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To investigate the differences in understorey composition and diversity between old-growth and managed forests, we analyzed an old-growth and a managed beech stand in the same area displaying similar abiotic features. We considered variations in understorey species composition and richness. The sampled understorey species were characterized in terms of functional traits, Ellenberg's indicator values and taxonomic distinctness; next, we calculated four different pairwise plot-to-plot dissimilarity matrices based on species composition, functional traits, Ellenberg's indices and taxonomic distances. We applied a permutational multivariate extension of ANOVA to test whether the forest stands significantly differ in the considered features. Indicator values of all plant species in managed and old-growth stands were evaluated.

The old-growth forest had a higher species richness; permutational analysis of variance showed significant differences between the two stands in plant species composition, functional traits, Ellenberg indices and taxonomic distances. Indicator species analysis highlighted 14 indicator species for the unmanaged stand, while only 3 indicators were found for the managed one.

The results suggest that forest management determines ecological differences that strongly affect plant species composition.

The knowledge of natural stands dynamics could allow development of new approaches and practices in forest management focusing on biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Although the strong relationship between vegetation and climatic factors is widely accepted, other landscape composition and configuration characteristics could be significantly related with vegetation diversity patterns at different scales. Variation partitioning was conducted in order to analyse to what degree forest landscape structure, compared to other spatial and environmental factors, explained forest tree species richness in 278 UTM 10 × 10 km cells in the Mediterranean region of Catalonia (NE Spain). Tree species richness variation was decomposed through linear regression into three groups of explanatory variables: forest landscape (composition and configuration), environmental (topography and climate) and spatial variables. Additionally, the forest landscape characteristics which significantly contributed to explain richness variation were identified through a multiple regression model. About 60% of tree species richness variation was explained by the whole set of variables, while their joint effects explained nearly 28%. Forest landscape variables were those with a greater pure explanatory power for tree species richness (about 15% of total variation), much larger than the pure effect of environmental or spatial variables (about 2% each). Forest canopy cover, forest area and land cover diversity were the most significant composition variables in the regression model. Landscape configuration metrics had a minor effect on forest tree species richness, with the exception of some shape complexity indices, as indicators of land use intensity and edge effects. Our results highlight the importance of considering the forest landscape structure in order to understand the distribution of vegetation diversity in strongly human-modified regions like the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Ellenberg's indicator values (simple ordinal classes of plants with a similar realized ecological niche along a gradient) were tested to describe the changing environment and water resources recharge in the upper plateau of the Jizera Mountains. (Czech Republic). In the 1980s, the acid atmospheric deposition led to the decline and clear-cut of spruce plantations (Picea abies): Junco effusi-Calamagrostietum villosae became a new dominant community there. Ellenberg's indices for light (L), moisture (F), nitrogen (N) and acidity (R) were compared with hydrological parameters of a small catchment (soil water content, evapotranspiration, retention, stream-flow pH and nitrate content) in 1982–2008. Ellenberg's indicators F and L describe well the plant succession related to microclimate and hydrology at clear-cut sites. Also, the indices N and R follow trends in the atmospheric deposition and water quality; however, with lower sensitivity. Ellenberg's indices reflect the observed changes in water phenomena with a lag period of 3–10 years.  相似文献   

Identification of valid indicators of biodiversity is a critical need for sustainable forest management. We developed compositional, structural and functional indicators of biodiversity for five taxonomic groups—bryophytes, vascular plants, spiders, hoverflies and birds—using data from 44 Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) plantation forests in Ireland. The best structural biodiversity indicator was stand stage, defined using a multivariate classification of forest structure variables. However, biodiversity trends over the forest cycle and between tree species differ among the taxonomic groups studied. Canopy cover was the main structural indicator and affected other structural variables such as cover of lower vegetation layers. Other structural indicators included deadwood and distances to forest edge and to broadleaved woodland. Functional indicators included stand age, site environmental characteristics and management practices. Compositional indicators were limited to more easily identifiable plant and bird species. Our results suggest that the biodiversity of any one of the species groups we surveyed cannot act as a surrogate for all of the other species groups. However, certain subgroups, such as forest bryophytes and saproxylic hoverflies, may be able to act as surrogates for each other. The indicators we have identified should be used together to identify stands of potentially high biodiversity or to evaluate the biodiversity effects of silvicultural management practices. They are readily assessed by non-specialists, ecologically meaningful and applicable over a broad area with similar climate conditions and silvicultural systems. The approach we have used to develop biodiversity indicators, including stand structural types, is widely relevant and can enhance sustainable forest management of plantations.  相似文献   

