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The role of hydrodynamic wall shear stresses on the development of the fouling community structure and resulting frictional drag were examined using a commercially available fouling release coating. Immersed test panels were exposed to three different hydrodynamic treatments, one static and two dynamic (corresponding to an estimated wall shear stress of 7.0 and 25.5 Pa). The drag of the panels was measured in a hydrodynamic test chamber at discrete time intervals over 35 days. The fouling community composition on the static panels was significantly different from the organisms observed on the dynamic panels. Despite different fouling community composition, the drag forces measured on the panels were very similar. This suggests that the frictional drag of low form and soft fouling communities are similar and that there may be a stepwise increase in frictional drag associated with the presence of mature calcareous organisms.  相似文献   

Biofouling on ships has been linked to the spread of invasive species, which has been identified as one of the current primary threats to the environment. Previous research on antifouling coatings suggested that the quantity of fouling, as well as community composition, on biocidal coatings was modified by prior fouling settlement. The experiment reported in this paper was designed to determine how preconditioning affected the rate and composition of subsequent fouling on transplanted silicone coatings. A series of 10 × 20?cm panels coated with Intersleek 700 or DC3140 were placed at three locations in Florida (Ponce Inlet, Sebastian Inlet, and Port of Miami), which were characterized by distinct fouling communities. Panels were immersed for four months, cleaned, and reciprocally transplanted among the three sites. Fouling community composition and coverage were characterized at bimonthly intervals both before and after transplantation. The original fouling community affected the subsequent fouling composition and recolonization by tunicates, sea anemones, barnacles, sponges, hydroids, and arborescent bryozoans. The community-level effects were short-term, lasting 2–4?months, but specific responses lasted up to 14?months post-transplant.  相似文献   

Shipping has contributed strongly to biological invasions in coastal ecosystems, transferring species in ballast tanks and on exposed underwater surfaces (hulls). A long history exists that documents biota associated with ships’ hulls, including some recent analyses of modern ships, but relatively little is known about the associated risks of invasion. In general, the likelihood of invasion is expected to increase with increasing propagule supply, which suggests that high‐density transfers on hulls may pose a relatively high invasion risk. Obsolete vessels are expected to be at an extreme end of the spectrum for biofouling, since they sit at anchorage for long periods and are towed at relatively slow speeds when moved, but this remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we quantified the biofouling communities of two obsolete vessels, one stationary for one decade and the other for two decades, before and after their final transit from California to Texas. Pre‐departure biofouling surveys across both vessels detected 22 species of macroinvertebrates. The biomass was dominated by the introduced bryozoan Conopeum chesapeakensis, which occurred in 98% of samples and created a three‐dimensional structure (2–5 cm thick). Mobile species, inhabiting the vertical biofouling matrix, were more numerous than sessile ones. Interestingly, the non‐native Asian clam Corbula amurensis, not previously associated with hull fouling assemblages, was recorded in 9% of samples. During the 43‐day voyage, organisms encountered salinity variation that ranged between zero (Panama Canal) and at least 37 parts per thousand (Brownsville, Texas) and temperatures that varied between 9.9 °C and 31.6 °C. Upon arrival in Texas, we measured an expected decrease in biofouling extent across both vessels but also a surprising increase in species richness (57 species were recorded), with small compositional differences between ships that did not exist prior to departure. Several species were recorded alive upon arrival, including non‐natives that are not known to be established in Texas waters. The physiological tolerance and associated risk of colonization have not yet been evaluated for these organisms, or for the broader species pool associated with a standing fleet (n > 200 ships) that may undergo similar movements. Nonetheless, a compelling case exists for vector management based on organism flux alone, to reduce the risk of coastwise and inter‐oceanic invasions.  相似文献   

Bacteria are attracted to surfaces. Their surface adhesion, with subsequent binary fission and exopolymer production, leads to the formation of biofilms. Such biofilms consist of bacterial cells in a matrix of their own exopolysaccharide glycocalyces. In addition to the bulk fluid and the surface, biofilms constitute a third physical phase. The close proximity of the bacterial cells in the biofilm matrices assists the formation of metabolically dependent consortia. The chemical and physical activities of these microbial communities produces a heterogeneous system at the colonised surface. Metabolites, produced at specific points on the surface, can lead to the development of effective anodes and cathodes at adjoining locations on the surface. In this way the fouling of a surface by bacterial biofilm development facilitates focal attack on that surface. This pit formation is characteristic of bacterial surface activities as diverse as dental decay and metal corrosion. In this review, we examine bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation and several instances of focal bacterial attack on colonised surfaces. However, pathogenic biofilms and the fouling of biological surfaces, with the exception of caries formation, is outside the scope of this paper.  相似文献   

