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Individual variation in survival probability due to differential responses to early‐life environmental conditions is important in the evolution of life histories and senescence. A biomarker allowing quantification of such individual variation, and which links early‐life environmental conditions with survival by providing a measure of conditions experienced, is telomere length. Here, we examined telomere dynamics among 24 cohorts of European badgers (Meles meles). We found a complex cross‐sectional relationship between telomere length and age, with no apparent loss over the first 29 months, but with both decreases and increases in telomere length at older ages. Overall, we found low within‐individual consistency in telomere length across individual lifetimes. Importantly, we also observed increases in telomere length within individuals, which could not be explained by measurement error alone. We found no significant sex differences in telomere length, and provide evidence that early‐life telomere length predicts lifespan. However, while early‐life telomere length predicted survival to adulthood (≥1 year old), early‐life telomere length did not predict adult survival probability. Furthermore, adult telomere length did not predict survival to the subsequent year. These results show that the relationship between early‐life telomere length and lifespan was driven by conditions in early‐life, where early‐life telomere length varied strongly among cohorts. Our data provide evidence for associations between early‐life telomere length and individual life history, and highlight the dynamics of telomere length across individual lifetimes due to individuals experiencing different early‐life environments.  相似文献   

Early‐life conditions can have long‐lasting effects and organisms that experience a poor start in life are often expected to age at a faster rate. Alternatively, individuals raised in high‐quality environments can overinvest in early‐reproduction resulting in rapid ageing. Here we use a long‐term experimental manipulation of early‐life conditions in a natural population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), to show that females raised in a low‐competition environment (artificially reduced broods) have higher early‐life reproduction but lower late‐life reproduction than females raised in high‐competition environment (artificially increased broods). Reproductive success of high‐competition females peaked in late‐life, when low‐competition females were already in steep reproductive decline and suffered from a higher mortality rate. Our results demonstrate that ‘silver‐spoon’ natal conditions increase female early‐life performance at the cost of faster reproductive ageing and increased late‐life mortality. These findings demonstrate experimentally that natal environment shapes individual variation in reproductive and actuarial ageing in nature.  相似文献   

We tested whether the early‐life environment can influence the extent of individual plasticity in a life‐history trait. We asked: can the early‐life environment explain why, in response to the same adult environmental cue, some individuals invest more than others in current reproduction? Moreover, can it additionally explain why investment in current reproduction trades off against survival in some individuals, but is positively correlated with survival in others? We addressed these questions using the burying beetle, which breeds on small carcasses and sometimes carries phoretic mites. These mites breed alongside the beetle, on the same resource, and are a key component of the beetle's early‐life environment. We exposed female beetles to mites twice during their lives: during their development as larvae and again as adults during their first reproductive event. We measured investment in current reproduction by quantifying average larval mass and recorded the female's life span after breeding to quantify survival. We found no effect of either developing or breeding alongside mites on female reproductive investment, nor on her life span, nor did developing alongside mites influence her size. In post hoc analyses, where we considered the effect of mite number (rather than their mere presence/absence) during the female's adult breeding event, we found that females invested more in current reproduction when exposed to greater mite densities during reproduction, but only if they had been exposed to mites during development as well. Otherwise, they invested less in larvae at greater mite densities. Furthermore, females that had developed with mites exhibited a trade‐off between investment in current reproduction and future survival, whereas these traits were positively correlated in females that had developed without mites. The early‐life environment thus generates individual variation in life‐history plasticity. We discuss whether this is because mites influence the resources available to developing young or serve as important environmental cues.  相似文献   