Climate change and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) are important drivers of forest demography. Here we apply previously derived growth and survival responses for 94 tree species, representing >90% of the contiguous US forest basal area, to project how changes in mean annual temperature, precipitation, and N and S deposition from 20 different future scenarios may affect forest composition to 2100. We find that under the low climate change scenario (RCP 4.5), reductions in aboveground tree biomass from higher temperatures are roughly offset by increases in aboveground tree biomass from reductions in N and S deposition. However, under the higher climate change scenario (RCP 8.5) the decreases from climate change overwhelm increases from reductions in N and S deposition. These broad trends underlie wide variation among species. We found averaged across temperature scenarios the relative abundance of 60 species were projected to decrease more than 5% and 20 species were projected to increase more than 5%; and reductions of N and S deposition led to a decrease for 13 species and an increase for 40 species. This suggests large shifts in the composition of US forests in the future. Negative climate effects were mostly from elevated temperature and were not offset by scenarios with wetter conditions. We found that by 2100 an estimated 1 billion trees under the RCP 4.5 scenario and 20 billion trees under the RCP 8.5 scenario may be pushed outside the temperature record upon which these relationships were derived. These results may not fully capture future changes in forest composition as several other factors were not included. Overall efforts to reduce atmospheric deposition of N and S will likely be insufficient to overcome climate change impacts on forest demography across much of the United States unless we adhere to the low climate change scenario.  相似文献   

In the Taita Hills in southern Kenya, remnants of the original Afromontane forest vegetation are restricted to isolated mountain peaks. To assess the level of degradation and the need for forest restoration, we examined how forest plant communities and their indicator species vary between and within remnant patches of cloud forest. We used ordinal abundance data to compare plant communities in eight forest fragments. We also analyzed data on the diversity and abundance of trees in 57 0.1 ha plots to compare tree communities within and between the largest two of these fragments, Ngangao (120 ha) and Mbololo (220 ha). The extant vegetation of the Taita Hills at landscape scale consists of secondary moist montane to intermediate montane forest. There was a high species dissimilarity between fragments (69%). Variation in species composition coincided with an abiotic gradient related to elevation. At plot level, secondary successional species and species of forest edges were most abundant and most frequent. Inferred clusters of plots almost entirely coincided with the two forest fragments. Indicator species associated with forest margins and gaps were more frequent in the smaller of the two forest fragments, while indicators for the larger fragment were more typical for less disturbed moist forest. Abiotic site variability but also different levels of disturbance determine site-specific variants of the montane forest. Conservation efforts should not only focus on maintaining forest quantity (size), but also on forest quality (species composition). Late-successional rainforest species are underrepresented in the woody plant communities of the Taita Hills and assisting restoration of viable populations of cloud forest climax tree species is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Potential changes in tree species richness and forest community types were evaluated for the eastern United States according to five scenarios of future climate change resulting from a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). DISTRIB, an empirical model that uses a regression tree analysis approach, was used to generate suitable habitat, or potential future distributions, of 80 common tree species for each scenario. The model assumes that the vegetation and climate are in equilibrium with no barriers to species migration. Combinations of the individual species model outcomes allowed estimates of species richness (from among the 80 species) and forest type (from simple rules) for each of 2100 counties in the eastern United States. Average species richness across all counties may increase slightly with climatic change. This increase tends to be larger as the average temperature of the climate change scenario increases. Dramatic changes in the distribution of potential forest types were modeled. All five scenarios project the extirpation of the spruce–fir forest types from New England. Outputs from only the two least severe scenarios retain aspen–birch, and they are largely reduced. Maple–beech–birch also shows a large reduction in area under all scenarios. By contrast, oak–hickory and oak–pine types were modeled to increase by 34% and 290%, respectively, averaged over the five scenarios. Although many assumptions are made, these modeled outcomes substantially agree with a limited number of predictions from researchers using paleoecological data or other models. Received 12 May 2000; accepted 20 October 2000.  相似文献   

