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Acidification of waters and soils caused by emissions and the long-range transport of air pollutants has been a serious worldwide problem during the last decades. The extent of the acidification problem in Finnish acid-sensitive forest lakes was examined in the Acidification Research Project (HAPRO) in the mid-1980s. The recent decline in the emissions of air pollutants has resulted in the chemical recovery of watersheds in many regions, and the present work on the recovery processes in acidified Finnish headwater lakes (REPRO) was launched to examine whether the chemical recovery has already been accompanied by biological recovery. The patterns of recovery were studied by re-sampling littoral macrozoobenthos in a subset of the previously sampled HAPRO lakes. Paleolimnological samples were taken in order to assess the possible dependence of lacustrine chironomid communities on the changing degree of acidification. Acid sensitive and moderately acid sensitive benthic species revealed slight recovery in the formerly most acidic (pH 5.5) but recently recovered lakes. The most significant factors affecting the response of benthic communities were increased mean lake pH and decreased labile aluminium concentration. Paleolimnological chironomid analysis revealed a slight response along the pH gradient, but also significant structural similarity between the present and pristine chironomid assemblages. This implies that no major changes in chironomid communities of these acidic lakes have occurred during the past centuries. The alternative future trends and threats to biological recovery in small headwater lakes are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of the recent warming trend in many northern temperate lakes on the species composition of spring phytoplankton remain poorly understood, especially because a recent change in nutrients has complicated efforts, and previous studies have defined spring according to the calendar. We analysed data from 1979 to 2004 from Lake Müggelsee (Berlin, Germany), using physical and biological parameters to define the spring period. We show that a change in timing of spring plankton events in warm years led to the paradox of lower mean water temperatures during the growth period, favouring cold-adapted diatoms over cyanobacteria, and within the diatoms, some cold-adapted centric forms over pennate forms. Under high P : Si ratios, the increased time between phytoplankton and cladoceran peaks opened a loophole for filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) in warm years to establish dominance after the diatoms, which are silicate limited. Therefore, the warming trend promotes filamentous cyanobacteria, a well-known nuisance in eutrophic lakes, and surprisingly, cold-adapted diatoms.  相似文献   

Twenty lakes recovering from a century of atmospheric acid deposition over Northeastern Ontario were resurveyed for phytoplankton following a 20‐year period and were compared with a 23‐year study of an experimentally acidified lake, L302S (Experimental Lakes Area, ON, Canada). Phytoplankton species significantly tracked abiotic changes during both acidification and chemical recovery in all lakes based on concordance testing. However, ordination analyses showed that many phytoplankton communities had not returned to their preacidification state. Significant explanatory variables of taxonomic responses were pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and inorganic nutrients (N, P), based on canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Increases in DOC and pH influenced a significant taxonomic shift from acid‐tolerant dinoflagellates to a diverse assemblage of cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, and diatoms. Declining nitrogen levels defined a secondary environmental gradient, which was characterized by a decrease in filamentous green algal abundance. L302S remained remote in ordination space from the more chronically and heavily polluted lakes in Northeastern Ontario, indicating that experimental acidification provided a conservative estimate of the true damage to atmospherically polluted lakes. However, L302S did increasingly resemble lakes in Northeastern Ontario, suggesting that experimental acidification simulated the impacts of moderate levels of atmospheric pollution. Our findings demonstrate the importance of ecological history in understanding the responses by boreal lake ecosystems to environmental change.  相似文献   

The anticipated impacts of climate change on aquatic biota are difficult to evaluate because of potentially contrasting effects of temperature and hydrology on lake ecosystems, particularly those closed‐basin lakes within semiarid regions. To address this shortfall, we quantified decade‐scale changes in chemical and biological properties of 20 endorheic lakes in central North America in response to a pronounced transition from a drought to a pluvial period during the early 21st century. Lakes exhibited marked temporal changes in chemical characteristics and formed two discrete clusters corresponding to periods of substantially different effective moisture (as Palmer Drought Severity Index, PDSI). Discriminant function analysis (DFA) explained 90% of variability in fish assemblage composition and showed that fish communities were predicted best by environmental conditions during the arid interval (PDSI 相似文献   

