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《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(91):43-50

This paper eKamines the giveaway ceremonies of the Mandan and Hidatsa of Ft. Berthold Reservation. The giveaway, the public distribution of goods, is an integral part of contemporary Plains Indian culture, yet its economic and social functions have only recently been described. This paper adds to the recent studies by describing some giveaways of the Mandan and Hidatsa and identifying some of the economic aspects of the giveaway.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(84):145-168

The purpose of this paper is to place on record a Native American Indian map prepared by a Mandan Indian on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation between 1906 and 1907. The map, now in the collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, is painted on canvas 17.8 inches (45.5 cm) wide and 23.2 feet (7.07 m) long. With an 1892-1895 Missouri River Commission map as its model, the painted map depicts various natural and cultural features along the Missouri River from near the South Dakota-North Dakota boundary as far upstream as the mouth of the Yellowstone River. The map contains 38 native notations, 35 of which are in Hidatsa, in the hand of the Rev. Charles L. Hall.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(72):89-92

In his book Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization (1965), A. W. Bowers reports separate, and quite different, origin traditions for each of the three Hidatsa sub-tribes. He claims that two of these three sub-trial origin traditions were already collected by Lewis and Clark. It is shown that this claim rests on a misidentification of the sub-tribal names in the Biddle edition of Lewis and Clark. It is further indicated that Lewis and Clark were so muddled about these sub-tribal origin traditions that nothing is to be learnt from them on the subject. Comment is made on a Mandan account ofHidatsa origins reported by Clark and it is concluded that no known sources eithe; confirm or refute Bowers’ data on Hidatsa sub-tribal origin traditions.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):83-100

Three lines of evidence bearing on the Crow-Hidatsa separation provide different dates for that separation, but dates which are consistent with the following generalizations: (1) The Crow began to diverge linguistically from the various Hidatsa groups no less than five centuries ago, and perhaps even earlier. (2) The Crow movement onto the Northwestern Plains was accomplished gradually, perhaps by band-by-band movement, rather than as one precipitous migration away from the Hidatsa. (3) Archaeological evidence from sites of the Mandan/Hidatsa continuum in the Missouri Valley suggest that the Hagen site, at least, probably dates at about A.D. 1675 – although alternative explanations for related sites suggest that the Crow moved into the Northwestern Plains several centuries earlier. (4) Ethnohistorical data suggest that the Crow separation dates from the mid-1700s. Rather than dating the initial separation of the two groups, the ethnohistorical data probably reflect the final severing of ties with the Hidatsa – a separation made final by the adoption of the horse.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(76):97-106

Two accounts of Mandan and Hidatsa pottery making, collected by Wilson in 1910, appear here for the first time. New information is provided on clay sources, and on manufacturing and firing times and techniques.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):31-42

Craniometric comparisons were used to determine tribal affiliation of three Le Beau Phase sites and one Bad River Phase site from South Dakota: Four Bear (39DW2), Oahe Village (39HU2), Swan Creek (39WW7), and Stony Point Village (39ST235). Oahe Village and Swan Creek classified as Arikara in all analyses. Four Bear and Stony Point Village probably also represent Arikara populations although the evidence is less conclusive. Some individuals were assigned to the Mandan in each site. While alternative explanations are possible, those cases may indicate that some Mandan were living in these villages. If Mandan burials are present at Four Bear and Swan Creek, they are not associated with the presence of secondary burials as suggested by Hurt (1957). Arikara populations of the Post-Contact period show considerable variation through time and space.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(15):58-69

Certain quill techniques and buckskin shirts of the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara; and the Crow are discussed Described are the plaited technique, its distribution, Manufacture, variation of style, pattern, and the type of clothing upon which it appeared. Attention is drawn to specific examples in European collections. The same type of information is covered for the quill-wrapped horse hair technique and quill decorated shirts.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(43):1-31