Changes in soil carbon, the largest terrestrial carbon pool, are critical for the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 levels and climate. Climate warming is predicted to be most pronounced in the northern regions and therefore the large soil carbon pool residing in boreal forests will be subject to larger global warming impact than soil carbon pools in the temperate or the tropical forest. A major uncertainty in current estimates of the terrestrial carbon balance is related to decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). We hypothesized that when soils are exposed to warmer climate the structure of the ground vegetation will change much more rapidly than the dominant tree species. This change will alter the quality and amount of litter input to the soil and induce changes in microbial communities, thus possibly altering the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. We transferred organic surface soil sections from the northern borders of the boreal forest zone to corresponding forest sites in the southern borders of the boreal forest zone and studied the effects of warmer climate after an adaptation period of 2 years. The results showed that initially ground vegetation and soil microbial community structure and community functions were different in northern and southern forest sites and that 2 years of exposure to warmer climate was long enough to cause changes in these ecological indicators. The rate of SOM decomposition was approximately equally sensitive to temperature irrespective of changes in vegetation or microbial communities in the studied forest sites. However, as temperature sensitivity of the decomposition increases with decreasing temperature regime, the proportional increase in the decomposition rate in northern latitudes could lead to significant carbon losses from the soils.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is one of the largest terrestrial biomes and plays a key role for the global carbon balance and climate. The forest floor vegetation has a strong influence on the carbon and nitrogen cycles of the forests and is sensitive to changes in temperature conditions and nutrient availability. Additionally, the effects of climate warming on forest floor vegetation have been suggested to be moderated by the tree layer. Data on the effects of soil warming on forest floor vegetation from the boreal forest are, however, very scarce. We studied the effects on the forest floor vegetation in a long‐term (18 years) soil warming and fertilization experiment in a Norway spruce stand in northern Sweden. During the first 9 years, warming favored early successional species such as grasses and forbs at the expense of dwarf shrubs and bryophytes in unfertilized stands, while the effects were smaller after fertilization. Hence, warming led to significant changes in species composition and an increase in species richness in the open canopy nutrient limited forest. After another 9 years of warming and increasing tree canopy closure, most of the initial effects had ceased, indicating an interaction between forest succession and warming. The only remaining effect of warming was on the abundance of bryophytes, which contrary to the initial phase was strongly favored by warming. We propose that the suggested moderating effects of the tree layer are specific to plant life‐form and conclude that the successional phase of the forest may have a considerable impact on the effects of climate change on forest floor vegetation and its feedback effects on the carbon and nitrogen cycles, and thus on the climate.  相似文献   

Forecasting the growth of tree species to future environmental changes requires a better understanding of its determinants. Tree growth is known to respond to global‐change drivers such as climate change or atmospheric deposition, as well as to local land‐use drivers such as forest management. Yet, large geographical scale studies examining interactive growth responses to multiple global‐change drivers are relatively scarce and rarely consider management effects. Here, we assessed the interactive effects of three global‐change drivers (temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition) on individual tree growth of three study species (Quercus robur/petraea, Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior). We sampled trees along spatial environmental gradients across Europe and accounted for the effects of management for Quercus. We collected increment cores from 267 trees distributed over 151 plots in 19 forest regions and characterized their neighbouring environment to take into account potentially confounding factors such as tree size, competition, soil conditions and elevation. We demonstrate that growth responds interactively to global‐change drivers, with species‐specific sensitivities to the combined factors. Simultaneously high levels of precipitation and deposition benefited Fraxinus, but negatively affected Quercus’ growth, highlighting species‐specific interactive tree growth responses to combined drivers. For Fagus, a stronger growth response to higher temperatures was found when precipitation was also higher, illustrating the potential negative effects of drought stress under warming for this species. Furthermore, we show that past forest management can modulate the effects of changing temperatures on Quercus’ growth; individuals in plots with a coppicing history showed stronger growth responses to higher temperatures. Overall, our findings highlight how tree growth can be interactively determined by global‐change drivers, and how these growth responses might be modulated by past forest management. By showing future growth changes for scenarios of environmental change, we stress the importance of considering multiple drivers, including past management and their interactions, when predicting tree growth.  相似文献   


Cryptogamic diversity is a reliable indicator of the state of forest ecosystems. In this study we analysed the variations in both bryophyte species richness overall and number of hemerophobic bryophyte species in Central European managed forests over a 20-year time span, based on data collected in 132 plots scattered across Poland. We tested differences in species richness among five temporal replicates, as well as among site types grouped based on elevation a.s.l., dominant tree species and stand age. The analyses revealed no significant trend in species richness across years. Meanwhile, species richness significantly increased along with elevation a.s.l., especially in broadleaved forests. No significant difference in species number between spruce and pine dominated stands emerged for mature stands, while there was a strong difference for young stands, with spruce forest hosting a much higher number of species. Species richness exhibited a slight, but not significant, increase over time in broadleaved forests, no significant variations in pine dominated stands and significant fluctuations in spruce dominated stands, yet without a significant trend. Out of the tested drivers, dominant tree species exhibited the strongest impact on species community composition. Number of hemerophobic and strongly hemerophobic species did not undergo significant variations across years either. The lack of bryophyte diversity trends highlighted in this study suggests Central European managed forests are in an equilibrium sate, maintained by the opposing effects of climate changes, on one side and of more sustainable forest management and pollutant deposition decline, from the other.


