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《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(80):113-137

The Shoshone were resident in northwestern Wyoming at the time of historic contact, the early mneteenth century. Two hypptheses to explain their presence and time depth there have been proposed. The migration hypothesis brings them from the southern Sierra Nevadas across the Great Basin beginning no earlier than A.D. 1000. The in situ hypothesis argues for a residency of 5000 to 7000 year. The hypotheses are tested by drawing predictions from them. Using ceramics, rock art, strat1graph1c sequences, and adaptive data the in situ hypothesis may be falsified. The migration hypothesis then best explains the archaeological evidence. It is thus suggested that Shoshonean speakers did not reach southern Wyoming until the fifteenth century A.D. at the earliest. It is also suggested that the higher mountainous areas of Jackson Hole and Yellowstone Park were not occupied by the Shoshonean speakers until after they were driven from the northwestern Plains around A.D. 1800. Finally, it 1s proposed, but not tested, that Athapaskan speakers may have occupied the region of western Wyoming from the Altithermal until the time of the Shoshonean and Crow migrations of the fifteenth century. At this time Apacheans were displaced southward and eastward.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(36):222-232

Aikens (1966) has proposed that Fremont-Promontory culture originated on the Northwestern Plains and representsan Athabascan migration into the Utah area at circa A. D. 500, their descendents, he suggests, were later forced back onto the Plains by the 12th century expansion of Shoshoneans from the Great Basin. He also proposes that FremontPromontory culture was ancestral to Dismal River culture. In this paper an alternative hypothesis is proposed, i.e., that Fremont and then Promontory cultures were sequential developments from an indigenous Utaztecan or proto-Utaztecan base and that there is no direct cultural relationship between theUtah cultures and the Dismal River aspect.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):83-100

Three lines of evidence bearing on the Crow-Hidatsa separation provide different dates for that separation, but dates which are consistent with the following generalizations: (1) The Crow began to diverge linguistically from the various Hidatsa groups no less than five centuries ago, and perhaps even earlier. (2) The Crow movement onto the Northwestern Plains was accomplished gradually, perhaps by band-by-band movement, rather than as one precipitous migration away from the Hidatsa. (3) Archaeological evidence from sites of the Mandan/Hidatsa continuum in the Missouri Valley suggest that the Hagen site, at least, probably dates at about A.D. 1675 – although alternative explanations for related sites suggest that the Crow moved into the Northwestern Plains several centuries earlier. (4) Ethnohistorical data suggest that the Crow separation dates from the mid-1700s. Rather than dating the initial separation of the two groups, the ethnohistorical data probably reflect the final severing of ties with the Hidatsa – a separation made final by the adoption of the horse.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(33):204-207

The head and part of the neck of a baked clay horse figurine from an archaeological site in Lander County is described. It suggested the presence of the Grass Valley horse in Central Nevada reaffirms the strong cultural ties between the PlateauShoshone and the buffalo hunting; horse-nomad Shoshone of the Western Plains, ties already indicated by Shoshone pottery and other plains type artifacts indigenous to the area.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(71):1-12

Western Montana rock art comprises 29 pictograph sites scattered throughout the mountainousPacific-drained portion of the state. The sites, composed of panels of simple red, yellow or black pictographs, cluster along the major streams in the region. A variety of zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and geometric designs predominate. Traditionally Western Montana rock art has beenassumed to be related to the rock art of the Northwestern Plains, however, this study demonstrates that functionally and stylistically its closest relationships are with Columbia Plateau rock art. Two style zones, each reflecting a different cultural influence, are recognized in theregion. The majority of sites apparently served as vision quest sites for Salishan tribes that inhabited the area during the Late Prehistoric Period. A few sites in the extreme southern portion of the region are attributed to Shoshoneans, and relate most closely to the pictographsof central and southern Idaho.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(60):167-168

Five radiocarbon dates from the deeply buried, preceramic Sutter site (14JN309) are evaluated. Its relative chronological position in late Plano times is substantiated by a cluster of dates at approximately 6000 B.C. Comments are made concerning the Great Plains hunting and gathering subsistence pattern.  相似文献   


The examination of a well‐documented petroglyph site, located near the northeastern shoreline of now‐dry Owens Lake, California, is used as a springboard for a review of explanatory models for the interpretation of rock art sites in California and the Great Basin. Interpretive models and methods of analysis used by Julian Steward, Robert Heizer, and others who have visited or reported on this site are reviewed. The persistence of Heizer's “hunting‐magic” explanation for the creation of the rock art is used as one of several examples of how preconceived notions can affect interpretations of ancient art.  相似文献   

