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Juvenile survival is an important demographic parameter. Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome have undergone a dramatic population decline in the past century across their distribution, but the demographic processes are poorly understood. To estimate juvenile annual survival probabilities, Rockhopper Penguin chicks from two cohorts on New Island, Falkland Islands, were marked with transponders and recorded in subsequent years using an automated gateway. We first estimated annual survival and detection probabilities using a Cormack‐Jolly‐Seber (CJS) model, and found that both probabilities were extremely high (81% in the first and 98% in the second, third and fourth years of life), even in comparison with adult birds. Because detection probability after 3 years was effectively 1, and our sample size (n = 114) was too small to explore the effects of individual traits on survival in a CJS model, we assessed whether sex, cohort, body mass and laying sequence affected whether juveniles returned to the colony during their first 3 years of life using a simple generalized linear model that assumed perfect detection. Juveniles from the first cohort and males showed a higher return probability than juveniles from the second cohort and females. There was no clear effect of fledging body mass on return rate, probably related to the favourable environmental conditions during the study period. The laying sequence did not markedly affect the return probability of chicks, indicating that, once fledged, first‐laid A‐chicks have the same probability to return as second‐laid B‐chicks despite a much larger initial maternal investment in B‐eggs in this species. This study demonstrates extraordinarily high juvenile survival probabilities and will help to understand the recent changes in the population dynamics of the Falkland Islands Southern Rockhopper Penguins.  相似文献   

Regional populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) around New Zealand are genetically isolated from each other and the species was recently classified as nationally endangered based on relatively small population sizes and reports of high calf mortality. Here, we estimate the abundance and trends in one of these regional populations, the Bay of Islands, using a photo‐identification database collected from 1997 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2006, containing a total of 3,841 records of 317 individual dolphins. Estimates of abundance obtained with the robust design fluctuated widely but showed a significant decline in the number of dolphins present in the bay over time (7.5% annual rate of decline). Temporary emigration was random and fluctuated considerably (γ  =  0.18, SE = 0.07 to γ  =  0.84, SE = 0.06). Apparent survival was estimated at 0.928 (CI = 0.911–0.942). Seasonal estimates (26 seasons) obtained in POPAN also showed a significant decline in abundance (5.8% annual rate of decline). Despite the decline observed in local abundance, dolphins continue to be found regularly in the Bay of Islands, suggesting that fewer dolphins use the bay on regular basis. Consequently, it seems that a change in habitat use, mortality and possibly low recruitment could underlie the apparent local decline.  相似文献   

Eugregarines are understudied apicomplexan parasites of invertebrates inhabiting marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Most currently known terrestrial eugregarines have been described parasitizing the gut from less than 1% of total insect diversity, with a high likelihood that the remaining insect species are infected. Eugregarine diversity in orthopterans (grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, and crickets) is still little known. We carried out a survey of the eugregarines parasitizing the Mexican lubber grasshopper, Taeniopoda centurio, an endemic species to the northwest of Mexico. We described two new eugregarine species from the gut of the host: Amoebogregarina taeniopoda n. sp. and Quadruspinospora mexicana n. sp. Both species are morphologically dissimilar in their life‐cycle stages. Our SSU rDNA phylogenetic analysis showed that both species are phylogenetically distant to each other, even though they parasitize the same host. Amoebogregarina taeniopoda n. sp. clustered within the clade Gregarinoidea, being closely related to Amoebogregarina nigra from the grasshopper Melanoplus differentialis. Quadruspinospora mexicana n. sp. clustered within the clade Actinocephaloidea and grouped with Prismatospora evansi, a parasite from dragonfly naiads. Amoebogregarina taeniopoda n. sp. and Q. mexicana n. sp. represent the first record of eugregarines found to infect a species of the family Romaleidae.  相似文献   

The microdistribution of Littorina scutulata and L. sitkana on the rocky shores of Vancouver Island can be related to their feeding characteristics. Their gut contents, studied with light and fluorescence microscopy, showed that both species are opportunistic herbivores. However, L. scutulata can feed on the sparse epi- and endolithic microflora of the supralittoral zone, while L. sitkana is confined to special microenvironments, with abundant epilithic growth.  相似文献   

We performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial COI gene (687 bp) and the nuclear 28S rRNA gene (715 bp) and reconstructed phylogenetic trees of the Pyrocoelia fireflies in the Ryukyu Islands and eastern Asia. Age calibration was done using a robust geological constraint: the Okinawa trough and associated straits began to rift at 1.55 Ma, isolating the Ryukyu Islands from the Chinese continent, Japanese islands, Taiwan island and some of the islands from each other. We suggest that the physical isolation of these islands began to generate the allopatric speciation within these islands, so the timing of this isolation was assigned to an appropriate node. The topology is completely concordant among phylogenetic trees reconstructed using MEGA (maximum‐likelihood), raxmlGUI (maximum‐likelihood) and BEAST (Bayesian inference; including combined analysis of COI and 28S rRNA genes). Two lineages are recognized, related to their emergence time; spring to summer, and autumn. In each lineage, vicariance is inferred to have begun at 1.55 Ma from our phylogenetic and geological analyses. In lineage 1, P. oshimana (Amami), P. matsumurai (Okinawa), P. discicollis (W. Japan), P. fumosa (E. Japan) and P. abdominalis (Yaeyama) were differentiated. In lineage 2, P. rufa (Tsushima and Korea), P. miyako (Miyako‐jima), P. atripennis (Ishigaki‐jima) and P. praetexta (Taiwan and HongKong) were differentiated. Pyrocoelia analis (Taiwan and China) emerges throughout the year except for winter, and constitutes another lineage. We suggest that Pyrocoelia fireflies differentiated at 2 Ma to generate these three lineages. The base substitution rate for the COI gene is estimated as 4.48% Myr–1 and that for the 28S rRNA gene is 0.394%  Myr–1, and these rates were used in a combined BEAty analysis in BEAST.  相似文献   

For the first time, morpho‐anatomical characters that were congruent with DNA sequence data were used to characterize several genera in Hapalidiaceae—the major eco‐engineers of Subarctic carbonate ecosystems. DNA sequencing of three genes (SSU, rbcL, ribulose‐1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit gene and psbA, photosystem II D1 protein gene), along with patterns of cell division, cell elongation, and calcification supported a monophyletic Clathromorphum. Two characters were diagnostic for this genus: (i) cell division, elongation, and primary calcification occurred only in intercalary meristematic cells and in a narrow vertical band (1–2 μm wide) resulting in a “meristem split” and (ii) a secondary calcification of interfilament crystals was also produced. Neopolyporolithon was resurrected for N. reclinatum, the generitype, and Clathromorphum loculosum was transferred to this genus. Like Clathromorphum, cell division, elongation, and calcification occurred only in intercalary meristematic cells, but in a wider vertical band (over 10–20 μm), and a “meristem split” was absent. Callilithophytum gen. nov. was proposed to accommodate Clathromorphum parcum, the obligate epiphyte of the northeast Pacific endemic geniculate coralline, Calliarthron. Diagnostic for this genus were epithallial cells terminating all cell filaments (no dorsi‐ventrality was present), and a distinct “foot” was embedded in the host. Leptophytum, based on its generitype, L. laeve, was shown to be a distinct genus more closely related to Clathromorphum than to Phymatolithon. All names of treated species were applied unequivocally by linking partial rbcL sequences from holotype, isotype, or epitype specimens with field‐collected material. Variation in rbcL and psbA sequences suggested that multiple species may be passing under each currently recognized species of Clathromorphum and Neopolyporolithon.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates for the first time the presence of marine‐associated mites in the Andaman Sea and Strait of Malacca and reveals a relatively high diversity of these taxa with six species from two different families: Selenoribatidae and Fortuyniidae. Indopacifica, a new genus of Selenoribatidae, is described from Thailand and Malaysia, with two new species, Indopacifica pantai n. sp. and Indopacifica parva n. sp. The genus is characterized by the unique combination of following characters: lacking lamellar ridges, incomplete dorsosejugal suture, fourteen pairs of notogastral setae, and presence of epimeral foveae. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on 18S ribosomal RNA sequences clearly confirms the distinctness of the new genus Indopacifica and places it close to the genus Rhizophobates. The lack of molecular genetic data of possible relatives impedes a clear assessment, and hence, we emphasize the need for further combined approaches using morphological and molecular genetic sequence data. All species show wide distribution areas within this geographic region suggesting that these taxa are good dispersers despite their minute size and wingless body. Molecular genetic data demonstrate recent gene flow between far distant populations of I. pantai n. sp. from the coasts of Thailand and two islands of Malaysia and hence confirm this assumption. The seasonally changing surface currents within this geographic area may favor hydrochorous dispersal and hence genetic exchange. Nevertheless, morphometric data show a slight trend to morphological divergence among the studied populations, whereas this variation is suggested to be a result of genetic drift but also of habitat differences in one population of Alismobates pseudoreticulatus.  相似文献   

