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The Archaic village of Paloma is located in the Chilca valley on the coast of Peru. Study of probability samples collected with fine-meshed screens from six units has produced a sample containing 6,152 bones and shells weighing 574.54 gm, and included the remains of at least 132 vertebrate and 295 invertebrate individuals. Marine vertebrates and invertebrates comprised 98% of the individuals and contributed 90% of the biomass. Analysis of these remains suggests that marine resources were a major source of food.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(96):125-135

Analysis of artifacts recovered from the Moe site located in northwestern North Dakota reveals the presence of 15 blades and three blade-like flakes, the majority of which are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. A comparison of the Moe specimens to those from the Pelland site in northern Minnesota, the only other site from the study area which contains blades of Paleo-Indian age, indicates that the Moe specimens are smaller in all dimensions. The Pelland specimens are made of Knife River Flint and have been modified by retouch flaking. Examination of the literature on Paleo-Indian sites from the Plains region indicates that blade production is more common in Plano cultures particularly Agate Basin and Plainview-Goshen than in earlier Clovis or Folsom cultures or later Cody cultures. It is suggested that the Pelland and Moe site blades are Plano in age and most likely Agate Basin or Plainview-Goshen in cultural affiliation. A model provided by Leo Pettipas (1976) is used to suggest an eastward movement of Plains Plano cultures using Knife River Flint across southern Manitoba, eastern North Dakota, and into western and northern Minnesota following the recession of Glacial Lake Agassiz.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(94):311-317

A Paleo-Indian point, probably assignable to the Plano Tradition, was recently collected in Henry County, Missouri. Although unfluted, it otherwise compares favorably both morphologically and technologically with several published samples of PaleoIndian points. The upland location also compares . favorably with known Paleo-Indian site locations; however, geomorphic processes may have biased recording of Paleo-Indian sites.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(74):245-278

The Gore Pit site (34CM131), which is within the city limits of Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma, has been revealing evidence of Archaic occupation through excavation and surface collection since 1963. The site is contained in the bottom of a large borrow pit which was sera ped to a depth of 15 to 20 feet by he Highway Department.The pit is on the active flood plain of East Cache Creek and borders the creek a few feet to the east. The artifacts recovered by surface collection include projectile points, scrapers, scraper planes, Clear Fork gouges, andgrinding stones and basins. Three burned rock middens were excavated, one of which yielded radiocarbon dates, 6030 + 300 B.P. (Bastian 1964) and 6145+ 130 B.P. (GX1558). In the spring of 1968, a partially preserved, semiflexed human burial was discovered in the pit. There were no associated artifacts. A radiocarbon date obtained from the apatite fraction of the bone resulted in a determination of 7100+350 B.P. (GX2009). The earliest Archaic on the Southern Plains is presently dated around 6000 B.P. However, there is a paucity of dated and documented sites for the preceding 2000 years. Archaic subsistence patterns occur at least 2000 years earlier in areas to the west and east. The origin and age of the earliest Archaic in the Southern Plains remains undetermined. The Archaic must ultimately be identified on the basis of subsistence patterns and not on the basis of projectile point styles.  相似文献   

为了研究神农架世界自然遗产地的种子植物区系特征,基于Phylomatic建立时间树并综合多学科证据,探讨了该区系种子植物科属起源的时间特征。结果发现,神农架世界自然遗产地裸子植物占中国华中山地分布中心属和种的67%和74%,是中国裸子植物分布中心之一;被子植物科的基部类群科占中国的85%;种子植物单型科(仅含1属1种)占中国的42%;拥有中国特有属56属,占中国特有属总数的23%,很多为古老特有属;神农架世界自然遗产地还分布有中国超过50%的东亚-北美间断分布属。这些事实表明神农架世界自然遗产地种子植物区系起源古老,且有连续的传代线,是神农架世界自然遗产地突出普遍价值的重要体现。  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址是我国近年来发掘的最为重要的古人类遗址之一。该遗址中出土了大量的石器、骨器、动物化石、粪便化石等遗存以及人类头盖骨化石等。我们对该遗址出土的鬣狗粪化石进行了类型学及其包含的微体化石等方面研究,从分析统计结果来看,鬣狗粪化石中包含了丰富的古信息,如古寄生虫卵、动物毛发、孢粉、植硅体、真菌等。本文主要针对鬣狗粪化石中古寄生虫卵及动物毛发进行分析,探讨了作为寄主鬣狗罹患的寄生虫病,以及鬣狗的食物来源等情况,为深入理解更新世晚期人类适应环境与气候提供新的证据。  相似文献   

The high frequency of late prehistoric New World treponemal disease is attributable to the demographic changes concomitant with the adoption of agriculture. However, these demographic changes in group mobility and site density episodically preceded intensive plant domestication, suggesting possible staggered temporal change in observed treponemal disease case frequency. Thirteen convincing and an additional two probable (N = 581) cases of treponemal disease were identified in an eight-site skeletal sample spanning the Middle (6,000-3,000 BCE) to Late (2,500-ca. 1,000 to 500 BCE) Archaic and Early Woodland (500 BCE-0 CE) periods from the western Tennessee River Valley. Treponemal disease cases are infrequent in both the Middle (3/115, 2.6%) and Late (2 to 4 cases, 相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(96):109-123