Poor conditions during early development can initiate trade‐offs that favour current survival at the expense of somatic maintenance and subsequently, future reproduction. However, the mechanisms that link early and late life‐history are largely unknown. Recently it has been suggested that telomeres, the nucleoprotein structures at the terminal end of chromosomes, could link early‐life conditions to lifespan and fitness. In wild purple‐crowned fairy‐wrens, we combined measurements of nestling telomere length (TL) with detailed life‐history data to investigate whether early‐life TL predicts fitness prospects. Our study differs from previous studies in the completeness of our fitness estimates in a highly philopatric population. The association between TL and survival was age‐dependent with early‐life TL having a positive effect on lifespan only among individuals that survived their first year. Early‐life TL was not associated with the probability or age of gaining a breeding position. Interestingly, early‐life TL was positively related to breeding duration, contribution to population growth and lifetime reproductive success because of their association with lifespan. Thus, early‐life TL, which reflects growth, accumulated early‐life stress and inherited TL, predicted fitness in birds that reached adulthood but not noticeably among fledglings. These findings suggest that a lack of investment in somatic maintenance during development particularly affects late life performance. This study demonstrates that factors in early‐life are related to fitness prospects through lifespan, and suggests that the study of telomeres may provide insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms linking early‐ and late‐life performance and trade‐offs across a lifetime.  相似文献   

Ageing and the resulting increased likelihood mortality are the inescapable fate of organisms because selection pressures on genes that exert their function late in life is weak, promoting the evolution of genes that enhance early‐life reproductive performance at the same time as sacrificing late survival. Heat shock proteins (HSP) are known to buffer various environmental stresses and are also involved in protein homeostasis and longevity. The characteristics of genes for HSPs (hsp) imply that they affect various life‐history traits, which in turn affect longevity; however, little is known about the effects of hsp genes on life‐history traits and their interaction with longevity. In the present study, the effects of hsp genes on multiple fitness traits, such as locomotor activity, total fecundity, early fecundity and survival time, are investigated in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen using RNA interference (RNAi). In egg‐laying females, RNAi knockdown of six hsp genes (hsp22, hsp23, hsp67Ba, hsp67Bb, hsp67Bc and hsp27‐like) does not shorten survival but rather increases it. Knockdown of five of those genes on an individual basis reduces early‐life reproduction, suggesting that several hsp genes mediate the trade‐off between early reproduction and late survival. The data indicate a positive effect of hsp genes on early reproduction and also negative effects on survival time, supporting the antagonistic pleiotropic effects predicted by the optimality theory of ageing.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long‐term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short‐ and long‐term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.  相似文献   

Intergenerational fitness effects on offspring due to the early life of the parent are well studied from the standpoint of the maternal environment, but intergenerational effects owing to the paternal early life environment are often overlooked. Nonetheless, recent laboratory studies in mammals and ecologically relevant studies in invertebrates predict that paternal effects can have a major impact on the offspring's phenotype. These nongenetic, environment‐dependent paternal effects provide a mechanism for fathers to transmit environmental information to their offspring and could allow rapid adaptation. We used the bank vole Myodes glareolus, a wild rodent species with no paternal care, to test the hypothesis that a high population density environment in the early life of fathers can affect traits associated with offspring fitness. We show that the protein content in the diet and/or social environment experienced during the father's early life (prenatal and weaning) influence the phenotype and survival of his offspring and may indicate adaptation to density‐dependent costs. Furthermore, we show that experiencing multiple environmental factors during the paternal early life can lead to a different outcome on the offspring phenotype than stimulated by experience of a single environmental factor, highlighting the need to study developmental experiences in tandem rather than independent of each other.  相似文献   

Prey often reduce predation risk at the cost of lower resource intake. The cumulative effects of such tradeoffs can alter resource allocation, demography and evolutionary processes. We show how the accumulation of risk effects reduces the growth rate of wild North American porcupines Erethizon dorsatum, and simulate three evolutionary responses related to lifetime reproductive success. Individual porcupines experiencing predation risk from fishers Pekania pennanti grew slower and gave birth to fewer offspring. Simulations show that predation risk alone can lead to population declines, and that a female can replace herself by investing more energy into reproduction or adult survival; females that only invest energy in juvenile survival cannot. We show that the accumulation of predation risk can reduce lifetime reproductive success in natural ecosystems. Estimating the contribution of predation risk, and how evolutionary responses can mediate consequences associated with predation risk, is necessary to understand the evolution of predator–prey systems.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a pivotal role in parasite resistance, and their allelic diversity has been associated with fitness variations in several taxa. However, studies report inconsistencies in the direction of this association, with either positive, quadratic or no association being described. These discrepancies may arise because the fitness costs and benefits of MHC diversity differ among individuals depending on their exposure and immune responses to parasites. Here, we investigated in black‐legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks whether associations between MHC class‐II diversity and fitness vary with sex and hatching order. MHC‐II diversity was positively associated with growth and tick clearance in female chicks, but not in male chicks. Our data also revealed a positive association between MHC‐II diversity and survival in second‐hatched female chicks (two eggs being the typical clutch size). These findings may result from condition‐dependent parasite infections differentially impacting sexes in relation to hatching order. We thus suggest that it may be important to account for individual heterogeneities in traits that potentially exert selective pressures on MHC diversity in order to properly predict MHC–fitness associations.  相似文献   

