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The ‘gardening coral reefs’ method is part of the approaches proposed for counteracting the substantial impacts of global climate change on the survival of coral reefs. It incorporates ecosystem engineering strategies for coral nursery farming and coral colonies out-planting. This study explores the reproductive output of three sets of nursery-grown Stylophora pistillata colonies along eight reproductive seasons following transplantation, as compared to that of native corals. When native and transplanted corals grew side by side in a disturbed environment, the nursery-grown transplants showed enhanced larval release (2.6–22.5 times more planulae/colony; multiyear average: 11.6±1.8 planulae/transplant vs. 1.5±0.3 planulae/native colony) with higher percentages of gravid colonies (91±2.1% transplants vs. 34±7.6% native colonies). The inherently enhanced larval production of transplants, maintained for such a long period of time post-transplantation, reveals a possible enduring impact of the nursery conditions on future fitness and ecological traits of transplants. This is further supported by the emerging documentation regarding the enhanced growth of corals under nursery conditions, which continues to be detected even years after transplantation was conducted on the natural reef. The above enhancement of coral reproduction can be harnessed as a human intervention tool for countering global climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Genetic quality of individuals impacts population dynamics   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Ample evidence exists that an increase in the inbreeding level of a population reduces the value of fitness components such as fecundity and survival. It does not follow, however, that these decreases in the components of fitness impact population dynamics in a way that increases extinction risk, because virtually all species produce far more offspring than can actually survive. We analyzed the effects of the genetic quality (mean fitness) of individuals on the population growth rate of seven natural populations in each of two species of wolf spider in the genus Rabidosa , statistically controlling for environmental factors. We show that populations of different sizes, and different inbreeding levels, differ in population dynamics for both species. Differences in population growth rates are especially pronounced during stressful environmental conditions (low food availability) and the stressful environment affects smaller populations (<500 individuals) disproportionately. Thus, even in an invertebrate with an extremely high potential growth rate and strong density-dependent mortality rates, genetic factors contribute directly to population dynamics and, therefore, to extinction risk. This is only the second study to demonstrate an impact of the genetic quality of individual genotypes on population dynamics in a wild population and the first to document strong inbreeding–environment interactions for fitness among populations. Endangered species typically exist at sizes of a few hundred individuals and human activities degrade habitats making them innately more stressful (e.g. global climate change). Therefore, the interaction between genetic factors and environmental stress has important implications for efforts aimed at conserving the Earth's biodiversity.  相似文献   



Reef-building corals live in symbiosis with a diverse range of dinoflagellate algae (genus Symbiodinium) that differentially influence the fitness of the coral holobiont. The comparative role of symbiont type in holobiont fitness in relation to host genotype or the environment, however, is largely unknown. We addressed this knowledge gap by manipulating host-symbiont combinations and comparing growth, survival and thermal tolerance among the resultant holobionts in different environments.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Offspring of the coral, Acropora millepora, from two thermally contrasting locations, were experimentally infected with one of six Symbiodinium types, which spanned three phylogenetic clades (A, C and D), and then outplanted to the two parental field locations (central and southern inshore Great Barrier Reef, Australia). Growth and survival of juvenile corals were monitored for 31–35 weeks, after which their thermo-tolerance was experimentally assessed. Our results showed that: (1) Symbiodinium type was the most important predictor of holobiont fitness, as measured by growth, survival, and thermo-tolerance; (2) growth and survival, but not heat-tolerance, were also affected by local environmental conditions; and (3) host population had little to no effect on holobiont fitness. Furthermore, coral-algal associations were established with symbiont types belonging to clades A, C and D, but three out of four symbiont types belonging to clade C failed to establish a symbiosis. Associations with clade A had the lowest fitness and were unstable in the field. Lastly, Symbiodinium types C1 and D were found to be relatively thermo-tolerant, with type D conferring the highest tolerance in A. millepora.