The diversity and species composition of the bryophyte flora colonizing the forest floor, live trees and deadwood in semi-natural broad-leaved forests of northern Germany was compared between a recent survey in 2013 and historical records from around 1900. The survey was based on the comparison of presence/absence data and their interpretation with help of ecological indicator values. Total species richness has declined in bryophytes growing on the forest floor but not in the other guilds, whereas a dramatic species turnover was found for all three guilds. This turnover was apparently primarily driven by the increased atmospheric load of reactive nitrogen from anthropogenic emissions. Sensitive species were replaced by more eutrophication-tolerant bryophytes; liverworts are overrepresented among the sensitive and thus declining species. Promotion of the competitive strength of vascular plants due to increased nitrogen levels is the likely cause of the reduction of bryophyte species richness on the forest floor. Former acidification by high atmospheric sulfur dioxide loads has left an imprint in the bryophyte vegetation by having favored acidophytic species and discriminating against basiphytic species. An increase in the mean indicator value for temperature suggests a beginning effect of climate warming on the bryophyte vegetation. Change in forest structure had an apparently smaller imprint on the bryophyte diversity of the studied semi-natural forests than atmospheric chemistry and climate. In this respect, bryophytes differ from the ecologically similar lichens, where published studies from the same region showed a dramatic decline of species richness and a stronger susceptibility to forest management.  相似文献   

Directional changes of vegetation in a wet meadow complex are described, comparing phytosociological relevés taken in 1956, 1963, 1984 and 1989, and vegetation maps made in 1956 and 1984. The relevés were located at various distances from the pond shore predominantly reflecting differences in water regime and intensity of farming. The data were elaborated using direct and indirect gradient analyses. Alterations of environmental factors (moisture, nitrogen) were expressed using Ellenberg's indicator values. Over most of the area, the former distinct vegetation mosaic has been replaced by uniform meadows due to intensive farming. The area was eutrophicated and partly drained, clearly shown in Ellenberg's indicator values, in species composition and vegetation pattern. Rapid processes of ruderalization took place. A scheme of successional pathways which finally emerged can be applied to analogous wet meadows in comparable geographical regions and used as a tool for prognoses of successional processes in meadows under human impact. The paper demonstrates ways to exploit earlier phytosociological records.  相似文献   

Tree island ecosystems are important and distinct features of Florida Everglades wetlands. We described the inter-relationships among abiotic factors describing seasonally flooded tree islands and characterized plant–soil relationships in tree islands occurring in a relatively unimpacted area of the Everglades. We used Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce our multi-factor dataset, quantified forest structure and vegetation nutrient dynamics, and related these vegetation parameters to PCA summary variables using linear regression analyses. We found that, of the 21 abiotic parameters used to characterize the ecosystem structure of seasonally flooded tree islands, 13 parameters were significantly correlated with four principal components, and they described 78% of the variance among the study islands. Most variation was described by factors related to soil oxidation and hydrology, exemplifying the sensitivity of tree island structure to hydrologic conditions. PCA summary variables describing tree island structure were related to variability in Chrysobalanus icaco (L.) canopy cover, Ilex cassine (L.) and Salix caroliniana (Michx.) canopy cover, Myrica cerifera (L.) plot frequency, litter turnover, % phosphorus resorption of co-dominant species, and nitrogen nutrient-use efficiency. This study supported findings that vegetation characteristics can be sensitive indicators of variability in tree island ecosystem structure. This study produced valuable, information which was used to recommend ecological targets (i.e. restoration performance measures) for seasonally flooded tree islands in more impacted regions of the Everglades landscape.  相似文献   

