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Eva Pip 《Hydrobiologia》1987,153(3):203-216
The distribution of 17 Potamogeton species was examined at 430 sites in central North America with respect to water body type, bottom substrate and 8 water chemistry parameters (pH, total dissolved solids, total alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, phosphorus, combined nitrate and nitrite, and dissolved organic matter). All except 2 of the species showed statistically significant distributions with respect to some of the environmental parameters examined. Each species occupied a different combination of chemical parameter ranges. The species formed a distribution spectrum with respect to water chemistry, with P. epihydrus and P. obtusifolius frequenting low inorganic concentrations at one end of the scale, and P. filiformis, P. pectinatus and P. vaginatus at the other end, these species characterized by high mean inorganic values and occurring most often in saline or alkaline habitats. While 41 significant positive interspecific associations were found within the genus in lentic waters, only 4 were apparent in lotic habitats. Potamogeton species richness (PR) was related to water body and bottom type, with lakes and sand bottoms showing the highest mean PR values. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that, in the area as a whole, the water chemistry parameters examined accounted for <25% of the observed variability in PR. The relative importance of individual chemical parameters in relation to PR varied in different water body types.  相似文献   

We present a global analysis of the distribution of 43 transposable elements (TEs) in 228 species of the Drosophila genus from our data and data from the literature. Data on chromosome localization come from in situ hybridization and presence/absence of the elements from southern analyses. This analysis shows great differences between TE distributions, even among closely related species. Some TEs are distributed according to the phylogeny of their host specie; others do not entirely follow the phylogeny, suggesting horizontal transfers. A higher number of insertion sites for most TEs in the genome of D. melanogaster is observed when compared with that in D. simulans. This suggests either intrinsic differences in genomic characteristics between the two species, or the influence of differing effective population sizes, although biases due to the use of TE probes coming mostly from D. melanogaster and to the way TEs are initially detected in species cannot be ruled out. Data on TEs more specific to the species under consideration are necessary for a better understanding of their distribution in organisms and populations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The reserves of phytomass and deposited nutrition elements in a grass mire have been estimated. Two grass mires and one sphagnum bog are compared in these parameters. The sphagnum bog and one grass mire are in Poland, and the other grass mire is in Russia. As follows from the comparison, the common climatic and geochemical properties of location have effect on the chemical nature of phytomass. Grass mires have a higher content of nitrogen than sphagnum bogs. Both of the Polish bogs exhibit an increased content of K and a decreased content of Ca. The accumulation of P is characteristic of the Siberian grass mire and the accumulation of S is found in the Polish one.  相似文献   

Assessing the risk of potentially invasive plant species in central Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A risk assessment system was developed to assess the invasion potential of new environmental weeds in central Europe. A pre-evaluation step excludes species that are officially controlled, widespread, or intended for use in protected cultures only. Species eligible for risk assessment are classified into three categories (high risk, further observation required, low risk) by rating them according to various biogeographical and ecological aspects. The rating system was validated by testing 47 well-known invasive plant species of temperate Europe and 193 exotic plants which have failed to establish themselves in Switzerland. The overall accuracy was 65%. Accuracy of correctly predicting invasive species was 77%, while accuracy of correctly predicting non-invasive species was 62%. The proposed risk assessment protocol should be understood as a first attempt for a European country and needs modifications. These can only be achieved by applying the system in practice.  相似文献   