These results highlight the complex interactions that occur between the coral host, the algal symbiont, and the environment to shape the fitness of the coral holobiont. An improved understanding of the factors affecting coral holobiont fitness will assist in predicting the responses of corals to global climate change.  相似文献   

A basic premise of conservation geneticists is that low levels of genetic variation are associated with fitness costs in terms of reduced survival and fecundity. These fitness costs may frequently vary with environmental factors and should increase under more stressful conditions. However, there is no consensus on how fitness costs associated with low genetic variation change under natural conditions in relation to the stressfulness of the environment. On the Swedish west coast, natterjack toad Bufo calamita populations show a strong population genetic structure and large variation in the amount of within-population genetic variation. We experimentally examined the survival of natterjack larvae from six populations with different genetic variation in three thermal environments corresponding to (a) the mean temperature of natural ponds (stable, laboratory), (b) a high temperature environment occurring in desiccating ponds (stable, laboratory) and (c) an outdoor treatment mimicking the natural, variable thermal conditions (fluctuating, semi-natural). We found that larvae in the outdoor treatment had poorer survival than larvae in the stable environments suggesting that the outdoor treatment was more stressful. Overall, populations with higher genetic variation had higher larval survival. However, a significant interaction between treatments and genetic variation indicated that fitness costs associated with low genetic variation were less severe in the outdoor treatment. Thus, we found no support for the hypothesis that fitness costs associated with low genetic variation increase under more stressful conditions. Our results suggest that natural thermal stress may mask fitness losses associated with low genetic variation in these populations.  相似文献   

Little is known about the potential for acclimatization or adaptation of corals to ocean acidification and even less about the molecular mechanisms underpinning these processes. Here, we examine global gene expression patterns in corals and their intracellular algal symbionts from two replicate population pairs in Papua New Guinea that have undergone long‐term acclimatization to natural variation in pCO2. In the coral host, only 61 genes were differentially expressed in response to pCO2 environment, but the pattern of change was highly consistent between replicate populations, likely reflecting the core expression homeostasis response to ocean acidification. Functional annotations highlight lipid metabolism and a change in the stress response capacity of corals as key parts of this process. Specifically, constitutive downregulation of molecular chaperones was observed, which may impact response to combined climate change‐related stressors. Elevated CO2 has been hypothesized to benefit photosynthetic organisms but expression changes of in hospite Symbiodinium in response to acidification were greater and less consistent among reef populations. This population‐specific response suggests hosts may need to adapt not only to an acidified environment, but also to changes in their Symbiodinium populations that may not be consistent among environments, adding another challenging dimension to the physiological process of coping with climate change.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that corals can acclimatize or adapt to local stress factors through differential regulation of their gene expression. Profiling gene expression in corals from diverse environments can elucidate the physiological processes that may be responsible for maximizing coral fitness in their natural habitat and lead to a better understanding of the coral's capacity to survive the effects of global climate change. In an accompanying paper, we show that Porites astreoides from thermally different reef habitats exhibit distinct physiological responses when exposed to 6 weeks of chronic temperature stress in a common garden experiment. Here, we describe expression profiles obtained from the same corals for a panel of 9 previously reported and 10 novel candidate stress response genes identified in a pilot RNA‐Seq experiment. The strongest expression change was observed in a novel candidate gene potentially involved in calcification, SLC26, a member of the solute carrier family 26 anion exchangers, which was down‐regulated by 92‐fold in bleached corals relative to controls. The most notable signature of divergence between coral populations was constitutive up‐regulation of metabolic genes in corals from the warmer inshore location, including the gluconeogenesis enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and the lipid beta‐oxidation enzyme acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase. Our observations highlight several molecular pathways that were not previously implicated in the coral stress response and suggest that host management of energy budgets might play an adaptive role in holobiont thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Organisms are projected to face unprecedented rates of change in future ocean conditions due to anthropogenic climate‐change. At present, marine life encounters a wide range of environmental heterogeneity from natural fluctuations to mean climate change. Manipulation studies suggest that biota from more variable marine environments have more phenotypic plasticity to tolerate environmental heterogeneity. Here, we consider current strategies employed by a range of representative organisms across various habitats – from short‐lived phytoplankton to long‐lived corals – in response to environmental heterogeneity. We then discuss how, if and when organismal responses (acclimate/migrate/adapt) may be altered by shifts in the magnitude of the mean climate‐change signal relative to that for natural fluctuations projected for coming decades. The findings from both novel climate‐change modelling simulations and prior biological manipulation studies, in which natural fluctuations are superimposed on those of mean change, provide valuable insights into organismal responses to environmental heterogeneity. Manipulations reveal that different experimental outcomes are evident between climate‐change treatments which include natural fluctuations vs. those which do not. Modelling simulations project that the magnitude of climate variability, along with mean climate change, will increase in coming decades, and hence environmental heterogeneity will increase, illustrating the need for more realistic biological manipulation experiments that include natural fluctuations. However, simulations also strongly suggest that the timescales over which the mean climate‐change signature will become dominant, relative to natural fluctuations, will vary for individual properties, being most rapid for CO2 (~10 years from present day) to 4 decades for nutrients. We conclude that the strategies used by biota to respond to shifts in environmental heterogeneity may be complex, as they will have to physiologically straddle wide‐ranging timescales in the alteration of ocean conditions, including the need to adapt to rapidly rising CO2 and also acclimate to environmental heterogeneity in more slowly changing properties such as warming.  相似文献   