Long-term grooming tests were conducted on two large-scale test panels, one coated with a fluorosilicone fouling-release (FR) coating, and one coated with a copper based ablative antifouling (AF) coating. Mechanical grooming was performed weekly or bi-weekly using a hand operated, electrically powered, rotating brush tool. The results indicate that weekly grooming was effective at removing loose or heavy biofilm settlement from both coatings, but could not prevent the permanent establishment of low-profile tenacious biofilms. Weekly grooming was very effective at preventing macrofouling establishment on the AF coating. The effectiveness of weekly grooming at preventing macrofouling establishment on the FR coating varied seasonally. The results suggest that frequent mechanical grooming is a viable method to reduce the fouling rating of ships’ hulls with minimal impact to the coating. Frequent grooming could offer significant fuel savings while reducing hull cleaning frequencies and dry dock maintenance requirements.  相似文献   


The occurrence and diversity of barnacles attached to the hulls of two intercontinental bulk carriers were studied at the port in Osaka Bay, Japan, to assess the potential risk of introduction of exotic species to the inner part of the bay. Barnacles were sampled from the bulbous bows, near the midship draft marks, and around the propeller posts and rudders. Twenty-two species were found, with 14 of these not previously recorded in Osaka Bay, including four species not previously recorded elsewhere in Japan. From an assessment of environmental similarity between Osaka Bay and native ranges, of the 14 species, Elminius modestus and Amphibalanus variegatus were considered to have the highest risk of introduction to the inner part of the bay.  相似文献   

Vessel traffic is the primary pathway for non-indigenous marine species introductions to New Zealand, with hull fouling recognised as being an important mechanism. This article describes hull fouling on seven slow-moving commercial vessels sampled over a 1 year period. Sampling involved the collection of images and fouling specimens from different hull locations using a standardised protocol developed to assess vessel biofouling in New Zealand. A total of 29 taxa was identified by expert taxonomists, of which 24% were indigenous to New Zealand and 17% non-indigenous. No first records to New Zealand were reported, however 59% of species were classified as ‘unknown’ due to insufficient taxonomic resolution. The extent of fouling was low compared to that described for other slow-movers. Fouling cover, biomass and richness were on average 17.1% (SE = 1.8%), 5.2 g (SE = 1.1 g) and 0.8 (SE = 0.07) per photoquadrat (200 × 200 mm), respectively. The fouling extent was lowest on the main hull areas where the antifouling paint was in good condition. In contrast, highest levels of fouling were associated with dry-docking support strips and other niche areas of the hull where the paint condition was poor. Future studies should target vessels from a broader range of bioregions, including vessels that remain idle for extended periods (ie months) between voyages, to increase understanding of the biosecurity risks posed by international commercial slow-movers.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of abandoned, formerly forested farmland can improve the delivery of ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity conservation. Restoration programs can involve removing isolated, non‐native trees planted by farmers for fruit or wood. As such “legacy” trees can attract seed dispersers and create microclimates that help native seedlings to establish, removing them may actually slow forest recovery. Working on abandoned farmland in Kibale National Park, Uganda, we evaluated the effect of legacy trees on forest recovery by measuring the number, diversity, and biomass of native seedlings and saplings regenerating in plots centered on avocado (Persea americana), mango (Mangifera indica), and Eucalyptus legacy trees compared with adjacent plots without legacy trees. The assemblages of native, forest‐dependent tree species in plots around avocado and mango trees were distinct from each other and from those around eucalyptus and all the near‐legacy plots. In particular, avocado plots had higher stem density and species richness of forest‐dependent species than near‐avocado plots, particularly large‐seeded, shade‐tolerant, and animal‐dispersed species—key targets of many restoration plans. Furthermore, many of the species found in high numbers were among those failing to establish in ongoing large‐scale forest restoration in Kibale. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the legacy trees facilitate the dispersal and establishment of native tree species. Retaining the existing legacy trees for a number of years could usefully complement existing management strategies to restore more biodiverse native forest in degraded lands. However, careful monitoring is needed to ensure that the legacy trees do not themselves establish.  相似文献   