Interaction plays a central role in archaeological interpretations, yet it has remained theoretically underdeveloped and has often been misused. A framework for dealing with interaction is presented, consisting of: 1) ultimate adaptive conditions for interaction; 2) specific reasons for various types of interaction; 3) modifications of interaction due to aspects of the social matrix; 4) interaction mechanisms; and 5) the artifact patterns resulting from all of these factors. It is clear that “interaction” cannot be treated as a monolithic phenomenon; rather there are many types of interaction with many different outcomes for artifact patterning. The transition from the Paleo-Indian to Archaic stages is analyzed within this framework, and it is suggested that in the simplified interaction context of generalized hunter/ gatherers the size of interaction networks is largely a function of resource reliability and the relative need to maintain subsistence-related alliances between bands.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(11):7-12

Sandia Cave is so important to the Paleo-Indian picture that it dominates the “classic” hunting site complex in the middle Rio Grande. As a result there is a tendency to minimize the considerable variety of other “classic” hunting points that have been found in the region, expecially in the Estancia Valley where such pluvial lakes as Lake Estancia and the Galisteo Basin once existed.

In addition 3 sites in the Rio Grande valley exhibit a different cultural horizon associated with the period of extinct fauna. This complex is characterized by lack of projectile points, a dearth of milling stones, and the dominance of crude scrapers, and choppers.  相似文献   

Possible Active Site of the Sweet-tasting Protein Thaumatin   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Epitopes on thaumatin and monellin were studied using the PEPSCAN-technology.The antibodies used were raised against thaumatin. Only antibodiesthat, in an ELISA, both recognized thaumatin and monellin wereused in the PEPSCAN-analyses. On thaumatin two major overlappingepitopes were identified. On monellin no epitopes could be identified.The identified epitope region on thaumatin shares structuralfeatures with various peptide and protein sweeteners. It containsan aspartame-like site which is formed by Asp21 and Phe80, tipsof the two extruding loops KGDAALDAGGR19–29 and CKRFGRPP77–84,which are spatially positioned next to each other. Furthermore,sub-sequences of the KGDAALDAGGR19–29 loop are similarto peptide-sweeteners such as L-Asp-D-Ala- L-Ala-methyl esterand L-Asp-D-Ala-Gly-methyl ester. Since the aspartame-like Asp21-Phe80site and the peptide-sweetener-like sequences are also not presentin non-sweet thaumatin-like proteins it is postulated that theKGDAALDAGGR19–29 and CKRFGRPP77–84 loop containimportant sweet-taste determinants. This region has previouslynot been implicated as a sweet-taste determinant of thaumatin.Chem. Senses 20: 535–543, 1995.  相似文献   

DNA, a Possible Site of Action of Aluminum in Rhizobium spp   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Al was found to penetrate the cell envelopes of both sensitive and tolerant Rhizobium strains and bind to DNA in vivo. Despite causing a reduction in viability, Al stimulated DNA synthesis in the sensitive strain, which suggested that an excision repair mechanism was operating. The Al-stimulated DNA synthesis was reduced by the simultaneous addition of chloramphenicol. In contrast to the sensitive strain, DNA synthesis was unaffected by Al binding to DNA in the tolerant strain. It is proposed that Al enters the cell and binds to the DNA helix, increasing stabilization and preventing successful replication. Different repair mechanisms appear to operate in response to Al in tolerant and sensitive strains.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(33):201-203

An analysis of differential breakage in a sample of Clovis, Agate Bas in and Folsom points suggests that the Clovis form is the most resistant to breakage and the fluted Folsom type the most fragile.  相似文献   

We searched for possible sites of superoxide generation in the complex I segment of the respiratory chain by studying both forward and reverse electron transfer reactions in isolated rat heart mitochondria. Superoxide production was monitored by measuring the release of hydrogen peroxide from mitochondria with a fluorescence spectrophotometer using the Amplex red/horseradish peroxidase system. In the forward electron transfer, a slow superoxide production in the presence of glutamate and malate was enhanced by both rotenone and piericidin A (specific inhibitors at the end of the complex I respiratory chain). Both diphenileneiodonium and ethoxyformic anhydride (inhibitors for respiratory components located upstream of the respiratory chain) inhibited the enhancement by rotenone and piericidin A.In contrast, in reverse electron transfer driven by ATP, both diphenileneiodonium and ethoxyformic anhydride enhanced the superoxide production. Piericidin A also increased superoxide production. Rotenone increased it only in the presence of piericidin A. Our results suggest that the major site of superoxide generation is not flavin, but protein-associated ubisemiquinones which are spin-coupled with iron-sulfer cluster N2.  相似文献   

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