Occupancy and density of the epiphytic lichen L. pulmonaria were studied in the mountains of Uholka–Shyrokyi Luh (Ukraine), which include the largest primeval beech forest in Europe. The lichen occupancy was assessed on 314 plots laid out on a systematic grid. Additional data on population density were collected from 483 trees growing both, on and between these plots. The trees harbouring L. pulmonaria were distributed very sparsely within Uholka–Shyrokyi Luh, and occupy nearly 10 % of the studied perimeter. The generalized linear models showed that area of occupancy of L. pulmonaria was significantly influenced by altitude and canopy cover, whereas the species’ density was explained by habitat types and slope exposition. Population density is higher at the timberline than in the interior forest or on lowland meadows. We found a bimodal altitudinal distribution of L. pulmonaria, with maxima below and above 900 m a.s.l., where it prefers forest stands with loose or scattered canopy. The preferred position of L. pulmonaria on host tree trunks depends on stand density and allows the species to get the necessary level of insolation also in shaded sites where it grows higher up on the trunk than in open stands. While L. pulmonaria occupied trees with various diameters, juvenile individuals are more frequent on small trees, but mature lichen individuals are predominantly found on trees of average or large sizes. Fertile individuals require specific environmental conditions, which are available at intermediate altitudes, related with sheltered light, and horizontal terraces on slopes with eastern exposition. In general, the primeval beech forest of Uholka–Shyrokyi Luh harbours a high percentage of juvenile thalli of L. pulmonaria, which lack vegetative propagules. Mature individuals have a low frequency of fruit bodies and reproduce mainly with vegetative diaspores. We interpret this as an indication of a currently growing population of L. pulmonaria within the area. We hypothesize that transboundary air pollution has decreased the lichens’ population frequency and density and has altered the ratio of developmental stages in L. pulmonaria during earlier decades.  相似文献   

Ecology and germination behaviour of the seeds of two categories ofCucumis callosus Cogn. has been studied here. The seeds were found to be rigid in their requirement of light and temperature for germination. Red and far-red lights were found to affect germination and a phytochrome system appeared to be present. Temperature was found to have a significant effect on seed germination.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the aboveground and underground biomass of the speciesMarsilea quadrifolia and on the water regime and soil conditions in a habitat of this species in Central Europe (Czechoslovakia).  相似文献   

The phylogenetic distribution of transposable families, P, gypsy, hobo, I, and mariner has been analyzed in 33 species of 11 groups of neotropical Drosophila and a Drosophilidae species Zygotrica vittimaculosa, using squash blot and dot blot. Genomic DNA of almost all neotropical species tested hybridized with gypsy probe and some species showed a particularly strong hybridization signal, as D. gaucha, D. virilis, and species of flavopilosa group. The hobo element was restricted to melanogaster group and some strains of D. willistoni. Only D. simulans DNA showed hybridization to mariner probe in all species tested and D. simulans and D. melanogaster showed hybridization with I element probe. P element homologous sequence was present in D. melanogaster and all species and strains of the willistoni and saltans groups tested. The presence of at least one P-homologous sequence was detected in Drosophila mediopunctata. This one was the only P-bearing species of all six tested from the tripunctata group. Four different pairs of primers homologous to segments of the canonical sequence of D. melanogaster's P were used to amplify specific sequences from D. mediopunctata DNA, showing the occurrence of seemingly well-conserved P-homologous sequences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The distributions of Penelope and Ulysses, two transposable elements that can induce hybrid dysgenesis, were studied in several species groups of Drosophila. No significant hybridization to Penelope and Ulysses probes was detected by Southern blot analyses of species outside the virilis group. In contrast, both element families have had a long residence in all species of the virilis species group, as indicated by their strong presence in the heterochromatic chromocenter. Except for D. kanekoi, D. lummei, and some strains of D. virilis, species of the group carry full-sized, and at least potentially functional, copies of both element families. Consistent with the occurrence of recent transposition, Penelope and Ulysses elements are located at different chromosomal sites in different geographical strains of the same species. A total of 79 Penelope and 47 Ulysses euchromatic insertion sites were localized to chromosomal subsections in species of the virilis group. Highly significant deviations from independence of the distributions of Penelope and Ulysses and previously established inversion breakpoints were documented, suggesting that these transposable elements may have played an important role in genomic reorganization and evolution of the virilis species group, which is especially rich in karyotypic variation. Received: 13 April 1999; in revised form: 20 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