Biomass change of the world's forests is critical to the global carbon cycle. Despite storing nearly half of global forest carbon, the boreal biome of diverse forest types and ages is a poorly understood component of the carbon cycle. Using data from 871 permanent plots in the western boreal forest of Canada, we examined net annual aboveground biomass change (ΔAGB) of four major forest types between 1958 and 2011. We found that ΔAGB was higher for deciduous broadleaf (DEC) (1.44 Mg ha?1 year?1, 95% Bayesian confidence interval (CI), 1.22–1.68) and early‐successional coniferous forests (ESC) (1.42, CI, 1.30–1.56) than mixed forests (MIX) (0.80, CI, 0.50–1.11) and late‐successional coniferous (LSC) forests (0.62, CI, 0.39–0.88). ΔAGB declined with forest age as well as calendar year. After accounting for the effects of forest age, ΔAGB declined by 0.035, 0.021, 0.032 and 0.069 Mg ha?1 year?1 per calendar year in DEC, ESC, MIX and LSC forests, respectively. The ΔAGB declines resulted from increased tree mortality and reduced growth in all forest types except DEC, in which a large biomass loss from mortality was accompanied with a small increase in growth. With every degree of annual temperature increase, ΔAGB decreased by 1.00, 0.20, 0.55 and 1.07 Mg ha?1 year?1 in DEC, ESC, MIX and LSC forests, respectively. With every cm decrease of annual climatic moisture availability, ΔAGB decreased 0.030, 0.045 and 0.17 Mg ha?1 year?1 in ESC, MIX and LSC forests, but changed little in DEC forests. Our results suggest that persistent warming and decreasing water availability have profound negative effects on forest biomass in the boreal forests of western Canada. Furthermore, our results indicate that forest responses to climate change are strongly dependent on forest composition with late‐successional coniferous forests being most vulnerable to climate changes in terms of aboveground biomass.  相似文献   

We studied the interannual variation of surface water partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and the CO2 emissions from the 37 large Finnish lakes linking them to the water quality, catchment and climate attributes in 1996–2001. The lake water CO2 was measured three times a year in the study lakes in 1998 and 1999 and for the rest of the years the CO2 was modeled by measured alkalinity. The median annual CO2 emission to the atmosphere ranged between 1.49 and 2.29 mol m?2 a?1. The annual CO2 emission followed closely the annual precipitation pattern with the highest emission during the years when the precipitation was highest (r2=0.81–0.97, P<0.05). There was a strong negative correlation (r2=0.50–0.82, P<0.001) between O2 and CO2 saturation in the lake water during stratification suggesting effective decomposition of organic matter in the lakes. Furthermore, total phosphorus and the proportion of agricultural land in the catchment had significant positive correlations with CO2 saturation.  相似文献   

1. Littoral biota in boreal lakes are known to assimilate epilithon. Being able to predict the stable isotopic composition of these alga will help to identify those systems in which δ13C and δ15N analysis can be used in foodweb investigations of allochthony and biomagnification.
2. In a survey of 15 boreal lakes, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) explained 76% of the variation in epilithon δ13C, and 86% of the variation in epilithon δ15N.
3. Because both δ13C and δ15N values were depressed and similar to terrestrial values in humic (high DOC) lakes, it will be more difficult to successfully employ stable isotopic techniques for estimating allochthony in such systems. Lower δ15N values in humic lakes also indicate that trophic positions estimated by stable isotopes are not directly comparable to those of similar biota inhabiting clearwater lakes, unless autochthonous baseline corrections are made.  相似文献   

Fourteen West Tatra lakes were studied, of which one could be considered to be recently anthropogenically acidified and eight others classified as acidification-endangered. In the anthropogenically acidified lake, the zooplankton assemblage has been substantially altered (three mountain-lake crustacean species have been eliminated). Several littoral macrobenthic species sensitive to acidification have either been eliminated from the acidified and acidification-endangered lakes or occur only sporadically. The effect of acidification has so far not been observed on the benthic fauna of the lakes medial which is probably due to the higher pH below the surface of sediment. In comparison with the High Tatra, acid depositions have had a less pronounced effect on the lakes of the West Tatra.  相似文献   

Substantial variability was found in the water chemistry of 22 northern Apennine lakes. In a group of lakes there is evidence of disturbance linked to eutrophication processes. Other lakes showed weak ion concentrations and alkalinity below the acidification risk threshold. However no acidified lakes were found. The lack of waterbodies with severely altered hydrochemistry may explain why no clear relationship between plankton community structure and water chemistry was observed.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic ecosystems in Northern Europe are expected to face increases in temperature and water colour (TB) in future. While effects of these factors have been studied separately, it is unknown whether and how a combination of them might affect phenological events and trophic interactions. 2. In a mesocosm study, we combined both factors to create conditions expected to arise during the coming century. We focused on quantifying effects on timing and magnitude of plankton spring phenological events and identifying possible mismatches between resources (phytoplankton) and consumers (zooplankton). 3. We found that the increases in TB had important effects on timing and abundance of different plankton groups. While increased temperature led to an earlier peak in phytoplankton and zooplankton and a change in the relative timing of different zooplankton groups, increased water colour reduced chlorophyll‐a concentrations. 4. Increased TB together benefitted cladocerans and calanoid copepods and led to stronger top‐down control of algae by zooplankton. There was no sign of a mismatch between primary producers and grazers as reported from other studies. 5. Our results point towards an earlier onset of plankton spring growth in shallow lakes in future with a stronger top‐down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton grazers.  相似文献   

