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(41):218-227

An archaeological site uncovered in the Swan Valley of Manitoba during road construction yie1ded a small group of artifacts including a Paleo-Indian projectile point and side-notched Archaic points. The site is significant as it lies in a corridor which probably served as a vital migration route between the Northern Plains and the diminishing lakes within the Lake Agassiz Basin.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(83):51-68

Salvage excavations at the Perry Ranch site in southwestern Oklahoma uncovered the association of Plainview projectile points with an extinct subspecies of bison. A radiocarbon date of 7030 ± 190 B.P. has been obtained from bison bone at the site. However, stratigraphic disturbances limit inferences about the cultural activities at the site.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(91):55-73

This report represents a compendium of radiocarbon dates for archaeological sites in the state of Iowa. The compendium is in tabular form and contains the following information: (1) the site name and number; (2) the radiocarbon date in both BP and BC/AS; (3) the laboratory sample number; (4) the type of sample or material dated; (5) cultural affiliation; and (6) published and unpublished references pertaining to the date and to the site or culture.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(62):323-327

The Fourth of July valley site (5BL 120), a singlecomponent hunting camp at timberline in the Colorado Front Range, was occupied approximately 6000 radiocarbon years ago. Projectile points from the occupation area are typologically intermediate between James Allen and McKean Lanceolate points, and between Pryor Stemmed and Duncan points. The age and timberline location of the site, together with the transitional nature of the projectile points, support Husted’s (1968) hypothesis that the McKean complex developed from Plano progenitors in high-mountain Altithermal refuge areas.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(96):125-135

Analysis of artifacts recovered from the Moe site located in northwestern North Dakota reveals the presence of 15 blades and three blade-like flakes, the majority of which are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. A comparison of the Moe specimens to those from the Pelland site in northern Minnesota, the only other site from the study area which contains blades of Paleo-Indian age, indicates that the Moe specimens are smaller in all dimensions. The Pelland specimens are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. Examination of the literature on Paleo-Indian sites from the Plains region indicates that blade production is more common in Plano cultures particularly Agate Basin and Plainview-Goshen than in earlier Clovis or Folsom cultures or later Cody cultures. It is suggested that the Pelland and Moe site blades are Plano in age and most likely Agate Basin or Plainview-Goshen in cultural affiliation. A model provided by Leo Pettipas (1976) is used to suggest an eastward movement of Plains Plano cultures using Knife River Flint across southern Manitoba, eastern North Dakota, and into western and northern Minnesota following the recession of Glacial Lake Agassiz.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(64):123-128

The Scoggin Site, an Early Middle Period Bison kill in south-central Wyoming, yielded two distinct stylized projectile point varieties from the one bone layer present. This single component affords optimum opportunity to study the two varieties of points in one context. The technology for the projectile point assemblage is described, and literature concerning the deep side-notched Early Middle Period or Archaic age points from the Northwestern Plains and the northern Great Basin is discussed.

In order to discover if the deep side-notched projectile points from Scoggin (reminiscent of much later projectile point types) were indeed part of the McKean classification, their dimensions were compared to those of the indented base McKean lanceolate projectile points from the same site. The measurements overlap or can be otherwise explained for both lanceolate and side-notched forms. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to demonstrate that the two types of points are quite homogeneous.

The question as to why the points differ stylistically has several possible answers. For example, the two types may represent interacting but identifiable ethnic groups, or the numerical superiority of the side-notched point may reflect hafting superiority. At any rate, the deep side-notched point is an integral part of the Early Middle Period and can be classified as McKean.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(62):344-349

Projectiles from nine Middle Missouri tradition sites in two contiguous archaeological regions are analyzed. These sites date from the 12th to 17th centuries. Discriminant Analysis was used to cluster sites on the basis of similarities in projectile size and shape. The site groupings provided by this analysis crosscut geographic boundaries, suggesting that the variation is not due to local manufacturing practices; rather, the noted differences probably reflect pattern changing through time.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(50):297-301

To find out whether complex statistical methods could be successfully applied to site survey data, the correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of survey data gathered from Mahaska county, Iowa by means of a mailed questionnaire. It was also used to identify geographical characteristics of the sites located by the above survey. The reliability of the survey data was found to be questionable, while their validity was found to be good. Sites in Mahaska county were found to be located near rivers, at low altitudes, and on timber soil. It was concluded that the correlation coefficient can be a useful tool in working with site survey data.  相似文献   


