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Aims: Biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers commonly have the advantages of biodegradability, low toxicity, selectivity and biocompatibility over chemically synthesized surfactants. The goal of the study is to present a novel bioemulsifier with great application potential. Methods and Results: Aeribacillus pallidus YM‐1, isolated from crude oil contaminated soil, was found to produce a novel high molecular bioemulsifier with an emulsification index of 60 ± 1% without remarkable surface tension reduction (45·7 ± 0·1 mN m?1). The number‐average molecular weight was determined as 526 369 Da by gel permeation chromatography analysis. Bioemulsifier was subjected to FT‐IR and a complex of carbohydrates (41·1%), lipids (47·6%) and proteins (11·3%) was determined. Conclusions: The bioemulsifier of A. pallidus YM‐1 was isolated from the glucose‐based culture medium and characterized with the help of chemical analytical techniques. The bioemulsifier exhibited a promising emulsifying property for biotechnology application potential in bioremediation and microbial enhanced oil recovery. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report of the bioemulsifier production by A. pallidus. The potential emulsifying activity of the bioemulsifier in the present study may be explored in various biotechnological and industrial applications.  相似文献   

An extracellular thermostable alkaline serine protease enzyme from Aeribacillus pallidus C10 (GenBank No: KC333049), was purified 4.85 and 17. 32-fold with a yield of 26.9 and 19.56%, respectively, through DE52 anion exchange and Probond affinity chromatography. The molecular mass of the enzyme was determined through sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), with approximately 38.35?kDa. The enzyme exhibited optimum activity at pH 9 and at temperature 60?°C. It was determined that the enzyme had remained stable at the range of pH 7.0–10.0, and that it had preserved more than 80% of its activity at a broad temperature range (20–80?°C). The enzyme activity was found to retain more than 70% and 55% in the presence of organic solvents and commercial detergents, respectively. In addition, it was observed that the enzyme activity had increased in the presence of 5% SDS. KM and Vmax values were calculated as 0.197?mg/mL and 7.29?μmol.mL?1.min?1, respectively.  相似文献   

细菌生物膜的结构及形成机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细菌生物膜是细菌在特定条件下形成的一种特殊细菌群体结构,菌体被包裹在其自身分泌的多聚物中。近年来,有关生物膜组成结构、形成机制、抗逆性机制及其应用防治等诸方面的研究工作进展迅速,本文主要针对细菌生物膜的结构及形成机制方面的研究进展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Pleurotaenium trabecula (Ehren.) Nägeli is a placoderm desmid that commonly occurs in wetland biofilms of the southeastern Adirondacks (NY, USA). It often displays a distinctive habit whereby the cell remains attached to the substrate via the polar end of one semicell, while the remainder of the cell is suspended in the water column. In this study, we examined the extracellular matrix (ECM) of this alga to elucidate its adhesion mechanisms and postadhesion behavior. The ECM consists of the following: (i) an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), which includes polyanionic and sulfated polysaccharides; (ii) a thin pectin‐containing primary cell wall, which is quickly sloughed off after postcytokinetic semicell expansion; and (iii) a thick secondary cell wall that is perforated with a distinct pore complex. Each pore of this complex possesses an external network of densely aggregated fibrils. Selective solubilization and immunolabeling studies suggest that these fibrillar aggregates or “adhesion centers” (i.e., ACs) contain arabinogalactan protein and are involved in initial adhesion of the cell to a substrate. We propose that postinitial adhesion behavior entails localized secretion of EPS derived from a large pool of EPS‐containing vesicles situated in the peripheral cytoplasm. As the EPS absorbs water, hygroscopic pressure breaks the connections between the ACs on the cell wall and substrate and allows a portion of a cell to lift up into the water column.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the cleaning efficiency of polysaccharidases and proteolytic enzymes against biofilms of bacterial species found in food industry processing lines and to study enzyme effects on the composition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and biofilm removal in a Clean-in-Place (CIP) procedure. The screening of 7 proteases and polysaccharidases for removal of biofilms of 16 bacterial species was first evaluated using a microtiter plate assay. The alkaline pH buffer removed more biofilm biomass as well as affecting a larger range of bacterial species. The two serine proteases and α-amylase were the most efficient enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes promoted biofilm removal of a larger range of bacterial species than polysaccharidases. Using three isolates derived from two bacterial species widely found in food processing lines (Pseudomonas fluorescens and the Bacillus cereus group), biofilms were developed on stainless steel slides and enzymatic solutions were used to remove the biofilms using CIP procedure. Serine proteases were more efficient in removing cells of Bacillus biofilms than polysaccharidases. However, polysaccharidases were more efficient in removing P. fluorescens biofilms than serine proteases. Solubilization of enzymes with a buffer containing surfactants, and dispersing and chelating agents enhanced the efficiency of polysaccharidases and proteases respectively in removing biofilms of Bacillus and P. fluorescens. A combination of enzymes targeting several components of EPS, surfactants, dispersing and chelating agents would be an efficient alternative to chemical cleaning agents.  相似文献   