Global climate change and associated regional climate variability is impacting the phenology of many species, ultimately altering individual fitness and population dynamics. Yet, few studies have considered the effects of pertinent seasonal climate variability on phenology and fitness. Hibernators may be particularly susceptible to changes in seasonal climate since they have a relatively short active season in which to reproduce and gain enough mass to survive the following winter. To understand whether and how seasonal climate variability may be affecting hibernator fitness, we estimated survival from historical (1964–1968) and contemporary (2014–2017) mark–recapture data collected from the same population of Uinta ground squirrels (UGS, Urocitellus armatus), a hibernator endemic to the western United States. Despite a locally warming climate, the phenology of UGS did not change over time, yet season‐specific climate variables were important in regulating survival rates. Specifically, older age classes experienced lower survival when winters or the following springs were warm, while juveniles benefited from warmer winter temperatures. Although metabolic costs decrease with decreasing temperature in the hibernacula, arousal costs increase with decreasing temperature. Our results suggest that this trade‐off is experienced differently by immature and mature individuals. We also observed an increase in population density during that time period, suggesting resources are less limited today than they used to be. Cheatgrass is now dominating the study site and may provide a better food source to UGS than native plants did historically.  相似文献   

Inbreeding–environment interactions occur when inbreeding leads to differential fitness loss in different environments. Inbred individuals are often more sensitive to environmental stress than are outbred individuals, presumably because stress increases the expression of deleterious recessive alleles or cellular safeguards against stress are pushed beyond the organism's physiological limits. We examined inbreeding–environment interactions, along two environmental axes (temperature and rearing host) that differ in the amount of developmental stress they impose, in the seed‐feeding beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. We found that inbreeding depression (inbreeding load, L) increased with the stressfulness of the environment, with the magnitude of stress explaining as much as 66% of the variation in inbreeding depression. This relationship between L and developmental stress was not explainable by an increase in phenotypic variation in more stressful environments. To examine the generality of this experimental result, we conducted a meta‐analysis of the available data from published studies looking at stress and inbreeding depression. The meta‐analysis confirmed that the effect of the environment on inbreeding depression scales linearly with the magnitude of stress; a population suffers one additional lethal equivalent, on average, for each 30% reduction in fitness induced by the stressful environment. Studies using less‐stressful environments may lack statistical power to detect the small changes in inbreeding depression. That the magnitude of inbreeding depression scales with the magnitude of the stress applied has numerous repercussions for evolutionary and conservation genetics and may invigorate research aimed at finding the causal mechanism involved in such a relationship.  相似文献   

