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Species interactions are integral drivers of community structure and can change from competitive to facilitative with increasing environmental stress. In subtidal marine ecosystems, however, interactions along physical stress gradients have seldom been tested. We observed seaweed canopy interactions across depth and latitudinal gradients to test whether light and temperature stress structured interaction patterns. We also quantified interspecific and intraspecific interactions among nine subtidal canopy seaweed species across three continents to examine the general nature of interactions in subtidal systems under low consumer pressure. We reveal that positive and neutral interactions are widespread throughout global seaweed communities and the nature of interactions can change from competitive to facilitative with increasing light stress in shallow marine systems. These findings provide support for the stress gradient hypothesis within subtidal seaweed communities and highlight the importance of canopy interactions for the maintenance of subtidal marine habitats experiencing environmental stress.  相似文献   

Patterns of co‐occurrence of species are increasingly used to examine the contribution of biotic interactions to community assembly. We assessed patterns of co‐occurrence at four scales, in two types of tropical cloud forests in Hainan Island, China (tropical montane evergreen forests, TMEF and tropical dwarf forests, TDF) that varied significantly in soil nutrients and temperature. We tested if the patterns of co‐occurrence changed when we sorted species into classes by abundance and diameter at breast height (dbh). Co‐occurrence differed by forest type and with plot size, with significant species aggregation observed across larger plots in TDF and patterns of species segregation observed in smaller plots in TMEF. Analyses of differential abundance and dbh classes also showed that smaller plots in TMEF tend to have negative co‐occurrence patterns, but larger plots in TDF tend to show patterns of aggregation, suggesting competitive and facilitative interactions. This underscores the scale‐dependence of the processes contributing to community assembly. Furthermore, it is consistent with predictions of the stress gradient hypothesis that facilitation will be most important in biological systems subject to abiotic stress, while competition will be more important in less abiotically stressful habitats. Our results clearly demonstrate that these two types of tropical cloud forest exhibit different co‐occurrence patterns, and that these patterns are scale‐dependent, though independent of plant abundance and size class.  相似文献   

雌雄异株植物对环境胁迫响应的性别差异与性别比例 雌雄异株植物在性特征(繁殖器官)和次级性特征(植物的特征)均表现出性二态。形态、生理与生态特征等次级性特征的性别差异,通常在繁殖成本和其他功能性状之间存在着权衡。尽管有证据表明性二态对环境胁迫的响应不一定存在于所有植物中,但次级性特征的权衡可能受到环境胁迫的影响。当植物表现出性二态时,不同的物种与胁迫因子可以导致性别特异性的响应。因此,胁迫作用对雌雄异株植物影响的概括性研究是必须的。另外,性二态可能会影响雌雄异株植物沿着环境梯度的频率和分布,引起生态位分化与性别空间分异。目前,控制性别比例偏差的原因和机制还知之甚少。本综述旨在讨论不利环境下的性别特异性响应与性别比例偏差,有利于深入的理解性二态对环境胁迫的响应。  相似文献   

We develop a multispecies plant-herbivore model to explore how plant competition for light and the selectivity of herbivores affect abundance patterns of plants and herbivores along productivity gradients. The model considers a small and a tall plant species, a generalist herbivore, and a selective herbivore. The selective herbivore feeds only on the small plant species. In the absence of the generalist herbivore, the tall plant species becomes increasingly dominant with increasing productivity, and the small plant and its selective herbivore disappear. The model shows that generalist herbivores can facilitate selective herbivores by suppressing competition for light. This favours the small plant species, and thereby the selective herbivores. The model predictions are qualitatively consistent with field studies of multispecies plant-herbivore systems.  相似文献   

Aims Lianas are expected to influence composition, structure and functioning of forest systems due to unequal distribution across the potential set of host plants. However, our understanding of mechanisms associated with preferences for specific hosts is still limited, and so is our ability to discern between endogenous and exogenous forces driving forest dynamics in the long run. In this paper, we evaluated whether the dominant liana Hedera helix can indirectly contribute to the eventual dominance of the small multi-stemmed tree Corylus avellana in a remnant temperate forest in central Iberian Peninsula from comparatively reduced liana infestation on C. avellana relative to co-occurring woody species.Methods Through principal component analysis and co-occurrence analysis, we studied the distribution and spatial association between woody species and the liana H. helix. We analyzed the relationship between the number of species in a plot and the number of species infested by the liana to test the hypothesis that H. helix is a generalist liana. Through generalized linear mixed models, we tested the dynamic-multi-stemmed growth form of C. avellana as a plausible life strategy to withstand, in the long run, the liana infestation. In particular, we tested (i) the relationship between stem size and the probability of H. helix infestation including all the tree species within plots and (ii) the relationship between stem size and mortality as evidence of the stem turn over in the tree C. avellana .Important findings Our results indicate that H. helix and C. avellana significantly co-occur in mature stands of this remnant temperate forest where pioneer woody species are absent. Hedera helix severely infests all the woody species whenever stem size exceed ≈25 cm perimeter and there is physical contact at the base of the stem. This implies that all the trees in the community are potential hosts for H. helix. Mixed models indicate that both, infestation by H. helix and stem mortality, are positively related to C. avellana stem perimeter. Reduced long-term infestation of the liana by means of a multi-stemmed growth form with high stem turnover in C. avellana might be an advantage with respect to unipodial tree species. Thus, the liana-tree coexistence pattern may be interpreted as an indirect positive interaction that, contrary to previous findings, results here in species dominance instead of species coexistence.  相似文献   