The force-deflection and removal characteristics of bacterial biofilm were measured by two different techniques before and after chemical, or enzymatic, treatment. The first technique involved time lapse imaging of a biofilm grown in a capillary flow cell and subjected to a brief shear stress challenge imparted through increased fluid flow. Biofilm removal was determined by calculating the reduction in biofilm area from quantitative analysis of transmission images. The second technique was based on micro-indentation using an atomic force microscope. In both cases, biofilms formed by Staphylococcus epidermidis were exposed to buffer (untreated control), urea, chlorhexidine, iron chloride, or DispersinB. In control experiments, the biofilm exhibited force-deflection responses that were similar before and after the same treatment. The biofilm structure was stable during the post-treatment shear challenge (1% loss). Biofilms treated with chlorhexidine became less deformable after treatment and no increase in biomass removal was seen during the post-treatment shear challenge (2% loss). In contrast, biofilms treated with urea or DispersinB became more deformable and exhibited significant biofilm loss during the post-treatment flow challenge (71% and 40%, respectively). During the treatment soak phase, biofilms exposed to urea swelled. Biofilms exposed to iron chloride showed little difference from the control other than slight contraction during the treatment soak. These observations suggest the following interpretations: (1) chemical or enzymatic treatments, including those that are not frankly antimicrobial, can alter the cohesion of bacterial biofilm; (2) biocidal treatments (e.g., chlorhexidine) do not necessarily weaken the biofilm; and (3) biofilm removal following treatment with agents that make the biofilm more deformable (e.g., urea, DispersinB) depend on interaction between the moving fluid and the biofilm structure. Measurements such as those reported here open the door to development of new technologies for controlling detrimental biofilms by targeting biofilm cohesion rather than killing microorganisms.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for mixed phototrophic biofilms is introduced, which focuses on the interactions between photoautotrophic, heterotrophic, and chemoautotrophic (nitrifying) functional microbial groups. Biofilm-specific phenomena are taken into account, such as extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production by phototrophs as well as gradients of substrates and light in the biofilm. Acid-base equilibria, in particular carbon speciation, are explicitly accounted for, allowing for the determination of pH profiles across the biofilm. Further to previous models reported in literature, the PHOBIA model combines a number of kinetic mechanisms specific to phototrophic microbial communities, such as internal polyglucose storage under dynamic light conditions, phototrophic growth in the darkness using internally stored reserves, photoadaptation and photoinhibition, preference for ammonia over nitrate as N-source and the ability to utilize bicarbonate as a carbon source in the absence of CO(2). The sensitivity of the PHOBIA model to a number of key parameters is analyzed. An example on the potential use of phototrophic biofilms in wastewater polishing is discussed, where their performance is compared with conventional algal ponds. The PHOBIA model is presented in a manner that is compatible with other reference models in the area of water treatment. Its current version forms a theoretical base which is readily extendable once further experimental observations become available.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to develop a rapid assay for enumerating thermophilic bacteria in milk powder. METHODS AND RESULTS: The BactiFlow flow cytometer was used to count bacteria based on esterase activity in viable bacterial cells. A protocol for total viable bacteria was modified by heat-treating the sample to selectively label thermophilic bacteria. Samples of milk powder dissolved in 0.1% peptone were treated with 0.8% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid to reduce background interference because of denatured milk proteins. Either thermophilic bacteria were added to the dissolved milk powder or milk powder solutions were incubated at 55 degrees C for 2-3 h to enrich the natural thermophile population for testing. Results from the BactiFlow were compared with traditional plate count results. CONCLUSIONS: Thermophilic bacteria in milk powder can be enumerated within 1 h using the BactiFlow flow cytometer. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Microbiological test results obtained within 1 h can potentially be used to monitor manufacturing processes, effectively trace problems and provide confidence in the manufacture of product.  相似文献   