吴欣宇  朱秀芳 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10202-10215
分析不同区域植被对极端气候的响应对于加深对植被与气候之间关系的理解以及制定应对极端气候条件的措施尤为重要。基于2001—2020年气候数据和归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,以植被区划为分析单元,分析中国8个植被区的NDVI和27个极端气候指数的时空变化趋势,探究各植被区植被NDVI对极端气候的响应特征与差异性。结果表明:(1)整个研究区及各植被区的平均NDVI年最大值呈显著增加趋势,其中,温带针叶、落叶阔叶混交林区增加趋势最明显,青藏高原高寒植被区增加趋势最弱。(2)极端高温指数多呈升高趋势。极端降水指数在研究区东部呈升高趋势,在西南部呈减少趋势。(3)在不同植被区对NDVI影响最大的极端气候指数不同,其中在寒温带针叶林区影响最大的指数为温暖时间持续指数(WSDI);在温带针叶、落叶阔叶混交林区和热带季风雨林、雨林区影响最大的指数为最高低温(TNx);在暖温带落叶阔叶林区和亚热带常绿阔叶林区为简单降水强度指数(SDII);在温带草原区为最高高温(TXx);在温带荒漠区为年总降水量(PRCPTOT);在青藏高原高寒植被区为结冰天数(ID)。  相似文献   

The abandonment of traditional forest management and the conversion of lowland woodlands from coppices to high forests may lead to a reduction in plant diversity. We studied long-term changes in semi-natural lowland woodland vegetation in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) by resampling 29 vegetation plots (relevés) first sampled in the 1950s. The results indicated a shift to shady plant communities (i.e. loss of heliophilous species and expansion of shade-tolerant species), caused by an increase in the tree and shrub layer canopy due to the expansion of deciduous tree species. At the same time, species richness (alpha diversity) had declined significantly, though we noted no signs of homogenisation in the vegetation cover. Species typical of nutrient-rich habitats and alien and/or invasive species had expanded. We confirmed the shift in vegetation composition, which was probably caused by changes in lowland woodland forest management (decline in coppicing), eutrophication (deposition of atmospheric nitrogen, agricultural runoff) and disturbance effects of game, especially wild boar (Sus scrofa).  相似文献   

Community‐level climate change indicators have been proposed to appraise the impact of global warming on community composition. However, non‐climate factors may also critically influence species distribution and biological community assembly. The aim of this paper was to study how fire–vegetation dynamics can modify our ability to predict the impact of climate change on bird communities, as described through a widely‐used climate change indicator: the community thermal index (CTI). Potential changes in bird species assemblage were predicted using the spatially‐explicit species assemblage modelling framework – SESAM – that applies successive filters to constrained predictions of richness and composition obtained by stacking species distribution models that hierarchically integrate climate change and wildfire–vegetation dynamics. We forecasted future values of CTI between current conditions and 2050, across a wide range of fire–vegetation and climate change scenarios. Fire–vegetation dynamics were simulated for Catalonia (Mediterranean basin) using a process‐based model that reproduces the spatial interaction between wildfire, vegetation dynamics and wildfire management under two IPCC climate scenarios. Net increases in CTI caused by the concomitant impact of climate warming and an increasingly severe wildfire regime were predicted. However, the overall increase in the CTI could be partially counterbalanced by forest expansion via land abandonment and efficient wildfire suppression policies. CTI is thus strongly dependent on complex interactions between climate change and fire–vegetation dynamics. The potential impacts on bird communities may be underestimated if an overestimation of richness is predicted but not constrained. Our findings highlight the need to explicitly incorporate these interactions when using indicators to interpret and forecast climate change impact in dynamic ecosystems. In fire‐prone systems, wildfire management and land‐use policies can potentially offset or heighten the effects of climate change on biological communities, offering an opportunity to address the impact of global climate change proactively.  相似文献   