The effect of substratum colour on the formation of micro- and macro fouling communities was investigated. Acrylic tiles, painted either black or white were covered with transparent sheets in order to ensure similar surface properties. All substrata were exposed to biofouling at 1?m depth for 40?d in the Marina Bandar al Rowdha (Muscat, Sea of Oman). Studies were conducted in 2010 over a time course of 5, 10 and 20?d, and in 2012 samples were collected at 7, 14 and 21?d. The densities of bacteria on the black and white substrata were similar with the exception of day 10, when the black substrata had a higher abundance than white ones. Pyrosequencing via 454 of 16S rRNA genes of bacteria from white and black substrata revealed that Alphaproteobacteria and Firmicutes were the dominant groups. SIMPER analysis demonstrated that bacterial phylotypes (uncultured Gammaproteobacteria, Actibacter, Gaetbulicola, Thalassobius and Silicibacter) and the diatoms (Navicula directa, Navicula sp. and Nitzschia sp.) contributed to the dissimilarities between communities developed on white and black substrata. At day 20, the highest amount of chlorophyll a was recorded in biofilms developed on black substrata. SIMPER analysis showed that Folliculina sp., Ulva sp. and Balanus amphitrite were the major macro fouling species that contributed to the dissimilarities between the communities formed on white and black substrata. Higher densities of these species were observed on black tiles. The results emphasise the effect of substratum colour on the formation of micro and macro fouling communities; substratum colour should to be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

Abstract Hull fouling is a major cost for owners of small vessels and an important pathway for the spread of non‐indigenous aquatic species. The extent of fouling depends on a hull's susceptibility to recruitment by aquatic organisms and the local availability of competent planktonic propagules (‘propagule pressure’). Management strategies have typically been concerned with increasing resistance of the hull to recruitment through the use of toxic paints. Here we tested the hypothesis that fouling is influenced by the design of the harbour in which the boat is moored. We compared recruitment of sessile invertebrates to available surfaces in two types of recreational boat harbours: marinas that were partially enclosed by a permanent breakwall, and marinas that lacked breakwalls. Recruitment in the marinas was compared to coastal reference sites that were not used for mooring. At each location, recruitment tiles were deployed for 4 weeks on four separate occasions over a period of 2 years. Measurements of current velocities and spatial patterns of water flow at each location showed that permanent breakwalls created complex patterns of circulation that retained water within the marina basin for up to 12 h d?1. Despite large regional and temporal variability in fouling over time, most organisms recruited in greatest numbers to surfaces in partially enclosed marinas, and were often several orders of magnitude more abundant in the enclosed marinas than in unenclosed marinas or coastal reference locations. Harbour design has an important influence on the rate at which fouling organisms recruit to available surfaces within marinas. Entrainment of water in enclosed marinas may limit the dispersal of planktonic propagules by advective currents but effectively increases propagule pressure to available surfaces, including resident boat hulls. This is likely to accelerate the development of hull‐fouling assemblages and increase the chances of transport of non‐indigenous species that establish populations in the harbour basin.  相似文献   