HFCs (heterozygosity–fitness correlations) measure the direct relationship between an individual's genetic diversity and fitness. The effects of parental heterozygosity and the environment on HFCs are currently under‐researched. We investigated these in a high‐density U.K. population of European badgers (Meles meles), using a multimodel capture–mark–recapture framework and 35 microsatellite loci. We detected interannual variation in first‐year, but not adult, survival probability. Adult females had higher annual survival probabilities than adult males. Cubs with more heterozygous fathers had higher first‐year survival, but only in wetter summers; there was no relationship with individual or maternal heterozygosity. Moist soil conditions enhance badger food supply (earthworms), improving survival. In dryer years, higher indiscriminate mortality rates appear to mask differential heterozygosity‐related survival effects. This paternal interaction was significant in the most supported model; however, the model‐averaged estimate had a relative importance of 0.50 and overlapped zero slightly. First‐year survival probabilities were not correlated with the inbreeding coefficient (f); however, small sample sizes limited the power to detect inbreeding depression. Correlations between individual heterozygosity and inbreeding were weak, in line with published meta‐analyses showing that HFCs tend to be weak. We found support for general rather than local heterozygosity effects on first‐year survival probability, and g2 indicated that our markers had power to detect inbreeding. We emphasize the importance of assessing how environmental stressors can influence the magnitude and direction of HFCs and of considering how parental genetic diversity can affect fitness‐related traits, which could play an important role in the evolution of mate choice.  相似文献   

Selection is a central force underlying evolutionary change and can vary in strength and direction, for example across time and space. The fitness consequences of individual genetic diversity have often been investigated by testing for multilocus heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs), but few studies have been able to assess HFCs across life stages and in both sexes. Here, we test for HFCs using a 26‐year longitudinal individual‐based data set from a large population of a long‐lived seabird (the common tern, Sterna hirundo), where 7,974 chicks and breeders of known age were genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci and sampled for life‐history traits over the complete life cycle. Heterozygosity was not correlated with fledging or post‐fledging prospecting probabilities, but was positively correlated with recruitment probability. For breeders, annual survival was not correlated with heterozygosity, but annual fledgling production was negatively correlated with heterozygosity in males and highest in intermediately heterozygous females. The contrasting HFCs among life stages and sexes indicate differential selective processes and emphasize the importance of assessing fitness consequences of traits over complete life histories.  相似文献   

There is a critical need to understand patterns and causes of intraspecific variation in physiological performance in order to predict the distribution and dynamics of wild populations under natural and human‐induced environmental change. However, the usual explanation for trait differences, local adaptation, fails to account for the small‐scale phenotypic and genetic divergence observed in fishes and other species with dispersive early life stages. We tested the hypothesis that local‐scale variation in the strength of selective mortality in early life mediates the trait composition in later life stages. Through in situ experiments, we manipulated exposure to predators in the coral reef damselfish Dascyllus aruanus and examined consequences for subsequent growth performance under common garden conditions. Groups of 20 recently settled D. aruanus were outplanted to experimental coral colonies in Moorea lagoon and either exposed to natural predation mortality (52% mortality in three days) or protected from predators with cages for three days. After postsettlement mortality, predator‐exposed groups were shorter than predator‐protected ones, while groups with lower survival were in better condition, suggesting that predators removed the longer, thinner individuals. Growth of both treatment groups was subsequently compared under common conditions. We did not detect consequences of predator exposure for subsequent growth performance: Growth over the following 37 days was not affected by the prior predator treatment or survival. Genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci did indicate, however, that predator exposure significantly influenced the genetic composition of groups. We conclude that postsettlement mortality did not have carryover effects on the subsequent growth performance of cohorts in this instance, despite evidence for directional selection during the initial mortality phase.  相似文献   