Dioecious alpine juniper has been influenced by human impacts, management and climate changes; hence, its present populations are remnant fragments of its former distribution in central Europe. Complex environmental shifts have had fatal consequences for growth, reproduction and health of juniper and hence for its population structure. We asked the questions: 1) what was the population size structure, the sex ratio and the health status of individuals? 2) How were the population parameters linked with the environmental conditions and surrounding vegetation? The study area was close and above the upper forest limit in central Europe, the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. The parameters of each juniper individual and its environmental conditions were obtained, Ellenberg's indicator values and habitat categories were also determined. Proportions of sex categories, shrub size and environmental conditions were investigated to assess relationships between the population categories and environmental factors. We revealed linkage among the shrub size, health vigor, vegetation cover, a habitat and environmental factors. While there was equal ratio of females and males (1:1), small individuals of undetermined sex predominated that reducing the effective population size. Juniper health vigor was associated with surrounding vegetation cover. Individuals of undetermined sex were smaller than those of remaining sex categories and prefer specific habitats at higher elevation, underlining the effect of abiotic conditions on sex performance and ratio. The observed pattern, which was attributed to shift in land-use practices in the middle of 20th century and climate changes, could be improved by management. We recommended experimental local grazing and mowing accompanying by profound and continuing assessment of interaction among environmental factors and juniper performance.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators of habitat and biodiversity in a Neotropical landscape: multitaxonomic perspective. The use of indicator species to characterize specific ecological areas is of high importance in conservation/restoration biology. The objective of this study was to identify indicator species of diverse taxa that characterize different landscape units, and to better understand how management alters species composition. We identified two ecomosaics, tropical rain forest and the agricultural matrix, each one comprised of four landscape units. The taxonomic groups studied included birds (highly mobile), butterflies (moderately mobile), terrestrial gastropods (less mobile) and trees (sessile). Sampling efficiency for both ecomosaics was > or = 86%. We found 50 mollusks, 74 butterflies, 218 birds and 172 tree species, for a total of 514 species. Using ordination and cluster analysis, we distinguished three habitat types in the landscape: tropical rainforest, secondary vegetation and pastures with scattered trees and live fences. The InVal (> or = 50%) method identified 107 indicator species, including 45 tree species, 38 birds, 14 butterflies and 10 gastropods. Of these, 35 trees, 10 birds, four butterflies and eight gastropods were forest indicators. Additionally, 10, 28, 10 and two species, respectively per group, were characteristic of the agricultural matrix. Our results revealed a pattern of diversity decrease of indicator species along the rainforest-secondary forest-pasture gradient. In the forest, the gastropods Carychium exiguum, Coelocentrum turris, Glyphyalinia aff. indentata y Helicina oweniana were significantly correlated (p < 0.05) with 90% of the other groups of flora and fauna indicator species. These findings suggest that gastropods may be good indicators of forest habitat quality and biodiversity. The secondary vegetation is an intermediate disturbance phase that fosters high diversity in the agricultural matrix. We exemplify a multitaxa approach, including mesofauna, for ecological monitoring of agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigates the determinants of European‐scale patterns in tree species composition and richness, addressing the following questions: (1) What is the relative importance of environment and history? History refers to lasting effects of past large‐scale events and time‐dependent cumulative effects of ongoing processes, notably dispersal limited range dynamics. (2) Among the environmental determinants, what is the relative importance of climate, soils, and forest cover? (3) Do the answers to questions 1 and 2 differ between conifers and Fagales, the two major monophyletic groups of European trees? Location The study area comprises most of Europe (34° N–72° N and 11° W–32° E). Methods Atlas data on native distributions of 54 large tree species at 50 × 50 km resolution were linked with climatic, edaphic, and forest cover maps in a geographical information system. Unconstrained (principal components analysis using Hellinger distance transformation and detrended correspondence analysis) and constrained ordinations (redundancy analysis using Hellinger distance transformation and canonical correspondence analysis) and multiple linear regressions were used to investigate the determinants of species composition and species richness, respectively. History is expected to leave its mark as broad spatial patterns and was represented by the nine spatial terms of a cubic trend surface polynomial. Results The main floristic pattern identified by all ordinations was a latitude‐temperature gradient, while the lower axes corresponded mostly to spatial variables. Partitioning the floristic variation using constrained ordinations showed the mixed spatial‐environmental and pure spatial fractions to be much greater than the pure environmental fraction. Biplots, forward variable selection, and partial analyses all suggested climatic variables as more important floristic determinants than forest cover or soil variables. Tree species richness peaked in the mountainous regions of East‐Central and Southern Europe, except the Far West. Variation partitioning of species richness found the mixed spatial‐environmental and pure spatial fractions to be much greater than the pure environmental fraction for all species combined and Fagales, but not for conifers. The scaled regression coefficients indicated climate as a stronger determinant of richness than soils or forest cover. While the dominant patterns were similar for conifers and Fagales, conifers exhibited less predictable patterns overall, a smaller pure spatial variation fraction relative to pure environmental fraction, and a greater relative importance of climate; all differences being more pronounced for species richness than for species composition. Main conclusions The analyses suggest that history is at least as important as current environment in controlling species composition and richness of European trees, with the exception of conifer species richness. Strong support for interpreting the spatial patterns as outcomes of historical processes, notably dispersal limitation, came from the observation that many European tree species naturalize extensively outside their native ranges. Furthermore, it was confirmed that climate predominates among environmental determinants of distribution and diversity patterns at large spatial scales. Finally, the particular patterns exhibited by conifers probably reflect greater environmental specialization and greater human impact. These findings warn against expecting the European tree flora to be able track fast future climate changes on its own.  相似文献   

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