Anoxybacillus (A. flavithermus, A. kamchatkensis subsp. asachharedens, A. caldiproteolyticus and A. tepidamans) and Geobacillus (two strains of G. thermodenitrificans, G. thermoglucosidans and G. vulcanii) isolates and reference strains in whole milk were evaluated for their biofilm production on six different abiotic surfaces. G. thermodenitrificans DSM 465T had the highest cell counts (>4 log10 CFU cm?2) on glass and stainless steel (SS) at 55 and 65?°C, respectively. G. thermodenitrificans D195 had the highest counts on SS at 55?°C (>5 log10 CFU cm?2) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) at 65?°C (>4 log10 CFU cm?2), indicating the existence of strain variation. The ideal surfaces for all strains were SS and glass at 55?°C, but their preferences were polystyrene and SS at 65?°C. Moreover, Anoxybacillus members were more prone to form biofilms in skim milk than in semi-skim and whole milk, whereas the results were the opposite for Geobacillus. Both the attachment and sporulation of Geobacillus in whole milk was higher than in semi-skim or skim milk. This study proposes that the surface material, temperature and milk type had a cumulative effect on biofilm formation.  相似文献   

In this study an enrichment culture developed from activated sludge was used to investigate the architecture of fully hydrated multispecies biofilms. The assessment of biofilm structure and volume was carried out using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Bacterial cell distribution was determined with the nucleic acid-specific stain SYTO 60, whereas glycoconjugates of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were stained with the Alexa-488-labeled lectin of Aleuria aurantia. Digital image analysis was employed for visualization and quantification of three-dimensional CLSM data sets. The specific volumes of the polymeric and cellular biofilm constituents were quantified. In addition, gravimetric measurements were done to determine dry mass and thickness of the biofilms. The data recorded by the CLSM technique and the gravimetric data were then compared. It was shown that the biofilm thicknesses determined with both methods agree well for slow-growing heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic biofilms. In addition, for slow-growing biofilms, the volumes and masses calculated from CLSM and the biomass calculated from gravimetric measurements were also comparable. For fast-growing heterotrophic biofilms cultivated with high glucose concentrations the data sets fit to a lesser degree, but still showed the same common trend. Compared with traditional gravimetric measurements, CLSM allowed differential recording of multiple biofilm parameters with subsequent three-dimensional visualization and quantification. The quantitative three-dimensional results recorded by CLSM are an important basis for understanding, controlling, exploiting, and modeling of biofilms.  相似文献   

Two thermostable enzymes produced by the thermophilic fungus Paecilomyces varioti, a chitinase and laminarinase, were used to isolate protoplasts of a thermophilic fungus, Malbranchea sulfurea. The frequency of protoplast regeneration observed (35%) was considerably higher than that obtained using commercial lytic enzymes.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanism for both the removal and inactivation of 18-h biofilms of a thermophilic Bacillus species that optimally grows at 55 degrees C on stainless steel. METHODS AND RESULTS: The cleaning strategies tested were based on biofilm biochemistry and physiology, and focused on the chemistry of the cleaners, the duration and temperature of the cleaning process and a combination of various cleaners. The success of the cleaning regimes was determined based on the removal of cells and organic debris and the elimination of viable cells. The results confirmed that a caustic (75 degrees C for 30 min) and acid (75 degrees C for 30 min) wash, relied upon heavily in most food processing industries for cleaning-in-place systems, was successful in removing these biofilms. However, any changes in the concentrations of these cleaners or the temperature of cleaning drastically affected the overall outcome. Alternative cleaning agents based on enzymatic or nonenzymatic breakdown of cellular proteins or polysaccharides, surfactant action, use of oxidative attack and free radicals varied in degrees of their success. Combining proteolytic action with surfactants increased wetability and therefore enhanced the cleaning efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Several procedures, including caustic/acid and enzyme based cleaners, will be satisfactory, provided that the correct process parameters are observed i.e. concentration, time, temperature and kinetic energy (flow). Confirmation of these results should be carried out in a pilot plant through several use/clean cycles. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Confidence in standard and alternative cleaning procedures for food manufacturing plant to prevent contamination with thermophilic bacilli that threaten product quality.  相似文献   

Titanium metals and its alloy have been widely used in hard tissue repairing fields due to their good biocampatibility and mechanical properties. However, bioinert response and biomaterial associated infections are the main problems for their clinical application. In this study, we chose titanium plates treated with anodic oxidation (AO-Ti), alkali-heat (AH-Ti) and acid-alkali (AA-Ti) methods, which have been proved to be bioactive in vivo, to culture with Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli to investigate the interaction between bioactive titanium surfaces and biofilm. We used X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), roughness measurement to study the physical-chemical properties of the as-received bioactive titanium surfaces, and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) was employed to study the properties of biofilm formed on the biomaterial surfaces. The results indicate that the titanium surface subjected to anodic oxidation treatment is unfavorable for the formation ofbiofilm in vitro because the titania (TiO2) coating formed by anodizing has superior antimicrobial property than the other surfaces. Therefore, anodic oxidation surface modification is effective to endow titanium surface with bioactivity and antimicrobial property, which has the potential to improve the successful rate of the clinical application of titanium implants.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation and adherence properties of 13 bacterial strains commonly found in wastewater treatment systems were studied in pure and mixed cultures using a crystal violet microtiter plate assay. Four different culture media were used, wastewater, acetate medium, glucose medium and diluted nutrient broth. The medium composition strongly affected biofilm formation. All strains were able to form pure culture biofilms within 24 h in at least one of the tested culture media and three strains were able to form biofilm in all four culture media, namely Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ATCC 23055, Comamonas denitrificans 123 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa MBL 0199. The adherence properties assessed were initial adherence, cell surface hydrophobicity, and production of amyloid fibers and extracellular polymeric substances. The growth of dual-strain biofilms showed that five organisms formed biofilm with all 13 strains while seven formed no or only weak biofilm when cocultured. In dual-strain cultures, strains with different properties were able to complement each other, giving synergistic effects. Strongest biofilm formation was observed when a mixture of all 13 bacteria were grown together. These results on attachment and biofilm formation can serve as a tool for the design of tailored systems for the degradation of municipal and industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

