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R. J. Post 《Genetica》1986,69(3):191-207
It is noted that the chromosomal inversion 2L-7, which has been used in the past to separate S. Sanetipauli from S. soubrense, occurs as an intraspecific polymorphism and hence cannot be considered diagnostic, although in some populations 2L-7 can still strogly indicate the presence of two species. However, two newly recognised inversions, 1L-A and 2L-A, can be used in combination to identify S. sanctipauli, S. soubrense and a new species S. soubrense B. The absence of the relevant heterozygotes for these two new inversion confirms the separate specific status of S. sanctipauli from S. soubrense from S. soubrense B as well as providing a reliable means of larval identification. The misuse of 2L-7 as a species diagnostic inversion has undoubtedly led to past misidentifications of S. sanctipauli and S. soubrense, and it is possible, for example, that only S. sanctipauli is resistant to organophosphate insecticides in Ivory Coast and not S. soubrense. Beffa form appears to be a distinctive geographic race of S. soubrense, but forme konkouré remains as yet unassigned. A cytotaxonomic key for the identification of members of the S. sanctipauli sub-complex is presented.  相似文献   

Hunter FF 《Genetica》2002,114(3):207-215
Simulium craigi Adler and Currie is a polymorphic species based on polytene chromosome banding patterns in the long arm of chromosome III (IIIL). Three cytotypes are described based on the predominant IIIL sequences. These correspond to three broad geographic areas: cytotype CC from Pennsylvania; cytotype AF from Ontario and Manitoba; and cytotype ACF/BCF from New Hampshire. In the absence of sympatric populations, these cytotype differences are best explained by clinal variation within a single species. The relationship of S. craigi to other described members of the S. vernum group is discussed.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the phylogenetic relationships between Stephaniellaceae, Arnelliaceae, Southbyaceae, and Gymnomitriaceae, and between genera and species of the Stephaniellaceae. We analysed morphological data obtained from herbarium specimens and from the literature under the parsimony criterion using equal weightings and implied weightings. The inclusion of Stephaniella and Stephaniellidium within Arnelliaceae, Southbyaceae or Gymnomitriaceae is not supported in this analysis. The clade Stephaniellaceae had a moderately high Jackknife support and the family was characterized by the following synapomorphies: presence of paraphyllia and presence of longitudinal folds in female bracts. Within the Stephaniellaceae, Stephaniella is corroborated as monophyletic and Stephaniellidium is resolved as its sister group. The relationship between Stephaniella uncifolia Winkler and Stephaniella hamata Stephani was strongly supported in both analyses while the relationship between Stephaniella paraphyllina Jack and Stephaniella boliviensis Stephani was weakly supported. With these results, S. boliviensis is proposed as a synonym of S. paraphyllina. We propose changes in the taxonomic position of Stephaniella and Stephaniellidium and in their classification in consideration of the complex morphology of the species and the lack of sexual structures and collections.  相似文献   