Climate change threatens organisms in a variety of interactive ways that requires simultaneous adaptation of multiple traits. Predicting evolutionary responses requires an understanding of the potential for interactions among stressors and the genetic variance and covariance among fitness‐related traits that may reinforce or constrain an adaptive response. Here we investigate the capacity of Acropora millepora, a reef‐building coral, to adapt to multiple environmental stressors: rising sea surface temperature, ocean acidification, and increased prevalence of infectious diseases. We measured growth rates (weight gain), coral color (a proxy for Symbiodiniaceae density), and survival, in addition to nine physiological indicators of coral and algal health in 40 coral genets exposed to each of these three stressors singly and combined. Individual stressors resulted in predicted responses (e.g., corals developed lesions after bacterial challenge and bleached under thermal stress). However, corals did not suffer substantially more when all three stressors were combined. Nor were trade‐offs observed between tolerances to different stressors; instead, individuals performing well under one stressor also tended to perform well under every other stressor. An analysis of genetic correlations between traits revealed positive covariances, suggesting that selection to multiple stressors will reinforce rather than constrain the simultaneous evolution of traits related to holobiont health (e.g., weight gain and algal density). These findings support the potential for rapid coral adaptation under climate change and emphasize the importance of accounting for corals’ adaptive capacity when predicting the future of coral reefs.  相似文献   

The degree to which coral reef ecosystems will be impacted by global climate change depends on regional and local differences in corals’ susceptibility and resilience to environmental stressors. Here, we present data from a reciprocal transplant experiment using the common reef building coral Porites lobata between a highly fluctuating back reef environment that reaches stressful daily extremes, and a more stable, neighbouring forereef. Protein biomarker analyses assessing physiological contributions to stress resistance showed evidence for both fixed and environmental influence on biomarker response. Fixed influences were strongest for ubiquitin‐conjugated proteins with consistently higher levels found in back reef source colonies both pre and post‐transplant when compared with their forereef conspecifics. Additionally, genetic comparisons of back reef and forereef populations revealed significant population structure of both the nuclear ribosomal and mitochondrial genomes of the coral host (FST = 0.146 P < 0.0001, FST = 0.335 P < 0.0001 for rDNA and mtDNA, respectively), whereas algal endosymbiont populations were genetically indistinguishable between the two sites. We propose that the genotype of the coral host may drive limitations to the physiological responses of these corals when faced with new environmental conditions. This result is important in understanding genotypic and environmental interactions in the coral algal symbiosis and how corals may respond to future environmental changes.  相似文献   

Biological diversity is threatened by exploitation, fragmentation of natural habitats, pollution, climate change, and anthropogenic spread of species. The question of how among‐individual variation influences the performance of populations and species is a poorly explored but currently growing field of research. Here, we review 31 experimental and 14 comparative studies and first investigate whether there is empirical support for the propositions that higher levels of among‐individual phenotypic and genetic variation promote the ecological and evolutionary success of populations and species in the face of environmental change. Next, we examine whether and how the effect of diversity depends on environmental conditions. Finally, we explore whether the relationship linking population fitness to diversity is typically linear, asymptotic, or whether the benefits peak at intermediate diversity. The reviewed studies provide strong, almost invariable, evidence that more variable populations are less vulnerable to environmental changes, show decreased fluctuations in population size, have superior establishment success, larger distribution ranges, and are less extinction prone, compared with less variable populations or species. Given the overwhelming evidence that variation promotes population performance, it is important to identify conditions when increased variation does not have the theoretically expected effect, a question of considerable importance in biodiversity management, where there are many other practical constraints. We find that experimental outcomes generally support the notion that genetic and phenotypic variation is of greater importance under more stressful than under benign conditions. Finally, population performance increased linearly with increasing diversity in the majority (10 of 12) of manipulation studies that included four or more diversity levels; only two experiments detected curvilinear relationships.  相似文献   