【背景】印染废水的出水温度高,抑制了微生物对偶氮染料的降解,而关于嗜热菌在高温下降解偶氮染料的报道较少。【目的】富集能在高温下降解偶氮染料的嗜热微生物菌群,并研究其降解潜力和基因组特征。【方法】通过富集的方法获得嗜热微生物菌群,利用分光光度法测定其降解特性;采用全波长扫描、傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)和气相质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer,GC-MS)分析其降解机理;采用植物毒性的方法比较偶氮染料降解前后的毒性;采用高通量测序技术分析其功能基因和群落结构。【结果】该菌群(SD1)可以在65℃降解偶氮染料,Caldibacillus、unclassified_f__Bacillaceae、Geobacillus等为优势属,在降解过程中起关键作用;菌群SD1能在较宽泛的p H (5.0-9.0)、温度(50-75℃)、染料浓度(100-500 mg/L)和盐度(1%-5%)降解酸性大红GR;偶氮还原酶和NADH-DCIP是主要的降解酶,GC-MS和FTIR结果...  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms are a growing concern in a broad range of areas. In this study, a mixture of RNA bacteriophages isolated from municipal wastewater was used to control and remove biofilms. At the concentrations of 400 and 4 × 107 PFU/mL, the phages inhibited Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation by 45 ± 15% and 73 ± 8%, respectively. At the concentrations of 6,000 and 6 × 107 PFU/mL, the phages removed 45 ± 9% and 75 ± 5% of pre‐existing P. aeruginosa biofilms, respectively. Chlorine reduced biofilm growth by 86 ± 3% at the concentration of 210 mg/L, but it did not remove pre‐existing biofilms. However, a combination of phages (3 × 107 PFU/mL) and chlorine at this concentration reduced biofilm growth by 94 ± 2% and removed 88 ± 6% of existing biofilms. In a continuous flow system with continued biofilm growth, a combination of phages (a one‐time treatment at the concentration of 1.9 × 108 PFU/mL for 1 h first) with chlorine removed 97 ± 1% of biofilms after Day 5 while phage and chlorine treatment alone removed 89 ± 1% and 40 ± 5%, respectively. For existing biofilms, a combined use of a lower phage concentration (3.8 × 105 PFU/mL) and chlorination with a shorter time duration (12 h) followed by continuous water flushing removed 96 ± 1% of biofilms in less than 2 days. Laser scanning confocal microscopy supplemented with electron microscopy indicated that the combination treatment resulted in biofilms with lowest cell density and viability. These results suggest that the combination treatment of phages and chlorine is a promising method to control and remove bacterial biofilms from various surfaces. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 286–295. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The study of biofilm function, structure and microbial interactions might help to improve our understanding of biofilm wastewater treatment processes. However, few reports specifically address the influence of interactions within multispecies biofilms on microbial activity and biofilm composition. Thus, the relationship between biofilm formation, denitrification activity, phosphorus removal and the composition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), exopolysaccharides and the bacterial community was investigated using biofilms of denitrifying and phosphorus removing strains Comamonas denitrificans 110, Brachymonas denitrificans B79, Aeromonas hydrophila L6 and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ATCC23055. Denitrification activity within the biofilms generally increased with the amount of biofilm while phosphorus removal depended on bacterial growth rate. Synergistic effects of co-growth on denitrification (B. denitrificans B79 and A. hydrophila L6) and phosphorus removal (C. denitrificans 110 with either A. calcoaceticus or A. hydrophila L6) were observed. B. denitrificans B79 was highly affected by interspecies interactions with respect to biofilm formation, denitrification activity and EPS composition, while C. denitrificans 110 remained largely unaffected. In some of the dual and quadruple strain biofilms new exopolysaccharide monomers were detected which were not present in the pure strain samples.  相似文献   

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