D. G. Bedo 《Genetica》1982,59(1):9-21
Double labelling of Simulium ornatipes polytene chromosomes with H3- and C14-thymidine shows that chromosome synthesis follows three distinct phases viz. a short phase of initiation in puffs and interbands spreading to more condensed regions; a long continuous labelling phase, then a discontinuously labelled end phase as bands complete their replication in temporal sequence. Analysis of H3 labelling patterns indicates that while heterochromatic bands replicate there is no clear correlation between heterochromatic or C-banding regions and band replication time. The major characteristic governing band replication time appears to be band size and density. However, in some bands this relationship is modified, perhaps it is suggested, by DNA organisation influencing the efficiency of replicons. The existence of great variability in homologous band replication times, even within a chromosome pair, indicates that the control of band replication is highly autonomous. It is suggested that polymorphisms at the molecular level determine this variation. Replication time of active nucleolar organisers is very long in contrast to the short replication of condensed inactive organisers. This may reflect differential polytenisation of ribosomal DNA as a result of a developmental polymorphism, or the amplification of ribosomal DNA by active nucleolar organisers.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a 3-year study during 1990–92, larval collections of the Simulium damnosum complex from the River Corubal system in Guinea Bissau revealed that the only sibling species present were S. sirbanum and the Konkouré form of S. konkourense , but not S. damnosum s.s. which had been found at some of the localities (Saltinho and Cusselinta) in a previous survey by Quillévéré et at. (1981). Their differential distributions were seasonally consistent between years. S. sirbanum was concentrated in the upper reaches of the Corubal, moving downstream at the end of the dry season to exploit new breeding grounds, whereas S. konkourense seemed to be concentrated in the lower reaches and moved upstream in the middle of the dry season.
Since the previous survey, it appears that S. konkourense has largely replaced S. sirbanum and S. damnosum s.s. in the lower reaches of the Corubal. S. sirbanum was consistently associated with man-biting behaviour and, although infection studies were not performed, it is likely that S. sirbanum is the main vector of onchocerciasis in Guinea Bissau as S. konkourense does not seen to be anthropophilic.
Among five polymorphic inversions in S. sirbanum , the frequency of inversion IL-B increased during the dry season; IL-2 and IIL-7 showed homozygous disadvantage whereas IIL-3 and IIIL-6 did not; IS-2 tended to be fixed in all populations. Simulium konkourense populations in the River Corubal differ from those found upstream in its tributary the River Koumba, in the Fouta Djallon of Guinea, by their sex chromosomes (having no sex-linked inversions) and biting preferences, indicating that the populations are not freely interbreeding. Inversion IIIL-X was found for the first time in populations of S. konkourense outside the Fouta Djallon area and a new inversion IIL-Y was identified in samples from the Rivers Corubal and Féfiné.  相似文献   

Two new black fly species, Simulium (Simulium) pothigaiense sp. n. and Simulium (Simulium) valparaiense sp. n., are described based on females, males, pupae and larvae. Simulium (Simulium) pothigaiense sp. n. is characterized by a claw simple without subbasal tooth and the base of radial vein with hair tuft in the females, maxillary palp with small sensory vesicle in the males, pupal gill with 10 short slender filaments and very short common basal stalk in the pupae and 5 hypostomal bristles per side lying parallel to lateral margin in the larvae. Simulium (Simulium) valparaiense sp. n. is characterized by hind basitarsus 6.6 times as long as its greatest width and claw with small distinct subbasal tooth in the females, gonostyle in medial view 2.3 times longer than coxite in the males, common basal stalk of pupal gill 0.31 times as long as interspiracular trunk, and larval thoracic and abdominal cuticle with pair of dorsolateral protuberances. Taxonomic notes are given to distinguish these two new species from closely related species. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7285F6BC-607D-4F76-B6EE-9CAC67CDE651  相似文献   

记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

陈汉彬  张春林 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):70-72
 记述采自贵州雷公山的蚋属一新种, 显著蚋Simulium (Simulium) prominentum, 新种 。根据其蛹和幼虫的特征显著而命名, 对其幼期形态进行描述并与其近缘种作分类讨论。  相似文献   

首次在国内对兴义维蚋Simulium (Wilhelmia) xingyiense的多线染色体进行研究, 并提供其多线染色体标准图。选取兴义维蚋的成熟幼虫, 用改良苯酚品红染色法进行唾腺多线染色体制备, 并进行测量、 描述及分析。结果表明: 兴义维蚋多线染色体数目为3对(2n=6)。Ⅰ号染色体具中央着丝粒, Ⅱ和Ⅲ号染色体均为亚中央着丝粒染色体。核仁组织者区位于Ⅰ号染色体短臂近着丝粒端。巴尔比尼氏环和双泡位于Ⅱ号染色体短臂近中央位置。3对染色体的着丝粒区可形成明显的染色中心。兴义维蚋多线染色体具有多态性的倒位, 倒位频率为0.64。兴义维蚋多线染色体的着丝粒、 核仁组织区、 巴氏环、 双泡等主要特征性结构的位置及形态恒定一致,可作为该种的重要鉴别特征。其多态性的倒位可为该蚋种在细胞水平上进行蚋类分类鉴别和系统发育等研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The polytene chromosomes of 3347 larvae of the Simulium tuberosum group in Asia were analysed, representing the largest ever cytogenetic study of black flies in the Oriental Region. Band‐by‐band comparisons, relative to the established standard chromosome map for the subgenus Simulium, revealed 17 cytogenetically distinct taxa in Thailand, plus an 18th in China. Six of these taxa correspond to morphologically described species (S. doipuiense, S. rufibasis, S. setsukoae, S. tani, S. yuphae and S. weji). Recognition of the 18 taxa is based largely on unique inversions, either fixed or sex linked, primarily in the long arm of chromosome III. The greatest cytological diversity was discovered in the S. tani lineage, with ten cytoforms. This marked chromosomal diversification within S. tani is based largely on two inversions that have assumed different roles over evolutionary time, variously functioning in different combinations as fixed inversions, sex‐linked inversions and autosomal polymorphisms. Shared unique chromosomal features, relative to the subgeneric standard chromosome map, allowed evolutionary relationships among the cytotaxa to be inferred. Fluctuations in climate during the Pleistocene might have promoted differentiation of the Southeast Asian S. tuberosum group in isolated refugia such as mountains. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 289–315.  相似文献   