Edge populations are frequently small and subject to stressful conditions that may compromise their long‐term viability. Inbreeding can play an important role in small populations by reducing genetic diversity, leading to the fixation of deleterious mutations and, finally, carrying populations to an extinction vortex through inbreeding depression. Although stressful conditions may enhance the intensity of inbreeding depression, evidence to date is inconclusive in marginal habitats. Local adaptation, promoting native genotypes, and gene flow, reducing allele fixation, are two factors that can have different effects on the intensity of inbreeding depression. Three populations of Silene ciliata distributed across an elevation gradient at the southernmost edge of the species distribution were used for this study. Several fitness components – germination, survival and growth rate – were compared between inbred seedlings and seedlings from within‐ and between‐population outcrosses, both in the field and controlled conditions. Overall, inbred seedlings had lower fitness than outcrossed seedlings. For most of the variables analysed, similar inbreeding depression effects were found in all three populations, but, for seed weight and seedling survival curve, inbreeding depression was only found in the low altitude population. Similarly, inbreeding depression was more evident in the field than in controlled chamber conditions. Outcrosses between populations contributed to an increase in most fitness estimates and populations, suggesting that the benefits of reducing inbreeding depression overrode the potentially deleterious effects of disrupting local adaptation. Our results suggest that inbreeding depression plays an important role in the fitness of early life stages of Silene ciliata at its southernmost distribution limit, but only provided partial support to the hypothesis that stressful conditions enhance the expression of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of populations to undergo adaptive evolution depends on the presence of genetic variation for ecologically important traits. The maintenance of genetic variation may be influenced by many variables, particularly long-term effective population size and the strength and form of selection. The roles of these factors are controversial and there is very little information on their impacts for quantitative characters. The aims of this study were to determine the impacts of population size and variable versus constant prior environmental conditions on fitness and the magnitude of response to selection. Outbred and inbred populations of Drosophila melanogaster were maintained under benign, constant stressful, and variably stressful conditions for seven generations, and then forced to adapt to a novel stress for seven generations. Fitness and adaptability were assayed in each replicate population. Our findings are that: (1) populations inbred in a variable environment were more adaptable than those inbred in a constant environment; (2) populations adapted to a prior stressful environment had greater fitness when reared in a novel stress than those less adapted to stress; (3) inbred populations had lower fitness and were less adaptable than the outbred population they were derived from; and (4) strong lineage effects were detectable across environments in the inbred populations.  相似文献   

The allocation of resources to different life‐history traits should represent the best compromise in fitness investment for organisms in their local environment. When resources are limiting, the investment in a specific trait must carry a cost that is expressed in trade‐offs with other traits. In this study, the relative investment in the fitness‐related traits, growth, reproduction and defence were compared at central and range‐edge locations, using the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum as a model system. Individual growth rates were similar at both sites, whereas edge populations showed a higher relative investment in reproduction (demonstrated by a higher reproductive allocation and extended reproductive periods) when compared to central populations that invested more in defence. These results show the capability of A. nodosum to differentially allocate resources for different traits under different habitat conditions, suggesting that reproduction and defence have different fitness values under the specific living conditions experienced at edge and central locations. However, ongoing climate change may threaten edge populations by increasing the selective pressure on specific traits, forcing these populations to lower the investment in other traits that are also potentially important for population fitness.  相似文献   

Climate change is likely to result in novel conditions with no analogy to current climate. Therefore, the application of species distribution models (SDMs) based on the correlation between observed species’ occurrence and their environment is questionable and calls for a better understanding of the traits that determine species occurrence. Here, we compared two intraspecific, trait‐based SDMs with occurrence‐based SDMs, all developed from European data, and analyzed their transferability to the native range of Douglas‐fir in North America. With data from 50 provenance trials of Douglas‐fir in central Europe multivariate universal response functions (URFs) were developed for two functional traits (dominant tree height and basal area) which are good indicators of growth and vitality under given environmental conditions. These trials included 290 North American provenances of Douglas‐fir. The URFs combine genetic effects i.e. the climate of provenance origin and environmental effects, i.e. the climate of planting locations into an integrated model to predict the respective functional trait from climate data. The URFs were applied as SDMs (URF‐SDMs) by converting growth performances into occurrence. For comparison, an ensemble occurrence‐based SDM was developed and block cross validated with the BIOMOD2 modeling platform utilizing the observed occurrence of Douglas‐fir in Europe. The two trait based SDMs and the occurrence‐based SDM, all calibrated with data from Europe, were applied to predict the known distribution of Douglas‐fir in its introduced and native range in Europe and North America. Both models performed well within their calibration range in Europe, but model transfer to its native range in North America was superior in case of the URF‐SDMs showing similar predictive power as SDMs developed in North America itself. The high transferability of the URF‐SDMs is a testimony of their applicability under novel climatic conditions highlighting the role of intraspecific trait variation for adaptation planning in climate change.  相似文献   

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