The Arctic is particularly sensitive to climate change, but the independent effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (pCO2) and temperature on high‐latitude forests are poorly understood. Here, we present a new, annually resolved record of stable carbon isotope (δ13C) data determined from Larix cajanderi tree cores collected from far northeastern Siberia in order to investigate the physiological response of these trees to regional warming. The tree‐ring record, which extends from 1912 through 1961 (50 years), targets early twentieth‐century warming (ETCW), a natural warming event in the 1920s to 1940s that was limited to Northern hemisphere high latitudes. Our data show that net carbon isotope fractionation (Δ13C), decreased by 1.7‰ across the ETCW, which is consistent with increased water stress in response to climate warming and dryer soils. To investigate whether this signal is present across the northern boreal forest, we compiled published carbon isotope data from 14 high‐latitude sites within Europe, Asia, and North America. The resulting dataset covered the entire twentieth century and spanned both natural ETCW and anthropogenic Late Twentieth‐Century Warming (~0.7 °C per decade). After correcting for a ~1‰ increase in Δ13C in response to twentieth century pCO2 rise, a significant negative relationship (r = ?0.53, P < 0.0001) between the average, annual Δ13C values and regional annual temperature anomalies is observed, suggesting a strong control of temperature on the Δ13C value of trees growing at high latitudes. We calculate a 17% increase in intrinsic water‐use efficiency within these forests across the twentieth century, of which approximately half is attributed to a decrease in stomatal conductance in order to conserve water in response to drying conditions, with the other half being attributed to increasing pCO2. We conclude that annual tree‐ring records from northern high‐latitude forests record the effects of climate warming and pCO2 rise across the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Endorheic lakes of the northern Great Plains encompass a wide range of environmental parameters (e.g., salinity, pH, DOC, Ca, nutrients, depth) that vary 1000‐fold among sites and through the past 2000 years due to variation in basin hydrology and evaporative forcing. However, while many environmental parameters are known to individually influence zooplankton diversity and taxonomic composition, relatively little is known of the hierarchical relationships among potential controls or of how regulatory mechanisms may change in response to climate variation on diverse scales. To address these issues, we surveyed 70 lakes within a 100 000 km2 prairie region to simulate the magnitude of environmental change expected to occur over 100–1000 years and to quantify the unique and interactive effects of diverse environmental parameters in regulating pelagic invertebrate community structure at that scale. Multivariate analyses showed that salinity was the principal correlate of changes in invertebrate composition among lakes, with a sequential loss of taxa between salinities of 4 and 50 g total dissolved solids L?1 until one to two species predominated in highly saline systems. In contrast, changes in the concentrations of Ca2+ and other mineral nutrients exerted secondary controls of invertebrate assemblages independent of salinity, whereas lake depth provided a tertiary regulatory mechanism structuring species composition. In contrast to these large‐scale hierarchical patterns, seasonal surveys (May, July, September) of a subset of 21 lakes in each of 2003–2005 revealed that annual meteorological variation had no measurable effect on pelagic invertebrates, despite large differences in temperature, precipitation, and evaporation arising from regional droughts. Together these findings show that pelagic invertebrate communities in saline lakes are resilient to interannual variability in climate, but suggest that lakes of the northern Great Plains may provide a sensitive model to forecast centennial effects of future climate change.  相似文献   