We have investigated the chemical composition and the antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (Chenopodiaceae) (DA‐EO) against a representative panel of cariogenic bacteria. We have also assessed the in vitro schistosomicidal effects of DA‐EO on Schistosoma mansoni and its cytotoxicity to GM07492‐A cells in vitro. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC/MS) revealed that the monoterpenes cis‐piperitone oxide (35.2%), p‐cymene (14.5%), isoascaridole (14.1%), and α‐terpinene (11.6%) were identified by as the major constituents of DA‐EO. DA‐EO displayed weak activity against Streptococcus sobrinus and Enterococcus faecalis (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 1000 μg/ml). On the other hand, DA‐EO at 25 and 12.5 μg/ml presented remarkable schistosomicidal action in vitro and killed 100% of adult worm pairs within 24 and 72 h, respectively. The LC50 values of DA‐EO were 6.50 ± 0.38, 3.66 ± 1.06, and 3.65 ± 0.76 μg/ml at 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. However, DA‐EO at concentrations higher than 312.5 μg/ml significantly reduced the viability of GM07492‐A cells (IC50 = 207.1 ± 4.4 μg/ml). The selectivity index showed that DA‐EO was 31.8 times more toxic to the adult S. mansoni worms than GM07492‐A cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate the promising schistosomicidal potential of the essential oil of Dysphania ambrosioides.  相似文献   

The genus Phoxinus is comprised of at least 15 currently recognized species inhabiting Eurasia. Morphological traits have been traditionally used to delineate species in Phoxinus; however, the high level of phenotypic plasticity observed in the genus has confounded this process. Molecular genetic analyses have revealed a higher than expected genetic structure within Phoxinus. Here, we analyzed both nuclear and mitochondrial molecular genetic markers to infer the phylogeography and divergence times of Phoxinus in the Iberian Peninsula. Our results show that the Iberian lineages of Phoxinus were polyphyletic. They also support the co‐existence of three species in the Iberian Peninsula, two corresponding to two previously recognized species (Phoxinus bigerri and Phoxinus septimaniae) and a third undescribed species (Phoxinus sp.). Phoxinus bigerri is structured into western Cantabrian, eastern Cantabrian, and Artibai basins. We hypothesize that this structure is a consequence of glaciation–deglaciation cycles during the Pleistocene. While the presence of P. septimaniae in the Iberian Peninsula is possibly the result of human translocation, that of Phoxinus sp. in lower Ebro rivers may be attributed to past fluvial captures. Our study represents the first report to show a relationship among Phoxinus populations from central Pyrenean rivers of Spain and France. Furthermore, we found genetic hybridization between Phoxinus sp. and P. septimaniae in the shared localities, a likely consequence of anthropogenic activities. Overall, our findings provide insight into the genetic structure of Iberian Phoxinus populations, including the presence of an undescribed species and the putative introduction of some species that may have implications for conservation.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) are presented for three hill stream fish species belonging to the family Cyprinidae namely, Barilius barila (Hamilton, 1822), Opsarius tileo (Hamilton, 1822) and Cyprinion semiplotum (McClelland, 1839). Fishes were collected on a monthly basis from January 2016 to December 2017 with the help of cast net (270 cm length, 1.2 cm mesh size) and gillnet (7,500 cm length × 130 cm depth, 5 cm mesh size) from the Manas river in Assam, India.. A new length record for the FishBase LWR database was observed in B. barila.   相似文献   