Variation in sex differences is affected by both genetic and environmental variation, with rapid change in sex differences being more likely due to environmental change. One case of rapid change in sex differences is human lifespan, which has become increasingly female‐biased in recent centuries. Long‐term consequences of variation in the early‐life environment may, in part, explain such variation in sex differences, but whether the early‐life environment mediates sex differences in life‐history traits is poorly understood in animals. Combining longitudinal data on 60 cohorts of pre‐industrial Finns with environmental data, we show that the early‐life environment is associated with sex differences in adult mortality and expected lifespan. Specifically, low infant survival rates and high rye yields (an important food source) in early‐life are associated with female‐bias in adult lifespan. These results support the hypothesis that environmental change has the potential to affect sex differences in life‐history traits in natural populations of long‐lived mammals.  相似文献   

Divergent selection pressures among populations can result not only in significant differentiation in morphology, physiology and behaviour, but also in how these traits are related to each other, thereby driving the processes of local adaptation and speciation. In the Australian zebra finch, we investigated whether domesticated stock, bred in captivity over tens of generations, differ in their response to a life‐history manipulation, compared to birds taken directly from the wild. In a ‘common aviary’ experiment, we thereto experimentally manipulated the environmental conditions experienced by nestlings early in life by means of a brood size manipulation, and subsequently assessed its short‐ and long‐term consequences on growth, ornamentation, immune function and reproduction. As expected, we found that early environmental conditions had a marked effect on both short‐ and long‐term morphological and life‐history traits in all birds. However, although there were pronounced differences between wild and domesticated birds with respect to the absolute expression of many of these traits, which are indicative of the different selection pressures wild and domesticated birds were exposed to in the recent past, manipulated rearing conditions affected morphology and ornamentation of wild and domesticated finches in a very similar way. This suggests that despite significant differentiation between wild and domesticated birds, selection has not altered the relationships among traits. Thus, life‐history strategies and investment trade‐offs may be relatively stable and not easily altered by selection. This is a reassuring finding in the light of the widespread use of domesticated birds in studies of life‐history evolution and sexual selection, and suggests that adaptive explanations may be legitimate when referring to captive bird studies.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a clear example of local adaptation of seasonal timing of spawning and embryo development. The consequence is a population of pink salmon that is segmented into spawning groups that use the same limited habitat. We synthesize published observations with results of new analyses to demonstrate that genetic variation of these traits results in survival differentials related to that variation, and that density‐dependent embryo mortality and seasonally variable juvenile mortality are a mechanism of selection. Most examples of local adaptation in natural systems depend on observed correlations between environments and fitness traits, but do not fully demonstrate local adaptation: that the trait is genetically determined, exhibits different fitness in common environments or across different environments, and its variation is mechanistically connected to fitness differences. The geographic or temporal scales of local adaptation often remain obscure. Here, we show that heritable, fine‐scale differences of timing of reproductive migration in a pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) resulted in temporal structure that persisted several generations; the differences enable a density‐dependent population to pack more spawners into limited spawning habitat, that is, enhance its fitness. A balanced trade‐off of survivals results because embryos from early‐migrating fish have a lower freshwater survival (harsh early physical conditions and disturbance by late spawners), but emigrant fry from late‐migrating fish have lower marine survivals (timing of their vernal emergence into the estuarine environment). Such fine‐scale local adaptations increase the genetic portfolio of the populations and may provide a buffer against the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Ageing, long thought to be too infrequent to study effectively in natural populations, has recently been shown to be ubiquitous, even in the wild. A major challenge now is to explain variation in the rates of ageing within populations. Here, using 49 years of data from a population of great tits (Parus major), we show that offspring life‐history trajectories vary with maternal age. Offspring hatched from older mothers perform better early in life, but suffer from an earlier onset, and stronger rate, of reproductive senescence later in life. Offspring reproductive lifespan is, however, unaffected by maternal age, and the different life‐history trajectories result in a similar fitness payoff, measured as lifetime reproductive success. This study therefore identifies maternal age as a new factor underlying variation in rates of ageing, and, given the delayed trans‐generational nature of this effect, poses the question as to proximate mechanisms linking age‐effects across generations.  相似文献   