Aim Recent work indicates that desert assemblages have elevated beta (β) diversity (between‐locality turnover of species composition). This study compares β diversities between the Great Basin and the Great Plains of the western USA over the last 17 Myr. Today, the Great Basin is a topographically diverse desert scrubland to woodland and the Great Plains are low‐relief temperate grassland, but 17 Ma they were more similar in topography, climate and land cover. A georeferenced database of mammal occurrences, complied from several sources, is used to test two hypotheses for the elevation of Great Basin β diversity: (1) that tectonic change of the topography has driven increased habitat packing in high‐ and low‐elevation habitats, and (2) that climatic cycling in the Pleistocene has driven faunas from neighbouring provinces to overlap in the region. Location The Great Basin of the USA, centred on Nevada, and the central Great Plains of the USA, centred on Nebraska. Methods Mammalian faunal lists compiled from published records and the records of many museums, available online, were partitioned into time‐slices ranging from the recent to 17 Myr old. Beta diversity was calculated for each time‐slice in two ways: multiplicative β diversity using first‐order jackknife richness, and additive beta diversity using Simpson's evenness. Results Beta diversity is elevated in Nevada relative to Nebraska today. Beta diversity has been higher in the Great Basin since the Pleistocene and possibly since the late Early Hemphillian (c. 7 Ma). Beta diversity in the Late Barstovian (c. 13.5 Ma) of the Great Plains was higher even than β diversity in the Great Basin of today. Main conclusions The elevated β diversity in the Hemphillian supports the tectonic change hypothesis. The patterns of β diversity in the Recent, Pleistocene and Hemphillian all suggest that local‐scale processes are important. The β diversity of the Late Barstovian Great Plains supports other studies indicating increased primary productivity or species packing.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(15):24-35

Pictograph panels in central Montana reported containing masked anthropomorphic figures with symbolic arms and geometric chest designs; shield-bearing-anthropomorphic figures in panel with horse, Distribution of characteristics set forth, Possibly artists identified, Conclude that shield-bearing-anthropomorphic motif survived introduction of horses on Plains.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(29):166-170

Cultural ecologists, such as Steward and Shirnkin, hold that the core features of a culture, namely socio-political systems, are closely related to subsistence activities and economic arrangements which, in turn, are influenced but not ecessarily determined by the natural habitat of the group. A study of the Plains adaptations of the Piegan, Kiowa, Comanche, Plains Cree, and Plains Shoshone throw some doubt on this the sis. The Piegan (and other Blackfoot tribes), Plains Shoshone, and Kiowa share common forms of political organization with other Plains tribes but the Comanche and Plains Cree represent atypical cases in. this regard. The first three tribes developed pan-tribal sodalities while the latter two did not do so. The presence or absence of these pan-tribal sodalities conditioned the extent to which tribal integration occurred in these groups. The subsistence activities of these tribes alone do not account for the weak or strong development of pan-tribal structures. Factors in the total environment of each tribe, or niche, account for these differences. These differences in political organization cannot be attributed solely to differences in subsistence activities nor economic arrangements as they are influenced by the specific natural habitat of each tribe.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(65):161-172

The T-W-Diamond Site, 4LR200, is a large teepee ring village on the? edge of the High Plains in northern Colorado. Seventeen out of the 47 remaining stone ring areas were excavated or tested by the Colorado State University Archae-ological Field School in 1971. Artifacts, fire hearths and midden materials were scarce but indicated the domestic nature of the structures. Stone and ceramic artifacts indicate cultural affiliations with the Late Prehistoric period as reported at Birdshead Cave, and the Piney Creek sites in Wyoming; and at the Agate Bluff Rock Shelters, and the Dipper Gap site in northern Colorado. Carbon-14 dates of A. D. 1020±230 years and A.D. 1170±220 years support the time of the occupation. A third date of A.D. 400±340 seems improbably early. It is hypothesized that the village was occupied seasonally for a short time by a small group of people, perhaps of Shoshonean affiliation, exploiting a mixedbase subsistence economy.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(36):167-174

On the basis of an examination of economy, political organization, intertribal warfare, religious life, and other factors, there is no justification for regarding the Northwestern Plains as a distinct division of the Plains Indian Culture Area.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(64):123-128

The Scoggin Site, an Early Middle Period Bison kill in south-central Wyoming, yielded two distinct stylized projectile point varieties from the one bone layer present. This single component affords optimum opportunity to study the two varieties of points in one context. The technology for the projectile point assemblage is described, and literature concerning the deep side-notched Early Middle Period or Archaic age points from the Northwestern Plains and the northern Great Basin is discussed.

In order to discover if the deep side-notched projectile points from Scoggin (reminiscent of much later projectile point types) were indeed part of the McKean classification, their dimensions were compared to those of the indented base McKean lanceolate projectile points from the same site. The measurements overlap or can be otherwise explained for both lanceolate and side-notched forms. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to demonstrate that the two types of points are quite homogeneous.