Narwhal and beluga whales are important species to Arctic ecosystems, including subsistence hunting by Inuit, and little is understood about their mating ecology. Reproductive tract metrics vary across species in relation to mating strategy, and have been used to infer mating ecology. Reproductive tracts from beluga and narwhal were collected between 1997 and 2008 from five beluga stocks and two narwhal stocks across the Canadian Arctic. Tract length for males and females, relative testes mass for males, and tusk length for male narwhal were measured. We assessed variation relative to species, body size, stock, maturity, and season. Significant variation was found in testes mass across month and stock for beluga, and no significant difference between stock or date of harvest for narwhal. Beluga had significantly larger testes relative to body size than narwhal, suggesting they were more promiscuous than narwhal. A significant relationship was found between narwhal tusk length and testes mass, indicating the tusk may be important in female mate choice. No significant differences were found between narwhal and beluga reproductive tract length for males or females. The mating systems suggested for narwhal and belugas by our results mean the two species may respond differently to climate change.  相似文献   

Positive effects of individual heterozygosity on naturally selected traits have been reported in wild populations of many animal taxa. The aim of this study was to test whether heterozygosity predicts the quality of acquired nest sites and productivity in a colonially breeding waterbird, the whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida). For this purpose, 40 adult terns from a small, recently established population in Central Poland were typed at eight microsatellite loci. We demonstrate that individual heterozygosity is positively related to hatching success. We hypothesize that this association could be mediated by direct effects of heterozygosity on the competitive abilities of individuals. We found that more heterozygous terns tended to breed in better protected central parts of the colony, suggesting that they had capabilities of outcompeting less heterozygous individuals and relegating them to the less attractive peripheries of the colony. It was also demonstrated that the link between heterozygosity and individual abilities to acquire more attractive nest site could be mediated by the larger size of heterozygous individuals. Although no correlations between heterozygosity and different components of condition were found, there was a positive association between female heterozygosity and both clutch size and egg size. We suggest that demonstrated heterozygosity‐fitness correlations could be primarily caused by inbreeding depression in the studied whiskered tern population.  相似文献   

A study of nematodes associated with the large larch bark beetle Ips cembrae (Heer 1836) was carried out at three locations in the Czech Republic. The proportion of beetles infested by endoparasitic nematodes (representatives of genera Contortylenchus, Parasitylenchus, Cryptaphelenchus and Parasitorhabditis) ranged from 29.9 to 50.9%. Significant differences were determined in nematode infestation levels among locations, generations and sampling methods. No differences were found in infestation rates between males and females. The percentage of bark beetles with phoretic nematodes ranged from 18 to 42.9%. Phoretic nematodes directly found under elytra, on wings and between body segments of the bark beetles belong to the genus Micoletzkya. However, adults and juveniles of other two phoretic species Laimaphelenchus penardi and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in the gallery frass of I. cembrae. Infestation by phoretic nematodes positively correlated with the presence of mites under elytra.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the diatom genus Amphora is one of a broad early morphological concept resulting in the inclusion of a diversity of taxa, followed by an extended period of revision and refinement. The introduction of molecular systematics has increased the pace of revision and has largely resolved the relationships between the major lineages, indicating homoplasy in the evolution of amphoroid symmetry. Within the two largest monophyletic lineages, the genus Halamphora and the now taxonomically refined genus Amphora, the intrageneric morphological and ecological relationships have yet to be explored within a phylogenetic framework. Critical among this is whether the range of morphological features exhibited within these diverse genera are reflective of evolutionary groupings or, as with many previously studied amphoroid features, are nonhomologous when examined phylogenetically. Presented here is a four‐marker molecular phylogeny that includes 31 taxa from the genus Amphora and 77 taxa from the genus Halamphora collected from fresh, brackish, and salt waters from coastal and inland habitats of the United States and Japan. These phylogenies illustrate complex patterns in the evolution of frustule morphology and ecology within the genera and the implications of this on the taxonomy, classification, and organization of the genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The pigment composition of Phaeocystis antarctica was monitored under various conditions of light, temperature, salinity, and iron. 19′‐Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex‐fuco) always constituted the major light‐harvesting pigment, with remarkably stable ratios of Hex‐fuco‐to‐chl a under the various environmental conditions. Increased pigment‐to‐chl a ratios at low irradiance confirmed the light‐harvesting function of Fucoxanthin (Fuco), 19′‐Hexanoyloxy‐4‐ketofucoxanthin (Hex‐kfuco), 19′‐butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But‐fuco), and chl c2 and c3. Increased pigment‐to‐chl a ratios at high irradiance, low iron concentrations, and to a lesser extent at high salinity confirmed the photoprotective function of diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, and ß,ß‐carotene. Pigment ratios were not always according to expectations. The consistent increase in But‐fuco/chl at high temperature, high salinity, and low iron suggests a role in photoprotection rather than in light harvesting. Low Hex‐kfuco/chl ratios at high salinity were consistent with a role as light harvester, but the high ratios at high temperature were not, leaving the function of Hex‐kfuco enigmatic. Dedicated experiments were performed to test whether or not the light‐harvesting pigment Fuco could be converted into its structural relative Hex‐fuco, and vice versa, in response to exposure to light shifts. Rapid conversions could not be confirmed, but long‐term conversions cannot be excluded. New pigment ratios are proposed for chemotaxonomic applications. The ratios will improve pigment‐based diagnosis of algal species in waters dominated by P. antarctica.  相似文献   