The Blue Blanket Island site (39WW9), a small, fortified, proto-historic Indian village on an island in the Missouri River, in Walworth County, South Dakota, was partially excavated by a River Basin Surveys crew in August 1961. One centrally located earthlodge, sections of the fortification, storage pits, and middens were excavated. Artifacts were scanty but architectural details were informative. The lodge was 18 sided with a short entry wayto the south (river side) and leaner posts of split cedar. The palisade was of split posts and the ditch was wide and shallow. The site appears to have been an Arikara village of short duration, probably occupied during the 1780’s and 1790’s. The abandoned remains of this village were noted by Lewis and Clark in 1804.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(99):69-75

Changes in Hidatsa marital residence patterns are described on the strength of ethnohistoric and ethnographic data. Such changes include a shift from a predominantly matrilocal to a multilocal pattern during the period 1780-1870. An interpretation for this change is offered in light of cross-cultural studies: multilocal residence is a response to depopulation due to infectious epidemic diseases in societies with some dependence on horticulture. A revision for the coding of Hidatsa marital residence in the Ethnographic Atlas is also suggested.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):49-56

Arikara cranial measurements are compared with Mandan data to define the nature and magnitude of differences remaining at the beginning of the Historic period. A discriminant function approach is followed. Special attention is given to determining uniqueness of the two sets of crania as estimated by rates of group misclassification. Three validation procedures are applied in estimating these rates: resubstitution, jackknife, and holdout.

Several variables show significant heterogeneity between Arikara and Mandan including nasal height, maximum cranial breadth, and auricular height. Mandan crania tend to be narrower, have less nasal height, and are lower in auricular height. Functions developed for Leavenworth Arikara and Mandan crania have an accuracy of about 84 percent. Data for the Leavenworth Site are expanded with addition of a sample excavated by William H. Over 60 years ago.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):301-310

Craniometric data are used to compare available human crania from Mill Creek and early Middle Missouri Tradition sites with a pooled Mandan sample and Coalescent Tradition samples from Crow Creek, Mobridge and Rygh(inferred proto-Arikara). Discriminant functions are computed for the reference samples, and test cases are classified according to their proximity to each population centroid. With one exception, early Middle Missouri Tradition site crania compare most favorably with Mandan. Mill Creek site specimens are unlike the Mandan, most closely resembling early Coalescent samples.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(77):189-222

During an approximate 15-year period from about 1950 to 1965, numerous anthropologists representing at least a dozen institutions were periodically involved in archaeological salvage of Plains sites in the Middle Missouri Valley. In many instances the cultural aspects of subsistence and the utilization of native fauna in general were not of primary interest. However, some animal bone was salvaged and this discussion involves the study of the avian remains from 51 prehistoric Arikara sites along the Missouri River in South Dakota. Approximately 3,100 bird elements, representing 22 families and about 68 species, were identified. Although mammals, especially the bison, elk, deer, and pronghorn, provided the greatest quantity of meat in the diet of these people, birds were also of special significance as supplemental food (e.g. waterfowl, grouse) and because of the part they played in the cultural and ceremonial activities of the Plains Indian. The predominance of remains of such groups as eagles, hawks, harriers, owls, and ravens in these sites is indicative of their special cultural significance; in some instances, such as eagle trapping by the Hidatsa and Mandan, they can be correlated with ethnohistoric accounts dealing with the utilization of birds.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):104-118

There are several Indian village sites at the confluence of the Knife and Missouri rivers near the town of Stanton, North Dakota. Two of them were examined or tested by D. J. Lehmer in 1965. Four of the sites are now being incorporated into the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site. As part of the development of this Historic Site a proton magnetometer survey was carried out in 1976 on parts of Sakakawea Village and the Buchfink Site. In addition, a survey was conducted on part of the Amahami Village in Stanton. This article discusses the theory of magnetic surveying, the varying nature of the regions surveyed, and the extensive results abtained. These results include the identification of at least 12 earth lodge sites with associated features, the correlation of some features in the magnetic data with soil probe information, and a number of suggestive but unidentifed features on which the magnetic measurements focus.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis mekongi is prevalent in the Khong district of Lao PDR, made up of one big island, Khong, and numerous small islands in the Mekong River. Schistosoma mekongi is spread by Neotricula aperta as the intermediate host along the Mekong River. Therefore, even if an epidemic of S. mekongi were stamped out in a certain village, infection may recur if the source of infection is a village located in the upper reaches of the Mekong River. The purpose of this study was to construct a mathematical model for the transmission of S. mekongi among villages from the upper to lower Mekong River to estimate the effect of control measures against it. The chief characteristic of the present model is competence in dealing with the spread of infection among villages through the Mekong River in consideration of the reduction in longevity of cercariae and miracidia and their diffusion in the river. The model also takes into account seasonal fluctuation in the water level of the Mekong River, which affects human behavior in terms of water contact. The results of simulations indicated that the prevalence of schistosomiasis mekongi would be suppressed to a low level for a long time in a village further downstream when universal mass treatment is performed in villages further upstream simultaneously.  相似文献   