Quantifying the effects of human activity on the natural environment is dependent on credible estimates of reference conditions to define the state of the environment before the onset of adverse human impacts. In Europe, emission controls that aimed at restoring ecological status were based on hindcasts from process‐based models or paleolimnological reconstructions. For instance, 1860 is used in Europe as the target for restoration from acidification concerning biological and chemical parameters. A more practical problem is that the historical states of ecosystems and their function cannot be observed directly. Therefore, we (i) compare estimates of acidification based on long‐term observations of roach (Rutilus rutilus) populations with hindcast pH from the hydrogeochemical model MAGIC; (ii) discuss policy implications and possible scope for use of long‐term archival data for assessing human impacts on the natural environment and (iii) present a novel conceptual model for interpreting the importance of physico‐chemical and ecological deviations from reference conditions. Of the 85 lakes studied, 78 were coherently classified by both methods. In 1980, 28 lakes were classified as acidified with the MAGIC model, however, roach was present in 14 of these. In 2010, MAGIC predicted chemical recovery in 50% of the lakes, however roach only recolonized in five lakes after 1990, showing a lag between chemical and biological recovery. Our study is the first study of its kind to use long‐term archival biological data in concert with hydrogeochemical modeling for regional assessments of anthropogenic acidification. Based on our results, we show how the conceptual model can be used to understand and prioritize management of physico‐chemical and ecological effects of anthropogenic stressors on surface water quality.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is predicted to experience the greatest warming of any forest biome during the next 50–100 years, but the effects of warming on vegetation phenology are not well known. The objectives of this study were to (1) examine the effects of whole ecosystem warming on bud burst and annual shoot growth of black spruce trees in northern Manitoba, Canada and (2) correlate bud burst to cumulative degree-days (CDD). The experimental design was a complete randomized block design that consisted of four replicated blocks. Each replicate block contained four treatments: soil warming only (heated outside, HO), soil and air warming (heated inside, HI), control outside (no chamber, no heating, CO), and inside a chamber maintained at ambient conditions (no soil or air warming, control inside, CI). Bud burst was measured during the first and second years of the experiment, starting in 2004, and annual shoot growth was measured for the first 3 years (2004–2006) of the study. On average, shoot bud burst occurred 11 and 9 days earlier in 2004 and 2005, respectively, for HI than for other treatments. However, mean CDD required for bud burst for HI was within the standard deviation of CO for both years. In year 1 of the treatments, shoot bud burst occurred earlier for HI than other treatments (CI, CO, HO), but final shoot length of HI trees was less than in CO trees. In the second year of warming, final shoot length was not different for HI than CO. By the third year of warming final shoot length was significantly greater for HI than all other treatments. Empirical results from this study suggest that soil and air warming causes an earlier bud burst for all years of observation and greater shoot lengths by the third season of warming. A longer growing season and greater annual shoot growth should increase carbon uptake by boreal black spruce trees in a warmer climate.  相似文献   

Interactions among global change stressors and their effects at large scales are often proposed, but seldom evaluated. This situation is primarily due to lack of comprehensive, sufficiently long‐term, and spatially extensive datasets. Seagrasses, which provide nursery habitat, improve water quality, and constitute a globally important carbon sink, are among the most vulnerable habitats on the planet. Here, we unite 31 years of high‐resolution aerial monitoring and water quality data to elucidate the patterns and drivers of eelgrass (Zostera marina) abundance in Chesapeake Bay, USA, one of the largest and most valuable estuaries in the world, with an unparalleled history of regulatory efforts. We show that eelgrass area has declined 29% in total since 1991, with wide‐ranging and severe ecological and economic consequences. We go on to identify an interaction between decreasing water clarity and warming temperatures as the primary drivers of this trend. Declining clarity has gradually reduced eelgrass cover the past two decades, primarily in deeper beds where light is already limiting. In shallow beds, however, reduced visibility exacerbates the physiological stress of acute warming, leading to recent instances of decline approaching 80%. While degraded water quality has long been known to influence underwater grasses worldwide, we demonstrate a clear and rapidly emerging interaction with climate change. We highlight the urgent need to integrate a broader perspective into local water quality management, in the Chesapeake Bay and in the many other coastal systems facing similar stressors.  相似文献   

1. We empirically modelled profundal macroinvertebrate biomass (PMB) from collections of macroinvertebrates and a suite of trophic, water chemistry and morphometric variables from 26 lakes located within the Boreal Mixedwood and Boreal Subarctic ecoregions of Alberta, Canada.
2. Hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (mg L−1) explained 37% of the variance in PMB ((g m−2)0.1) as a quadratic function, whereas water temperature (°C) explained 23% of variance in a linear relationship.
3. In contrast with other studies based on oligotrophic systems, indirect indicators of food availability (i.e. chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations and Secchi depth) were not significant predictors of PMB in this study.
4. The predictive power of our models may be improved by obtaining more frequent (seasonal) estimates of PMB and hypolimnetic DO concentration and by quantifying biotic factors such as competition, predation, life history phenologies and recruitment success.  相似文献   

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