While the facilitation-competition paradigm under the stress-gradient hypothesis has received recent attention, its rigorous testing is yet to be explored. Most of the studies have considered a switch in the net interactions from competition to facilitation with increasing environmental stress as primary evidence supporting the hypothesis, though few studies examined changes in interaction along a full range of a stress gradient. Here, we have conceptualized possible variations in the patterns of change in interaction strength along such gradient. Based on this, we empirically evaluated the temporal shift in the interaction between two marine sessile animals, goose barnacles (Capitulum mitella) and mussels (Septifer virgatus), under multiple stress factors. The net effect of goose barnacles on mussel survivorship was positively related to the total stress gradient encompassing two stress factors, physical disturbance and thermal stress, while no negative value occurred even under mild conditions. When the two stress factors were treated separately, however, the net effect demonstrated apparently different patterns: monotonic increase with physical disturbance versus a quasi-asymptotic pattern (no change over a wide range) with thermal stress. These variable situations have not previously been recognized in this discipline, and the present study emphasizes the importance of an integrative and mechanistic approach to testing and deciphering the facilitation-competition paradigm.  相似文献   

The stress‐gradient hypothesis predicts a higher frequency of facilitative interactions as resource limitation increases. Under severe resource limitation, it has been suggested that facilitation may revert to competition, and identifying the presence as well as determining the magnitude of this shift is important for predicting the effect of climate change on biodiversity and plant community dynamics. In this study, we perform a meta‐analysis to compare temporal differences of species diversity and productivity under a nurse plant (Retama sphaerocarpa) with varying annual rainfall quantity to test the effect of water limitation on facilitation. Furthermore, we assess spatial differences in the herbaceous community under nurse plants in situ during a year with below‐average rainfall. We found evidence that severe rainfall deficit reduced species diversity and plant productivity under nurse plants relative to open areas. Our results indicate that the switch from facilitation to competition in response to rainfall quantity is nonlinear. The magnitude of this switch depended on the aspect around the nurse plant. Hotter south aspects under nurse plants resulted in negative effects on beneficiary species, while the north aspect still showed facilitation. Combined, these results emphasize the importance of spatial heterogeneity under nurse plants for mediating species loss under reduced precipitation, as predicted by future climate change scenarios. However, the decreased water availability expected under climate change will likely reduce overall facilitation and limit the role of nurse plants as refugia, amplifying biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

The allelopathic effect of A. altissima and the nitrogen fixing ability of R. pseudoacacia make the interaction between these two species important to community dynamics. A replacement series greenhouse experiment was used to investigate the type of interaction between seedlings of A. altissima and R. pseudoacacia at high and low soil nutrition states. Also, seeds of A. altissima from its native (China) and invasive ranges (USA) were used to compare the effect of the different seed sources on the interaction with R. pseudoacacia. Robinia pseudoacacia was the better competitor. The presence of A. altissima significantly inhibited nodulation of R. pseudoacacia roots. In summary, in low nutrient early succession sites, seedlings of R. pseudoacacia and A. altissima will coexist and R. pseudoacacia will be the better competitor. However, A. altissima can increase its competitive ability by inhibiting nitrogen fixation by R. pseudoacacia. Differences between the competitive ability of the Chinese and US seed lots of A. altissima did not support the rapid evolution theory for invasive species success.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the relative performance and competitive ability of seven legumes from the Iberian Peninsula, Spain (one already invasive in Australia), grown singly or pairwise with seven legumes from south‐western Australia in their own soils. Indices of growth used were root, shoot and total mass and shoot dimensions. Water content, xylem water potential during drying and nodule production were also measured. The index of competition used was the intensity of competition coefficient (ICC), which is suitable for additive designs. The Australian species usually grew larger than the Spanish species, in their presence or absence, although the results were sensitive to the index of growth or resource capture used. The Australian legumes usually possessed greater total water content than the co‐occurring Spanish legumes. At least five Australian species were less reduced or not affected at all by inter‐regional competition compared with growth in isolation. Two Australian legumes performed relatively poorly in the presence of at least four Spanish legumes. The ICC identified many instances of growth promotion (facilitation) of the Australian species, which we attribute to extra nitrogen obtained through enhanced nodulation of both cohabiting species. Five of the seven Spanish species were outcompeted by the Australian species, whereas the growth of two was sometimes facilitated. Although the Spanish legumes had greater competitive ability in the more fertile Australian soils, they remained competitively inferior to the Australian legumes in their first season of growth and none is likely to displace the native legumes at this stage of growth. Longer‐term field studies are needed to fully evaluate the potential invasiveness of perennial legumes.  相似文献   

* Theoretical and empirical research has supported the hypothesis that plant-plant interactions change from competition to facilitation with increasing abiotic stress. However, the consistency of such changes has been questioned in arid and semiarid ecosystems. * During a drought in the semiarid south-western USA, we used observations and a field experiment to examine the interactions between juveniles of a foundation tree (Pinyon pine, Pinus edulis) and a common shrub (Apache plume, Fallugia paradoxa) in replicated areas of high and low stress. * The presence of F. paradoxa reduced P. edulis performance at low-stress sites, but had the opposite effect at high-stress sites. However, the intensity of the interactions depended on temporal variation in climate and age of P. edulis. Both above- and below-ground factors contributed to competition, while only above-ground factors contributed to facilitation. * These results support the hypothesis that interactions can change from competition to facilitation as abiotic stress increases in semiarid environments. A shift from competition to facilitation may be important for the recovery of P. edulis and other foundation species that have experienced large-scale mortality during recent droughts.  相似文献   

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