Two non-native stalk-forming diatoms that were recently observed in the West Branch of the Farmington River, a tributary of the Connecticut River in Connecticut (USA), are characterized morphologically and barcode marker sequences were obtained for each of them. Cymbella janischii, the dominant stalk-forming species during the summer of 2012, previously had not been found in the northeastern USA. Samples of C. janischii were examined microscopically and used to obtain four sequences of the barcode marker, the V4 region of the 18S rDNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the four independent sequences of C. janischii were distinct from, but most closely related to, published sequences of C. janischii from Idaho and C. mexicana from Texas, USA. A second non-native stalk-producing diatom, resembling Didymosphenia geminata, was found in November 2012 – June 2013 and first reported as Didymosphenia sp. Over this period, the observed cells had a compressed morphology and were consistently small compared with D. geminata. Sequences of the V4 region, obtained from three independent direct polymerase chain reactions (PCR) of single cells isolated from the Connecticut samples, indicated a close relationship to three published sequences of D. geminata from Italy, New Zealand and the USA, and to D. siberica and D. dentata from Russia. Frustules of the cells used in the PCR reactions were recovered and examined using scanning electron microscopy, providing a direct link between the observed morphology and sequence data. The morphology of the novel Connecticut Didymosphenia taxon was compared with that of other Didymosphenia taxa, being most similar to D. pumila, D. laticollis, D. grunowii and smaller cells of D. geminata. Didymosphenia sp. had a triundulate morphology with a consistent length of 40–60 µm. Given the unique morphological features of this diatom, it is proposed as a new species, Didymosphenia hullii Khan-Bureau, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Many experiments utilize static immersion tests to evaluate the performance of ship hull coatings. These provide valuable data; however, they do not accurately represent the conditions both the hull and fouling organisms encounter while a ship is underway. This study investigated the effect of static and dynamic immersion on the adhesion and settlement of diatoms to one antifouling coating (BRA 640), four fouling-release coatings (Intersleek® 700, Intersleek® 900, Hempasil X3, and Dow Corning 3140) and one standard surface (Intergard® 240 Epoxy). Differences in community composition were observed between the static and dynamic treatments. Achnanthes longipes was present on all coatings under static immersion, but was not present under dynamic immersion. This was also found for diatoms in the genera Bacillaria and Gyrosigma. Melosira moniformis was the only diatom present under dynamic conditions, but not static conditions. Several common fouling diatom genera were present on panels regardless of treatment: Amphora, Cocconeis, Entomoneis Cylindrotheca, Licmophora, Navicula, Nitzschia, Plagiotropis, and Synedra. Biofilm adhesion, diatom abundance and diatom diversity were found to be significantly different between static and dynamic treatments; however, the difference was dependent on coating and sampling date. Several coatings (Epoxy, DC 3140 and IS 700) had significantly higher biofilm adhesion on dynamically treated panels on at least one of the four sampling dates, while all coatings had significantly higher diatom abundance on at least one sampling date. Diversity was significantly greater on static panels than dynamic panels for Epoxy, IS 700 and HX3 at least once during the sampling period. The results demonstrate how hydrodynamic stress will significantly influence the microfouling community. Dynamic immersion testing is required to fully understand how antifouling surfaces will respond to biofilm formation when subjected to the stresses experienced by a ship underway.  相似文献   

  • 1 The horse‐chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is a moth of unknown origin that has recently invaded Europe and severely defoliates the European horse‐chestnut, an important ornamental tree.
  • 2 Several indigenous parasitoids have colonized this new host, but parasitism remains low. One of the hypotheses suggested to explain the low parasitism is that candidate parasitoids emerge too early in spring to attack the first host generation and, thus, need early‐occurring leaf miners as alternate hosts. This hypothesis was tested by observing the synchronization between the phenology of the moth and that of its main parasitoids, and by comparing parasitism rates and parasitoid richness in different environments with various levels of biological diversity.
  • 3 In spring, the bulk of the parasitoids emerge at least 5 weeks before the occurrence of the first suitable larvae of C. ohridella whereas most parasitoid adults reared outdoors die within 5 weeks after emergence.
  • 4 Parasitism rates and parasitoid richness do not increase with biological diversity, suggesting that most parasitoids attacking the first generation of C. ohridella do not come from alternate hosts. Parasitism does not increase later in the year in the subsequent generations, when host‐parasitoid synchronization becomes less critical.
  • 5 We conclude that, although the spring emergence of parasitoids is not synchronized with the phenology of C. ohridella, the parasitoids attacking the first generation are probably old or late‐emerging adults of the overwintering generation. The lack of synchronization is probably not the only reason for the poor recruitment of native parasitoids by C. ohridella.

The biofilm reactor has been frequently applied in wastewater treatment. The formation, structure and metabolic activity of the biofilms are closely associated with the detachment forces in the reactors. This paper reviews the essential role of detachment forces in the biofilm process. A more compact, stable and denser biofilm can be formed at a relatively higher detachment force. The detachment force has significant influence on the structure, mass transfer, production of exopolysaccharides, metabolic and genetic properties of the biofilm. In an engineering sense, the detachment forces can be manipulated, as a control parameter, to produce a more stable and compact biofilm for use in wastewater treatment. The molecular and genetic mechanisms responsible for the detachment force-associated phenomena are not yet fully understood.  相似文献   