Simocephalus vetulus is a large (2.0–4.0 mm at maturity) cladoceran often found in the littoral region of lakes and ponds, and capable of moderate growth rates even on poor‐quality cyanobacterial diets. It frequently co‐occurs with fishes and similar sized ostracods such as Heterocypris incongruens, but little is known of its response to fish kairomones or its interactions with potential competitors. We studied the demographic responses of S. vetulus fed the green alga Scenedesmus acutus, Microcystis cf. aeruginosa strain A, Microcystis cf. aeruginosa strain B, or Limnothrix sp. Experiments were conducted separately and together in the presence of Heterocypris incongruens and cichlid fish (Oreochromis) kairomones. A diet of Limnothrix sp. resulted in the lowest population growth rate (0.21±0.023 d?1), while on diets of S. acutus or Microcystis, population growth was higher (0.30±0.009 d?1). The presence of ostracods resulted in significantly higher growth rates of S. vetulus fed Limnothrix (0.33±0.01 d?1), but not Microcystis or S. acutus. Regardless of the diet, the presence of fish kairomones resulted in significantly higher growth rates as compared with controls, particularly when ostracods were also present. Coexistence with ostracods may be beneficial to S. vetulus, particularly when food quality is poor.  相似文献   

Freshwater green microalgae are diverse and widely distributed across the globe, yet the population structuring of these organisms is poorly understood. We assessed the degree of genetic diversity and differentiation of the desmid species, Micrasterias rotata. First, we compared the sequences of four nuclear regions (actin, gapC1, gapC2, and oee1) in 25 strains and selected the gapC1 and actin regions as the most appropriate markers for population structure assessment in this species. Population genetic structure was subsequently analyzed, based on seven populations from the Czech Republic and Ireland. Hudson's Snn statistics indicated that nearest‐neighbor sequences occurred significantly more frequently within geographical populations than within the wider panmictic population. Moreover, Irish populations consistently showed higher genetic diversity than the Czech samples. These results are in accordance with the unbalanced distribution of alleles in many land plant species; however, the large genetic diversity in M. rotata differs from levels of genetic diversity found in most land plants.  相似文献   

Throughout the developing world, urban centres with sprawling slum settlements are rapidly expanding and invading previously forested ecosystems. Slum communities are characterized by untended refuse, open sewers and overgrown vegetation, which promote rodent infestation. Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) are reservoirs for epidemic transmission of many zoonotic pathogens of public health importance. Understanding the population ecology of R. norvegicus is essential to formulate effective rodent control strategies, as this knowledge aids estimation of the temporal stability and spatial connectivity of populations. We screened for genetic variation, characterized the population genetic structure and evaluated the extent and patterns of gene flow in the urban landscape using 17 microsatellite loci in 146 rats from nine sites in the city of Salvador, Brazil. These sites were divided between three neighbourhoods within the city spaced an average of 2.7 km apart. Surprisingly, we detected very little relatedness among animals trapped at the same site and found high levels of genetic diversity, as well as structuring across small geographical distances. Most FST comparisons among sites were statistically significant, including sites <400 m apart. Bayesian analyses grouped the samples in three genetic clusters, each associated with distinct sampling sites from different neighbourhoods or valleys within neighbourhoods. These data indicate the existence of complex genetic structure in R. norvegicus in Salvador, linked to the heterogeneous urban landscape. Future rodent control measures need to take into account the spatial and temporal linkage of rat populations in Salvador, as revealed by genetic data, to develop informed eradication strategies.  相似文献   

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