Archaeological evidence shows that Apaches occupied the central Plains area from A.D. 1525–1725 in Wyoming, South Dakota. Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado. Toward the end of this period they were semi-sedentary farmers living in houses generically like those of the Plains-Prairies earth lodge. Because in their southward migration they contacted Plains-Prairies farmers earlier than those in the Southwest proper, and farming was women-dominated and residence matrilocal for the Hidatsa, Mandan, Arikara, Pawnee, and Wichita, it seems highly probable that these Plains Apaches acquired matrilocal residence and a female farming division of labor at this time before contacting Tanoans in the Southwest. The more western Apacheans, who may not have had contact with Plains tribes, could have acquired matrilocal residence from western Pueblos, including the Keresans, who were probably all matrilocal before Spanish contact. It is doubtful that the wild plant gathering of Apachean women was sufficient to cause matrilocal residence, because in parts of California and the Great Basin where women gathered a greater proportion of the diet than Apachean women, residence was vary rarely matrilocal.  相似文献   

ovement of mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (mixed wild populations of An.arabiensis, An.gambiae and An.melas ) between three neighbouring rural villages in The Gambia was investigated by mark-release-recapture. A total of 12,872 mosquitoes were collected in bednets, marked with a magenta fluorescent powder and released over a 15-day period in one of the villages. A further 15,507 mosquitoes were collected in exit traps, marked with a yellow powder and released over the same period. Mosquitoes were captured daily in all three villages using pyrethrum spray catches, as well as bednet and exit trap catches. The catching period extended for 6 days after the last day of release.
Of the mosquitoes released, 372 (1.3%) were recaptured 2–21 days later. Of these recaptures, 272 were caught in the release village, and 98 were caught in other villages situated 1–1.4 km away. The 'movement index' between villages was calculated as 17.2% (12.2–22.4% confidence limits) for mosquitoes released after feeding and 20.1% (14.7–25.3%) for those released unfed.
These results suggest that movement of mosquitoes between neighbouring villages in The Gambia seriously affects the entomological evaluation of pyrethroid-impregnated bednet programmes in areas where treated and untreated villages are interspersed.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(96):125-135

Analysis of artifacts recovered from the Moe site located in northwestern North Dakota reveals the presence of 15 blades and three blade-like flakes, the majority of which are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. A comparison of the Moe specimens to those from the Pelland site in northern Minnesota, the only other site from the study area which contains blades of Paleo-Indian age, indicates that the Moe specimens are smaller in all dimensions. The Pelland specimens are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. Examination of the literature on Paleo-Indian sites from the Plains region indicates that blade production is more common in Plano cultures particularly Agate Basin and Plainview-Goshen than in earlier Clovis or Folsom cultures or later Cody cultures. It is suggested that the Pelland and Moe site blades are Plano in age and most likely Agate Basin or Plainview-Goshen in cultural affiliation. A model provided by Leo Pettipas (1976) is used to suggest an eastward movement of Plains Plano cultures using Knife River Flint across southern Manitoba, eastern North Dakota, and into western and northern Minnesota following the recession of Glacial Lake Agassiz.  相似文献   

The Italo-Greek ethnolinguistic minority, living in thirteen villages of southern Italy, marry largely amongst themselves but there are some intermarriages with native Italians. The majority of marriages are within the villages, but there is some marriage movement from one Italo-Greek village to another. Data on marriage and birthplace of parents and grandparents obtained by questionnaires to families of primary school children (aged 6-13 years) are analysed, to show the trends in breakdown of isolation over the last two generations.  相似文献   

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