The identity of Simulium murmanum is re-established by designation of lectotype and paralectotype. The species is common and widespread in the northern Holarctic Region and has up to now been reported from the Nearctic Region as S. corbis and from the Palaearctic Region as S. relictum (and S. rostratum, auct., nec Lundstrüm).  相似文献   

An analysis is given of collections of Elassoneuria nymphs bearing immature Simulium berneri from the forest zone of West Cameroon near Kumba. The size and sex of the mayfly nymphs, the size and attachment sites of S. berneri and the infestation rates are recorded. The method of dispersion is discussed.  相似文献   

Simulium (Simulium) liubaense, sp. nov. is described based on the female specimens collected from Liuba, Shaanxi Province, China. This species is assigned to the variegotum-group of the subgenus Simulium, and is closely related to S. (S.) jingfui Cai and An, 2008, S. (S.) taiwanicum Takaoka, 1979, S. (S.) hackeri Edwards 1928, S. (S.) chamlongi Takaoka and Suzuki, 1984. However it is clearly differentiated from them by the structure of cibarium, genital fork, genital plate, paraproct and cercus of the female. All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Simulium siamense complex was inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. A 586‐bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase I was sequenced for 92 individuals from 13 populations throughout Thailand, representing five cytoforms (A, B, C, F and G). The cytoforms are not genetically different at the molecular level except for cytoform B, which is genetically distinct from the others. This might indicate that cytoform B is a distinct species. Further morphological and molecular work using other genes is needed to clarify this. Our results also argue for the need of integrated approach, both cytological and molecular studies to understanding biodiversity of black flies. The star‐like shape of the mtDNA genealogy is consistent with the sudden population expansion of the mismatch distribution analysis and large negative values of Fu's Fs and Tajima's D‐tests, indicating a population demographic expansion. The expansion time is estimated to be in the late Pleistocene (about 120 000 years ago). Therefore, the overall low level of genetic structure could be due to sharing a recent history. The ancestral haplotype was found in the mountainous area in northeastern Thailand, suggesting that this area could have been the refugium of the species complex during the Pleistocene glaciations. Our results are consistent with previous findings about population expansion in response to the Pleistocene climatic change, thus revealing the importance of this historical event in shaping the genetic structure and diversity of Southeast Asian mainland species.  相似文献   

The silks of arthropods have an elementary role in the natural history of the organisms that spin them, yet they are coded by rapidly evolving genes leading some authors to speculate that silk proteins are non-homologous proteins co-opted multiple times independently for similar functions. However, some general structural patterns are emerging. In this work we identified three major silk gland proteins using a combined biochemical, proteomic, next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic approach. Biochemical characterization determined that they were phosphorylated with multiple isoforms and potentially differential phosphorylation. Structural characterization showed that their structure was more similar to silk proteins from distantly related aquatic Trichopteran species than more closely related terrestrial or aquatic Diptera. Overall, our approach is easily transferable to any non-model species and if used across a larger number of aquatic species, we will be able to better understand the processes involved in linking the secondary structure of silk proteins with their function between in an organisms and its habitat.  相似文献   

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