Chipping debris, a bifacial knife, and the stem of a probable Scottsbluff projectile point were found on the lower of two living surfaces at the Caribou Lake site, Grand County, Colorado. The age of associated charcoal was 8460 ± 140 radiocarbon years. It is uncertain whether the campsite, which lies at timberline near the base of an important pass across the continental divide, reflects seasonal utilization of high-altitude resources, or travel between the plains and mountain parks.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(68):81-104

Recent work by the Museum of New Mexico resulted in the excavation of eight stone enclosures similar to those investigated by E. B. Renaud (1942), R. G. Campbell (1969), and others in southeastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico. The site, tentatively dated within the span A.D. 1000-1150, is assigned to the Early Panhandle period defined by Campbell (1969). There is a general likeness of the ceramics to Taos Plain and Taos Incised. Projectile points consist almost entirely of a corner-notched form called Scallorn Points elsewhere. From all indications, the occupation, probably by an estimated 40 to 45 individuals, was short, with staggered abandonment. The evidence, though not conclusive, points to a hunting and gathering economy with the site serving as a base camp for a number of diversified activities. Detailed examination of the lithic remains resulted in the postulation of a projectile point production sequence which, at least in part, casts doubt on the validity of Fresno, Young and similar points as projectile points.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(88):89-111

The Lubbock Lake site is a multi-component, stratified locality on the Llano Estacada (Southern High Plains). Part of a Plainview (Paleo-Indian) period bison kill/butchering locale is being excavated. Cultural designation is based on recovered projectile points, stratigraphic position, and radiocarbon dates. Tool assemblage consists of lithic and bone expediency tool kits. Geological, faunal, and paleoenvironmental settings create an interpretative framework for the cultural event. Only part of the Plainview lifeway system is reflected at the site. The locale represents a different level of social organization than seen at other Plainview period bison kill sites. Preliminary statements include a few differences and similarities between excavated Plainview sites.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(11):7-12

Sandia Cave is so important to the Paleo-Indian picture that it dominates the “classic” hunting site complex in the middle Rio Grande. As a result there is a tendency to minimize the considerable variety of other “classic” hunting points that have been found in the region, expecially in the Estancia Valley where such pluvial lakes as Lake Estancia and the Galisteo Basin once existed.

In addition 3 sites in the Rio Grande valley exhibit a different cultural horizon associated with the period of extinct fauna. This complex is characterized by lack of projectile points, a dearth of milling stones, and the dominance of crude scrapers, and choppers.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(81):169-182

This paper presents a typology for Middle Woodland pottery from the vicinity of Glenwood, southwest Iowa. It shows that the Glenwood materials have their closest Plains affiliation with Valley Cord Roughened and their closest Eastern Woodland affiliation with Havana tradition pottery of the Illinois River Valley. The main source of influence for the Valley Focus seems to have come from the Eastern Woodlands and not from the Hopewellian instrusion at the Renner site. Finally, it is argued that the Valley Focus and related materials originated in the Middle Woodland period, were composed of generalized Woodland traits, and were imposed onto the life styles of indigenous peoples on the Central Plains.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(50):255-281

Edwards II is located on the North Fork of the Red River in western Oklahoma. It is one of two sites excavated in 1968 by the University of Oklahoma Field School in Archaeology. The major excavation area consisted of 19 contiguous five foot squares. Two test pits were also dug to determine the limits of the site. Nine features were uncovered; all were pits which exhibited a variety of shapes. Ceramic materials and projectile points are similar to Custer and Washita River foci manifestations, but the low proportion of bison bone, and the presence of a few corner notched and stemmed points suggest placement early in the time span represented by these foci.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(23):22-28

The article describes certain stream deposited pottery sherds and projectile points found in south eastern Nebraska. Some of the sherds are attributable to the Sterns Creek complex and to the more general category of the Early Ceramic Period on the Central Plains. Most of the projectile points suggest preceramic affinities including the Logan Creek and Angostura complexes.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(87):27-46

One of the late Paleo-Indian cultural groups in the Bighorn-Pryor Mountains area of southern Montana and northern Wyoming is characterized by a lanceolate projectile point with a distinctive alternate beveling on blade edges. Present evidence indicates a settlement pattern restricted to the mountains and foothills and an intense hunting and gathering subsistence strategy. They appear also to have been separate from contemporary cultural groups on the open high plains. A number of site investigations and radiocarbon dates indicate that this cultural group of around 8000 years ago and referred to as Pryor Stemmed was probably about the last of the late Paleo-Indian cultural complexes in the area.  相似文献   

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