The question as to why the points differ stylistically has several possible answers. For example, the two types may represent interacting but identifiable ethnic groups, or the numerical superiority of the side-notched point may reflect hafting superiority. At any rate, the deep side-notched point is an integral part of the Early Middle Period and can be classified as McKean.  相似文献   

Boundaries between vegetation types, known as ecotones, can be dynamic in response to climatic changes. The North American Great Plains includes a forest‐grassland ecotone in the southcentral United States that has expanded and contracted in recent decades in response to historical periods of drought and pluvial conditions. This dynamic region also marks a western distributional limit for many passerine birds that typically breed in forests of the eastern United States. To better understand the influence that variability can exert on broad‐scale biodiversity, we explored historical longitudinal shifts in the western extent of breeding ranges of eastern forest songbirds in response to the variable climate of the southern Great Plains. We used climatic niche modeling to estimate current distributional limits of nine species of forest‐breeding passerines from 30‐year average climate conditions from 1980 to 2010. During this time, the southern Great Plains experienced an unprecedented wet period without periodic multi‐year droughts that characterized the region''s long‐term climate from the early 1900s. Species’ climatic niche models were then projected onto two historical drought periods: 1952–1958 and 1966–1972. Threshold models for each of the three time periods revealed dramatic breeding range contraction and expansion along the forest‐grassland ecotone. Precipitation was the most important climate variable defining breeding ranges of these nine eastern forest songbirds. Range limits extended farther west into southern Great Plains during the more recent pluvial conditions of 1980–2010 and contracted during historical drought periods. An independent dataset from BBS was used to validate 1966–1972 range limit projections. Periods of lower precipitation in the forest‐grassland ecotone are likely responsible for limiting the western extent of eastern forest songbird breeding distributions. Projected increases in temperature and drought conditions in the southern Great Plains associated with climate change may reverse range expansions observed in the past 30 years.  相似文献   

Resightings of uniquely marked birds from 2001 to 2008 were used to determine winter distributions of 4 breeding populations of a species at risk, the piping plover (Charadrius melodus). Although considerable overlap exists, a distinct pattern in winter distributions was evident. Birds originating from eastern Canada wintered farthest north compared to other populations. Most individuals from the United States Great Lakes were found in South Carolina and Georgia in winter, whereas birds from eastern Canada were found primarily in North Carolina. Although the great majority of birds marked in Prairie Canada were observed wintering in Texas, particularly southern Texas, breeding plovers from the United States Great Plains were more widely distributed on the gulf coast from Florida to Texas. Very few large-scale movements of individuals in winter were reported either within or between years. This study highlights the significance of geographic regions for eastern Canada, the United States Great Lakes, the United States Great Plains, and Prairie Canada populations, and demonstrates relatively high winter site fidelity. This information will help focus conservation efforts for specific breeding populations during the winter. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Study ofChenopodium incanum has revealed considerable variability in what has been viewed previously as a uniform species. Variation is correlated with geographic distribution, and thus two new varieties are described. Varietyeatum Crawford occurs in western Texas, southern New Mexico and southern Arizona, whereas var.occidentale Crawford is restricted to the Great Basin and Mohave Desert. The var.incanum grows primarily on the western Great Plains and eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Morphological features serving to distinguish the varieties are presented and discussed. Also considered are the characters that allow the separation ofC. incanum andC. fremontii.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(98):305-308

A reexamination of Roper’s (1976) trend-surface analysis of Central Plains radiocarbon dates indicates that 1) a nonlinear trend in the data was not recognized, and 2) the dates of the trend-surface contours given in her map of the Central Plains are in error. A revised trend-surface model is presented which better describes the site data and more closely agrees with the Central Plains cultural sequence.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(75):13-22

The approximate prehistoric territorial limits of an Archaic belief system in the lower Pecos area of Texas is hypothesized on the basis of the geographic distribution of a distinctive pictograph style. It is proposed that these rock art localities functioned as ritual sites for a group of Archaic bands who shared a common ideology.  相似文献   

Wickiup Cave     
《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(70):297-305

Wickiup Cave, site 24BE601, is located in the Tendoy Mountains of southwestern Montana. The site consists of a log, brush, and rock wickiup built in a huge limestone cave. The wickiupand numerous artifacts found in the cave are attributed to historic Tukudika Shoshone occupation.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(32):100-116

This report is a follow up of the 1961 Kehoe-McCorquodale presentation in the Plains Anthrdpqlogist of the Avonlea point as a horizon marker for the Late Prehistoric Periood in the Northwestern Plains, Montana Avonlea data are discussed, compared and combined with Canadian data to develop an expanded picture of regional Avonlea “culture”. A critique of the kehoe-McCorquodale generalizations reinforces essential hypothesis and further clarifies Avonlea spatial and temporal parameters.  相似文献   

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