Habitat selection and its relationship to fitness is a fundamental concept in ecology, but the mechanisms driving this connection are complex and difficult to detect. Despite the difficulties in understanding such intricate relationships, it is imperative that we study habitat selection and its relationship with fitness. We compared habitat selection of least terns (Sternula antillarum) and piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) on the Missouri River (2012–2014) to examine the consequences of those choices on nest and chick survival. We hypothesized that plovers and terns would select habitat that minimized the chance of flooding and predation of eggs, chicks, and adults, but that plovers would also select habitat that would provide foraging habitat for their chicks. We developed an integrated habitat selection model that assessed selection across multiple scales (sandbar and nest scales) and directly modeled the effect of selection on nest and chick survival. In general, the species selected habitat in keeping with our hypotheses, such that predation and flooding, in particular, may have been reduced. Sandbar selection had either a negative or no appreciable effect on nest survival for both species across years. Nest‐site selection in 2012 had a generally positive effect on nest survival and chick survival for both terns and plovers, and this trended toward a negative effect by 2014. This result suggested that early selection decisions appeared to be adaptive, but we speculate that relatively high site fidelity and habitat degradation led to reduced benefit over time. Our results highlight the complex nature of habitat selection and its relationship to fitness.  相似文献   

Classic theories of ageing evolution predict that increased extrinsic mortality due to an environmental hazard selects for increased early reproduction, rapid ageing and short intrinsic lifespan. Conversely, emerging theory maintains that when ageing increases susceptibility to an environmental hazard, increased mortality due to this hazard can select against ageing in physiological condition and prolong intrinsic lifespan. However, evolution of slow ageing under high‐condition‐dependent mortality is expected to result from reallocation of resources to different traits and such reallocation may be hampered by sex‐specific trade‐offs. Because same life‐history trait values often have different fitness consequences in males and females, sexually antagonistic selection can preserve genetic variance for lifespan and ageing. We previously showed that increased condition‐dependent mortality caused by heat shock leads to evolution of long‐life, decelerated late‐life mortality in both sexes and increased female fecundity in the nematode, Caenorhabditis remanei. Here, we used these cryopreserved lines to show that males evolving under heat shock suffered from reduced early‐life and net reproduction, while mortality rate had no effect. Our results suggest that heat‐shock resistance and associated long‐life trade‐off with male, but not female, reproduction and therefore sexually antagonistic selection contributes to maintenance of genetic variation for lifespan and fitness in this population.  相似文献   

In species with complex life cycles, life history theory predicts that fitness is affected by conditions encountered in previous life history stages. Here, we use a 4‐year pedigree to investigate if time spent in two distinct life history stages has sex‐specific reproductive fitness consequences in anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We determined the amount of years spent in fresh water as juveniles (freshwater age, FW, measured in years), and years spent in the marine environment as adults (sea age, SW, measured in sea winters) on 264 sexually mature adults collected on a river spawning ground. We then estimated reproductive fitness as the number of offspring (reproductive success) and the number of mates (mating success) using genetic parentage analysis (>5,000 offspring). Sea age is significantly and positively correlated with reproductive and mating success of both sexes whereby older and larger individuals gained the highest reproductive fitness benefits (females: 62.2% increase in offspring/SW and 34.8% increase in mate number/SW; males: 201.9% offspring/SW and 60.3% mates/SW). Younger freshwater age was significantly related to older sea age and thus increased reproductive fitness, but only among females (females: ?33.9% offspring/FW and ?32.4% mates/FW). This result implies that females can obtain higher reproductive fitness by transitioning to the marine environment earlier. In contrast, male mating and reproductive success was unaffected by freshwater age and more males returned at a younger age than females despite the reproductive fitness advantage of later sea age maturation. Our results show that the timing of transitions between juvenile and adult phases has a sex‐specific consequence on female reproductive fitness, demonstrating a life history trade‐off between maturation and reproduction in wild Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

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