In northern Chile, Pyura praeputialis is an invasive species inhabiting rocky intertidal and subtidal habitats restricted exclusively to the Bay of Antofagasta where it forms extensive aggregations. The negative impact of Pyura gathering on mid‐intertidal abundances of this species has recently been reported at the south‐eastern end of this bay. In the present study we have increased sampling sites to cover the entire bay toward the north‐western end and the northern section, where a coastal marine reserve for the scallop fishery partially restricts shellfish gathering. Therefore, the sampling sites were chosen to represent different levels of shellfish gathering access along the northern shore of the bay. Long‐term monitoring (1999–2014) of changes in tunicate cover and the abundances of larvae and recruits at seven sites are reported. The opening of a remodelled artificial and recreational beach in 2012, on the central‐eastern shore of the bay, has increased accessibility to rocky intertidal platforms that started to be massively visited by Pyura gatherers from the summer of 2013. This allowed for the implementation of an intensive short‐term monitoring program of changes in tunicate cover and the abundances of their larvae and recruits. When gathering access was present the reduction in intertidal cover was generalized to the entire bay and followed by reductions in larvae and recruits. However, these reductions were not found in sites with more restricted gathering access. We conclude that continuous extraction by Pyura gatherers followed by reductions of conspecific larvae and recruits are the main drivers behind the reduced abundance of P. praeputialis in the entire bay of Antofagasta. Thus, if gathering is not stopped important ecosystem services provided by this tunicate in the bay may be threatened. Similar consequences may be expected if other massive and irreversible reductions in other species of the Pyura complex, that inhabit other coasts in the southern hemisphere, occur. The controversy concerning the impacts of invasive species and whether they cause negative, positive or neutral impacts to original ecosystems and fisheries is discussed.  相似文献   

The addition of artificial structures along urbanised shorelines is a global phenomenon. Such modifications of habitats have important consequences to the abundance of fouling organisms on primary substrata, but the influence on fouling of habitat-formers living on these structures is poorly understood. Fouling of habitat-forming kelps Ecklonia radiata on pier-pilings was compared to that on rocky reefs at three locations in Sydney Harbour. Kelps on pilings supported different assemblages of bryozoans from those on reefs. The abundances of bryozoans on kelps, inparticular of the non-indigenous species Membranipora membranacea, were significantly greater on pilings. Differences were consistent in time and space. This indicates that the addition of artificial structures also affects fouling on secondary biogenic substrata, altering biodiversity and potentially facilitating the introduction and dispersal of non-indigenous epibiota. Understanding the processes that cause these patterns is necessary to allow sensible predictions about ecological effects of built structures.  相似文献   

Dental caries is a common oral bacterial infectious disease. Its prevention and treatment requires control of the causative pathogens within dental plaque, especially Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), one of the promising substitutes for conventional antibiotics, have been widely tested and used for controlling bacterial infections. The present study focuses on evaluating the potential of the novel AMPs cyclic bactenecin and its derivatives against bacteria associated with dental caries. The results indicate that Bac8c displayed highest activity against the bacteria tested, whereas both cyclic and linear bactenecin had weak antimicrobial activity. The cytotoxicity assay showed that Bac8c did not cause detectable toxicity at concentrations of 32–128 μg/ml for 5 min or 32–64 μg/ml for 60 min. S. mutans and Lactobacillus fermenti treated with Bac8c showed variable effects on bacterial structure via scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. There appeared to be a large amount of extracellular debris and obvious holes on the cell surface, as well as loss of cell wall and nucleoid condensation. The BioFlux system was employed to generate S. mutans biofilms under a controlled flow, which more closely resemble the formation process of natural biofilms. Bac8c remarkably reduced the viability of cells in biofilms formed in the BioFlux system. This phenomenon was further analyzed and verified by real-time PCR results of a significant suppression of the genes involved in S. mutans biofilm formation. Taken together, this study suggests that Bac8c has a potential clinical application in preventing and treating dental caries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different nutrient (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) concentrations on the microbial activity and community structure in membrane-aerated biofilms (MABs). MABs were grown under well-defined conditions of fluid flow, substrate concentration, and membrane oxygen partial pressure. Biofilms were then removed and thin-sliced using a cryostat/microtome parallel to the membrane. Individual slices were analyzed for changes with depth in biomass density, respiratory activity, and the population densities of ammonia-oxidizing and denitrifying bacteria populations. Oxygen-sensing microelectrodes were used to determine the depth of oxygen penetration into each biofilm. Our results demonstrated that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria grow near the membrane, while denitrifying bacteria grow a substantial distance from the membrane. However, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria did not grow simultaneously when organic concentrations became too high or ammonia concentrations became too low. In conclusion, membrane-aerated biofilms exhibit substantial stratification with respect to community structure and activity. A fundamental understanding of the factors that control this stratification will help optimize the performance of full-scale membrane-aerated biofilm reactors for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

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