Algal zonation patterns were studied in two sites (Caloura, south coast and Ribeirinha, north coast) of the island of Sao Miguel, Azores. At each site two stations were studied and the transects revealed the occurrence of two distinct and well established algal zones. In the first zone, daily immersed and emersed by the tide, the algae were growing in a dense and short tangle forming a mat, referred to as algal turf. In the second zone, which was wet most of the time, the algae were larger and frondose. A list of the species of benthic marine algae occurring on the algal turf of each station is given. Of the total of 47 species found, eight are new for the Azores and another 13 species are recorded for the first time for Sao Miguel. Gigartina acicularis (Roth) Lamouroux and articulate coralline algae (Corallina oficinalis Linnaeus and Jania spp.) were the more common species. Seasonal variation of the algal turf was studied and related to mean monthly values of air and sea water temperatures, insolation and hours of light. The zonation patterns and composition of algal species were compared with those from other open rocky shores.  相似文献   

The distribution ofCystopteris fragilis andC. dickieana in Afghanistan within the Flora Iranica region is studied. The latter species, for some ecological reason, occurs more frequently at higher altitudes. In both taxa higher polyploid levels also occur at high altitudes. The phenomenon can be correlated with the boreal-arctic distribution pattern. Polyploidism and spore-size classes are briefly mentioned as well as possible ecological adaptations. Evolutionary differentiation within both taxa are complex and still unknown.Dedicated to Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday and in recalling historical trips to the marvellous Afghan flora and vegetation.  相似文献   

Ecological studies were made on the structure and phytomass of the secondary coppice forest near Tokyo, which was dominated by a deciduous oak,Quercus serrata Thunb. Average height of dominant trees was about 10 m. The shoot density at the beginning of the study was 4,600 ha−1 of which 89.5% belonged toQ. serrata. During the subsequent two growing seasons 8.3% of shoots, mainly small ones, died. All the tree shoots in a 10 m×10 m quadrat were cut and most of the underground parts were dug out. The phytomass calculated by the allometric relations of the dry weight of each plant organ to the square of DBH (D 2) agreed fairly well with the values directly weighed. The average phytomass of the overstory trees was 906 kg a−1. The leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy was 3.85. Phytomass of the undergrowth, mainly a dwarf bamboo,Pleioblastus chino Makino, was 91.8 kg a−1 with LAI of 3.46. The dead phytomass in the stand was 177 kg a−1, so the phytomass alive and dead amounted to 1,170 kg a−1. Heavy self-thinning of the coppice forest is discussed in relation to the rapid development of the log-normal distribution of tree sizes and to the large allometric constants for leaf and branch weight toD 2.  相似文献   

The degradation of habitats and species loss in freshwaters is far greater than in any other ecosystem. The decline in biodiversity has a strong potential to alter the functioning of the ecosystem and the services they provide to human society. Therefore, there is an urgent need for accurate information on patterns and drivers of diversity that could be used in the management of freshwater ecosystems. We present the results of an analysis of the relationships between macrophyte species richness and environmental characteristics using an extensive dataset collected from 160 sites in two central-European bioregions. We modelled macrophyte species richness using recursive partitioning methods to assess the diversity-environmental relationships and to estimate the environmental thresholds of species richness in rivers, streams, ditches and ponds. Several hydrological and chemical variables were identified as significant predictors of macrophyte richness. Among them, pH, conductivity, turbidity and substrate composition appeared as the most important. There is also evidence that natural ponds support a greater number of plant species than man-made ponds. Based on the detected environmental thresholds, we offer a series of simple rules for maintaining higher macrophyte species richness, which is potentially useful in the conservation and management of aquatic habitats in central Europe.  相似文献   

This paper suggests three additions to the Hildebrand method for gait-pattern specification. The first allows an extension of this method by the use of the forelimb as reference. Thus, dataset could be gathered indifferently from fore or hindlimbs cycles to identify a symmetrical gait or compare gaits of diverse species. On the basis of Hildebrand's definitions, the second suggestion permits to check the proportion of symmetrical and asymmetrical gaits adopted by different individuals of one or different species. The third addition makes a graphical clear-cut between four basic modes of gallops: rotary, transverse, half-bound and bound. These additions will facilitate extensive data comparison either to evaluate the range of variation within a single species or to specify the preferred gaits in diverse species.  相似文献   

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